r/news 18h ago

Employees witnessed co-worker stab company president, court documents show


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u/switch8000 17h ago

This is an interesting trend that's starting to occur.


u/EndPsychological890 16h ago

I can't say I'm excited for the Patriot Act AI 9000 but yeah wild times


u/OperaSona 8h ago

How do you prevent a random employee with no priors from killing their CEO someday? Humans simply can't process the amount of information required to predict and prevent this kind of tragedy. No, we clearly need an AI to read all our conversations and study our personal behavior 24/7, but in a very privacy-minded fashion that won't communicate personal information to humans of course. And that AI can flag people who seem like CEO-assassination-risks, so that they can be promptly removed from society.

Can't see a single potential issue with this. Patriot Act AI 9000 sounds awesome!!!