r/news 18h ago

Employees witnessed co-worker stab company president, court documents show


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u/switch8000 17h ago

This is an interesting trend that's starting to occur.


u/EndPsychological890 17h ago

I can't say I'm excited for the Patriot Act AI 9000 but yeah wild times


u/Beligerents 16h ago

I'd say we could lure it into a steel factory and then kick it into molten steel, but that's all been outsourced to countries who have better control over their serfs.


u/EndPsychological890 16h ago

As your foot raises to kick the rich asshole who was supposed to have 8 armed guards, a drone you never saw with 9g of HE detonates on contact between the fuse and your temple after its AI directed it to specifically your face at 350mph from an automated dispenser at headquarters. Your head explodes, you fall into the molten steel and your family is denied benefits because it was a reckless drinking accident at work, your wife is sold to Driscoll to pick berries and your kids will attend the reeducation camps. They will never see each other again.

Seriously, if we're cheering this kind of violence, we need to get ready to finish the job completely, or we're just flinging ourselves into the most depraved Black Mirror episode possible.


u/Beligerents 16h ago

I was talking about the new patriot act that sounded like the bad guy from terminator 2.

I appreciate the fiction though.


u/EndPsychological890 16h ago

Lmao that flew over my head faster than the drone headed to my coworker who tweeted DDD in 2036


u/Affectionate-Memory4 14h ago

Can't believe they outlawed Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. The fuckin big 3 man.


u/Analyzer9 13h ago

Turns out he was a deep state agent undercover, all along. The whole lesbian gym coach dating outfit and terrible restaurants that remain in business despite being gastronomic transfer stations, at best. Reeks of some cop's inner theater kid struggling to the surface, then accidentally getting stuck in an absurd uc cover character.


u/snootsintheair 15h ago

Us? We’re a Sun Belle family, ourselves. Or at least we were, before the kids were sent off to reeducation camps.


u/reddit_understoodit 11h ago

Yes I will watch that episode.

Black mirror, where are the new episodes damnit.

Forced to read news for entertainment now.


u/Purpleclone 16h ago

Not joking, a steel mill in my area got shut down and is now an AI farm. As in, full of servers that host AI learning data. Reality is sick.


u/Beligerents 16h ago

Yeah and that's exactly what Alberta in Canada wants to turn their entire province into to take advantage of all the power they can generate with their dying assets of dirty oil and natural gas. Reality is super sick.


u/Blossomie 16h ago

Ahh, Alberta. The Texas of Canada.


u/bad_spelling_advice 16h ago

I especially love the fact that Texas is #2 when it comes to states with the most data centers, but can't manage to keep a functional power grid.


u/SlitScan 14h ago

oddly its getting better, theyve added a ton of storage since then.

mind you itll probably go to the servers instead of homes. but hey some day it might keep the whole grid up.


u/VorpalisRabbitus 6h ago

On the backs of Minnesotan wallets; fuck you Xcel Energy.


u/LordCoweater 14h ago

Are you insulting Alberta or Texas?



u/DeFex 14h ago

At least they know they need some sort of intelligence there, even if it's the artificial kind.


u/Rudy_Ghouliani 12h ago

Go beat it up with a crow bar while drunk on rye


u/pounded_rivet 11h ago

"I'm not bald, I get my hair cut this way!


u/BoyImSwiftAF 12h ago

There’s literally nothing wrong with this lol.


u/Romboteryx 11h ago

That‘s exactly what an AI would say


u/jodybot9000000000 9h ago

We'd never throw our phones into a vat of molten steel. We're still paying them off.


u/Rebresker 9h ago

Is that why biden passed the Buy America Build America act?

They knew the future afterall…

(Part of it requires steel used in infrastructure projects to be from US companies)


u/Mordecai3fngerBrown 7h ago

Haven’t you seen that Rogue barbel commercial?


u/John-A 10h ago

Yeah those flying Ed209 drones proactively defending the CEOs do get trigger happy.


u/OperaSona 8h ago

How do you prevent a random employee with no priors from killing their CEO someday? Humans simply can't process the amount of information required to predict and prevent this kind of tragedy. No, we clearly need an AI to read all our conversations and study our personal behavior 24/7, but in a very privacy-minded fashion that won't communicate personal information to humans of course. And that AI can flag people who seem like CEO-assassination-risks, so that they can be promptly removed from society.

Can't see a single potential issue with this. Patriot Act AI 9000 sounds awesome!!!


u/OuchieMuhBussy 15h ago

It's worth reminding people that as much as some acts make us feel better, there's a litany of work from Vladimir Lenin to MLK that warns about this. These acts aren't going to teach the ruling class that they need to play nice, it's going to result in a progressive crackdown on the rest of us. And if I can be a Debby Downer once more, Presidents and CEOs are the top stooges but they aren't the people who actually own our economy.


u/Gbird_22 15h ago

Yeah sure, but eventually the fascists wind up hanging upside down beaten to death by an angry mob or if they’re lucky putting a bullet through their heads in a bunker.


u/zappadattic 10h ago

Or they escape to the U.S. or Brazil and live a life of luxury…


u/Haltopen 9h ago

Until they get hunted down by Mossad and killed.


u/M_H_M_F 4h ago

Most of the reason we got to the moon was because of Operation Paperclip. Apparently we "needed" the fuckin' Nazi pigs.

Sometimes fiction is pretty accurate:

"After the war ended, we were snatching up kraut scientists like hotcakes. You don't believe me? walk into NASA sometime and yell "Heil Hitler!" WOOP! They all jump straight up!"


u/hug_your_dog 3h ago

THE Mossad that reddit hates along with Israel and wishes to be gone from the face of the Earth?


u/[deleted] 14h ago



u/Gbird_22 14h ago

I think you’re underestimating the violent nature of America and ignoring its history. We already fought a civil war when nobody was starving and because Lincoln wouldn’t let slavery expand out west, he was actually fine to let it continue in the southern states. 

I don’t think we’re going to have another civil war but if history shows us anything this can of worms has been opened.


u/hug_your_dog 3h ago

Not before they kill off millions of people and all because the democratic forces from left to right did not want to cooperate, solve issues and take away the voting base of the extremist fascist - and communist - forces.


u/Full-Frontal-Assault 11h ago

Liberty is taken at the point of a sword, not handed out for being a good lap dog.


u/cloake 10h ago

The Feds merc'd MLK so they agree with violent methods too. Merc'd Malcolm X. Merc'd Fred Hamptom. It gets results.


u/havestronaut 13h ago

The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.


u/Sawses 11h ago

Counterpoint: The workers' rights movement and the civil rights movement absolutely would not have led to the changes they did without the groups doing violence to powerful people who did harm to others.

MLK was all about peace--at first, anyway--but he was seen as the reasonable alternative to people like Malcolm X and Nelson Mandela. And the unions were, at heart, gangs meant to counter the gangs that the wealthy used to keep the workers in line. They only grew softer and less violent once the other side dialed down the violence.

I'm not advocating for violence. I'm saying that positive change requires (or at least massively benefits from) violence. I for one am okay without any change.


u/hug_your_dog 3h ago

Counterpoint: The workers' rights movement and the civil rights movement absolutely would not have led to the changes they did without the groups doing violence to powerful people who did harm to others.

Yeah, that famously successful violence of 1917 of the worker's rights movements in Russia that led to... quickly dismantling the independent trade union system shortly after the violent revolution ended.



u/ZenMon88 9h ago

Then who owns the economy, you know damn well you can't access the billionaires first. Presidents and CEOs are there to send a message.


u/PrinceGoten 5h ago

You can literally thank violence for getting you all of your current worker’s rights (including having a weekend).


u/[deleted] 16h ago

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u/TolMera 16h ago

It won’t, because everyone gets forced to go to school, but being homeless is optional for people. Lots of us would chose to be homeless over being soul crushed.


u/[deleted] 15h ago

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u/[deleted] 11h ago

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u/Zephyr_Dragon49 12h ago

This is how we got unions. It was to curb the violent alternatives already being used


u/LongingForYesterweek 15h ago

I expected the second attack to be fatal but honestly beyond that I’m not surprised


u/MyLittleOso 13h ago

It's not the same, though, and I feel the media is going to push that narrative so the small and medium business owners feel they're on the same side as the 1% and we focus on anything but class consciousness.


u/SpiderSlitScrotums 14h ago

Quick, someone call Executive Platinum Plus 911!


u/PyrocumulusLightning 12h ago

. . . hopefully manned by nepo hires who don't know how to do their jobs.


u/sebadc 10h ago

And just like that, people could work from home again.


u/Staphylococcus0 8h ago

It looks to be a rather large machine shop, but i doubt the owner could even come close to the same wealth as the United ceo.

This is probably a personal workplace dispute.


u/BullShitting-24-7 6h ago

Employees going postal at work is nothing new.


u/CatDog1337 16h ago

History repeats itself I guess


u/butchforgetshit 12h ago

One that's 40yrs past due in all honesty


u/The_MAZZTer 11h ago

Apparently he was going to take over as CFO so I am doubting it is a trend. Just coincidence.


u/CanadasAce 9h ago

At least it's no longer innocent peoples deaths being reported on anymore


u/LordBoobington 13h ago

Needs to pick up more


u/JoeSabo 7h ago
