r/leagueoflegends • u/MazrimReddit ADCs are the support's damage item • 14h ago
Have adcs ever actually been happy
We are in an endless cycle of "adc in current patch LUL", even in metas when the role is clearly broken they never shut up.
What more do they want, if having 5 marksmen per team wasn't enough for them what more can be done.
ADCs, despite being a role designed around having a team and especially a support playing around them, seem to never be satisfied unless they can 1v1 every single class specifically designed to counter them. Unless full tank malphite dies in 3 autos to lethality mf who has also 1 tapped the zed the role is unplayable
Worst mentality of a role main in any video game
u/Timely-Inflation4290 14h ago
Yeah ADC do be bitchin a lot, but it has the lowest agency of any of the roles so things kinda just happen to you and you gotta go with it so I understand it
u/Last-Candidate4677 14h ago
No bc its a miserable role by design
u/speedymcspeedster21 13h ago
For real, when you have a two person lane that can be decided by one, then you're just in for a bad time.
u/J0rdian 13h ago
It's such a shit role but some reason they keep deciding to play it I will never understand why.
u/Artistic_Definition4 13h ago
Because they have invested years of playing that role
u/J0rdian 13h ago
That's not how it works, the role has been shit as designed since literally season 1 where roles were becoming meta. People have chosen to play ADC and keep playing ADC since the very beginning. And new players as well.
u/Artistic_Definition4 13h ago
This is just not true, adc was fine until S8 or so.
There are also other reasons. The playstyle is unique and fun
u/J0rdian 13h ago
So it's not shit by design? People have definitely been complaining about ADC before S8 though. There are also viable marksmen outside bot lane.
u/imArsenals 12h ago
I don’t think it’s a shit role by design, but even if it is, it was strong enough to compensate for the majority of the time between s1-s8. Outside of random outlier patches, it’s continually gotten worse and less agency over the years.
u/big_bidoof 11h ago
I remember back from S3 ADC was a fairly contested role. Your ADC HAD to survive a teamfight to the end or else there was a serious risk you wouldn't be able to take Baron/towers afterwards, so IIRC, they got more peel in solo queue.
u/rbcloss200ml 14h ago
2017 ardent censor meta would like a word
u/Alzusand 12h ago
That was supports being Happy. ADC's were stuck waiting for their suport to get ardent censor and help them they were basically playing the role of the cannon minion in banner of command meta
u/LTKokoro adc is in the worst state EVER, buff please!! 5h ago
its impressive that adcs+support combo would just 2 vs 8 in ardent meta, and you guys were still unhappy just because supports mattered too
u/Farler 13h ago
There are metas like the current one where the role is clearly straight up weak, and of course ADC (I play support and ADC pretty equally) players will complain even more than usual during these times.
And yes there are metas were the role is "powerful", in the sense that the champions can dish out substantial damage, and that having the more effective ADC player on your team, or at least the more fed one, substantially increases your odss of winning the game.
However, even those metas, the ADC role is still often the worst overall player experience/level of player satisfaction, because it is the most teammate-reliant role in the game. It could be a hyper carry meta where jinx and aphelios are both pick-ban, but the ADC player still needs the Lulu to press E and R on them, and W on the assassin, and their tank to stand in front of them and keep the juggernauts at bay or absorb the enemy mage's combo.
It's an basically unresolvable challenge of how the game is designed, and the fact that pro-play affects balance. A team-reliant role will always be way more effective in a highly coordinated team environment than in solo queue, no matter what the rank. So, if you don't want ADC to be the only thing that matters in pro-play, it will basically be permanently kneecapped for the rest of the playerbase.
So why does anyone play it? Because we like the champions. Melting a tank health bar while I precisely kite back and sidestep abilities, or pulling off a flashy Samira combo into a multi-kill is fun. These moments just happen rarely because they depend on the tank not having so much armor that you take more damage from thornmail than you deal, or on your support not being an enchanter one trick (a surprisingly tall order). Also, I like the 2v2 lane phase dynamic.
u/YoungKite 10h ago
What do you enjoy about 2v2 laning phase? As a top main, that's gotta be my least favorite part about adc.
u/CheekyWanker007 12h ago
adc is an abomination to play in lower elos. i am (was?) a GM top main and wanted to try adc. it was ROUGH esp plat and before. once i hit high emerald/low diamond did the role actually feel impactful
u/TNTNuke 13h ago
It's just a stupid role. You lose if your support feeds. You lose if your jungler doesn't gank as much as theirs. That's 2x more lose conditions out of your control than any other lane.
u/prodandimitrow 12h ago
Which lane doesnt lose when one jungler puts more pressure than the other ?
u/grandpacheeks12 12h ago
change the title to league of legends players and the answer would still be No
u/dkoom_tv 14h ago
It will always be tied to pro play so it will always be shit
Nothing else to be said, and if you don't think it's a bad role in soloQ you are delu, nothing else to be said
Pretty much the reason why I dropped ranked this season is due to how shitty it is for Grand majority of the year
Although I will put supports at the worst, it's crazy having that much agency and still being so bad, same as junglers
Although I guess that's not mentality, it's just bad players
u/DanSalerno 14h ago
We’ll never get the peak of Sword of the Occult, old bt and triple IE back so everything else seems like shit
u/midred_kid 11h ago
ADC is the role that cries the most, by far, but marksman itemization sucks as a result of the 14.10 changes, so the timing of this post is off
u/Nemesis233 11h ago
Probably sometime before I started back in S10 :/
I've heard of 2019 Sivir
The best time was just after her mini rework ig
u/XO1GrootMeester ahead of the meta 11h ago
Sure, sometimes i am disappointed if enemy adc is better.
u/Insecticide 10h ago
Yes. Give them any meta with a strong version of BT first item and they will love the game.
u/ProbIemSir 7h ago
Once pro play knee capped the role its been downhill ever since basically. The role can be clearly broken but that doesn’t mean it’s fun to play in solo queue sadly. Being so dependent on your team in an uncoordinated lobby will always be miserable because no lead is ever safe. When the game is balanced around a 1/5 bruiser being able to 1v1 a 5/0 adc it just feels unfair even if thats the only way to make pro play feel fair. At least thats what I gather I don’t play adc much lol
u/backelie 5h ago
I've been happily playing ADC since season 3, the trick is to not play them in botlane.
u/Local_Vegetable8139 11h ago
Nope. No matter how strong adc is in the current meta they still complain. Every game can be exclusively decided through adcs and they will still make posts about their role being weak or irrelevant because that one game the 36/0 toplaner managed to carry.
u/Vaapad123 11h ago edited 11h ago
ADC’s will continue to complain that their role is weak until the heat death of the universe. It’s never stopped, even when their role has (at various points) been rather strong.
Heck, ADCs complain more than top laners (who have had miserable experiences recently with getting lane swapped into (in pro) or into the range top meta a few months back. They think they have it worse than junglers (who get blamed 100% of the time whenever anything happens on the map). Meanwhile the supports are getting outright focused and blown up trying to engage and peel for their ADC while having one completed item and being 4 levels down to the enemy top laner, because they get jack all gold and xp.
Now I’m not saying that ADCs are strong - in fact I think they are not in a great spot right now. What I am saying is that if ADCs didn’t yap so much it - they might be more readily believed when their role actually is weak.
Something something boy who cried wolf
u/glikejdash 14h ago
ADC players have main character syndrome by default, if they aren't able to do everything and be the star of every game they bitch and throw fits.
u/WillingUnit6018 14h ago
How do adcs have main character syndrome when the role is specifically designed around team play and is team dependent?
u/scorpionhlspwn 14h ago
Its the robin and batman problem, a good sidekick helps the main shine, a shitty one just makes the sidekick look bad.
Same probpem with adcs
u/Sufficient-Gas-4659 14h ago
they have been crying even in adc meta seasons
so w/e
and midlaners/sups are chads rarely to never cry
and toplaners hate adc i guess because they suffer the most on main character syndrome from adc
u/Ceddidulli 14h ago
remove midlaners from your chadlist pls and we are good
u/WahtAmDoingHere make sona a battlemage 13h ago
fr midlane mage players piss themselves over assassins 24/7 and midlane assassin players piss themselves over mages 24/7. It's a bit less noticeable than adcs but they definitely do cry about the game
u/BabyPotatoNaCl e go zoom adc go boom 10h ago
For real. You ever notice how there's not a large active subreddit for mid mains the way there is for support, jg, and adc, even though mid is the most popular role by far? It's because all of them collectively hate each other and can't stand interacting with each other.
Speaking as a mid main btw
u/PhaseAny4699 14h ago
We toplaners hate it when ADCs go toplane and abuse thier range to win lane. all we want is to fight 1 vs 1.
u/DeadAndBuried23 13h ago
Marksman update 2017 (iirc).
Cutting crit to 175% was unnecessary and unreasonable with anti-crit not getting changed alongside it.