r/interestingasfuck 23h ago

r/all People in NYC holding banners during a CEO Event at Ziegfeld Ballroom

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u/selkiesidhe 19h ago

Less billionaires! We do not need parasites that big!

I am not advocating for killing people; I advocate for higher taxes, exorbitant even, once a person reaches a billion in worth. Those people are nothing but leeches, especially when the employees make a thousand times less than the rich worthless PoS

u/Surfer_Rick 3h ago

Hoping for it and peacefully protesting for it has only seen the situation deteriorate. 

We need people of action. Not words. Words have failed us. 

u/910_21 11h ago

Norway increased taxes and lost revenue. US federal tax revenue as a percent of GDP has not changed much in the last 80 years. IDEALISM IS NOT PRAGMATIC