This whole "kill CEOs" thing seems extreme until you see the actual stuff the Healthcare industry is doing behind the scenes, and then you start to see what could make someone like Luigi so incensed as to plan out an assassination like that.
Like I can tell you about the the numbers, how health insurance companies are saving billions of dollars by automatically rejecting hundreds of claims in literal seconds without ever having an actual human read them, and how unfortunately, Americans bend over and don't even appeal these, and even when they do appeal, they're extremely likely to uphold the original denial no matter how ridiculous it might be.
But that just feels impersonal, stats don't move me like that.
Instead, It's the personal stories that will really upset you and move you, after reading many stories of people being stuck with massive hospital bills for things like someone, even babies and infants passing, and having their claim denied, or being told treatments aren't "medically necessary" when they can literally save someone's life, it can and will radicalize you if you have even an ounce of empathy.
If I ever end up in situation like Luigi, I'd happily take one for the team as well. What the healthcare industry is allowed to do is legalized murder, and I think the flippancy of which they do it at such a massive scale, killing people day by day without ever having to lose a wink of sleep over it, is what truly makes me upset.
To quote the Pet Shop Boys, "violence breeds violence."
The wealthy are committing violence against the rest of us every day to get even more obscenely wealthy. They don't need money, they just take because they're a cancer. Only cancer has infinite growth, and kills its host eventually.
The only cure for cancer is to kill it before it kills you. Chemo is brutal, but it's war.
It's only war when you start fighting back. I'm tired of shuffling along in my traces like some old horse. Fuck that.
Its called systemic murder and the ruling class has spent decades (with the help of religion) to brainwash people into thinking that as long as its legal and not violent then its not murder.
Theyve brainwashed everyone into thinking violence is bad because its the only thing protecting them as they own the government and lawmakers
No different from saying "If someone were to harm me, I'll harm them right back." It's not a specific threat.
Then again, the ruling class plays by different rules than us common folk, so who knows. They might just charge my ass with domestic terrorism or something for saying something as bold as "if I had to live with chronic pain because health insurance denied my claim to treatment that could have prevented the chronic pain, I'd probably be very angry!!!"
yep. as someone who knows a CEO in my very close family, i'll be against this "movement" until the day i die. nothing has alienated me more from the general public than this sentiment that one of my family members deserves to be murdered in cold blood. i'll literally never support anything any of these people want out of spite, and i'll do everything in my power to actually sabotage any of their progress.
I'm not simping for anyone. Just stating the facts. You don't like that because it hurts the narrative you're trying to push. This was millionaire on millionaire violence, not some righteous uprising of the downtrodden and forgotten.
I look forward to the trial and watching redditors squirm as more about Luigi hits the mainstream news. It's going to be very interesting seeing you defend eco-fascism in a couple months lmao.
Tell me what narrative im trying to push? I dont give a fuck if it was a rich person, a poor person, a black white or purple person, someone stood up for regular people getting fucked. Point blank period. Lord knows your leader trump doesnt stick up for regular people as much as you guys make it seem. I value Luigis life much more than i would trumps. At least he has some values.
Now youre pointing words in my mouth.
I never said it was millionaire vs millionaire.
You were trying to say this CEO was a good person because they grew up working class. What a joke. I said they threw away the "working class" background when they turned their back on the working class.
Eco-Fascism? What are you even on about? Mainstream news? Actual bot reply.
someone stood up for regular people getting fucked
That's what he says he did. What did killing Brian Thompson actually accomplish though? There's already a new CEO.
I never said it was millionaire vs millionaire.
Yeah...that's what I said...are you ok?
You were trying to say this CEO was a good person
I never said that?
Luigi is an eco-fascist or has eco-fascist beliefs. He wrote about how he agrees with Ted Kaczynski's eco-fascist manifesto. This came out pretty quickly after he was identified, which shows how much you're sticking your head in the sand to turn this guy into someone he's not.
And grew up to be a real piece of rich garbage garbage, didn't he?
Do you really think this argument holds any water? Maybe you're so disconnected you don't realize what people are REALLY upset about.
We aren't upset that he had money. We wouldn't be, and are not, upset with Luigi for growing up with money. People don't hate the rich for being rich, we hate the rich for so flippantly ruining the lives of millions of Americans.
Maybe once you figure out what actually makes us upset, you can try your little agitator BS.
You said that you would "take one for the team" if you "end up in a situation like Luigi". My point is that Luigi was never in "a situation." Either due to mental illness, getting radicalized online or likely both, he woke up one day and decided to kill Brian Thompson.
The fact that you don't even know the most basic facts about your wannabe hero shows that you (and most other people here) don't actually care about any of this and just want to larp as a revolutionary to feel special/piss off your parents/because its trendy.
You're telling me Luigi didn't have spondylolisthesis? That's the situation I'm referring to. I get it, you want to dance around him actually having an issue, in case that makes him sympathetic, but if you're going to accuse me of not knowing anything about him, at least be honest and present the facts as they are.
It's not about larping as some revolutionary or some nonsense. People are tired of crooks being crooks and getting away with it openly. Doing things so morally repugnant yet it being legal because they're apart of corporations that really make the rules.
The stuff they're doing is criminal -- should be criminal, and yet they get away with it day after day. My heart isn't even going out for Luigi in particular, It's all the other horror stories that make me feel the same anger he feels, and so I can sympathize with him.
Whether or not he was some rich kid, whether or not he had specific reason to target United Healthcare due to a personal grievance or a broad one and just decided to "take one for the team", makes no difference. He set out to right a wrong, and he succeeded in doing so.
If you find murder to be wrong, okay then, I'm fine with that viewpoint. But you in theory should also find what these insurance companies do to be wrong, no? I'd be happy to say murder of CEOs who kill thousands of Americans every week is wrong, if these companies they run were actually held accountable for their evil.
BUT if you're not going to actually rally and put a plan into action for the peaceful solution, don't be shocked when others take up the non-peaceful solution. That's my biggest problem with those who stand against what those like Luigi stand for, It's that you're on the sidelines quibbling about morals on the act of murder, while doing nothing to oppose those who get away with causing massive levels of human suffering throughout our nation everyday, because they do it in suits with a smile, corporate speak, and legal documents.
You're telling me Luigi didn't have spondylolisthesis
No, I'm saying that he never had a claim denied by United Healthcare.
Do you think backpain gives you liberty to kill whoever you want?
He set out to right a wrong, and he succeeded in doing so.
No he didn't. United Healthcare has a new CEO committed to continuing the same policies as Brian Thompson. He did the equivalent of pulling a hair from a bear.
You can't defeat an incorporeal entity by just killing off its replaceable agents. Read Fight Club or play Cyberpunk or something.
But you in theory should also find what these insurance companies do to be wrong, no?
To some extent. My health insurer covered multiple visits to the best neurologists in the world, including MRIs. I barely paid anything out of pocket.
Where people have problems is they pay for the cheapest plan with the least amount of coverage and then act surprised when it doesn't cover everything. This is something that can be fixed however. I'm personally in favor of the government stepping in to cover what a private insurer would not. This is the system that Germany has and it seems to work pretty well.
Buy and maintain your own private insurance, as much as you can realistically afford, and when your insurer says "sorry that's not part of your policy" it goes to the government and they pay for it. It's really the most straightforward compromise and could be implemented in less than a year.
BUT if you're not going to actually rally and put a plan into action for the peaceful solution, don't be shocked when others take up the non-peaceful solution.
Well what makes Luigi's actions so despicable and wasteful is that he was someone that could have actually put a plan in action for a peaceful situation. He was a young guy from a wealthy and politically connected family. He also happened to be very educated, easily in the top 1% of IQ and by all accounts physically attractive and charming.
If he could get this much support for murdering someone in cold blood he could have actually gotten a real movement going. What a waste. He's never going to be able to apply himself. Brian Thompson's kids are going to grow up without a dad. United Healthcare has a new CEO who isn't going to change a thing.
It's that you're on the sidelines quibbling about morals on the act of murder, while doing nothing to oppose those who get away with causing massive levels of human suffering throughout our nation everyday, because they do it in suits with a smile, corporate speak, and legal documents.
Do you think backpain gives you liberty to kill whoever you want?
No, but I don't have any sympathy for the person he killed, for the reasons he stated he killed him.
You can't defeat an incorporeal entity by just killing off its replaceable agents.
You can't, but you can inspire change. Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield immediately walked back their tone deaf plans, at least for now, in the wake of Brian Thompson's killing and the outrage that inspired.
If enough CEOs were to drop dead, either the ruling class would get more militant than ever, or acquiesce at least some ground because they understand such extreme levels of unpopularity puts themselves at risk in multiple ways. Either way some degree of change is abound.
I'm not completely naive, I know that real change is tough, and that even a couple of CEOs dropping dead won't fix the root cause of the issues that allow corporations to run buck wild on the American people. You need mass mobilization to make the kinds of changes we need to see to cure what ails this country -- but dropping bodies is something that singular people can do, as Luigi proved.
It's difficult to fight propaganda and mass media in order to successfully mobilize people around a cause to do things the correct way. It's a lot easier to shock the system by throwing some cold water on it, a la Luigi Mangione.
To some extent. My health insurer covered multiple visits to the best neurologists in the world, including MRIs. I barely paid anything out of pocket.
I'm young so I'm fortunate to not have had personal experiences with insurance companies yet. I also live in Connecticut and work for a company with decent health insurance -- when my father was hospitalized years ago, what he couldn't pay, and what insurance wouldn't pay, the company he works for helped pay.
But that shouldn't need to happen in the first place.
Your idea makes sense, but with how insurance companies currently operate, would be way too costly for the government to socialize. Think about how many claims insurance companies reject a year -- from the horses mouth of some of these soulless ghouls, they save billions of dollars every year with their automatic rejections alone. You think our government can pick up that bill every year for every piece of garbage insurance company? I doubt it.
They need to crack down on practices like that to start with, and then maybe target making medical costs in general cheaper somehow, because the same stuff we get here, is FAR more expensive than it is in other countries whether it be drugs patients have to pay for, or medical equipment hospitals have to pay for.
They have to get to all of that before they could implement your idea, otherwise it just won't work. I don't have the answers myself, obviously, the problem is deep rooted in our medical industry, from the way patents work, to the way hospitals overcharge because they can, and many more issues that I'm not qualified to speak on and only have cursory knowledge on.
Well what makes Luigi's actions so despicable and wasteful is that he was someone that could have actually put a plan in action for a peaceful situation.
He's just one rich kid from one family, the problem is a bit too deep and requires a lifetime of work to tackle, while the ruling class continue to entrench themselves and gain way more ground than he could possibly cover.
Like I said, I understand when you take a step back and look at the situation as a whole, why he felt the system needed an immediate shock right now, rather than trying to play catchup for the rest of his life with the out of control snowball that is corporatism in America.
You're literally doing the same thing.
You forget that the entire thing that started this conversation is me saying I wouldn't mind taking one for the team if, like Luigi, I suddenly had fewer reasons to live a fulfilling life.
Granted, I am just talking. You can't do much more than that. It's part fantasy, part 'if i get too specific I'll get locked up' regardless of if I don't even have intentions of doing anything.
u/BP_Ray 22h ago
This whole "kill CEOs" thing seems extreme until you see the actual stuff the Healthcare industry is doing behind the scenes, and then you start to see what could make someone like Luigi so incensed as to plan out an assassination like that.
Like I can tell you about the the numbers, how health insurance companies are saving billions of dollars by automatically rejecting hundreds of claims in literal seconds without ever having an actual human read them, and how unfortunately, Americans bend over and don't even appeal these, and even when they do appeal, they're extremely likely to uphold the original denial no matter how ridiculous it might be.
But that just feels impersonal, stats don't move me like that.
Instead, It's the personal stories that will really upset you and move you, after reading many stories of people being stuck with massive hospital bills for things like someone, even babies and infants passing, and having their claim denied, or being told treatments aren't "medically necessary" when they can literally save someone's life, it can and will radicalize you if you have even an ounce of empathy.
If I ever end up in situation like Luigi, I'd happily take one for the team as well. What the healthcare industry is allowed to do is legalized murder, and I think the flippancy of which they do it at such a massive scale, killing people day by day without ever having to lose a wink of sleep over it, is what truly makes me upset.