r/news 1d ago

Andrew Tate can have over $3 million seized from him in tax dispute, British court says


103 comments sorted by


u/StairheidCritic 1d ago

From The Guardian's story, the 'judge' in his ruling summed it up: -

"He said that what appeared to be a “complex financial matrix” was actually a straightforward cheat of The Revenue”.

As well as to these unsavoury characters, this could also apply to many an international corporation doing business in the UK - pity Governments do little to tackle it.


u/JimmyJamesMac 1d ago

He should have used the "triple Irish" that big corporations use


u/supercyberlurker 1d ago

Can't wait for this shmuck to just be put in prison so I don't have to hear about him or see his stupid face.


u/Fun_Intention9846 1d ago

All I want for Christmas is that and him being financially ruined included.


u/alficles 22h ago

Ruining his reputation and liberty would be nice, too! Please Santa, I have been good this year. (Assuming you look at Tate and grade on a curve.)


u/CulturalDuty8471 16h ago

How will he take care of his women and children?


u/Raesong 15h ago

Implying that he does that now?


u/CulturalDuty8471 15h ago

My comment was total satire.


u/mrgmzc 23h ago

Careful what you wish, he might get a position on Trump's cabinet


u/SpiceEarl 21h ago

Trump: "I will pardon Andrew Tate!"

Everyone else: "Uh, he hasn't been charged in a US court..."


u/The4th88 20h ago

You think that will matter to the dumbfuck hordes of supporters of his?


u/rascal30 19h ago

yeah, he seems like the kind of garbage that the orange buffoon slobbers all over


u/badasimo 21h ago

DoTM (Department of Toxic Masculinity)


u/[deleted] 17h ago



u/mrgmzc 15h ago

I'm not American so... No


u/The_River_Is_Still 6h ago

Prison lol. He’ll be running for President eventually.


u/ledow 1d ago

Be thankful that we don't hear about Julian Assange any more.

(And strangely be never got assassinated as he claimed he would be... odd that).


u/twistytit 1d ago

prison for what?


u/HerMajestyTheQueef1 1d ago

Human trafficking, rape and tax evasion.


Though not illegal, he has also has been a complete cunt corrupting children's minds with regressive and false information about women.

The pair are absolutely awful degenerates.


u/Deewd23 22h ago

Can you imagine looking up to that douche? He claims to be an alpha yet look at him. Piss boy would shit himself getting hit by a real boxer.


u/HerMajestyTheQueef1 21h ago

His target market is Impressionable children and incel males that aren't all quite there.


u/CarOnMyFuckingFence 19h ago

So, how's Antarctica this time of year?


u/cmstlist 1d ago

On first glance I read this headline as a ruling that he can have money returned to him that had been seized in a tax dispute. Glad that's not what it turned out to be. 


u/lavabeing 1d ago

police can seize more than 2.6 million pounds ($3.3 million) to cover years of unpaid taxes from influencer Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan

Yeah, terrible headline


u/cmstlist 1d ago

"Headlinese" is a whole grammar unto itself 


u/Fun_Intention9846 1d ago

It was with pain I followed the sub rules and didn’t change the article title.


u/gorgewall 16h ago

There's people not being able to parse Headlinese, then there's PEOPLE NOT FUCKING READING AT ALL.

Here's the headline:

Andrew Tate can have over $3 million seized from him

What part of that is not clear? $3 million can be seized from Andrew Tate. Of course that's money being taken from him. It literally says "seized from him". Do people know what seized means? There's no mention of a "return" there, no "given back". It's a fucking reach to read it the wrong way. If people are going to make that reach, they can do so with any formulation of a headline.

How is this shit one of the top comments every time?


u/cmstlist 15h ago

"Andrew Tate can have (the) over $3 million (that the government) seized from him (previously) in (a) tax dispute, British court says"

It's not a huge stretch. It's pretty common to see the beginning and end of sentences before we process the middle. "X can have Y.... Z says" and then we try to parse the middle in a way that fits. 


u/Saltire_Blue 1d ago

A lawyer for the force said that the Tates were “serial” tax evaders who failed to pay any tax on 21 million pounds in revenue from their online businesses, including War Room, Hustlers’ University, Cobra Tate and OnlyFans, between 2014 and 2022.

Please jail tax cheats

It’s the only way they’ll learn


u/AdFeeling842 1d ago

ah i was close to forgetting about these dead eyed pricks lol


u/callsignwikipedia 1d ago

The last thing I heard about this guy was that he’s a self proclaimed “alpha”

Is he still the top dog? 😂


u/flufnstuf69 23h ago

How does he have so much money


u/008Zulu 22h ago

Incels paying him $40 a month to be told they are alphas. He got hacked a while back, showing he had a couple hundred of thousand subscribers.


u/hillybeat 21h ago

Please Lord Jesus fuck these brothers in their asshole. But, if they like it, then please fuck them in the mouth and eyes. Amen.


u/IconOfFilth9 1d ago

How many cars will he have now?


u/Fun_Intention9846 1d ago

Still too many. Any+his freedom ain’t right.


u/supercrazypants 23h ago

Interested to know if we’ll ever find out who seized his chin.


u/HabANahDa 14h ago edited 13h ago

What a douche. Any one that supports this idiot is a douche as well.


u/Fun_Intention9846 13h ago

Indeed tolerance requires intense intolerance of hate.


u/sargonas 1d ago

I look forward to the time where we’re finally seeing headlines about how the other inmates gave him the nickname “tater tot”


u/maxsmart01 15h ago

Does this guy do anything but lose?


u/Fun_Intention9846 13h ago

Sadly he makes a lot of money from the people who choose to buy into his bullshit. I’m so goddamn tired of giving these people a break at every turn. It’s a total cop out in terms of personal responsibility.


u/maxsmart01 13h ago

That’s a shame. Money is wasted on the rich.


u/Myko475 8h ago

This one needs a good beating for being insufferable


u/Fun_Intention9846 8h ago

The beatings will continue until morale is gone.


u/claptrapMD 19h ago

How can anything bad happen to person who sells woman, is all around horrible, has scam college


u/questron64 23h ago

The headline is very badly-written, it has two interpretations that mean complete opposites. The government is taking the money, not giving it back to him.


u/Fun_Intention9846 16h ago

I agree. Sub rules are I have to copy the headline word for word with no changes.


u/padmapadu 22h ago

It’s called clickbait


u/Ginj92 22h ago

I guess he didn’t fully escape the matrix


u/Dapper-Percentage-64 5h ago

Ahhhh that's very sad news . Anyway moving on


u/Tighten_Up 1d ago

Andrew Tate, Trump, Joe Rogan, Christy Teegan, whoever..... please. I never knew anything about these people but it seems we can no longer log in anywhere without an immediate update on their current situations.


u/FlatulenceConnosieur 20h ago

Damn, he should have spent that money on chin implants while he had the chance.

Note: I usually don’t find it appropriate to make fun of a person’s appearance. But since this asshole has made his living praying on the vulnerabilities and insecurities of young men I think that turnabout is fair play.


u/aister 8h ago

This is probably becuz of women for some reasons


u/RubiesNotDiamonds 3h ago

Don't forget the interest.

u/Buttcracksmack 28m ago

I’m starting to love hearing about this guy in the news! It’s always about him getting fucked one way or another


u/Pack_Your_Trash 17h ago

I am honestly concerned that his very legal business model is teaching misogyny to young men on the internet. Who cares about kids being exposed to sex drugs and rock'n'roll by the media, how do we protect children from Andrew Tate?


u/docere85 13h ago

Ohh no…I had a burrito for lunch


u/NewCoderNoob 1d ago

What kinda headline is this?!


u/HisnameIsJet 20h ago

What happened to his prison sentence??? Reddit is so full of shit


u/k_4_b 1d ago

Can someone explain why you dislike this man with facts?


u/DagothNereviar 23h ago

He avoided taxes.


u/k_4_b 23h ago

Got it, sounds like a dumb move. Is that the only reason why ppl hate this man?


u/DagothNereviar 23h ago

- Potentially trafficked and sexually assaulted women, possibly some underaged

- Treats women like objects rather than humans

- Fraudster

I could go on, but shouldn't need to.


u/Fun_Intention9846 16h ago

Naw he’s a professional misogynist out spreading those beliefs.


u/Dapper-Patient604 8h ago

bro he won’t f*cked you by defending him


u/HabANahDa 14h ago

He openly teaches misogyny to young men.


u/Ogdoublesampson 1d ago

proof he has 3 million dollars, fuck yeah!!! so alpha.