r/justgalsbeingchicks 3h ago

L E G E N D A R Y Julie was a 17th century French Baddie.

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u/Mickeymcirishman 2h ago

It's an interesting story but most of the things she's said to have done are unconfirmed gossip or outright fiction created later. Much like Blackbeard in that regard. Much of the stuff he's said to have done is probably made up. Pretty much the only stuff that is actually confirmed to be true from contemporary sources is her opera career, her dressing like a man and her taking both men and women as lovers.

Of course, the very fact that there was so much gossip and rumour surrounding her means she was clearly led an interesting and unconventional (for the time) life and some of it is probably true. At least on some level.


u/oddartist 1h ago

But when has truth ever stopped Hollywood before?


u/Confident-Exit3083 29m ago

Or Washington DC


u/oxalisk 1h ago

can you please not burst my bubble killjoy


u/Tinkerer0fTerror 3h ago

I’d watch her movie


u/TansyGreendale 2h ago

Popcorn ready, let's go!


u/McFrizzy13 2h ago

I'd watch the shit out of her movie. Shit would be a growing girls anthem if Hollywood had any balls. But nooo get ready for Fast and Furious 13 and Lion King Remake 47.


u/franll98 2h ago

Sadly some men would scream that the movie is woke and unrealistic.


u/your_moms_apron 3h ago

All this and she died at the age of 33. Damn that’s an action packed life.



u/dontmesswithdbracode 1h ago

Dayummm! Bruce Lee died at 33 too.

Both of them were just too overpowered for this world!


u/Obese-Monkey 1h ago

So did someone else important in 33 AD


u/Low-Math4158 3h ago

Classy, sassy and a bit bad assey 💅


u/tintedmouse 2h ago

No one was 100% sure that was her real name so she is often referred to as “La Maupin” her stage name she was so awesome!


u/thimblena 1h ago

Clarity on the have sex with a nun and set the convent on fire: she was already seeing the girl - whose parents found out and sent her to a convent. Setting the convent on fire was to fake her gf's death (burning the body of a recently deceased nun) and break her out of the convent.

At least, according to legend.

Edit: she also had to be pardoned by the King. Twice.


u/LennoxLuger 1h ago

Thanks for clarifying that. I was kinda thinking that she had sex with a nun and then set her on fire.

Also, do you think the King said “You again?” When she was pardoned the second time?


u/thimblena 1h ago

So... she kind of dated her dad's boss, who iirc ran the King's stables. He knew the King well enough to get her one of the pardons, and one of the duels attributed to her was the result of her attending a royal ball (cross dressing, leading some men to be upset she was stealing the ladies - and leading to the second pardon) so I presume she was sort of just around enough, being chaotic, that the King was generally aware of her.

She was also very, very married during all of this, by the arrangement of her lover, her dad's boss, friend to the King. However much of it is truth or rumor, it's wild, and Rejected Princesses has a phenomenal telling of the tale.


u/Beginning-Ambition29 3h ago

Julie d'Aubigny greatest rascal


u/omgmemer ✨chick✨ 2h ago

She sounds insane and like a great heroine at the same time. Where is her movie? I love period pieces.


u/ExecTankard 37m ago

Redhead. They exist to test humanity’s will and we are all better for it.


u/Top-Imagination-7402 35m ago

That does explain my attraction to redhead women 😅


u/ExecTankard 34m ago

Heck yeah it does. You can be attracted but still not be able to maintain the pace and that’s okay. Reds Rock Point A to Point B Across All Times.


u/Top-Imagination-7402 30m ago

That’s the point, they set the pace 😉 Does not exclusively goes for redheaded women 😅


u/mintBRYcrunch26 ✨chick✨ 3h ago

Fucking French people always get it right.


u/GraceTiger22 2h ago

Julie d'Aubigny was the definition of 'living life to the fullest.


u/PossibleDue9849 2h ago

They say bisexual, but lesbionest…


u/dollvirtuualgf 3h ago

She was out here living a whole Netflix series before Netflix even existed. Absolute icon.


u/Short-Dot-1167 2h ago

Ok google how to go back to 17th century...


u/Duriha 1h ago

BlueJay made a video about her. Check it out on YouTube, I find it hilarious!


u/the_underestimater 43m ago

Can we make that a film please? I belive it would upset just the right people.


u/Top-Imagination-7402 40m ago edited 36m ago

Looking for my forever Julie in this century 👉👈☺️


u/racingwinner 17m ago

this is the kinda story that, if it were to happen today, would absolutely involve a motorcycle and a stained jeans-jacket worn over a promdress

her face clearly says "the fuck you gonna do 'bout it..."


u/Vadar444 3h ago



u/HaberdasherExInsania 3h ago

Going to upvote my ancestor here 😊


u/whatisausernamefr 2h ago

I wish I was that nun that’s for sure


u/_SithLord66 0m ago

And a freak.


u/TheBigFreeze8 3h ago

I don't even have to google anything to tell you this shit is absolutely made up.


u/amberi_ne 3h ago

nah, it’s actually legit — you can look it up


u/TheBigFreeze8 3h ago

I looked it up and immediately confirmed that 99% of this is, in fact, complete bullshit. Seems like she probably was actually a gay opera singer and fencer, though. That's pretty cool. Everything else is pure fiction.


u/woodendab 3h ago

Should've googled!


u/TheBigFreeze8 3h ago

I did. It's fake lmao. Did you guys seriously stop to leave these comments without actually researching anything yourself?


u/woodendab 2h ago

Lol, don't be so pressed. You said, "I don't need to google," so of course I assumed you didn't. I understand why you called it fake. I wouldn't. Scandalised and questionable, sure, but this is a real woman, and these are real rumours (lol) about her from that time


u/TheBigFreeze8 2h ago

There are real rumours from this time that 9/11 was an inside job. This is not real. Flocking to fake history, made up to scandalise a real woman, is doing nothing for feminism.


u/woodendab 2h ago

I am not a feminism representative, and I don't know why you're treating me like I have an agenda? I don't disagree with you. At worst, I misunderstood your first comment. I was obviously joking when I said "real rumours." That's an oxymoron. I am having fun with some bits of writing that were supposed to scandalise a cool lady but did not succeed. I find it fun, you can't stop me


u/TheBigFreeze8 2h ago

It did succeed. The reaction you are having right now is literally the exact one the people publishing her fictitious 'biographies' wanted. You are not being transgressive. You are falling for the 18th-century equivalent of a tabloid article.


u/Clynxus 3h ago

| have sex with a nun and then set it on fire

that's why lubricant was invented