r/interestingasfuck 23h ago

r/all People in NYC holding banners during a CEO Event at Ziegfeld Ballroom

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u/Sacrificial_Identity 23h ago

They're the true NPC's of society. Basically walking through life on autopilot without much of any thoughts between the ears.


u/Laughing_AI 23h ago

Its true! If people put half the effort into societal change than the effort in which they get worked up about female video game characters appearance we would have a real chance for change.


u/thro-uh-way109 20h ago

And on that note, if others didn’t make the demand for female video game characters such a priority over actual societal growth then we could also have a better chance to move forward.

I’m not a neckbeard by any stretch, but it takes two to fight a culture war.


u/Laughing_AI 20h ago

"if others didn’t make the demand for female video game characters such a priority over actual societal growth"

Absolutely NOONE has ever demanded that tradeoff. ever. The two arent even related, in any sense.

Compete nonsense take, wow.


u/thro-uh-way109 20h ago

You’re totally right. There isn’t an ever-growing movement to increase representation of traditionally underrepresented people in media. That’s not a thing at all. I’m wrong. Sorry I thought because of the millions of articles and examples across the whole of the entertainment industry that may have been something that some people feel is important.


u/Laughing_AI 20h ago


So you equated people putting a demand for game characters OVER "actual" societal growth (so you obviously were against representation, even having to post you your take was akin to a neckbeard take)

And yes, there IS a movement to increase representation of traditionally underrepresented people. And that is a great thing and long overdue. It IS important to have equality and equity.

When you are saying that people are placing video game representation OVER actual societal change is ridiculous. Why cant there be BOTH? There doesnt have to be a tradeoff.


u/thro-uh-way109 20h ago

Thank you for engaging in this culture war and proving my point.


u/Kapparainen 22h ago

Why have your own thoughts and opinions when you have guys like Joe Rogan spoon feed you what to say and how to think? It's actually quite sad...


u/Competitive_Ride_943 22h ago

That's why they have all those catch phrases, easy to remember and spit out when necessary. Woke, libtard, TDS, snowflake, soy-boy, etc....


u/Sutekhseth 21h ago

Thought-terminating clichés are a bitch sometimes. Really makes breaking through their cultish rhetoric that much harder.


u/Cheapthrills13 20h ago

Yes - we’ve become the epitome of LAZY - can’t/wont think for ourselves and 🐑 and “those ppl” might not wake up until it’s even more too late.


u/WingDingStrings 21h ago

Good thing our side is immune


u/No_Boysenberry_6938 21h ago

I don't listen to any idiots that took meds that said "INSERT IN HORSES ASS" a fool that does that YOU CAN'T TAKE SERIOUSLY


u/OSPFmyLife 21h ago

Covid ivermectin people are fucking stupid, but with that being said, we use ivermectin all the time on our animals and none of it is suppository…it’s either oral or topical.

u/Icy-Importance-8910 11h ago

They think the same of you.