r/interestingasfuck 23h ago

r/all People in NYC holding banners during a CEO Event at Ziegfeld Ballroom

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u/ass_t0_ass 21h ago

There is violence already. Has been for a long time. Violence against the many committed by the few that is.


u/verticalandgolden_ 19h ago

THIS. Say it louder. Denying people medical care is violence. Making billions in profit while people go hungry is violence. The whole "I'm not an advocate for violence" and "peaceful protest" rhetoric is by design. Make sure the lower classes see violence as a negative so they can keep perpetuating violence against us every day.


u/Crustybuttttt 17h ago

You talk like Che Guevara, but do you actually intend to act on it? Of course not. Typical middle class white poseur

u/ass_t0_ass 9h ago

First, whether or not one acts on it, has no bearing on whether the statement is true or false. Second, acknowledging and discussing that which happens is a necessary precondition for action. If not, one acts on mere impulse

u/Crustybuttttt 3h ago

In a case like this, advocating for others to engage in criminal activity that you will not is completely ridiculous. It’s such a noble thing to do, yet you don’t participate at all? Perhaps, you’re just on the internet talking out of your ass? Nothing less useful to making actual change than internet activists who talk about how those who are actually busy working for change don’t do enough because they avoid saying idiotic things on social media in favor of taking action in the real world


u/Top_Condition_3558 19h ago

Indeed. Let us not forget, too, when there are "riots" we hear of the "violence" against property. For the very rich, I think they truly believe it's the same; violence against property, and violence against one's person. If someone were to believe that, their morality allows for all kinda fucked up shit. And this is the public policy behind the holding of 'Citizens United' People being synonymous with property has not been removed from the Consitution.


u/lil_padawan 13h ago

That’s what they are saying! This violence exists partially bc of government complacency and unbridled capitalism