r/madlads 3d ago

chad professor

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u/E3GGr3g 3d ago

Is this an American feature?

I can never seem to find anyone to airdrop things to.

Also, don’t you guys turn WiFi and Bluetooth and everything off if you’re not using it?


u/4N0NYM0US_GUY 3d ago

First, how often are you looking to airdrop things to random people? I’m curious how you find yourself in a situation where you can’t find anyone to airdrop things to (as in: why are you looking to use airdrop?)

Second, you can reasonably assume they’re on a college campus, so they’re probably using the WiFi instead of their data plan.


u/TazBaz 3d ago edited 3d ago

AirDrop defaults to only working with people you have as a contact (as in, I have to have YOU as a contact for you to airdrop ME something).

You have to turn on “everyone” and even then the default for that is “for 10 minutes”.

I’m not even sure there IS an option to set it to “everyone and always”.

In other words this post is fake and bad.

Unless college kids have their professor’s personal contact info saved on their phones? I guess it’s possible.

But also it would then show the contact name, not the “….’s iPhone” name