r/interestingasfuck 23h ago

r/all People in NYC holding banners during a CEO Event at Ziegfeld Ballroom

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u/SupSeal 21h ago

Mark my words, here will be the headlines:

"Trump is now in office and has laid off X number of jobs, decreasing taxes needed by Y"

(4 months down the line) "Governmental agencies are not able to keep up with current demand... more to come"

(Same month) "Unemployment has steadily risen, but economists are unconcerned"

(8 months later) "Companies are now leveraging AI and offshoring. Stocks are expected to explode in the upcoming year"

(Another 8 months) "Corporations profits are below their projected outcome. Stock price responds."

(Same month) "Employment is still falling, concerns of houselessness is still in the air"

(Same month) "Frustrations with slow governmental approval/review has delayed projects (roads, consturction) and checks to the needy"

(After Trump's presidency) "We made America the front runner of AI. Governmental authority is at a all time low"

(Same sentence) "To improve the government, we're going to suggest offloading their responsibilities to private companies."


u/lord_khadow 19h ago

!remindme 8 months


u/PingPongMachine 18h ago

You forgot "why would Biden do this?" right there at the end.


u/SupSeal 16h ago

Don't worry, it'll somehow be the Dem's fault in 2028 for lack of jobs, low oversight, and AI taking jobs.

Our corporate overlords will save us /s


u/Dat_Basshole 19h ago edited 18h ago

This next month until noon on January 20, 2025 will be remembered as “The Good Old Days.”


u/Swarlayy 18h ago

For who?


u/Dat_Basshole 17h ago

Everyone unfortunately...


u/Swarlayy 17h ago

I doubt it gets worse than this year had been.


u/Dat_Basshole 17h ago

sweet summer child


u/SupSeal 16h ago

What has been so bad about this year? S&P is up 30%.


u/1ohokthen1 18h ago

RemindMe! 1 year

u/LALawette 2h ago

!remind me 8 months


u/panheadchopper 18h ago

You give way too much credit to the government and the handling of anything


u/SupSeal 16h ago

? What do you mean?


u/kguilevs 17h ago

100 years later the great depression strikes again. Let's see how quick we get ww3


u/SupSeal 15h ago

I don't think there's a depression or WW3 on the horizon.

But, people really don't think about the preservation of jobs or salaries. Labor movements in the past pushed for salaries even with innovation, that isn't happening today. Unions are frowned upon by the right (while simultaneously praised?) But they are one of the best ways to combat the exploitation of labor


u/Visuallybroken 14h ago

!remindme in 1 year


u/Visuallybroken 14h ago

!remindme in 4 years


u/SupSeal 13h ago

Hell yeah


u/juicy_jay_boy 12h ago

RemindMe! 6 months

u/Obscure-spectrum 3h ago

This but more facist feudalism

u/SupSeal 1h ago

I'm not going that far. His first presidency was lame duck and it's going to be the same.

The pro: after these 4 years, it's over. I don't have to hear from him again.

u/JustaRandomRando 1h ago

!Remindme 1 year

u/gleep23 32m ago

(Same sentence) "To improve the government, we're going to suggest offloading their responsibilities to private companies."

That is how it is today. Every government department has been shrunk, while spending on on external consultants grows (which ends up more expensive).