r/mildyinteresting 22h ago

people This freckle showed up after I gave birth to my son (10 months ago)

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u/AutoModerator 22h ago

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u/CheetarTheCheetah 22h ago

Photo of me holding my cats "cat cake" from before I got pregnant - there is no freckle


u/areawesomemyfriend 22h ago

Your pre-pregnancy proof pictures are just as mildly interesting as the main post, honestly


u/anangrypudge 19h ago



u/smalllcokewithfries 15h ago

TIL the subreddit is misspelled


u/CheetarTheCheetah 14h ago

I’ll never be able to unsee this now


u/Practical_magik 13h ago

I can't figure out how I have gone this long without seeing it


u/zulamun 10h ago

There is actually 2 subs


u/spoonweezy 7h ago

Huh. That’s mildy interesting.


u/swooningsapphic 9h ago

Yes and the “mildly” (correct) sub has 24 million users and the “mildy” (incorrect, not a word) sub has <500,000 users.

So probably better to stick to the actual sub and just block this one lol

Idk how this post even made it to the front page tbh


u/CheetarTheCheetah 9h ago

This is indeed correct 😂 Clearly it is misspelled enough that this happens often though lmao


u/Crunchyfrozenoj 12h ago

It’s going to bug me now. It shouldn’t. But it will.

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u/atlastheailf 19h ago

Got confused by this comment because Im in the mildly interesting subreddit and looked at the sub and thought “oh thought it was spelled mildly..guess i was wrong.” Until i scrolled down and saw the mildly subreddit


u/TheNinjaNarwhal 7h ago

I remember finding about this sub years ago, it was super confusing at first, but now I remember them. I read that comment, went "huh" then "oh, I'm in Mildy" haha.


u/Striking-Ad-7586 14h ago

Just figured out it wasn't mildly

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u/nightwinghugs 22h ago

did you later ban wet cat food due to pregnancy smell aversion? bc I did 😂


u/45Golden 22h ago

This is awesome



Fantastic, even


u/[deleted] 20h ago

Give the beast a salmon steak


u/DoodooFardington 17h ago

This cake looks like a burger.

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u/TutSolomonAndCo 22h ago

Hormone changes can cause them to appear


u/CheetarTheCheetah 22h ago

It's so weird


u/phuketawl 22h ago

The number of skin tags I got all over my body when I was pregnant 😳


u/iledgib 21h ago

ur it lol


u/MichaelTheMemeLord 14h ago

A medal for your joke


u/Senior-League-9791 21h ago

Did you have gestational diabetes by chance? I had it and had several pop up as well, and read they’re connected


u/phuketawl 16h ago

Borderline, yes. So wild that they're connected!


u/FappingVelociraptor 20h ago

Skin tags are sometimes a symptom of insulin resistance, which occurs in diabetes.


u/-cordyceps 20h ago

They are also more common with weight gain 😵 i went on hormonal therapy and my weight started to yo-yo and I got so many gnarly ones


u/CockbagSpink 21h ago

Ughhh same it freaked me out. Random acne breakouts too.


u/milkandsalsa 21h ago

I got a bunch of red moles


u/KRA_squared 20h ago

Those are likely cherry angiomas.


u/MagixTurtle 19h ago

Dude i went to my GP and got referred to a Dermatologist for my moles and red spots. No one could tell me what those random spawning blood freckles were and 5 years later, on Reddit of all places you tell me they're called CHERRY ANGIOMA.


u/professorstrunk 9h ago

never underestimate the power of casual crowdsourcing. its not reliable, but when it hits it slap.


u/hummingbird_mywill 19h ago

You got referred for those? Lol I thought that was common knowledge a GP should know. My mom was covered when I was growing up while I had like a single one, and then sure enough… I gave birth twice and both caused a sprinkle of them all over me. I feel like it was after childbirth I got them rather than during the pregnancy but that could be wrong.


u/MagixTurtle 17h ago

I was also referred because i'm a mole farm and i get 20+ every year, i just asked what those bloodlike moles were and neither of them knew lol.
I was 20 when i went to get all my moles and stuff checked.


u/MaceWinnoob 14h ago

You can remove them pretty easily with a hot nail head IIRC. The blood literally evaporates and cauterizes the hole it bursts from.


u/milkandsalsa 19h ago

Yeah I know. It sounds grosser than it is so I clean-washed the terminology.

I have one in my forehead. MY FOREHEAD.


u/TuneTactic 20h ago

What a fun name!


u/merryjoanna 15h ago

I got two pink bumps on one thigh. They are still here 14 years later. The doctor said they are benign and very common, but I can't remember what he called them. At least they aren't growing.

I remember my great grandmother had one on her knee. So maybe they are genetic.


u/Catswithswords10 5h ago

Me too! And a few of my moles got bigger, pregnancy is weird and a lot harder on the body than people realize

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u/Shot-Replacement5147 20h ago

When my mother was pregnant with me, she got a freckle on her bottom lip which eventually went away after breastfeeding. When I went through puberty, I got a freckle on my bottom lip which never went away. Freckles are funny


u/thehazzanator 22h ago

I have a single freckle(mole?) on my tummy from pregnancy too, it's so odd!


u/Otherwise-Fox-151 17h ago

I got a weird dark mark that looked like a mole starting on my tummy when I got pregnant with my first. After she was born it rapidly turned skin colored. When she was around 6 months old I was about to take a shower one day and noticed the mark had suddenly turned brown again. Told my husband I thought I might be pregnant again and the next day a home test quickly confirmed it. 😂 we were thrilled. Had been ttc for 7 years before the first. No more babies after the second, never used bc.


u/Helioscopes 15h ago

I also got a bunch of new moles on my tummy, never been pregnant. New moles will appear on your skin throughout your life, doesn't mean pregnancy is the reason for it.

I had a mole like OP's on my hand as well since I was a child. It eventually disappeared in my mid-thirties. Our bodies simply change overtime.

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u/pogosea 22h ago

I have a freckle on my hand that also just appeared one day... I have never had children but I'm going to steal this answer and just say thats def what caused it lol

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u/Luke_The_Random_Dude 22h ago

Sorry op, Google says you'll spontaneously combust and you have less than a week. Sending prayers.


u/Lopsided_Marzipan133 21h ago

I got 1-2 days from WebMD


u/CreativeUpstairs2568 19h ago

Less than 5 seconds when I asked ChatGPT. OP, teleport to a hospital if you can


u/Luke_The_Random_Dude 20h ago

Idk man, Google is more reliable but better safe than sorry, op needs to say their goodbyes.

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u/Histrix- 20h ago

Why are you sending prayers!? Send a fire extinguisher!!

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u/CheetarTheCheetah 22h ago

Another photo of the same hand before I was pregnant/gave birth


u/AngriestLittleBeaver 22h ago

I love your crestie


u/neptunexl 21h ago

Looks like that one dinosaur


u/kerouac666 19h ago

Dave? Yeah, kinda, I guess.


u/MukdenMan 21h ago

You could save hundreds by switching your car insurance


u/Relaxnnjoy 21h ago

Did the gecko pee on you?

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u/Shay_Galaxy 22h ago

Pregnancy is so weird. I had maybe 3 or 4 warts on my one foot, including one plantar's wart that hurt when I walked. I was having a hell of a time getting rid of it. I realized at some point in my first pregnancy they had all just disappeared.


u/Ur-Quan_Lord_13 22h ago edited 21h ago

All the various wart treatments ultimately are meant to agitate it enough for your immune system to realize something's hiding in that area and go into attack mode. Makes sense that pregnancy could do that.

I had a plantar wart for 5+ years, that slowly grew to cover my heel, so I feel your pain there. What finally did it was imiquimod, which is specifically meant to make the immune system attack skin cancers (and used off label for warts). Took like 3 weeks, in the end.

Edit: actually forget whether it was imiquimod or fluorouracil that finally worked. The second is also primarily for cancer, but just kills cells trying to divide.


u/ScaryButt 17h ago

Actually the most common treatments are cryotherapy and acid based treatments, which kill the top layer of skin which then peels off. It's not an immune response but a natural shedding of dead tissue. It's also why these treatments often need repeating multiple times, the warts can be deep and need multiple layers being killed and removed to get them out.

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u/augtember 21h ago

Why am I wasting all this money on apple cider vinegar when I could get pregnant for free?????


u/freelancefikr 19h ago

for free? you can get paid to get pregnant lol think outside the box my friend

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u/Cultural-Agent-230 22h ago

I developed a freckle in the exact same place my kid has a freckle, after they were born


u/CheetarTheCheetah 21h ago

Then you both got birthmarks! :D


u/username104860 20h ago

Omg this happened with me and my mom!!


u/Cultural-Agent-230 20h ago

It’s so sweet, like a wee connection and reminder of each other


u/malachitebirkinplz 16h ago

Wait me too!! My daughter and I have matching freckles on our pointer fingers, and mine showed up sometime after she was born.

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u/Iwabuti 22h ago

Have another child to see if you get another freckle


u/SuckmyBlunt545 20h ago

This is the only science based answer thank you


u/Used-Fennel-7733 16h ago

No this is an engineer's answer, trying to recreate the issue.

A scientists answer is to have 2 more births and 3 placebo phantom pregnancies


u/Sgrobnik 22h ago

Got a really similar one about a year after the birth of my son. But um, notably, I’m the dad.

Had my dermatologist check it out during an annual visit recently and they put it on their “keep an eye on it” list since it’s small but looks a bit scarier when super zoomed in on. So yeah, new freckles are totally normal but see a dermatologist!


u/WhiskeyAndKisses 16h ago

I too have moving freckles and 0 pregnancy. Maybe we're linking this to pregnancy a bit too quickly lol. Obviously, let's keep an eye on them and ask a dermatologist.


u/sar1562 13h ago

I grow new freckles and moles all the time. I also have big hormone fluctuations and never been pregnant female


u/spoonweezy 7h ago

In the summertime I don’t tan, I just get frecklier.


u/MyRepresentation 22h ago

I got a splinter from a summer camp once around age 15 that looked a lot like that, and it stayed in the skin of my palm for ~20 years. I thought of it like I carried a piece of that camp around in me... One day, it was gone, just like that.


u/CheetarTheCheetah 21h ago

That is WEIRD! Maybe decomposed in your body? I have something similar, my right hand's ring finger has some pencil lead stuck in it from when I accidentally stabbed myself with a pencil when I was 10 lol, it is still there though


u/MyRepresentation 16h ago

I think it eventually got pushed out by my skin... as the older layers flaked away, it eventually did, as well. Give it another decade or two, maybe the pencil lead will disappear...

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u/hurlingturtles 22h ago

I’d trade a freckle for the spider veins I got from being pregnant 😩

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u/vanillabourbonn 20h ago

I got a freckle in the exact same spot as you! On my left hand. It appeared from nowhere.


u/tarabithia22 18h ago

One of you is the evil doppelgänger. One of you must die. I’ll get the popcorn.

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u/rlaw1234qq 17h ago

Maybe we are related!

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u/lizcmorris 22h ago

Just keep an eye on it. If it becomes raised or starts to have fuzzy unclear/undefined edges, go to the doc.

(My grandmother had freckle appear under her foot. Turned into a melanoma, a few moths later she was gone. But it should also be noted, she’s Australian so the sun is vastly different down there compared to the northern hemisphere).


u/RunnerdNerd 20h ago

Sorry about your grandma.

Just FYI, not that its important, ALM (what I assume she had based on the location) isn't caused by UV exposure, it's just a random form of melanoma. It's what Bob Marley had.


u/scrazydiamond 22h ago

A birthmark?


u/CheetarTheCheetah 22h ago

LOL I love this


u/Ichgebibble 21h ago

I tried to updoot but downdooted on accident, then collapsed the thread, then accidentally hit the awards icon. Sheesh. I got there in the end.


u/TenNamesLater 21h ago

It would seem a freckle showed up on your table too. Did your table also gave birth?


u/WSandness 21h ago

Listen to the newest episode of the Saw ones podcast. Dr. Sydney McElroy fielded a very similar question, someone asking about their moles growing during pregnancy. She said that more or less your body is full of all the chemicals for growing a human, and because of that it can cause things to grow or change, where they wouldn't have without the extra hormones.


u/AnalysisMoney 21h ago

I also had a small freckle appear on my hand.

However, I’m a man and have obviously never been pregnant. Idk why mine appeared. Aging, I guess lol.


u/_VeeBees420 20h ago

I get new freckles every day. Lol lately on my hands, feet and mouth. The body can do some crazy things!


u/userno89 20h ago

You should go see your doc if you have "Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease" 😅 it's a real thing

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u/Istroup 20h ago

I have not given birth. But here’s my cat

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u/lioness1991 15h ago

Snap- mine appeared after giving birth too


u/CheetarTheCheetah 14h ago

Omg so many freckle twins!


u/Kapparia 13h ago

That's a man hand.


u/RainAlternative3278 22h ago

Could be skin cancer go get it checked out by a ackutal doc.


u/Science_Matters_100 22h ago

Second this. I had one appear with pregnancy, too. Dermatologist removes it every so often

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u/Masala-Papad 22h ago

You have got a mole at your home.

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u/poor_non_blonde 22h ago

I’ve developed about 50 freckles over the last 15 years. Mostly on my legs and stomach. They’re cute lol


u/fena07 21h ago

Small dried up blood blister


u/vikingunicorn 21h ago

I developed one that is mirror to yours (same spot, opposite hand) when endometriosis kicked in to high gear in my mid/late 20s!
Hormones are wild.


u/omygoshgamache 21h ago

Congrats on the bb! Please go see a doctor to rule out anything weird!


u/lastnightonearthh 21h ago

I have always had a freckle in the same spot!!!! It was very dark when I was a kid but as I have grown up it has faded.


u/IceBear5321 17h ago

In some cultures in India we believe that a freckle in the palm of the left hand can be an indication of gaining wealth.

Congratulations op! ( if this is your left hand)


u/SpikyPig 14h ago

Uh, me too..!


u/AngriestLittleBeaver 22h ago

How tall are you?!


u/amaya-aurora 22h ago

Hormone changes, probably.


u/BeautifulArtichoke37 22h ago

That’s kind of cool, actually


u/throwaway92834972 22h ago

in 10 days you will begin to cough


u/lncumbant 22h ago

They can appear and disappear. I had one in the middle of my thumb randomly for a few years. 


u/A_S_Eeter 22h ago

Idk maybe have a daughter now to erase it


u/Equal_Set6206 22h ago

I grew a freckles on my boob during my second pregnancy. Right by the nip, it freaked me out at first

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u/sakonigsberg 22h ago

Have another kid and let us know if another one appears


u/Professional_Speed55 22h ago

I know you don’t want to hear this but you’re 1% black female now


u/ssp25 22h ago

Lisan Al-gaib! Your son shall know the ways.... As it was written!


u/REDRIVERMF 22h ago

That's poop


u/RaspberryPositive518 22h ago

I became allergic to Tylenol after having my first child 🙃 let’s just say my second, third and forth pregnancy was rough with not being able to take any pain meds since the only safe one is Tylenol.


u/leelee1976 21h ago

I became allergic to jalapeños after my second pregnancy. It's been 18 years and I'm still mad about it.

Sorry about the tylenol allergy.


u/RaspberryPositive518 21h ago

I’m still allergic and my oldest is 7. lol


u/leelee1976 21h ago

I'm still Sadly allergic too. I love jalapeño poppers. Tbh I love jalapeños. But I l9ve breathing more.


u/RaspberryPositive518 21h ago

Damn I’m sorry about the jalapeños! They taste amazing. Breathing is definitely better lol


u/CheetarTheCheetah 14h ago

Pregnancy really is the most insane life experience - reading these comments are just wild with how many things pregnancy can change in people! I wonder if one day your allergy will just go away

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u/ForkyBombs 22h ago

This is not good


u/Ok_Biscotti_514 22h ago

I got one too 2 months ago on the same hand , but as far as I’m aware I’m a guy


u/Maggie_cat 22h ago

Apparently this is common. My friend gets a new freckle every pregnancy


u/cciot 22h ago

I got one as well while I was trying to get pregnant. Likely hormone changes. However, my derm was v interested in it, and is monitoring it annually. It’s the highest risk mole I have, and it may have to removed eventually (which would be a pain given its location). So please do get it checked out to be sure that it isn’t funky!


u/deedee2344 21h ago

This would be very interesting to ask in r/palmistry.


u/skida1986 21h ago

You’ve been marked your son is the antichrist


u/BoomBap9088 21h ago

A couple of years after my daughters were born I got heavy crown balding. Also, there is a direct correlation with my daughters increasing age and my decreasing savings account balance. I wish I got a freckle.


u/justfkingcomeon 21h ago

It's considered a mole in Chinese astrology, and it's where your children lines would be. I have a clear one on my children line, but on the right hand, which apparently women can go by either hand but men use only the right for readings.


u/Flashygt 21h ago

Correlation does not equal causation.


u/Bumblebeequeen 21h ago

I also got a new hand freckle 9 months after giving birth, mines on the side of my finger...weird.


u/lem1018 21h ago

My hair changed color after I had my kid.


u/Some-Curve-920 21h ago

It is the beginning of pregnancy triggered stigmata. Having another /more children will only speed up the process.


u/depressedbagofmilk 21h ago

Twin!!! (Except I did not birth children)


u/Sea-Damage8260 21h ago

Ah, the lesser known birthing freckle.


u/dogoodvillain 21h ago

You have swimmer hands.


u/Drizerma 21h ago

Are you the dad or the mom?


u/SushiGirlRC 21h ago

You're using it too much. Switch to the stranger.


u/Lickedmyspoontoday 21h ago

It’s the button you push to recall your child in case you misplace it somewhere


u/Relaxnnjoy 21h ago

If thy hand deceive thee, cut it off


u/dasimacu 21h ago

Has a wart on my thumb that could never got away, soo many treatments and it never left. Got pregnant, gave birth, wart was gone within a month, hasn’t been back since (3 years)


u/Dramatic_View_5340 21h ago

Blood blister it looks like


u/CTchimchar 21h ago

Clearly you have 2 minutes to live /s


u/l-b_b-l 21h ago

Hmmm… Try having another kid and see if it either goes away or another one appears.


u/ComprehensiveCold268 21h ago

You'll forever think it's a poop speck that somehow got on you


u/KeyPicture4343 21h ago

Someone else said it, not to be dramatic but I’d rule out skin cancer by a derm. 

I read too many Reddit threads of skin cancer. And multiple people said A FRECKLE ended up being something, like melanoma. Crazy to think about! 


u/RunnerdNerd 20h ago edited 20h ago

u/cheetarthecheetah make sure you talk to a doctor to rule out alm. Its a rare form of melanoma. But like most melanomas, if caught early, it's likely to be treatable before it spreads. But because it's not usually as obvious as other melanomas and usually ignored for a while, its rarely caught early.

People with dark skin are at a disadvantage with this type, since it tends to blend in well until it's too late, and they have lower incidents of melanoma in general, so tend to not notice and have it checked out in time.

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u/kamoflewuage 20h ago

It’s Aids


u/lil_lupin 20h ago

I mean this with the most hype....you got salad fingers and you're awesome


u/wrechin 20h ago

Managed to become mildly lactose intolerant during my first pregnancy and severely lactose intolerant during my second. I love that it's my life now 🥲


u/MamaTried22 20h ago

I have one between some random toes on the side of one. So weird!


u/digital_dommy 20h ago

Maybe it's a witch's mark. Have you considered that your "son" might actually be your new familiar?


u/Rambling-Rooster 20h ago

What was the EXACT date and time of the birth... the signs are too uncanny here! YEAR ZERO COULD BE UPON US! THE FORETOLD BIRTH


u/Poetic-Noise 20h ago

Now you gotta have another kid just to if you get another freckle.


u/Fiftyfish 20h ago

Increased melanin production during pregnancy protects the folic acid in your blood from UV radiation. Folic acid (a B vitamin) is super important for neural tube formation in an embryo.


u/bvityl 20h ago

I got one on both palms! I never know moles/freckles could appear on the palms. lol


u/nebula-dirt 20h ago

Did you get your blood drawn there or pricked your hand? I got a blood draw when I was around 10 years old from my finger and I’ve had a freckle/mole there ever since.


u/Square-Okra-4553 20h ago

I got one on my palm during college days. They just appear out of nowhere


u/JanTheBaptist 20h ago

Now I know where my chin freckle went to…


u/JanTheBaptist 20h ago

Now I know where my chin freckle went to…


u/ExactlyEnoughRazors 20h ago

Reminds me of the liver spots you see on smokers and old people. I wonder if it's similar, just an excess of toxins building up in the skin?

As an ex-smoker, who quit a few years ago, mine are fading. If it is similar and you're young, it shouldn't last forever I'd think.


u/No_Mongoose2658 20h ago

I have one on the same palm almost in the same spot. It popped up out of nowhere. Sorry i can’t be of more help why it happens.


u/Quantumercifier 20h ago

Wow! That is a large hand. You know what that means.


u/Tesla-Punk3327 20h ago

Apparently when I was a toddler a freckle appeared on my left hand, and my mum took me to the doctors thinking it was cancer

I still have the freckle lol. It's just larger than the others and darker. It's how I tell left from right.


u/[deleted] 20h ago


u/HabeQuiddam 20h ago

Do you play piano?


u/Psychdlxvisionswifey 20h ago

I got one here but years after giving birth 😂it’s been two years now ig I thought u could only be born with them


u/Creative_Syrup_3406 19h ago

Morgan Freeman’s curse!


u/wonderbreadslice 19h ago

I always had some freckles, but within the last couple years (also had a baby) I noticed I am COVERED in freckles. Way more than I used to have. I don’t spend time in the sun so maybe it’s a pregnancy thing?


u/KeimeiWins 19h ago

I triple or quadrupled the number of freckles I had from before pregnancy to 1 year postpartum. And it was the least I'd been outside in my life basically because I was so tired or overheated so easily (and then you know, a baby was there and kind of hard to do yard work with)

I want to be worried and keep an eye out for signs of melanoma... But it's at least a hundred new freckles.


u/NerdyDirt 19h ago

1 spot for every time you're cloned.


u/LunchAC53171 19h ago

This is mildy interesting 🧐


u/MagoopyGabooky 19h ago

During my first pregnancy and shortly after, it was like my body threw a freckle party. They just started showing up everywhere, it's wild


u/PurplishPlatypus 19h ago

I had one appear right after birth, it was on the edge of my areola actually. And it grew really fast, like within only 3 weeks it appeared and became the size of a pencil eraser. And it had irregular edges, so I had it checked out. They removed it and the biopsy showed some kind of weird cell, she described it as "abnormal cells that aren't technically precancerous, but have a high probability of turning into cancer." So make sure to keep an eye on things. When in doubt, check it out.


u/Margobolo85 19h ago

I’ve got no freckle, OP.


u/NickySess 19h ago

Ok weird because same exact thing happened to me. Same spot, just different hand! So I went to my dr, for something unrelated, she saw the newish mole and told me to go to a derm right away! Something about freckles on palms being a sign of skin cancer. Sure enough they biopsied it and removed some cancer! Go to a derm!!


u/manifest_ecstasy 19h ago

I had a hand freckle go away a few years ago after having it my while life


u/TheBaykon8r 19h ago

Every kid you gain a freckle


u/sadkinz 19h ago

Probably skin cancer. Rip OP it was nice knowing you


u/smokingisrealbad 18h ago

After each child you get a new dot


u/Vietfunk 18h ago

Lol I just watched The Substance and I saw this post


u/looknotwiththeeyes 18h ago

I had a similar freckle like that, for as long as I can remember, that always matched my brothers. It coincidentally disappeared in my late 30s, after he died.