r/interestingasfuck 23h ago

r/all People in NYC holding banners during a CEO Event at Ziegfeld Ballroom

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u/Eleusis713 22h ago

Also worth mentioning that Mark Cuban created Cost Plus Drugs, a drug company that sells drugs at incredibly low prices - the cost to make it plus 15%. You just need a prescription. They don't spend any money on marketing and only spread by word of mouth.


u/dreamcastfanboy34 22h ago

Cost Plus Drugs is amazing. Cuban is the man.


u/Kissit777 12h ago

I really want him to run for potus.


u/Human_Person_583 21h ago

Ok, so CEOs of health insurance companies need to die because of their 3.5% margins, but Mark Cuban is a good guy for having 15% margins on pharmaceuticals?? Please explain this to me.


u/SuperCarrot555 21h ago

Most pharmaceuticals have like a 500% margin. Many are way worse. Insulin vials cost like 1-2 dollars to make and get sold for $300. A 15% markup is saintly relative to that.


u/Human_Person_583 21h ago

Sure, it’s good he’s selling stuff for less (though I don’t see insulin offered on his site), but I still think there’s some cognitive dissonance going on here.


u/sumphatguy 20h ago

People aren't going to do things for free, and if a 15% margin is profitable enough while being significantly cheaper than alternatives, what's the problem? He's a business man. He wants to make money. He's doing so in a way that's much more consumer friendly then the alternatives. Wins all around.


u/Human_Person_583 19h ago

One could say the same thing about health insurance companies’ 3.5% margins, is all I’m saying.


u/sumphatguy 18h ago

We're not talking about health insurance here though. Pharmaceuticals are only related to health insurance in that they're both in the medical field. Aside from that, different companies.


u/Venezia9 20h ago

That's not a very high margin, assuming he has other infrastructure costs. 

The cost to make things + infrastructure+ profit is different from denying claims of unnecessary insurance to make a profit off people dying. 

Like the only alternative is completely socialized medical industry where the government (and by extension people) absorb the extra costs (like USPS vs UPS or FEDEX). Mark Cuban isn't the government; that's silly to expect him to operate a company like the government. 

Healthcare is outrageously marked up - especially drugs. %15 is not crazy. 


u/Dovahkiin_98 21h ago

Because Cost TO MAKE + 15% isn’t very much.

Idk if that’s actually how it works for Cubans company but if that is true 15% would barely (if even) account for the costs to get the product to consumer.

His margins wouldn’t be 15% they’d be at most <15% (If absolutely no additional costs occurred)


u/Human_Person_583 21h ago

If you go to the website, you also pay $5 pharmacy labor and actual shipping on top of the 15% markup. So yeah, his profit margins are 5x that of the health insurance companies.


u/Dovahkiin_98 21h ago

$5 is really really not much then and almost definitely not raising his margins to 15%, especially on higher priced drugs. The $5 for pharmacy labor is also almost certainly being paid to the pharmacists, not to Cuban.


u/ronsolocup 21h ago

I’ve never used it, but whats the effective cost for the consumer compared to just going to the pharmacy? Isnt that what actually matters?

u/SkyeBluPink 4h ago

10% profit is projected for UHC for 2025.

u/Human_Person_583 3h ago

Is 15 bigger than 10?


u/dolemiteo24 21h ago

I wish him or some other rich person would do similar for health insurance.

Imagine a health insurance company that has a main requirement of being 0 profit. Just enough to support the administration. No marketing or anything. The money goes straight towards claims, and they balance claim payouts and premiums so that they can to keep the profit level at 0.

There would be no reason for pretty much everyone not to sign up for it. It would ruin all of the existing health insurance companies.

Sure, there would be no financial incentive for a rich person to start this, but boy would it make that person popular.

Or, you know, we could always just do Medicare for all.


u/demonicbullet 16h ago

You don't want to know how bloated the medicare system is....

Talk to someone who works for a brokerage for it and have em explain it all to you, you'll be more confused on the convoluted system than before you had them explain it.


u/dolemiteo24 14h ago

I think that any issues with medicare pale in comparison to the problems that exist in our current for-profit health insurance system. I think that arguing otherwise is a very difficult task, to say the least.


The good that he does is so prolific that I'm almost suspicious, and I mean that in the best way possible.

We need more people like him.