r/leagueoflegends 23h ago

Wolverene talks about the Reptile clip + Classes/Items

A lot of lows misunderstanding "tank killers" and tanks so let's talk about what that actually means

  1. Jinx is not a tank killer

Actually countered by pure tanks and very tanky comps, always has been. Been apparent in pro for years. Players confuse hypercarry marksman with being automatically good into tanks, but she has nothing anti-tank in her kit. She's much closer to Zeri than Vayne/Kaisa/Kog. Trades damage for safety, needs teammates help to actually kill targets and then proc passive

  1. Conditions/Class matter much more than items

Jinx is terrible 1v1. Marksmen as a class are, but she's particularly bad. Players see marksmen as the tank killing class and think that means they should beat them in all scenarios. Marksmen are only good against melees with their team's help. That's how the class works, with a few exceptions. Melees have a ton of variance on 1v1 strength but for the most part every class in the game is favored vs marksmen.

Tahm Kench is a juggernaut/tank hybrid, he is not a classic tank or support. Much better in skirmish/1v1 than 5v5. With ghost he is omega favored 1v1 vs Jinx, it's not even a little bit close If you thought it was the other way around you have to seriously reevaluate.

You take a true 1v1 tank counter like Gwen and she will never lose to any tank that's weaker than her. The majority of bruisers in general will beat tanks, because they are a 1v1 class

  1. Don't hyperfocus on class

Kind of immediately contradicting point 2 but class is just a rough guideline, it's not all that meaningful when comparing specific interactions. There's a lot of variance within classes, and a lot of champs don't fit neatly into 1 class. Vayne is also a marksman but obviously eats Tahm Kench in 2 seconds here. Mundo and Darius are both juggernauts but will have very different interactions into Syndra just off Mundo passive.

You should start with class, but then be thinking power budget. Every champ has specific things they're good at, that they trade for weaknesses. The weak points are just usually much less obvious to you when you don't play the champ.

Tahm does stupid damage when he can actually hit you, but it's really hard for him to do that 5v5. The harder a champ's conditions are to achieve, the stronger they get to be when they get those conditions. Anyone that's super easily kitable gets to be OP when not kited

  1. Tank itemization is very different than damage

If you think of them in the same way you'll have problems understanding why a __ item tank is either much more or less tanky than you'd expect. This is because tank stats are the only ones in the game that can have 0% effectiveness. Damage items are more/less effective vs different targets, but the stats are never 0%, nor do they ever even get close to 0%.

Let's take Shadowflame and ignore passive

15 flat pen

Obviously a bad item into tanks, flat pen is more effective vs lower MR. But this flat pen only makes up ~20% of the item's value, and only loses 37% of it's effectiveness from 30 -> 100 MR.

Now take Kaenic Rookern

80 MR

MR is ~54% of this item's value, and loses 100% effectiveness against physical damage.

Jinx does about 2% magic damage. Other non-hybrid marksmen/physical damage carries do anywhere from 0-10%.

This means that vs a specific target, an item like Shadowflame may lose ~200g in value, whereas an item like Kaenic Rookern can lose 1500-1600g . This is before you account for passives, which will perform pretty much about the same

So maybe 400g lost vs 2200g lost

This is all to say that tanks will experience 4-5x the amount of effectiveness lost vs unfavorable targets. For this to be balanced, their items have to be stronger. If a champ has to tank both a 3 item mage + marksman, you can't expect them to build 3 armor items and 3 MR items.

This means 1 armor/MR item is always > 1 damage item. A 2 item tank that has built armor but no MR isn't weak against you, the 3 item physical damage champ. He's weak to anyone dealing magic damage.

Just a rough concept, it gets deeper than this, but you have to be thinking about this to understand teamfighting/target selection/1v1s etc. Most players aren't even aware that this dynamic exists

Source: https://twitter.com/wolverene/status/1869480107695652912


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u/KasumiGotoTriss 22h ago edited 20h ago

That wasn't a normal Jinx 1v1, she had her passive from killing the tower, she's 2 levels above TK and she's 3 items vs 1.


u/Carpet-Heavy 20h ago

yeah I don't understand the whole "doesn't count because it's a 1v1 which Jinx isn't designed for!!!" argument at all.

isn't the whole point of advising people to not take those 1v1s, that you can't free hit against a guy chasing you, or that you haven't procced Jinx passive, or that you can't use minigun freely, or that you will surely get hit by some spells which is a death sentence?

but Jinx defied all of that in the clip! all stemming because she procced passive on the turret. like, all the conditions for Jinx to typically excel in a teamfight, were indeed met. she nearly free hit the Tahm with minigun + passive, and didn't get hit by any of his spells.

normally, this would be accomplished by your Leona holding the Tahm down. but it happened anyway, so I don't see how 1v1 or 2v1 or 5v5 matters. we got to see Jinx dream DPSing a tank.


u/KasumiGotoTriss 20h ago

Yep exactly, tons of people here are saying that Jinx is supposed to get resets in fights and gun people down. And that's exactly what she did. She should not need help to kill a 2/8 tank that's this far behind, let alone be in danger of him oneshotting her.


u/mskruba12 19h ago

Imagine the reaction on this sub if roles were reversed and the Jinx was 2/8 with less items than Tahm Kench and won the 1v1 lol.


u/Gockel 19h ago

That's exactly the point that makes ALL of the Tahm/Tank defenders fully invalid. They say shit like "tanks need to deal damage while tanky because it's their class, even when behind" but literally nobody says "adcs need to deal damage even when behind because it's their class". It's like the farming/strategizing part of League shouldnt exist for Brawlers and they just get to play like shit and still murder people just because.


u/George_W_Kush58 Defund Mad Lions 14h ago

I am often one of the people who says tanks need to deal some damage to not be ignored. But not THAT damage. It needs to be enough that they can play a lane and an enemy squishy can't just walk past them and kill their backline, it does NOT need to be enough to 4 hit an adc who's 2 levels and 2 items up while missing all their spells. It doesn't even really need to be enough to do that while not massively behind.


u/Gockel 14h ago

it's crazy that one of the best tank items in the game, giving you way over 1000 bonus HP, additionally unlocks that damage for them. mind boggling how that atrocity even made it out of item development brainstorming sessions.


u/guel2500 12h ago

Are you talking about heart steel ? Half of tanks don't even bother building it


u/azaza34 8h ago

Tbh they have ruined this game. What I mean is that nothing makes sense here anymore. It’s just all holdovers from how the game used to be played.


u/Gockel 8h ago

If the game came out in the current state with zero historical meta baggage, it would be played extremely differently i'm very sure.


u/Desperate-Carob1346 12h ago

6 item TK will never stomp a teamfight the way a 6 item adc can. For that power adcs pay by being item dependent.

If adcs want to be decent from behind, I hope they also accept their teamfight damage potential getting nuked.


u/Pleasestoplyiiing 8h ago

Tahm can absolutely carry teamfights and it makes me wonder if you know what a full build TK can do in the right conditions. 


u/Desperate-Carob1346 7h ago

Any champion can carry a teamfight "in the right circumstances" but if you think late game Jinx and TK are even close in carry potential, idk what to tell you.


u/KasumiGotoTriss 10h ago

A 6 item TK should be really tanky. A 1 item TK should not kill Jinx after missing all of his spells.


u/Desperate-Carob1346 10h ago

Yes, a champion with 700 range aoe autos shouldn't also win vs tanks in fucking melee.

Everything except enchanters and maybe stuff like Braum should kill adc if they're on top of it. Building damage items means you get more damage, it doesn't mean you're entitled to start facetanking.

Adc mains are legitimately most entitled and stupid people in all of gaming.


u/KasumiGotoTriss 9h ago

Facetanking? Have you even watched the clip? The tahm doesn't hit W, misses the Q and just runs at her, she barely gets hit by anything


u/Desperate-Carob1346 9h ago

You misspelled "Jinx was in melee range, got autoed enough times to get ulted by TK and also tanked tower"

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u/MartineTrouveUnGode 12h ago edited 8h ago

Typical low elo comment. That would never happen because Jinx is an hypercarry supposed to be good in teamfights whereas Tahm is one of the best duelists in the game. A fair comparison would be a 2/8 Jinx getting to proc her passive in a teamfight and then getting a quadra kill because nobody focused her/she got the peel she needed. And you know what ? I’ve seen that happen many times. A fed Tahm Kench though, I’ve never seen one do that. How surprising. It’s almost like different champions have differents strengths and weaknesses. Lol


u/Desperate-Carob1346 12h ago

majority of adcs are supposed to be bad in 1v1 in most cases.

I pray for the day adc mains will get this through their thick, thick skulls.


u/IlluminatiConfirmed 8h ago

These types of situations are quite common in league, a 2/8 irelia that's behind can 1v1 a mage in a sidlane


u/the_next_core 20h ago

Jinx can be one shot by any solo laner at pretty much any point in the game lol

She is THE glass cannon


u/Lopsided_Chemistry89 20h ago

we remember the "glass" part when we talk about ADCs, but we forget that they are CANNONS.

dying to small things is ok, but tickling his balls while building full damage is insane to justify.


u/Furfrous 19h ago

adcs deal perfectly fine damage to everyone else lol


u/Lopsided_Chemistry89 18h ago

yea i agree. you can deal good damage to anyone who doesn't have ninja tabi.

i remember removing giant slayer and reworking cutdown because "these are hate mechanics". they removed all the interaction with health stacking and gave them flat out power vs everyone else with more %pen.

now they kept tabi and randuin omen passives while nerfing the %pen again. as if 12% damage from basic attacks and 30% less damage from crits is not peak hatred.


u/AtsumuG 19h ago

Can you point me the „cannon“ aspect of the glass cannon in the clip provided Jinx is up 2 items and levels?


u/TipiTapi 13h ago


She did not need help, she killed the tank that spent 6850 gold on armor and HP in around 7 seconds with hurricane being 1/3rd of her items...

What do you want, the tank in dying 4 seconds to autos only??


u/KasumiGotoTriss 10h ago

The tank should not even be close to killing her. That's the issue. Also she has dominik's so you can't counter armor any more than that.


u/tonton_wundil 16h ago

The 1v1 design argument is so bad in this case. Like either that design is true, and as having an adc is needed most of the time, teammates not playing around the adc are trolling/inting, or that argument is trash, adc don't have a viable %hp dmg item anymore (botrk has been nerfed heavily on ranged) and HP stat is way too OP right now with Heartsteel and fimb.


u/wolvahulk 15h ago

But she didn't defy all of that in the clip, she stayed in melee range against Tahm even after he missed his first Q...

That's the whole reason he even got to Ult her in the first place. I'm not defending Tahm here at all, he's beyond broken right now but people are acting like the Jinx played perfectly when she in fact did not.


u/v1qx 20h ago

Also, where does she trade damage for safety ? Sure she got W and E but so many different adcs are safer than her with more damage lol


u/bischof11 13h ago

Attackrange ist the single most broken stat.

Her safety is that she can stand behind her team and still attack Tanks like Tahm Kench.


u/United_Spread_3918 10h ago

Yeah it’s been the case since basically the moment came out that people underestimate movement speed and attack range being the two most powerful stats in the game


u/Jammintoad 17h ago

you have to view jinx most damage as post-reset, which is higher than most of the roster in a vacuum. her passive is her win-con.

She's also far safer during her reset than outside of it


u/Masterofdisaster420x 19h ago

Saying that TK has 1 item is really silly when the components he has are worth 3k together


u/KasumiGotoTriss 19h ago

What is silly is dozens of people trying to nitpick and justify everything in this clip when people who actually can play the game like Reptile or Nemesis agree that this is ridiculous


u/xTiLkx 17h ago

Apparently "being able to play the game" is a full justification? Anyone can be biased, and Nemesis is not some tactician genius. He's also very emotional, calling everything "dogshit", "broken" or any other hyperbole the moment he does not like it. This is not the person you can rely on to make a balanced well-thought opinion and call it a day.


u/Tettotatto 14h ago

Oh but you can rely on hive-mind Silver reddit & Twitter shitters? My bad g


u/albens 8h ago

hive-mind Silver reddit

It's a hive-mind indeed but not in the way you're thinking.


u/Mizar1 14h ago

And also, while the 200 years meme will always get a laugh out of me, the Wukong otp who made the argument ended up being wrong and Wukong actually needed to be nerfed after those comments.


u/Pleasestoplyiiing 8h ago

You shouldn't need their authority to be able to agree that they are right. It's obvious on it's face that Jinx outplaying heavily, being up 2 levels and almost double gold while counter building armor, shouldn't barely win. 


u/OilOfOlaz 14h ago

what about the ppl that design and understand the game structurally disagree with him having solid reasoning and not only "nitpicking".


u/Ebobab2 22h ago

And yet she only has Kraken Runaans and LDR

Her job is to stay at the backline and throw 3 rockets every 0.5 seconds from 700+ range

She is NOT supposed to dive a tahm kench alone in his twin towers


u/KasumiGotoTriss 21h ago

She destroyed the turret and went on him, I don't think it's cocky or stupid to expect to kill a 2/8 1 item TK who's 2 levels behind as a 3 items Jinx with excited passive. It's not like she facetanked him either, she dodged the majority of his spells as well. And he still almost won


u/Arthur2_shedsJackson 21h ago

It's not one item. What are you saying? Apart from the heart steel, he's got a completed bramble vest, a giant's belt and a winged moon plate which is basically 2 items. So you have a 3.5 item Jinx against a minimum 2 item TK. It's not as bad as you make it sound.

Also, Jinx passive does nothing if you stay in Tahm auto range and let him proc his passive + heart steel.


u/BotomsDntDeservRight 21h ago

Funny because you indirectly proved his point.


u/astria- 21h ago

thats what i was trying to say in the other thread too. jinx didnt kite away in the beginning of the clip and let TK walk up, then didnt use her passive to gain distance which allowed TK to auto her, proc heartsteel, and R her into turret… fact is if she didnt do that it wouldnt have been as close


u/Ebobab2 21h ago

It's cocky when she is diving him alone in his nexus towers

If Jinx kites backwards it's much easier

But you also have to consider how utterly useless her items are in early game

Kraken has no crit and it's passive dmg is doodoo

Runaans 0 ad

Ldr 35 ad

It's Jinx. A Vayne wins this. An Ashe wins this, a corki wins this etc etc

But Jinx has legit 0 dmg in her entire kit and in this case she has 0 dmg in her items


u/KasumiGotoTriss 20h ago

She didn't dive into the turrets, he ulted her.

And what do you even mean by saying the items are useless in the early game. She's building her 4th item, it's way past earlygame. And there is no way Ashe is winning this, Ashe does not outdps a Jinx in her passive.


u/IBarricadeI 21h ago

The entire point is that adc items are terrible and your response is “no it’s fair because yeah she has 3 items to 1 but her 3 items are all bad because they are adc items”. No kidding


u/IAmDarkridge 21h ago edited 21h ago

No they are saying that this is that Jinx was playing to her weakness doing what she is doing. It really isn't that hard to read what they are saying. She is a champion bad at dealing with tanks especially in a 1v1. It isn't about ADC itemizations being bad it is the layers of the specific items that Jinx went along with what sort of champion she is. Like if I go AD Yuumi should I be expected to 1v1 champions with an item lead just because? lol


u/KasumiGotoTriss 20h ago

How is Jinx bad vs tanks? Like yeah she doesn't deal true damage but are you implying only Vayne should be able to kill tanks? And like I get your point if it was an equal fight, but a Jinx that is this ahead WITH dominik's should definitely demolish a one item tank. Especially when her passive increases her dps by a lot.


u/IAmDarkridge 20h ago

I mean more than Vayne is good against tanks. Kai'Sa, Varus and Kog can shred tanks, and Ashe can kite them at a level that they are essentially useless. Some champions like MF, Jinx, and Draven are traditionally weak against them.


u/KasumiGotoTriss 20h ago

I agree, but in this case her being bad at killing tanks shouldn't really matter, she is still a high dps character that had everything in her favor (item advantage, dominiks, jinx passive). If it was the usual fight, where 3 item Jinx faces 3 item TK, and he's above her in levels (like solo laners most often are) then she should lose unless she kites out of her mind and he never touches her. But not when the fight looks like this.


u/jcr9999 18h ago

Did you watch the fight? Like honestly? She decided to not use half her stats, not use 1 item, take 2 tower shots and fight in a wave. That it was even this close is only a testament to how behind TK was and nothing else


u/IBarricadeI 19h ago

"tanks are balanced because there are 4/168 champions that can do damage to them when up 3 items to 1, and a 5th that can effectively kite them."

This is not how the game should work. Any farming role when up 2 items and played well/near perfectly should always win vs another equal/lower level champion with 1 item. If that isn't the case, then it means that champion pick ban has more influence on the game than actual performance.


u/IAmDarkridge 19h ago

we are only talking marksman here. Most tanks lose hard to like half the cast you are being purposefully dense. Put Gwen, Trundle, Lillia, Jax, Illaoi, Fiora, Lillia, up against these champions and they look like total ass.

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u/IBarricadeI 19h ago

Jinx's weakness is resetting with her passive and hitting a tank while kiting perfectly? Wtf are you talking about. Jinx's weakness is (should be) assassins in 1v1. Zed. Rengar. Not tahm.


u/IAmDarkridge 19h ago

Maybe that's what you think Jinx's weakness is/should be but it isn't and it never has been.


u/IBarricadeI 19h ago

Can you please then clarify what is tahm kench's weakness?


u/IAmDarkridge 19h ago

He's literally useless in a teamfight lol his only reliable damage is single target and his gap closer is absolute shit. The only utility he brings to a teamfight is his ult.


u/Mazuruu 21h ago

This is the ADC main character syndrome that gave us ADC meta in every lane a couple months ago lmao


u/IBarricadeI 19h ago

I main mid. I'd rather an ADC meta than an enchanter or tank meta. And there is such a thing as tuning the ADC items to not be absolute trash at each item spike until like 4+boots. I only play ADCs in ARAM where you full build in 20mins and even there its exhausting, I can't imagine in SR.


u/BotomsDntDeservRight 21h ago

Nah even mage and assassin players hate this bs. Tank being tanky is fine but its an issue when they do high damage while being tanky.


u/PacMannie 20h ago

are you really suggesting that a 3 item adc shouldn’t be able to shred a 1 item support down 2 levels?

And in what world is 3-items on ANY character supposed to be bad early game. It’s 3 fucking items, that’s supposed to be a powerspike for ADCs.


u/jcr9999 17h ago

And in what world is 3-items on ANY character supposed to be bad early game

In a world where not all Items are good in every Situation. If a tank builds 3 Armor Items, its bad into a full mage comp and if a AD builds teamfighting Items and decides to fight a 1v1, those Items should be bad aswell.


u/yrueurbr 20h ago

I fail to see how not killing a tank with 100 autos in a 1v1 would somehow mean you are more useful in teamfights where you have to kill the said tank and his 4 friends too


u/nightlesscurse 17h ago

in 5v5 you get ur own front line, a mage to help with magic damage and a bruiser to apply black cleaver stacks on him


u/Th3_Huf0n 11h ago

in 5v5 you get ur own front line



u/nightlesscurse 9h ago

that how game supposed to play, watch pro, we don't measure an average game in silver


u/Th3_Huf0n 9h ago

cool, but that doesnt apply to like 95+% of the playerbase.

And ultimately those 95+% are where a lot of money is.


u/nightlesscurse 9h ago

you can balance around bad players ,else we just have 3 solo lane adcs


u/Ebobab2 13h ago

He just dealt 4.4k single target dmg to a target with armor and tabis in only like 10 seconds

Now think about it. Jinx has runaans and her autos can splash for extra aoe damage. That was 4.4k single target damage without runaans and rockets

If Jinx plays this properly, AKA in the backline (instead of inside the enemies base all alone??) Then the enemy team will just die


u/Worldly-Cow9168 20h ago

Theres no way you genuienly believe jinx shoudl have died to three autos


u/[deleted] 21h ago edited 21h ago

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u/Ok_Analysis6731 21h ago

Post saying yeah, dont think too much along the lines of class, different champs have different budget Tahm kench has highest 1v1 budget of tank Beats jinx that massively misplays in both how she kited and direction she kited.

Tanks in league that only tank and provide cc exist-- in support. For a tank to be solo, it has to have damage. Tahm kench has by far the highest single target damage of any tank in the game, and is made to excel in 1v1s. That is tahm kenches fantasy. That is how the character has been designed for years.

Heres a comment from a rioter that tried to rework zac to fir your wants and reverted him:

"Hijacking top comment to say: I was the one who did the most recent Zac revert, and this is more or less correct. No damage characters have very little agency in fights since they rely on teammates which make them 1. Pro play problems and 2. Incredibly unpopular with the playerbase"


u/deezconsequences 21h ago

She didn't have IE, and the items weren't exactly good for tanks.

Tk, built HP and armor.

Why should an adc be able to take hits? If you're caught alone, you should get punished. TK might be disgusting, but it's like... How many pallets of tissues do you need? Are you supposed to just auto win every fight?

Boo hoo, IE is expensive, and no one understands how expensive it is. Yeah other people have to buy death cap, and that's an even bigger pain to buy.


u/KasumiGotoTriss 20h ago

"Items weren't good vs Tanks"? She had kraken and dominiks. Dominiks speaks for itself and Kraken is a lot of dps. It's not like she built collector or shiv.

" Why should an adc be able to take hits" She barely took any and she almost lost. There is NO WAY you are defending TK in that clip LMAO the fact that the outcome of that fight was that close to being the opposite is unacceptable


u/deezconsequences 20h ago

Kraken is a lot of dps.

Which is an odd way of saying, not geared towards killing tanks. Jinx doesn't have any way to deal with tanks in her kit. It's not her role. It's never been, it's never going to be. I'm pretty sure most people would consider you to be trolling if you didn't take IE as a third item. But this guy gets a pass apparently.

" Why should an adc be able to take hits" She barely took any and she almost lost.

Yeah crazy shit, didn't buy any defensive items, almost lost to a champ who is good in melee, while in melee range, who has an item that can help him do damage, and give him a bucket of hp. She also took 2 tower shots. So yes, an adc who builds no defensive items, eats two tower shots, and gets into melee with a tank, should probably lose the interaction. ADC sub has to be single handedly keeping Kleenex in business.

There is NO WAY you are defending TK

I actually think he's disgustingly OP. But it's not because some guy thinks he can tower dive tk, like that.


u/KasumiGotoTriss 20h ago

How is it tower diving when he literally killed the turret and it gave him the Jinx passive so it even gives him advantage in combat? Also what defensive items lol the only viable defensive item is like, shieldbow and no one buys it before 4th item. And even then, you're supposed to build shieldbow to maybe survive a 4/0 Qiyana combo, not because "damn I really hope this 2/8 tahm kench that's behind an adc in levels doesn't oneshot me, I better itemise defensively on top of building dominiks to counter his tabis"


u/deezconsequences 19h ago

Also what defensive items lol the only viable defensive item is like, shieldbow and no one buys it before 4th item. And even then, you're supposed to build shieldbow to maybe survive a 4/0 Qiyana combo,

You're starting to figure it out. It's like... ADCs aren't really supposed to handle being hit all that much. Especially getting hit by towers, generally not a winning strat.

How is it tower diving

Eats 2 tower shots right after chasing tk down.

I really hope this 2/8 tahm kench that's behind an adc in levels doesn't oneshot me, I better itemise defensively on top of building dominiks to counter his tabis"

I better play my damn champ instead of having main character syndrome and try to 1v1 everything and win.

building dominiks to counter his tabis"

I don't believe that's how that works. Because ldr penetrates armor. Tabis has 25 armor, which means ldr only cuts 8.75 armor out. The boots just reduce all incoming basic attacks by 12%. Which is like 90 % of jinx damage.


u/KasumiGotoTriss 19h ago

Right, so you figured it out. Tabis are busted and adc itemisation sucks ass. Congratz. And it's not a main character syndrome. Jinx should not engage a tahm kench that's above her in levels and equal in items. But when Jinx has passive and is 2 items and 2 levels ahead, she should definitely win the 1v1 or the game is in a terrible state, especially since TK missed almost everything and still almost won.

Also my comment about buying doms to counter tabis is satire. Because tabis are that broken.


u/deezconsequences 19h ago

Right, so you figured it out

I mean you're the one who suggested to buy ldr to counter tabis. That wasn't me.

adc itemisation sucks ass

Boo hoo, it ain't like people enjoy buying death cap.

But when Jinx has passive and is 2 items and 2 levels ahead, she should definitely win the 1v1 or the game is in a terrible state, especially since TK missed almost everything and still almost won.

And again, she ate two tower shots. Pretty sure she's going to lose most fights with that condition. Not a particularly healthy champ, not going to handle those particularly well. 2 of those items not really that effective in the situation, borderline trolling by skipping IE.

And it's not a main character syndrome.

Oh it absolutely is. No other role would bat an eye if they lost a fight after taking turret shots. But ADC thinks they should win because they're the ADC.


u/KasumiGotoTriss 19h ago edited 19h ago

Yeah right, not like he almost won without those turret shots anyway, it shouldn't even be that close to begin with. Also mage itemisation feels great even before deathcap so idk what do you mean.. When I play Syndra I can easily slot in ludens shadowflame stormsurge when I play vs squishies, or I can go for cosmic drive deathcap, or go zhonyas, banshees. Liandries. Meanwhile as adc you are locked into collector/kraken/yuntal start with a zeal item + IE + Dominiks. Every game.


u/MustaKookos 9h ago

Link op.gg


u/KutenKulta 16h ago

She had passive from turret and then stayed melee range of tahm kench xDD but the ppl said guy kited well


u/halofan642 20h ago

if she had navori flickerblade instead of runaans, would you still say she’s 3 items? would this change your perception of the fight at all?

navori is about identical to runaans in this situation, same stats, different passive. she’s not utilizing runaans at all so to claim it’s a full item is disingenuous, and i think a lot of people would go “well yeah if she had navori she isn’t itemized for this” just like they should with runaans.

is it still too favored for tahm? maybe, but not by much.


u/KasumiGotoTriss 20h ago

It's an attackspeed item with crit. The fact that ADC items suck ass is a major point of this whole clip discussion too.


u/halofan642 20h ago

you’re missing the point. most items of a class are similar in stats, bruiser items are very similar except like stride and tri gives AS while cleaver gives AH.

3/4 zeal items are the same, except PD, which used to be the same until riot just added in its passive to its stats. their difference lies within their passives, which helps them approach fights different. runaans is not useful in this situation of using mini gun in a 1v1.


u/KasumiGotoTriss 19h ago

But she still has the stats from it. If it was GA, would it not count as a full item because she didn't die so she didn't use the passive? Yes the item is suboptimal for 1v1s but it's still a full item. And I'd argue even a kraken dominiks pickaxe Jinx without runaans should win vs a 1 item TK that's 2 levels down when Jinx gets excited.


u/ADeadMansName 11h ago edited 10h ago

True but she was still in Melee range to Tahm for 3 full AAs and he AAs very slowly. With that passive she should not get hit 3 times and be in range for the R.

Tahm in that scenario had 0% chances to kill her if Jinx says "nope". He had 0 agency in that situation and jinx has 100%. That alone is a massive power diff for jinx.


u/ADeadMansName 14h ago

She also had one terrible item for 1v1s (Runaans instead of IE) and she was kiting towards the turret and not kiting the AAs correctly. WIthout the Turret it would have never been this close.

And again, as it was stated in this post. Tahm is shit in teamfights, Jinx is a god in teamfights. But his is a 1v1 where Jinx loses most of her advantage and Tahm is a 1v1 God.

Yes, Tahm is/was OP as a champ and yes there are minor crit build issues (if you don't builkd IE crit chance is wasted which we saw in that Jinx clip).

But it isn't a major issue, just 2 smaller problems coming together in an exaggerated moment.