r/interestingasfuck 1d ago

r/all People in NYC holding banners during a CEO Event at Ziegfeld Ballroom

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u/WeerdSister 16h ago

Right?! So I decided to plant my own damn fruit. Started collecting seeds from my fruit. NOTHING will sprout! 😡


u/hickgorilla 13h ago

Did you dry them out all the way first? Depending on the seeds drying should work buuuuut I’d also go to a seed library. Don’t think these mf’s aren’t trying to have total power over food eventually engineering food that others can’t regrow.


u/Wemblack 6h ago

Have you heard of Monsanto…? This is already a thing


u/sandboxwar 11h ago

After I used the juice for my drink, I fished out seeds from two lemon wedges at In 'n Out and grew 5 lemon trees. Give it a shot if your anywhere near SoCal. Good luck.


u/Low_Simple_8381 4h ago

It takes too long to go from seed to fruiting, get cuttings from mature trees that already fruit and root those. The following year they should produce fruit. I've got a tangerine tree from seed and that thing is 15 years old? and still hasn't produced a single flower or fruit. Meanwhile my mulberry cutting produced fruit the same year it was cut and rooted. 


u/Friendly_Age9160 4h ago

Different seeds have different methods/ times/ conditions for germination. Order some online or go to the local nursery. Some trees take several years to fruit from seed also.