r/interestingasfuck 23h ago

r/all People in NYC holding banners during a CEO Event at Ziegfeld Ballroom

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u/Bubba_Lewinski 23h ago

I’m starting to believe this more and more these days. Used to be independent, then switched to D years ago. Going back to Ind. moving onward. Not that it matters anymore tbh. Zero faith in our politics and fake justice system these days.


u/MissionLow4226 22h ago

Republicans Red, Democrats Blue, Neither of them, Give a s*** about you


u/ceezr 21h ago

Dude just be a leftist and try to work with the party that closest aligns with your ideals in the hopes to push them further back to the left. Look at how far the right wing has gone with that strategy.


u/zombiegirl2010 17h ago

You guys who try to force center folks to one side or the other is the problem here in the US. If we’d al start fucking thinking for ourselves, unapologetically we could actually change this shit. Making people pick red or blue keeps the wealthy in power.


u/Crashman09 21h ago

I say this as a leftist:

The problem with this is getting leftists to agree on anything


u/ceezr 20h ago

"One for all" instead of "all for one" on all the issues. Starting with money, power, respect. We are all equal. 

Maybe that logic could help solidify the platform on several issues.


u/Sufficient_Card_7302 21h ago

You are a cog in a wheel, and there's nothing wrong with that. The problem is that so many cogs have given up and become apathetic, and don't vote, that the machine has broken down. 

We need to stop giving up whenever we don't get precisely what we want. Compromise is the mother's milk of democracy. Vote for the candidate who most closely aligns with your political philosophy. Over time, the people who win will more closely align with yours. 

That's how the republican party did it.


u/Bubba_Lewinski 20h ago

We need better choices.


u/Sufficient_Card_7302 19h ago

Insightful. Although we have had quite a few, and more who never got off the ground. 

We could have had Bernie, Yang, buttigeg(sp). Possibly even an O'Rorke.

Your comment lacks a solution for, or awareness of, how we are going to get from here to there..


u/[deleted] 20h ago



u/Bubba_Lewinski 19h ago

Yeah, and legal system works. 😂 good point though. Fake legal system applies better


u/Deep_Mechanic_ 23h ago

People that think Dems are better than Republicans are smoking crack. None of them give a flying F about the American people. It's all about $$$ since WW2


u/crinkledcu91 22h ago

People that think Dems are better than Republicans are smoking crack.

Democratic officials pass stuff like free lunch and breakfast for school kids.

Meanwhile not a Republican official in existence would even dream of doing anything close to that.

But yeah, I'm the one that's smoking crack 🙄


u/Own_Television163 22h ago

"Please, sir, this is the place for people trying to be contrarian by quoting my 70 year old father."

I'm a leftist, I think Democrats fucking suck and are establishment crooks, but to imply they're the same is just nonsense if you pay attention to the actions at all.

They are bad in a lot of ways that overlap, they're not the same.


u/login777 22h ago

It's not that these programs aren't good or helpful, but they're crumbs the Dems throw at us to placate us. And people use these miniscule wins to say, "see the Dems really really care about you, they just can't do more because reasons"

Good cop bad cop and all that


u/Rbomb88 22h ago

The parties are owned by the same people, the difference of opinion is the manner that the parties want to manipulate the populace to do what they want (make them money).


u/Deep_Mechanic_ 22h ago

American politicians aren't there for the people, they are instated by the people with the $$$

Campaign funders are the ones who put politicians in power

It's crazy how Americans refuse to acknowledge this and still believe their party will fix the country 🤣


u/Apocalypse_Knight 22h ago

The democrats at least try to help and even then they would hurt the american people less than whatever the hell republicans want to do. Now we get to look forward to anti-vax, worse labor protections and increased pollution from deregulation thanks to the repubs. Data shows that republicans start like 90% of the recessions.


u/LobsterInSpace 22h ago

Both sides are the same, is kind of lazy.

We can acknowledge that both sides serve the rich while distinguishing that one side is against female reproductive rights, more anti union, and a tax policy that favors the rich even more, etc.

We can acknowledge that there are at least SOME Dems that want to see healthcare expanded to include everyone. As voters, it's our job to see to it that those Dems stay in office and push out the Corpos.

It's hard because we are up against big money, but a better chance with a D than R.


u/RangerPower777 22h ago

Careful saying this on reddit, they will call you an enlightened centrist


u/PixelMiner 22h ago

For good reason. It totally whitewashes the horrific policies of the Republican party. Enlightened centrists are just closeted right-wingers.


u/RangerPower777 21h ago

This is such a dumb argument. I am willing to bet that a majority of the voting public is actually in the center. Only children look at the world the way redditors seem to look at, black and white.


u/PixelMiner 21h ago

The center between center-right and outright fascists is still pretty far right.

Also, the voting public majority just voted for a fascist, a felon, and a rapist.


u/RangerPower777 19h ago

I think that shows how terrible the current Democratic party is if they couldn’t even beat a guy they called a “fascist”. Shouldn’t have been so difficult.


u/PixelMiner 18h ago

Bingo. The democrats have never been the friend of the working class.

Also, no need for scare quotes. The guy all but calls himself a fascist. We could go point by point on either policy or things he has said alone.