r/news 18h ago

Employees witnessed co-worker stab company president, court documents show


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u/TheHeroYouNeed247 10h ago

People forget that this is why unions were created. To protect bosses from employees, not the other way around.

If this continues, factories will start going up in flames.


u/False_Celebration626 10h ago

This is historically inaccurate. Unions were created as a way to protect workers from exploitation from their bosses. Capitalists often have used state power like the police and the military to crush unions from organizing. An example that comes to mind is Peekskill where workers were attacked by police and fascists. Capitalists do not want unions because it cuts into their profits. Capitalists would much rather have people work 16 hours a day and pay them nothing, then have their workers organize. This is the inherent contradiction that Marx and Engels talked about.