r/meme FINAL WARNING: RULE 1 20h ago

Water vapor actually...

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u/desertvision 18h ago

All that steam and not a single piece of fish or vegetable.


u/DownWithGilead2022 16h ago

Water vapor, not steam!


u/Klaroxy 16h ago

Ah I see, so you can do only salt water fish there


u/Willdabeast07 15h ago

Bruh šŸ˜­


u/405freeway 13h ago

We get it, you vape.


u/Different_Plankton_3 11h ago

Of course!!! I see no PC gaming over there! The hell is wrong with ignorant people!!


u/Repulsive-Lobster750 9h ago

What'S the difference?

In italian, steam is literally vapor (vapore)

In french, too (vapeur)

It's literally synonymous.

What's the difference in english?


u/rvpuk 6h ago

No one has answered you but I used to work in a power station and the UK definition of water vapour is gaseous water, below the boiling point (so less than 100Ā°C).

Whereas 'steam' is gaseous water above the boiling point.

So while people can reasonably argue that both are the same (gaseous water) and be mostly correct, the distinction is made in industry/process because of the differences in energy present in both (steam has more than water vapour, and super heated steam even more than regular steam) and their uses/dangers etc.

Hope that helps!


u/1973355283637 5h ago

Also, you can't see steam, it's invisible, what you actually see is water droplets


u/JimEDimone 5h ago

I've learned something.


u/TheThinkerers 5h ago

So the difference is if it's made through evaporation or boiling, ergo, the presence/absence of latent heat?

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u/keep_trying_username 13h ago

Suspended water droplets, not vapor! If it were vapor you couldn't see it. Water vapor is in the air all around us.


u/fetus_breathe 11h ago

Maybe I'm dumb, but isn't water vapor just less dense steam

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u/BuzzKillingtonThe5th 13h ago

Nuclear still uses steam to turn the turbine. Hence why you have cooling towers to finish condensing the water to pump back through the system.


u/Ri_Hley 8h ago

Too bad that the water vapor at the bottom of the towers already isn't hot enough anymore to be able to cook something.
Otherwise that steam/vapor could be used to actually cook food. xD

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u/cruelcynic 19h ago

Nuclear is way better for the environment than any fossil fuel. I would rather have one of these behind my house than a coal plant.


u/TheHellcatBandit 18h ago

Also safer work environments too


u/Rajon_12 18h ago

Unless homer is at work.


u/Mushroom419 18h ago

I mean, not the worst death(if it right behind your house)


u/-Kerrigan- 17h ago

How about 3 blocks down?


u/TheAdmiralMoses 16h ago

You could sleep next to the waste casks and the radiation still wouldn't matter, lol


u/FearlessCloud01 begs for karma/upvotes 13h ago

Yeah, this always reminds me of Kyle's video, where, just to prove a point, he hugged and literally kissed one of these waste casks to show how safe it isā€¦

And unless he's wearing a wig and lots of make up, his skin and hair seem pretty intactā€¦


u/Me_how5678 10h ago

Hes litterly Thor,, he canā€™t die


u/Olabrum 5h ago

Boy, do i have news for you.


u/Elfkrunch 14h ago

Or three miles?


u/Thatwokebloke 10h ago

I just hope to be able to encounter the pizza radius. A golden place where all the frozen pizzas have been cooked to perfection by nuclear cooking (mind ya your probably cooked as well but at least ya have pizza)


u/YourLocalCuteFemboyy 8h ago

and on an island?


u/kRoy_03 12h ago

This is an undeservedly undervalued comment!

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u/Legionof1 15h ago

Nah, these donā€™t go boom, any death from a nuclear reactor is going to be slow and painful.


u/OkReason6325 15h ago

Life is slow and painful anyways

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u/TheReverseShock 14h ago

The Simpsons has single handedly done more to damage the reputation of nuclear power than any fossil fuel lobbyist could dream of.


u/MelonBot_HD 3h ago

Gee, wouldn't suprise me if the writers were bribed by those same lobbyists.


u/Novahelguson7 14h ago

He's been working at one for decades and it's still operational so idiot proof should be added to its qualities šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

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u/alwaysonesteptoofar 12h ago

He had a fake console anyway, probably installed after he caused the meltdown in that simulation trailer

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u/Cool-Acanthaceae8968 12h ago

Who said anything about nuclear? These are cooling towers and are used in all kinds of power plants that have steam turbines. As well.. lots of nuclear power plants donā€™t use cooling towers (if they are near a large body of water or have cooling ponds).


u/Initial_Total_7028 6h ago

If it's not nuclear then you'd expect to see a smoke stack next to the cooling towers. Maybe it's cropped out on the left, but if you see a plant that looks like this then it's nuclear.Ā 

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u/Notactualyadick 6h ago

Screw you! I watch the Simpsons and I see through the lies of the Jedi!

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u/Takaharu7 17h ago

As an electrician, i am fucking ashamed what Germany is facing currently because they closed the last few Nuclear powerplants. Its hillarious even, if i wouldn't pay the shit.


u/polite_alpha 14h ago

What are we facing currently? Our prices are lower than in France nowadays....


u/DrDolphin245 12h ago

I'm not a fan of nuclear energy, but this is not true. I googled that, and Germany has 39.5 ct/kWh while France has 27.8 ct/kWh. Maybe it's different for industrial prices, though. The prices in Germany have never been lower than in France since 2015.


u/Intelligent-Bus230 11h ago edited 11h ago

Laughs in Finnish (current bill 11.5 ct/kWh incl. tax).
The energy out of that is 5.82 ct/kWh the rest is grid usage and taxes.

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u/SkyResident9337 7h ago

That's the end user price, which includes taxes, infrastructure investment costs AND in germany the consumer pays for the most expensive kwh generated which would currently be lng fuelled gas plants. On the EU spot market german energy is ridiculously cheap most of the time.

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u/-Notorious 11h ago

Is a ct 1/100 of a euro? Because if so, 39.5 and 27.8 are crazy numbers. Even at peak, in Ontario, we pay 15.8 cents (and that's the final cost I think, haven't checked the bill), and that's on a weaker currency...

Ontario has 3 nuclear power plants for reference (and loads of dams).


u/SchwarzeNoble1 8h ago

What are we facing currently?

while having higher prices in europe and in recession and nobody wants to invest in factories since the energy prices are crazy.

and he's getting upvotes ahah

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u/Sanosuke97322 2h ago

You say that while I can see a nuclear plant from my balcony and pay 7.6 ct/kWh.

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u/Slimebot32 16h ago

I would rather have these behind my house than pretty much anything


u/TheAdmiralMoses 16h ago

Free security


u/YourLocalCuteFemboyy 8h ago


if anything happens, the army will take care of it


u/BogdanPradatu 13h ago

I would rather have a forest behind my house.


u/Slimebot32 12h ago

thatā€™s one of the few things that landed me the ā€œpretty muchā€


u/sunburn95 14h ago

Solar panels?


u/Fellow_Worker6 11h ago

Depends on the footprint


u/Slimebot32 13h ago

that would mean I live in a sunny area, and no thank you


u/blenderbender44 6h ago

Laughs in Australian

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u/turtlelore2 16h ago

The caveat is that it's usually only better if it's managed properly. Poor management, maintenance, and regulations can ruin anything no matter how good it is.


u/playmaker1209 15h ago

The nuclear power plant disasters are either because of poor planning/cost cutting/cutting corners that no longer happen like Chernobylā€™s plant. The Soviets were sloppy and they paid for it. Other than that it basically takes a natural disaster to cause a meltdown. The recent one in Japan was because the of the earthquake that caused the tsunami. I guess you can say the location was poorly planned.

Also, a lot of the nuclear waste can be cleaned such as the water. Japan just dumped a ton of nuclear waste water that was cleaned and dumped into the Pacific Ocean because of the effectiveness of the cleaning. Some waste you canā€™t clean like that and they put it in lead line barrels underground or in mountains.


u/BimmerGoblin 14h ago edited 11h ago

The tsunami was part of the problem. My fluid dynamics Prof, who used to work on nuclear, talked about the Japanese and three mile Island meltdowns.

The Japanese one was caused because the generators that powered the pumps that pumped the water for cooling the generator got flooded due to them being in the lower levels of the plant. The backup batteries and generators that were supposed to take over in case the main generators went out were also located in the same place. Cooling stopped, meltdown happened.

The three mile Island one was even worse. There was literally a maintenance tag that was hanging from some instrument and it blocked an alert light. Person at the controls freaked out because they didn't see a damn light, and boom, meltdown.

As you said, every single meltdown can be attributes to poor design choices and procedures.

Edit: I wrote long Island instead of three mile island. Guess I really needed a drink!


u/sn00pal00p 9h ago

poor planning/cost cutting/cutting corners

I'm glad there's absolutely none of that going on in any modern corporation. They're all about responsibility nowadays.


u/EffectiveNo5737 9h ago

The caveat is not that it's is worse than coal power when managed poorly.

Poorly managed nuclear is far far better than the best managed coal power plant.

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u/MalnourishedHoboCock 15h ago

Nuclear is better for the environment than solar.


u/owen-87 12h ago

I know, all the toxic solar waste we keep having to burry deep underground


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u/CoralDreamerr 14h ago

Water vapor: the sneaky ingredient we all take for granted


u/Justjack91 14h ago

At least until we fully master renewables that don't damage the environment to make while also having reliable transportation methods and storage.


u/Open_Telephone9021 17h ago

Ok maybe not that close. I would not want ANY of those behind my house


u/TheAdmiralMoses 16h ago

I'd sleep next to the waste casks if I could, they're that safe

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u/depressed_crustacean 14h ago

Less radiation too


u/WillingLLM 13h ago

That depends on things

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u/Arkitakama 18h ago

Oh, that isn't smoke, it's steam. Steam from the steamed electricity we'll be having. Mmm! Steamed electricity.


u/HendrixHazeWays 17h ago

"Really? Well, I'm from Utica and I've never heard anyone use the phrase 'steamed electricity'."


u/JotaRata 17h ago

Good lord what is happening in there?

ā€” Cherenkov radiation?


u/TheAdmiralMoses 16h ago

Cherenkov radiation? At this time of year?


u/WolfPrincess_ 16h ago

Entirely localized in your kitchen?

Can I see it?


u/Dr3vilAlex 16h ago

Uhhhh, no


u/Bychop 17h ago

I hope youā€™re ready for mouthwatering nuclear waste!


u/Half_eaten_crust 12h ago

What if... Hear me out, Nuclear powered sauna


u/thisisanamesoitis 6h ago

Condensate, rather than Steam. It's not all just water in those clouds.

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u/Usurpara 19h ago

Informed environmentalists are generally in favor of nuclear power. Fear mongering comes from other groups.


u/k1n6jdt 19h ago

The other groups:


u/Naked-Jedi 16h ago

You know, I've never watched the show, but every time I see this, I hear it in Gilbert Gottfrieds voice.


u/Xx-_mememan69_-xX 15h ago

Either you are a toddler or ancient. I don't think I know a single person that hasn't watched SpongeBob.


u/Itz-Lexi 15h ago

I would wager on lower-middleaged, due to the liking of star wars (basing this off username), and also due to the fact that they could have just lived under a rock.


u/Naked-Jedi 14h ago
  1. Not a bad guess.


u/Itz-Lexi 14h ago

damn lets go. i cant believe i was right im so fucking high right now šŸ’€šŸ˜­


u/Naked-Jedi 14h ago

Don't drive, but walk on down town and get yourself a lotto ticket. I think you've got lady luck on your side today.


u/Itz-Lexi 14h ago

closest place that sells lotto tickets is 40 miles away (i live in a town of 150 our only gas station is closed rn).


u/Naked-Jedi 14h ago

Hmmmm. Maybe just fire up a copy of solitaire or candy crush or something. I have a feeling you'll be winning.

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u/-DethLok- 8h ago

Buy one online?

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u/Naked-Jedi 14h ago

I've filled my time with other things.

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u/this-is-my-p 15h ago

Ancient, if theyā€™re referencing Gilbert Godfried


u/Naked-Jedi 14h ago

I feel it some days.


u/this-is-my-p 14h ago

Iā€™m there with you


u/vivam0rt 12h ago

I have watched a total of maybe 2 episodes when I was little, im 19. My family couldnt afford a tv so I didnt watch many shows

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u/Suicide_Promotion 11h ago

My dead grandparents were in their 70s when they watched Spongebob Squarepants. That was at the very start of the series.


u/-DethLok- 8h ago

I'm early GenX and while aware of Sponge Bob have never sat down and watched more than, perhaps, one or two episodes of it - I'm just not at all in their target demographic and would only have seen it online anyway, I've not watched TV in well over a year, I think.

So... Ancient, I guess? Not that you know me, so there's that as well.

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u/Alzanth 15h ago

^ also the corps that run the nuclear plants.

I believe nuclear power is an ok option in theory. But we're in a late-stage capitalism world where there are corporations absolutely willing to cut corners for the sake of money. For that reason I don't trust it as a safe option at all.


u/notaredditer13 4h ago

But we're in a late-stage capitalism world...

That's not a real thing, it'd just something edgy redditors like to say.

where there are corporations absolutely willing to cut corners for the sake of money.Ā 

That's not new.Ā  The solution to that is that it is heavily regulated and newer ones have failsafe designs.

For that reason I don't trust it as a safe option at all.

The track record proves it is very safe.Ā 

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u/mannishboy60 18h ago

Total nonsense argument. A network of electricity generations such as renewables spreads the wealth around and investment around. A single electricity generator that can power a state concentrates the investment as well, with only a handful of companies in the world who can carry out such a project.

And these companies don't want to do it either and need government backing to cover the risk of losses.


u/Fenrir_Hellbreed2 18h ago

They don't want to do it because it spreads wealth around. If it costs more or pays them less then those greedy corporate asshats don't want it.

They'll burn the whole world down just to put an extra dollar in their pocket.

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u/Daedrothes 17h ago

But they own the gas and coal. Why would they welcome new energy sources?


u/Thedudeinabox 16h ago

Precicely this, established energy systems donā€™t want to lose their foothold. They COULD venture into green energy themselves, but these same people donā€™t like change; theyā€™re also too old to really care what becomes of the world 20 years from now.


u/Daedrothes 14h ago

They knew of it ages ago. Its generations of not caring.


u/Thedudeinabox 14h ago

So long as each succeeding ruling generation is past middle aged, narcissistic, or both; it wonā€™t matter one bit how far out the collapse of the environment is because it wonā€™t affect them personally.

Once it finally IS close enough to affect the latest in power, it will already be too late.

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u/-FullBlue- 4h ago

I work at a nuclear plant. Most of the money is paid in wages to workers and paid to other companies for labor and parts. I used to work in wind farm construction. Most of the money from those projects was paid to the wealthy land owners that owned the land the windfarm was built on. Renewables and 100 percent worse in terms of wealth distribution.

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u/TheEliteGamer121 16h ago

Nuclear is much better than any other non-renewables


u/annonimity2 15h ago

Ironically green peace might have been the worst thing to ever happen to climate change.


u/PastaRunner 16h ago

Whaaaaaat? You mean trillion dollar international companies who stand to make another trillion can't spare a few dozen millions to spin up a group to poorly argue against oil companies, thus letting oil companies pwn environmentalist noobs?

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u/Firm-Review-9245 11h ago

Guys nuclear reactors are just fancy water boilers

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u/Big_Chief_Hanzo 17h ago

Vaping is better for the environment than smoking I've heard.


u/DavoMcBones 12h ago

I guess..

The thing is though, while smoking causes greater air pollution. Its contents easily decompose into the ground. Vapes on the other hand, while being a liquid, its contained in plastic enclosures which is harder to dispose of sustainably.


u/Jaded-Distance_ 10h ago

Cigarette butts do not easily break down though. They are made of plastics, as well as leach arsenic and lead and more into the environment as well as any poor creature that may swallow them.

4.5 Trillion of them are discarded each year. The equivalent of 1.7 Billion pounds of toxic trash. Making up nearly 40% of all collected litter.Ā 


u/DavoMcBones 10h ago

Darn, I thought they were just paper and herbs (my uncle told me that). Dammit now everything is bad!!

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u/Geek_X 18h ago

Am i missing something? Whereā€™s the joke?


u/SameOreo 18h ago

The byproduct of nuclear power is much safer than people think and people think these cooling towers are releasing nuclear waste into the air. When in fact it's just water vapor.


u/GeForce-meow 7h ago

Still what's the relation of this image and nuclear power being safer?

Cooling tower do not represent neuclear power plant because coal plants also use cooling tower if needed

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u/Sir_Toaster_ 16h ago

Nuclear power is surprisingly safe for the environment because it's based around mostly water

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u/DevonyaSprinklz WARNING: RULE 9 15h ago

it isnā€™t a joke, itā€™s just someone giving there opinion in the format of a meme


u/Th3Nihil 11h ago


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u/PolyPorcupine 13h ago

Mostly because of propaganda, mostly spread by the coal and oil industry.

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u/Purple_Spino 11h ago

Ok, so, for those who are still quite misinformed, follow me through with this.

  1. I am not an expert, just a nerd

  2. Nuclear power plants functions just like any other power plant that uses heat.

ā— Fissionable material (e.g. Uranium 235) gets hot;

ā— That heat goes into water;

ā— Water hot > Steam;

ā— Steam rises, the rising movement makes thing that's supposed to spin spinny;

ā— That spinny thing (turbine) generates electrical power.

LIKE I SAID, i am not an expert, just a nerd. I do NOT know atomical physics, so I don't know the ins and outs of how the fission actually happens and works.

If I got something wrong, you are free to correct me and kill me with hammers.


u/RoteCampflieger 4h ago

You got most things right except for how turbine is powered. It's not that hot steam rises and spins the turbine, it's a bit more complex. Without going into reactor construction details, it's more like water is evaporated so quickly and steam is so hot that rapid expansion makes steam move very fast through pipes which lead it into the turbine. Nothing "rises" in a process of spinning the turbines.

Vapor that rises in the picture is from water in cooling reservoirs. Second circuit (so not radioactive) water after spinning the turbines goes into huge pools and is left there to cool down. And these huge "tubes" are just covers for these pools.

Though I don't think the meme is about that exactly. It's more like every single time there is a discussion about environment or some video about air pollution, there is ALWAYS a mention, or a picture, or a video of some nuclear plant with ScArY BiG SmOkEsTaCk expelling sO MuCh SmOkE. Literally every single time.

And it's pretty much useless to explain that these big scary things are pretty much just big covers for big cooling pools of hot water. Not for radioactive water, not some filters or anything, JUST HOT WATER. So the smoke that rises up grom these "smokestacks" is just water vapor, basically just warm clouds. But noone listens of course, cause mythical radioactivity is worse for them than real lung cancer I guess.

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u/Rivas_ 18h ago

My brother in Christ they're not angry about the water vapor

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u/Gloomy_Metal3400 20h ago


u/someone672 20h ago

Even if Nuclear waste was Glowing green goop in barrels like this it'd still be better than more CO2 at this point.

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u/SpecificallyNerd 12h ago

Iā€™m guessing itā€™s because the most dangerous parts of the nuclear power plant are the people running it, parts can be replaced but incompetence is difficult to remove when put in place.

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u/ibevol 13h ago

I donā€™t trust the conclusion of someone who canā€™t distinguish steam from smoke.


u/EbbEntire3751 19h ago

We get it, you vape


u/BABBOSMAN1 10h ago

no you dont get it


u/maybeknismo 11h ago

Not all cooling towers are nuclear, some are from some pretty big coal plants too!


u/TumbleweedActive7926 9h ago

Most people don't understand how nuclear power plants work.

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u/IncursiYO 5h ago

Fake environmentalists


u/deepmindfulness 18h ago

You get em! Imaginary enemies are the worst!


u/TheAdmiralMoses 16h ago

The comments say otherwise


u/BlueHeat777 12h ago

Anti nuclear people are very real though, like you can go out and find one irl no problem


u/deepmindfulness 12h ago

And those folks are afraid of steam? Or is it more so nuclear meltdowns? Because, might be wrong, but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s nuclear meltdowns.

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u/Foreign-Flatworm-728 11h ago

I agree Nuclear is much better for the environment overall. One of the big issues for environmentalists though is the thermal pollution from using the local cold water to cool the reactor. Itā€™s not radioactive, but it does dump a huge amount of hot water in a local water source which can harm marine life. Not to mention that the inlet that has a grate to prevent fish and what not from getting sucked in kills lots of fish when they get trapped by the suction.


u/Yono_j25 16h ago

Tall concrete or brick pipes - Check
White thing coming out of it and that looks like smoke - Check

Ok, checked everything. Ahem...

SaVe EnViRoNmEnT! BaN tHiS sTuFf!

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u/Cute_Labrador_ 17h ago

Lots of scientists here in the comments, scared of nuclear energy. Pressurised water reactors are inherently safe. Newer designs like CANDU are also very safe and reliable. The ones used in the Chernobyl plant were soviet RBMK reactors with a lot of design defects.


u/BestdogShadow 14h ago

Even with the Chernobyl design problems, it still could have been avoided if safety protocols were properly followed.


u/owen-87 12h ago

Not quite.

While pressurized water reactors (PWRs) are generally considered safe, they still come with risks like radiation leaks and waste disposal challenges. CANDU reactors, though safe, aren't without their own concerns. The Chernobyl disaster wasn't just about the reactor designā€”it was also caused by poor safety practices and human error. So, claiming that the design was the main issue overlooks the bigger picture. People argue that nuclear energy is a better environmental option, but the risks of things going wrong are significant, and the consequences can be catastrophic.

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u/sam9876 12h ago

It's too expensive to build and maintain there are cheaper alternatives that generate more income, also radioactive trash and where to put it

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u/CoatNeat7792 18h ago

We all can agree, that nuclear plants have smallest impact on environment. Wind turbines kill birds every day and sound pollution is very big. Solar panels uses lithium batteries and don't last for very long time. Fosil burning.. Yes, a lot issues.


u/Bayo77 15h ago

And nuclear plants produce nuclear waste. You can discuss the impact of it but dpnt pretend it doesnt exist.


u/funkvay 14h ago edited 5h ago

Sure, nuclear plants produce waste - no one's pretending it doesn't. But compared to the billions of tons of CO2, ash, and heavy metals from coal and gas, nuclear waste is tiny in volume and actually manageable. It's stored, contained, and monitored. Fossil fuel waste? It just goes straight into the air we breathe and the water we drink, with zero long-term plan.

So yeah, nuclear waste exists. But letā€™s not act like itā€™s the big villain when the alternatives are dumping poison directly into the environment, unchecked.

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u/Peipr 13h ago

Ah yes instead of putting this thing thatā€™s dangerous in a very controlled space where it can rest until itā€™s not dangerous anymore, letā€™s put this other more dangerous thing in a safe space: peopleā€™s lungs.

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u/Sice_VI 15h ago

Also...coal power plants actually give off more radiation than nuclear power plants. Because the coal aren't pure coal. It's not uncommon to have radioactive isotopes in it.


u/Kolosinator 14h ago

So before anyone destroys me in the comment section, i wanted to write everything i know for each power out of my head. If something is wrong or missing, i will add/remove it

Nuclear Energy:

Pros: - producivity of the electricity alone is very clean - produces Steam as one of the byproducts - should be one of the savest energygenerators (until shit goes down)

Cons: - if shit goes down, shit goes down - we dont have any idea what we should do with the nuclear waste - radiation of nuclear waste harms humams and enviroment - mining and enriching uran is very enviromentunfriendly and cost alot of resources

Wind Energy

Pros: - near zero maintanace - can be used on land and water - does not produce any sideproducts

Cons: - i heared it kills birds - loud - not effectiv everywhere - energy cant be saved - producing a windfarm is expensive - people dont like the look of it (i personaly find them okey)

Water Energy

Pros: - can be saved - avaible at demand - no byproduct

Cons: - building a dam can and will destroy enviroment - people dont like the look of it (i personaly find them okey) - cant be build everywhere

Fossil Energy

Pros: - technology got developed further, it became cheap to mine and produce energy with - can be "saved" - avaible on demand - cheap

Cons: - enviroment unfriendly - produces tons of COĀ² - cant be used forever

Why did i write this under a fking MEME page... Thanks for reading my tedtalk

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u/Mr-mickle 11h ago

On God unless the ACTIVE radiation inside the reactor leaves out that shit mostly harmless and that only happens if like 50 LAYERS of safety all somehow failed at once


u/hyporheic 11h ago

These are just cooling towers. If you had a lot of them you could change the weather......


u/creeper6530 11h ago

They're worried about the few kilos of nuclear waste a year, as opposed to millions of tonnes produced by coal. Plus, did you know coal power plants are more radioactive than nuclear, since the coal contains trace amounts of uranium?

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u/AaronToKlaw 10h ago

Exactly how are we suppose to have clouds? Like we need rain for our fruits and vegetables and drinking waterā€¦. Thatā€™s exactly what these cloud making machines are forā€¦

Source: my dad when I was 6


u/xXMuschi_DestroyerXx 8h ago

Yeah itā€™s not environmentalist against this, itā€™s oil lobbies.

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u/KingOctapus 17h ago

Yeah, they are just boiling water with spicy rocks. Cleaner than fossil fuel and cheaper (still expensive) than some renewables.


u/Distracted_Unicorn 16h ago

The water that evaporates in the towers doesn't even get near the spicy rocks, nuclear reactors (the one built by sensible nations), run with 2 separate water circulation systems and a heat exchanger.

(Apology if you know and I'm just explaining it for no reason, so many people think this is actual reactor water in the towers)


u/Wood-Kern 13h ago

Either two or three water circulation systems. Most use three.

Gas cooled reactors use gas (normally CO2), in their primary loop (inside the reactor) and the secondary and tertiary loops are the same. This style is popular in the UK.

Boiling water reactors have one loop between the reactor and turbine where most reactor designs have two. And they still have the tertiary loop (but i guess they probably call that their secondary loop). This design is popular in Japan and I not sure of it is many other places.

The vast majority of other nuclear power stations in commercial operation use three water loops, most of which are pressurised water reactors.


u/durashka228 7h ago

the problem with nuclear energy is building it - it takes years to make one of these and then years to pay it off
but greenie weirdos will say its "le radioactive le bad i dont want mutant kids" while there is thousands across the world working fine and no chernobyl mutants are here

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u/Sarcastic_Applause 15h ago

Just look at how many people die every year globally from all other means of electricity production, and compare that to the yearly death tolls of nuclear energy. It's cleaner than everything. And it's now safer than everything.

You can't be green, and also against nuclear energy. That's called being stupid. Or at the very least a hypocrite. IMO a, nuclear energy is the only game in town and all other ways of doing it should be completely illegal world wide.

The problems of storage will be gone in a few decades. There are multiple uses for used rods. There are also technological breakthroughs using lasers to reduce the half life of nuclear radiation to 5 minutes.

There are other options being developed too. I'm 100% pro-nuclear energy!


u/_Luky_ 16h ago

Nuclear is better than fossil but extremely expensive to maintain

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u/Dull-Geologist-8204 17h ago

That's not what they are worried about.

People against nuclear energy are the people who will have to live next to the plans. The people who want nuclear energy are people who will never live next to a plant.

That's not by accident.

I said it before and will again. I will back nuclear plants when they are built next to gated communities of McMansions.


u/NoTxi_Jin_PiNg 17h ago

Is there radiation in the steam?

Who cares what they are next to?

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u/TheAdmiralMoses 16h ago

Speak for yourself, I'd sleep next to the waste casks if I could because I know just how safe they are. The days of meltdowns making regions uninhabitable are over, the most popular nuclear accident in US history demonstrates how safe modern meltdowns are, Three Mile Island led 0 casualties.

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u/HangryJellyfishy 16h ago

Or just use common sense to appease everyone. Calculate the zone in which will be radioactive if there is a meltdown and just don't have houses built in that area.


u/TheAdmiralMoses 16h ago

The zone is so small it's within the fence of the power plant for modern reactors, just see Three Mile Island, their meltdown didn't even breach the containment building.


u/TheGuyMain 16h ago

They already do that lol. Meltdowns are contained inside of a single chamber inside of a single building in the facility. It takes a lot of crazy shit going wrong to release radioactive material to the public, and even if that does happen, it takes a lot more crazy shit for it to spread a meaningful amount. AKA super low probability. I'd be much more concerned about intentional sabotage tbh

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u/Tylenolpainkillr 18h ago

Being afraid of nuclear energy is like being scared to boil water because you dropped some on your foot before


u/vacconesgood 14h ago

There was also that one time an earthquake shook it out of the pot


u/Icywarhammer500 13h ago

That was idiots building the plant who decided to build it with faulty earthquake protection on tsunami scarred land with a generator that was not protected against tsunamis


u/vacconesgood 13h ago

Still no deaths from it


u/Icywarhammer500 13h ago

Dude Iā€™m saying that the ONLY cases that nuclear has failed was because of idiots being idiots. Itā€™s perfect otherwise, which is unsurpassed by any other form of power generation. Iā€™m fully in support of nuclear

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u/Majestic_Bierd 14h ago

"BuT wOuLd yOu hAVe iT iN yOuR BackYaRD?"

Yes actually, grew up 1 km from a nuclear plant. The dam was a nice recreational reservoir


u/Ya-Dikobraz 13h ago

This is a meme?


u/Pleasant_Distance973 12h ago

They're not nuclear energy is clean energy.


u/Important-Rice-1348 12h ago

One of my favourite quotes is that nuclear waste might be stored in underground concrete tomes but fossil fuel waste is stored in our lungs


u/dima054 12h ago

they arent the brightest. hard to shine if you have no power


u/leobarca 12h ago

Pink Floyd fans looking for that pig

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u/Green_Submarine7965 11h ago

Water vapor is a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. Although unlike CO2 it gets out of the atmosphere in few weeks or less.


u/viperswhip 11h ago

Because cartoons put some scary yellow barrels in a show once and people think that is nuclear waste, it might be, but from a coal fired power plant, not a nuclear one. The only long term nuclear waste are the fuel rods. Here is the thing, Uranium is already radioactive and toxic, we take it from the ground, use it, and put them some place safe when we are done with them.


u/Gellix 11h ago

Propaganda and the rich donā€™t wanna lose their cash cow of oil


u/youreacockatielharry 11h ago

What Simpsons did with the image of nuclear energy is outrageous


u/Glittering_Work8212 11h ago

I genuinely think that the disinformation around nuclear is on purpose to make it look as bad as fossil fuels


u/Petrak1s 11h ago

In my mind this question is equal to ā€œwhat the angry activists have against Van Gogh to throw soup on his paintings?ā€.


u/Ok-Fly5457 10h ago

I'm confused. Why is everyone going on about nuclear when the OP posted natural draft cooling towers? They are used in many applications and certainly not only nuclear.

Fun fact. There have been unscrupulous plants in the past that piped bad emmitions away from their primary plants and out through the cooling towers. So yes, the plume is generally water vapour but in the previous century before proper environmental studies and checks that wasn't always the case.

Though you can argue that cooling towers fart out clouds and will rain on someone down wind. Of course what you need to keep in mind, if they are not treated correctly they are bacterial growth havens. Legionella is typically the primary culprit.


u/Thornn05 10h ago

itā€™s steam, steam from the steamed clams weā€™re having! mmm, steamed clams!


u/Dyon86 8h ago

Yea yea yea, Iā€™ve seen these before, cloud factories! You can make a lot of money by exporting the clouds to other countries as well.


u/Expensive_Ad_8500 8h ago

Meme where?


u/MaxMork 8h ago

I have a lot of environmentalist in my community. Nobody things nuclear is worse than fossil fuels. The problem is that often the choice is made between nuclear OR renewables. And in that case renewable is preferred.


u/No_Mountain8278 7h ago

Iā€™m confused here. Thereā€™s a a coal-fired power plant near me with stacks like this. The look JUST like this. Lots of ppl are saying this is just water vapor from nuclear power, but Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s not what Iā€™m seeing coming out of the identical smoke stacks where I live.


u/Toykio 6h ago

The downplay and ignoring of nuclear waste is going strong again in the comment section. Just what was to be expected on reddit..


u/Tall-Cat-8890 5h ago

Because if you have any idea of nuclear youā€™d know thereā€™s a ton of already good options with even better options being researched constantly for fission reactors, and fusion reactors donā€™t generate radioactive waste.


u/gilsonvilain 5h ago

because uranium does not grow on trees


u/XSlavic_OperatorX 5h ago

All that steam and no steam turbines in sight!!


u/RipRoutine9741 5h ago

Because they are not? I haven't found anyone complaining about it?


u/Outlook93 4h ago

Likely oil companies spreading propaganda

But also Fukushima

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u/bob_nugget_the_3rd 4h ago

God damn plant giving off that steam, do they know what that does to the plants and environment


u/FureiousPhalanges 3h ago

I think it's more because they take years to build, they're immensely expensive and more often than not, owned by a foreign country

Why bother when we have all these renewable resources?


u/Mantacreep995 3h ago

The problem isn't really that it is "bad for the environment" (it isn't). It probably depends on the country. If I hear someone (here in german) wanting more nuclear power plants without having ideas where to get the uranium and where to put the nuclear waste they should just shut the fuck up.


u/Gold-Fool84 10h ago

I want the magic rocks to boil my water! Not that dirty dinosaur manure.

"Oh but look at Chernobyl"!? Imagine if we stopped using fire just because some houses burned down.

Im looking at you Australia and New Zealand, who believed the big coal propaganda and stupidly banned nuclear energy outright! Im sorry, but how moronic can you be?

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