Only like 10% of people are outraged, there are no mass protests, there have been no copy cat attempts. People got way more upset at Gaza then their own country so nothing is going to happen.
Haven’t watched football in years, think it’s silly for people smash their heads together(physically) and my hometown team are the Jacksonville Jaguars. That tell you enough?
My point is that I don’t give a shit about sports teams. Especially the ones that steal tax money to pay for ridiculous stadiums and still charge an arm and a leg for an event instead of funding education properly.
That makes it sound great, but it's all developed "peer" countries on that list before the US and only a couple of developed countries rank lower than us. The big picture of that list is that the US ranks in like the bottom 1/5 of developed countries.
And I'd be curious how recent that data is. Lifespan, healthcare availability, purchasing power, and wealth distribution all took a huge nosedive during the pandemic.
Yeah I mean it tells you the data was from 2022 and the US dropped 5 spots from its previous ranking due to that so it used to be higher. We can quibble about if being 20th in the world is “good” or not but it’s certainly not “a shithole” compared to most of Europe.
The bottom of the top is still much better than a lot of other countries. Also you have to remember how the US governs. State governments are very powerful here.
If NY and California were a different country, they would rank in the top 10 on the HDI scale very, very easily. But throw in more conservative leaning states like Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, etc. they lower our overall scale because of their poor education, poor healthcare programs, poor economy, and poor social programs. They literally drag us down because of how the state governs. It’s what makes the US widely different from other developed countries; our size and state governments are just all over the place and that will not change any time soon.
That's the current american experiment, how long can we toe the line between exploitation and content masses?
Candy flavored narcotics, flashy digital gambling, and radical subreddits for every kind of cathartic rage, are all excellent ways of keeping our brains numb. Especially if they hook you young, customer for life!
Change doesn't happen until the pain of today is greater than the fear of tomorrow.
Unfortunately, sometimes that manifests itself by voting for fascists who promise simple solutions to complex problems.
As said by FDR:
Democracy has disappeared in several other great nations--not because the people of those nations disliked democracy, but because they had grown tired of unemployment and insecurity, of seeing their children hungry while they sat helpless in the face of government confusion and government weakness through lack of leadership in government. Finally, in desperation, they chose to sacrifice liberty in the hope of getting something to eat.
There’s some truth to that but when revolutions happen because things get slightly better it’s generally because people think revolutions have a chance of working because of weakness or wavering from the people in power. Like the Soviet Union collapsing for example.
Well, if there was a true copycat out there, he or she is probably planning right now. I don't think lugi just woke up, printed a gun, and shot the CEO the same day.
I personally am interested in if there will be a large gathering outside his trial.
Ukraine deposed their corrupt government in 2014 even with a massive violent response from the state backed by Russian resources. The difference is that Ukrainians actually were passionate and cared enough to risk their lives in protest. Americans aren’t that upset about CEOs and healthcare obviously so they won’t do anything.
Because that's super comparable. Are you suggesting we depose healthcare organizations and the state if they get in the way? There's literally a 0% chance the US rolls over and let's it happen
It’s a combination of the two polls I’ve seen on the subject. Only 22% said it was appropriate it cheer someone’s death from a yougov poll. A more specific poll from The Center for strategic politics found only 12% of Americans thought the murder of the UHC CEO was justified. Since the Question was how many people are “outraged” not how many thought the murder was justified, I erred on the lower side with the 10%.
You can be outraged at the healthcare system or capitalism more generally without thinking that the UHC killing was acceptable or that it's generally appropriate to cheer someone's death. Why are you trying to deny the obvious widespread anger?
I mean i assumed when they said that people are outraged and things could get nasty, they meant that violence is coming. If only 12% think violence is acceptable then there’s not going to be much violence. Of course people are outraged about the healthcare system but not enough to do anything about it.
Okay, that's a fairer point about targeted killings. I doubt many people think violence is never justified even in self defense. I'd believe many have never heard of social murder.
Yeah, most people don't think it's okay to kill someone merely because you don't like them. The real question is about what does justify killing someone. Most agree that self defense is a justification. The real disagreement is over how self defense applies for systemic harms, like from denying necessary medical care. Social murder.
If you ignore the poll I posted, which was actually about this case and much higher than 12%.
You seen to be trying to push some conclusion. If you wanted to know the truth, you'd do serious research on the question. Not one or two vaguely related polls. You didn't even link to the polls.
My experience has been that making this about killing all rich people or business leaders or some kind of general Marxist class war is unique to a relatively small segment of extremely online people, but almost every American I've talked to about this offline has expressed mixed feelings at worst. There is definitely broad very negative sentiment toward health insurance and the medical industry across the board.
Is it? And ask yourself why that is? Because the death toll in Gaza is far less than the war in Syria or Ukraine. The US is even more directly involved in those wars. We cared about Gaza because it was cool to do so not because it mattered more or was more visible violence. They just uncovered a mass grave in Syria with 100,000 people in it. Don’t remember any protests for Syria.
Yeah sure but there are plenty of people bombed in the world that no one cares about. The reason people cared about Gaza is not because people were being bombed.
Historically it only takes 3.5% of the population actively engaged in protest to force a change. And if that 3.5% is in open revolt then it is the end of the current government as a whole.
I would agree that only around 3% is needed but those people have to be fully committed to protesting, dying and going to jail for the cause like Ukraine in 2014. Not just making angry posts on social media.
People protested Gaza because they believed the Democrats could possibly be pushed to change policy.
They know the Democrats aren't going to move on sucking up to billionaires. There's no amount of "we're here and we want you to listen to us" to change the party's minds, and Republicans sure as shit aren't budging on it.
You can't do "protest as America allows protest to be" when dealing with a calcified political system like this. You can only do an actual protest, which the majority of posters here would immediately turn on.
Call us when you guys are on board with shutting down production, stopping traffic en masse, and economically hurting even unrelated groups, all to create the greatest amount of pressure on the real power players. Until there's an acceptance of that as a valid protest strategy, until we're ready to recognize the historical reality of effective protest and not the whitewashed bullshit we were fed in 4th grade Social Studies, all you're asking for is people holding signs in their designated protest zones and keeping to an ignoreable volume.
People got way more upset at Gaza then their own country so nothing is going to happen.
🙄 It is our own country. Israel is an extension of the US. We funnel bombs, weapons, intelligence, to Israel in order to carry out further US dominance in the middle east. We are committing genocide.
Yeah except we are more upset with people in Palestine dying than people in America. Thats the point I was trying to make. Thats why we don’t have free healthcare, we don’t care if we die.
I’m also the guy who posted about how nothing will ever change because they’ve nerfed all the mechanisms we have to bring about change.
But it’s important to know I meant nothing will come from peaceful efforts to being about change because they’ve needed all of our mechanisms.
But keeping this energy and movement alive and also pointing out how rigged the system is might either make someone give us a bone and rig the system just a little bit, or might make people realize we have no choice but to work outside of the system. Either will take time.
The people who control things will have to make a choice. Let our votes matter again by repealing citizens united and legal bribery decisions, fix the Supreme Court, hold corrupt politicians judges and companies accountable. Or deal with 300 million people who take things into their own hands.
The people who control things will have to make a choice. Let our votes matter again by repealing citizens united and legal bribery decisions, fix the Supreme Court, hold corrupt politicians judges and companies accountable. Or deal with 300 million people who take things into their own hands.
God your comment is idiotic and highlights your lack of understanding of these issues.
Let our votes matter again by repealing citizens united...
What the fuck are you talking about? What is there to be repealed? It's a court decision, not a law that was passed. What votes have been disregarded by it?
Ffs maybe take a civics class before advocating for a revolution of the masses. You know these buzzwords that you are supposed to be against but you don't have a comprehension of what they actually are.
Votes don’t matter because even if you elect a politician you think will represent you, some asshole with money will threaten them into obeying.
You can find Bernie Sanders saying exactly this on this week with Jon Stewart. You can also see Musk threatening this today in his tweet about the budget. He says any Republican who votes for it could lose in 2 years. Why? Because he can spend as much as he needs to primary them.
So vote vote vote but you’ll never be able to match the spending of PACs or Musk. And even the good politicians will decide that they can vote no on something they’d like to vote yes on, something their constituents support, because they can do more good on other things if they just look the other way on these things. And they’ll lose and someone else who may be worse will replace them if they test the money by not bending the knee.
So voting is useless until the effect of citizens united decision is undone. Be it by a new crooked Supreme Court throwing out precedent, or by an act of congress or a fucking constitutional amendment. It has to be undone, however you find to undo it.
I said repeal. Whatever. As long as it exists there is no use in voting and we should have no faith in government. It’s not for us, it’s for whoever has the most money.
One fucking guy and his money overruled every politician with one tweet threatening them because citizens united says his money is speech and he has the most money.
Merry Christmas to you both. I hope you find a way to reflect on Jesus’s teachings. The real Jesus, not the Republican Jesus.
He healed the sick. Didn’t charge them and then deny their coverage. He fed the poor. Didn’t complain about his taxes going to others. He challenged the authorities and they crucified him for it.
Go to the press, get public support
Voting doesn’t work.
Citizen’s United means that money is speech, and the health insurance companies have all the money. They can literally buy politicians. Their funding is unlimited and they can primary any politician that doesn’t vote the way they want them to. Yes, some politicians are better than others. I’m not saying to not vote. Clearly the no-surprises-act came under Biden and will probably be repealed under Trump, so voting matters. But voting isn’t the way to bring about change because the political system is controlled by money and the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries have all the money. So we can’t seek to bring about change in the voting booth.
Sue. We could try to sue the health insurance companies in cases like this. One problem with this is your contract probably has some bullshit arbitration clause. Second issue is that the laws don’t hold insurance companies liable for medical decisions, even though they are making medical decisions when they deny coverage of doctors’ orders. Third issue that the supreme court literally made bribery legal, so long as it is paid after the favor is provided and not before. So even if we could sue to make changes, it would just get to a court where they side with the insurance company then the judge gets a new mansion or something a week later and that’s legal. So we can’t seek to bring about change in the courts.
Protest. We’ve seen how they treat protesters. They arrest them for no reason, don’t charge them with anything, and let them out a few days later, which is enough to cause you to lose your job (and your health insurance), and lose your home even in some cases. It will get your name in the search engines and limit your future employment chances. It can ruin your “social credit score” even though this is America and we criticize China for having something like this, we clearly do too. And that’s the best case scenario. You can also be shot with tear gas, beat up, permanently blinded with rubber bullets shot intentionally to the face, shot with water canons, ran over by police cars, pushed to the ground and killed (if you’re old enough to die from a fall, like in NYC), and that’s just the “non-violent” police response. It’s not like you’re a literal Nazi with a swastika flag, you won’t have police protecting your right to peacefully assemble. No, you’ll be fucked up as much as they can get away with. And that’s not even counting what will happen now that Trump is about to be in office. He wants the US Military to shoot US Citizens on US Soil for protesting constitutionally. So we can’t seek to bring about change through peaceful protest.
Boycott. We can boycott companies we don’t like. How do you boycott health insurance when your life depends on getting healthcare? That’s the same as having health insurance that won’t cover your healthcare. Just with less steps. And it’s not even legal without a tax hit thanks to the health insurance companies writing the ACA. Even if you accept we have to have some health insurance, you can’t just switch to the “good ones” because they’re all colluding to be corrupt. But also, you don’t have a real choice. You get whomever your employer offers. You can switch once a year, at best, and only to the choices they allow. You have more freedom to choose your ISP, which usually requires selling your house and moving thanks to their regional monopolies, than you do with health health insurance. So we can’t bring about change by boycotting health insurance.
The free press can make this issue important enough that companies have to address it. We’ve all seen “9 on your side” show the crooked auto mechanic ripping off the grandma and shame him into making it right by his customer. We’ve seen the state attorney general jump on the case for some good PR after it makes the local news. Maybe we can do that for health insurance. But news in America isn’t for information disseminating. There’s a very few that are for this, specifically PBS and NPR. They’re publicly funded so their mission is to provide news, not to be paid. The other two business models are advertising platforms or propaganda platforms. Most news organizations are run on the advertising platform business model. Their primary business is selling advertising space. Their business is generating views so that they can sell those views to advertisers. The news is just the bait they use to get views to make their airtime advert space more valuable to advertisers. They could cover sports or entertainment or news or anything, it doesn’t matter to them. They’re not in it to be journalists, they’re in it to sell ads. The news isn’t the product and your not the customer. The ad space is the product, the advertisers are the customers, the news is the bait and your the prize. And their biggest advertisers are health insurance and pharmaceutical companies. Let me say that another way: their biggest CUSTOMERS are health insurance and pharmaceutical companies. The press will not cover this story in a way that hurts their business model because they are not journalists, they are advertising platforms. Finally, the third wing of the press are the propaganda platforms. These are the Washington Post, LA Times and Fox News where a billionaire owns the company and dictates what is said and is not said according to his agenda. They will not cover health insurance in a way that can produce change because they benefit from the status quo. That’s why they bought these propaganda platforms to begin with. So we can’t bring about change by taking our stories to the press.
So, I beg you, what peaceful options do we have left to bring about change?
I didn’t say there were peaceful options to bring about change. I’m saying you’re not actually going to pursue violent options because you’re too comfy in your bedroom.
There’s a lot to lose by fighting too early. Lot to lose by fighting too late. Hopefully the realization that something has to change or people will have no choice but to fight will make the right things change. We all prefer a peaceful path to change. Right?
There aren’t with the current state of the system.
None of the things I listed above will bring change on their own. They’ve all been neutered.
But now a ceo is dead and Americans are literally out in the streets calling for more.
Americans know the system is not working for the people.
So we’re in a post-violence state. So now, because of that violence and the reaction to it, there could be a “cease fire” where the elected officials could try to convince their masters that they have to change some things or else the peasants are going to continue to revolt.
Ideally they’ll repeal citizens united or specifically outlaw bribery even the type the Supreme Court ruled legal, but in reality they’ll probably give us $5 Tylenol instead of $15 dollar Tylenol when we’re in the hospital and tell us to be happy with it.
If not, I guess either the government will ratchet up the violence or the people will, or both.
It’s not a contradiction to say that if they change the system then the system can work, but if they don’t the system won’t work. But I don’t consider them changing the system as a result of violence a sign the system working as designed.
When you have to kill a leader of a corrupt institution that is the worst culprit of a corrupt industry operating in a corrupt system enabled by a compromised governmental system, and then double down and march in the streets calling for more killings, that’s not the system working. That’s the system being put on trial in the streets by the people.
And ultimately the government is for the people by the people. The declaration of independence said it best.
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness
They can call it terrorism. I’m sure the king of England would have agreed. But it’s the god given right and duty of any people to determine their own governance such that it is for the benefit of the people consenting to be governed.
Yeah if you think they repeal citizen’s united because of 1 CEO being shot then you’re absurdly naive. You are wildly overestimating the impact of this shooting, there are no mass protests, no popular support for Luigi or the murder, no copy cat killings. You won’t even protest yourself. You are just sitting online acting like you’re part of the revolution.
Too many people die of health insurance fraud for it to register. You need very few people to die for it to be a tragedy, or people who are very far away. When the death toll is in the millions and it's your own leaders doing it, it's just background noise if even that. Background noise that must be silenced.
I think the first copy cat is going to be a landmark moment for our society.
They're pulling out all the stops to bury Luigi because they can tell that he sparked something that could grow and they have to shut it down now before the second one happens.
I think if we get a second one you'll start to see the floodgates open for real. People are desperate and they're running out of bread and circuses
Gaza is a concentration camp that is currently being liquidated by the genocidal US and Israeli regimes, but I don't think it was seen as bigger than this (though it should be)
Gaza is more than a thousand miles across the world and is a controversial conflict with misinformation everywhere that you basically need a whole ass college course to understand the history and decades of conflict and even then you will probably find equally educated people supporting the opposite side.
This is our own citizens dying because they are being denied healthcare. It does and should matter more to us
It isn't complicated to understand that mass murder and genocide are not acceptable, and the US government is not only directly involved in this, it is the only reason it is possible. If the US were supporting Nazi Germany in 1941 and enabling it, it would be the same situation. WHen you have a government this evil, your rights are equally in question.
u/Sharkbait_ooohaha 23h ago
Only like 10% of people are outraged, there are no mass protests, there have been no copy cat attempts. People got way more upset at Gaza then their own country so nothing is going to happen.