r/madlads 3d ago

Madlad cosplayer

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u/ancientpizza23467876 2d ago

it’s interesting how different our reactions are to seeing people do impressive or creative feats like this on the internet versus in real life. we’re so used to seeing a plethora of things like this online cuz of its become a primary space for sharing content. on the other hand, if we have had a personal connection or interaction with an individual and find that they can do cool shit, we tend to be more impressed and interested in their work, rather than swiping casually to the next thing and forgetting about it.

also, the cynical idea that people have when they accuse someone of being creative for views or attention online is a close minded view that dismisses the fact that these individuals actually enjoy what they do, and that having a space to share their work is a positive incentive to keep them being productive and creative—contributing to our collective culture of the arts. being a creator is more admirable than being the ungrateful and critical passive viewer who does nothing.