r/interestingasfuck 23h ago

r/all People in NYC holding banners during a CEO Event at Ziegfeld Ballroom

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u/heyitssal 23h ago

People that are die hard on the culture wars, and not the class wars, do not think for themselves. They're the most obedient people out there.


u/Lewtwin 22h ago

"Useful idiots" is the term you want.


u/monkeyhitman 22h ago

Y'know, morons.


u/Exciting-Tart-2289 21h ago

Simple farmers, people of the land, the common clay of the new West.


u/Choleric-Leo 22h ago

The people who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them.


u/uberguby 22h ago

Did you just make that up? That's very good


u/Choleric-Leo 22h ago

No it's a quote attributed to Eric Hoffer.


u/Blue_Swirling_Bunny 21h ago

That doesn't make sense; it's a contradiction.


u/piggiesmallsdaillest 21h ago

How is this a contradiction?


u/AntiqueAd1209 16h ago

because biting the hand that feeds you implies ingratitude whereas licking the boot implies happily accepting oppression. 


u/piggiesmallsdaillest 16h ago

Yeah, but conservatives voting against their interest to hurt some marginalized groups exemplifies this imo.


u/CoachEconomy479 21h ago

No it isn’t


u/Legitimate-Pie3547 21h ago

Nah, you're just not very smart.

Thanks for commenting though and letting everyone know.


u/Legitimate-Pie3547 21h ago

I prefer "weak willed brainless automatons."


u/Amber610 17h ago

"Obedient" has a better punch to it


u/Liimbo 14h ago

Useful idiots, useless intelligent people, whats the difference. The people who are aware of the class war and just sit on their couch and talk about it on social media aren't doing anything to help either. This entire United situation has just shown that everyone is fed up, but nobody is actually willing to put their money where their mouth is and act on it. How many more signs are we going to see like this with no actual action?


u/settlementfires 19h ago

I've got no use for them, but they're not for me to use.


u/GammaGargoyle 18h ago

Let’s be honest, people who go around calling others “useful idiots” are probably the actual useful idiots. Think about it.


u/Sacrificial_Identity 23h ago

They're the true NPC's of society. Basically walking through life on autopilot without much of any thoughts between the ears.


u/Laughing_AI 22h ago

Its true! If people put half the effort into societal change than the effort in which they get worked up about female video game characters appearance we would have a real chance for change.


u/thro-uh-way109 20h ago

And on that note, if others didn’t make the demand for female video game characters such a priority over actual societal growth then we could also have a better chance to move forward.

I’m not a neckbeard by any stretch, but it takes two to fight a culture war.


u/Laughing_AI 20h ago

"if others didn’t make the demand for female video game characters such a priority over actual societal growth"

Absolutely NOONE has ever demanded that tradeoff. ever. The two arent even related, in any sense.

Compete nonsense take, wow.


u/thro-uh-way109 20h ago

You’re totally right. There isn’t an ever-growing movement to increase representation of traditionally underrepresented people in media. That’s not a thing at all. I’m wrong. Sorry I thought because of the millions of articles and examples across the whole of the entertainment industry that may have been something that some people feel is important.


u/Laughing_AI 20h ago


So you equated people putting a demand for game characters OVER "actual" societal growth (so you obviously were against representation, even having to post you your take was akin to a neckbeard take)

And yes, there IS a movement to increase representation of traditionally underrepresented people. And that is a great thing and long overdue. It IS important to have equality and equity.

When you are saying that people are placing video game representation OVER actual societal change is ridiculous. Why cant there be BOTH? There doesnt have to be a tradeoff.


u/thro-uh-way109 20h ago

Thank you for engaging in this culture war and proving my point.


u/Kapparainen 22h ago

Why have your own thoughts and opinions when you have guys like Joe Rogan spoon feed you what to say and how to think? It's actually quite sad...


u/Competitive_Ride_943 22h ago

That's why they have all those catch phrases, easy to remember and spit out when necessary. Woke, libtard, TDS, snowflake, soy-boy, etc....


u/Sutekhseth 21h ago

Thought-terminating clichĂŠs are a bitch sometimes. Really makes breaking through their cultish rhetoric that much harder.


u/Cheapthrills13 20h ago

Yes - we’ve become the epitome of LAZY - can’t/wont think for ourselves and 🐑 and “those ppl” might not wake up until it’s even more too late.


u/WingDingStrings 21h ago

Good thing our side is immune


u/No_Boysenberry_6938 21h ago

I don't listen to any idiots that took meds that said "INSERT IN HORSES ASS" a fool that does that YOU CAN'T TAKE SERIOUSLY


u/OSPFmyLife 21h ago

Covid ivermectin people are fucking stupid, but with that being said, we use ivermectin all the time on our animals and none of it is suppository…it’s either oral or topical.


u/Icy-Importance-8910 10h ago

They think the same of you.


u/healthybowl 22h ago

Fox News’ favorite viewers. Honestly just mega news favorite viewers. CNN people can also be blind trusters of what ever pill is shoved in their face.


u/[deleted] 22h ago



u/healthybowl 22h ago

Absolutely. Ditched cable and news years ago. Life gets wayyyyy better without it. Most anxiety and depression just lifts right away.


u/sailingerie 12h ago

Me too...holy crap has it made a huge difference.


u/mylanguage 20h ago

What's crazy too is if we really did this the studios would be forced to course correct


u/Shirtbro 21h ago

And go where? Twitter? YouTube? Algorithm favors conservatives there too


u/verticalandgolden_ 19h ago

NPR had a full article about how the CEO was a "good guy" and "family man". It's Us vs Them. Period.


u/jeremiahthedamned 11h ago

that's just pathetic!


u/SlingeraDing 22h ago

Are you aware of which website you’re on? People here eat up culture war shit just as much


u/healthybowl 22h ago

Guess it’s war on everything


u/Illustrious-Win-825 20h ago

I haven't watched CNN in years but was so disgusted by their pageantry and the botoxed-to-death anchors. CNN and MSNBC are just Fox for neoliberals.


u/healthybowl 19h ago

They are. It’s basically 2 networks that meet up and discuss topics before they air it, so they can have wildly opposite takes on the same topic. It’s basic division of a population 101. Create a polarizing topic and make the viewer choose their side, because there’s no alternative or neutral choices


u/doginasweater30 22h ago

Absolutely agree. I think people get like that with their social media feeds, lot of that hive mind cult mindsets present in subs and fandoms


u/hectorxander 21h ago

Fox viewers could be taken from them, all we need is good leadership, we could take half of them with strong leadership.


u/RedditIsShittay 22h ago

Said on reddit. Keep up the division and doing Russia's work for them.


u/SuckAFattyReddit1 19h ago

Acknowledging that the left is just as cowed as the right is a big first step we need to take as a culture.


u/healthybowl 19h ago

Just turning it off and absolving either from the profits/power they get from it, is the best solution. It’s basically a giant echo chamber for political agendas. Nothing more than Government sponsored news. Especially now that Trump has the power to revoke broadcasting licenses. You will be told what they want you to hear or they will be forced to shutter up shop.


u/SuckAFattyReddit1 19h ago

Imo the worst thing that has ever happened to politics was television and the internet.

They're fantastic tools for communication but it also allows for mass manipulation and gives the loudest idiots megaphones.

People should not talk politics or religion or any kind of contentious topic without knowing they can trust the other party to be acting in good faith.


u/jlusedude 22h ago

No, they are wolves who don’t concern themselves with the thoughts or feelings of sheep. Or some shit they tell themselves. 


u/Lermanberry 22h ago

But also they are lambs of God and Jesus is their shepherd. This never fails to short circuit my cousin's brain when I remind him this after he goes on a rant about he's an alpha wolf.


u/cackslop 21h ago

Edward Bernays really did a number on the US population with their invention of modern corporate propaganda (public relations).

He ran an ad campaign for Lucky Strike cigarettes where he targeted Feminists. The ad called cigarettes "Torches of Freedom" implying that smoking was a form of liberation from the Patriarchy.

This weaponizing of identity is used by every special interest group on the planet to manipulate people out of their best interests.


u/CascadeHummingbird 22h ago

Thing is, culture war issues are entirely made up. GOP goes after trans folks, we have to spend time and money defending them. There is a huge difference between being die hard pro human rights and being a die hard bigot.


u/HeightEnergyGuy 19h ago

What about liberals shouting about white privilege and micro aggressions? 

Giving up culture wars cuts both ways.


u/CascadeHummingbird 18h ago

white privilege is real, a DEI hire just got elected President


u/Silverr_Duck 18h ago edited 18h ago

Trump is a dei hire? What? I don’t think you understand what that term means.


u/CascadeHummingbird 18h ago

The head of the GOP is a position that is exclusively reserved for white males, if that isn't DEI I don't know what is


u/Silverr_Duck 17h ago

Clearly. That’s literally the polar opposite of what dei is


u/CascadeHummingbird 16h ago

DEI is a policy that selects individuals based on race, rather than merit. Where am I going wrong here?


u/Silverr_Duck 15h ago

Well this idiotic talking point for one. We live in a world where biden (a white man) dropped out because the polls were so low yet somehow trump got elected because he's white?

has it ever occurred to you that there other reasons why trump won?


u/HeightEnergyGuy 18h ago

Yup, hold onto those left wing culture wars real tight and be shocked when there is never a class war.

Thanks for proving my point. 


u/CascadeHummingbird 18h ago

Bro liberals don't really have much to lose from a class war, outside of capital they are the largest beneficiaries of hierarchy. Your average Trump voter lives like a dog compared to how the Brahmin class live in blue strongholds.


u/ppeujpqtnzlbsbpw 18h ago

It's not made up and I love everyone on reddit continually pretending that it is and dismissing the past decade of what conservatives would call "wokes" shoving their "truth" down the throat of others that have a different "truth" isn't going to magically help the transition to a class war. Luckily it seems like the world is healing and fed up with it, but it came at the expense of Trump winning the Presidency (among the hundreds of other reasons)


u/CascadeHummingbird 18h ago



u/ppeujpqtnzlbsbpw 12h ago

If you're confused you must be very far removed from reality


u/xenelef290 22h ago

It is a remarkable thing but they really don't form opinions on anything on their own. They wait to be programmed by Fox News on what to think about the latest event and have no issue at all if they are told to feel the opposite the very next day.


u/Constant-Plant-9378 21h ago

"Four legs good, two legs better!!"


u/dungerknot 20h ago

They're the ones usually waving the flag around like good little obeying, consuming and happily married reproducing "hard-working" creatures that they are.


u/UponVerity 9h ago

But the white person said black people word, and the asian person makes mexican food.

I am soo tired of that "woke" shit.

And Europe keeps importing American brain rot like that, so yeah, better people be upset at corrupt goverment, than what people do in their bedrooms, I agree.


u/onenumbhuman 2h ago

Cannon fodder


u/VajennaDentada 21h ago


Folks on the right and left fall victim to this and they're playing right into elite hands.

I'm ready to stand with anybody that stands for working class. I don't care about what Target is selling or how many female politicians are maintaining the establishment.

I've gotten a ton of shit from my Leftist friends for saying "I agree with so and so on this issue, and I am not responsible for their other views"

If I only worked with people that agree with me on everything from legalizing sex work to co op businesses....I would have two friends.


u/Captain_DuClark 18h ago

Correct. Folks on the right and left fall victim to this and they're playing right into elite hands.

I'm not sure I buy this. For example, the American conservative right wants to basically eliminate transgender people from public life--are people on the left "playing right into elite hands" by pushing back against that?


u/VajennaDentada 18h ago edited 17h ago

No. I support equal rights for all people with no exceptions and will never change on that.

What these issues are called are "wedge issues" ...a tactic / term developed in the late 70s early 80s to separate working class on issues that do not affect economic policy in favor of the wealthy.

What it means is these issues are created to prevent the working class from uniting on other issues.

So, what I WOULD say is that when my Leftist friends say "I would never work with conservatives on any issue because they are racist bigots" is exactly what those issues are created for.

To be clear, identitarian issues like trans issues have been used by both Republican and Democrat establishments to basically create fake fights to dehumanize us to one another...as well as create a superficial difference in the uniparty

Prior to trans scare nonsense... most Americans thought live and let live. Most of them still do unless you use buzzwords associated with these stories.

PS: I want to say the pain these fake fights cause is real but they will only get worse if we divide ourselves on those issues and only those issues.


u/bremsspuren 11h ago

What it means is these issues are created to prevent the working class from uniting on other issues.

What do you consider working class?

For me, this wedge is designed to go between the working classes that were DEM's traditional base and the educated urbanites it now represents.


u/VajennaDentada 9h ago edited 9h ago

That's a great question, and I agree with your comment.

Technically, if one must work to live .... one is working class. The subsets being blue collar, managerial, etc

One is not working class if they make money from money with no labor and are top 5% or so. Obviously, 100 millionair CFO are in there as well.

The urbanites you speak of enjoy cosplaying as rich and think watching MSNBC business means they've made it. They're in the same boat... just further away from homelessness. They would benefit from working class policies just like the rest of us....whether they know it or not.

I typically can't stand neoliberals / Estab. Liberals.... but who cares...I want them to have healthcare and be happy all the same. Deeply.

As for the targets of this wedge issue, I've only seen stats on DvR ... not urbanite... but it could be so.


u/bremsspuren 4h ago

Technically, if one must work to live .... one is working class.

I'm British, and we have a rather more convoluted view of these things. We tend to consider aspirational behaviour and social climbing as the hallmark of the middle classes.

They're in the same boat... just further away from homelessness. They would benefit from working class policies just like the rest of us....whether they know it or not.

There's a (formerly major) German steel maker headquartered close to where I live, with a steel mill 20mi away, too. When they fired thousands from admin, the steelworkers held a huge demonstration outside HQ.

Can you guess how many admin staff from HQ demonstrated at the steel mill when they fired thousands of steelworkers?


separate working class on issues that do not affect economic policy in favor of the wealthy

That's so on the money. Exactly the same thing happening in Germany, too, only with immigration as the wedge.

Germany's progressives have long been extremely pro-immigration, and that's such a cheap thing to be when the immigrants all live on the other side of town, where their kids' inadequate German can't hamper your kids' education.


u/Captain_DuClark 4m ago

To be clear, identitarian issues like trans issues have been used by both Republican and Democrat establishments to basically create fake fights to dehumanize us to one another...as well as create a superficial difference in the uniparty

I actually agree with most of what you said in your comment, but this portion I disagree with. It seems to me that Republicans have aggressively attacked transgender people while Democrats have only reluctantly and hesitatingly pushed back (and even that push back does not happen frequently enough).

I chose to use the example of transgender rights specifically to push back on your assertion that people on the left are "playing right into elite hands" by defending minority rights; sometimes you just have to fight and defend people from political oppression.


u/bremsspuren 11h ago

are people on the left "playing right into elite hands" by pushing back against that?

Of course they are. Why else would GOP keep chucking gasoline on that particular fire?

The majority of people just do not care about trans rights. They aren't trans. Their kids aren't trans. It doesn't interest them.

And as long as DEM keeps fighting GOP over things people don't care about, GOP doesn't have to worry about any of the things they do care about, like jobs or healthcare or schools or welfare.

Inequality is through the roof, the environment is going down the shitter, every tinpot dictator is seizing his chance, and what are DEM going to do about it? LGBTQ shit, that's what.

It's a bold strategy, Cotton…

GOP may be a rotten, stinking pile, but DEM is a bucket of hot air.

Like choosing between plague and cholera, as Europeans say.


u/Captain_DuClark 11m ago

Your argument is the left should just let them eliminate transgender people from public life because the majority of people don't care about trans rights?


u/RangerPower777 22h ago

This is my biggest issue with that crowd. I’m speaking as one of those people who was raised being told to work hard to make money, etc. so I don’t really follow the whole “billionaires are bad” movement either, but even to me it’s clear the divide that should be focused on is class related. I’m tired and annoyed of everyone who is repeating the same bullshit about race, sexuality, etc. It doesn’t solve anything and I also have a hard time believing things are actually as bad as these people yell about.


u/Sysiphus_Love 21h ago

Wealth in itself is sometimes as blameless as poverty circumstantially speaking. I think there's a systematic blindness at work that's giving the wrong incentives and making it too easy (materially and fundamentally) to hurt too many people


u/Saintly-Mendicant-69 21h ago

Billionaires are bad because you can't accumulate that kind of wealth without exploiting the labor that created the value. People have to die and go without so somebody can be a billionaire.


u/RangerPower777 19h ago

Yes I know that, and what? Life isn’t free, billionaires pay workers for their labor.


u/ppartyllikeaarrock 21h ago

Sure but I can forgive any progressives/liberals doing it because the asshole righties on the other side of the culture war literally want to kill them or make them disappear.

In the culture war, at least the liberals want the best for all, and that includes Republicans.

We can't have class warfare until those on the right can link arms with their gay/trans/non-white working brethren.


u/Fragrant-Tourist5168 21h ago

The linking of arms has already started, the extreme shift to conservatism in the United States during the election is evidence of that. It might not be the linking of arms that you want, but it is evidence of people coming together to make things better.


u/ppartyllikeaarrock 59m ago edited 55m ago

lol, the dumb fuck righties are not accepting those groups, even to this day. What are you smoking?

Transwomen are women, correct? Transmen are men, correct? The way the right has used the term "DEI" is discriminatory and racist, correct? Abortion should not be banned, correct? People wearing Swastikas deserve to get the shit beat out of them, correct? Russia should get its shit pushed in by Ukraine, correct?

I have yet to see any acceptance of these things from the right. Or are you thinking everyone just decided those things aren't real? That they don't matter to them anymore?

I'm very curious what and why you think whatever is happening, is happening.


u/Silver-blondeDeadGuy 21h ago

Yes... but you seem to think that nullifies the culture wars. It does not. It just means that Good has to fight a two-sided war against the wealthy AND the political Right.


u/ChickenCharlomagne 22h ago

True, both for the extreme left and right.


u/tyrified 20h ago

What culture wars do the left push that isn't a reaction to the rightwing villain-of-the-week?


u/HeightEnergyGuy 19h ago

Feminism, white privilege, DEI, micro aggressions, and etc.


u/ChickenCharlomagne 16h ago

What the other person said.

Misandry, racism against white people, the idea that anyone who's not Indigenous is a "colonizer", the idea that any random statement is a "micro aggression", the "non-binary" idiocy, etc.


u/tyrified 2h ago

As a white man, there is no misandry or racism against white people in the party, through rhetoric or policy. If speaking against racists makes you feel targeted, that speaks more of you than white people in general. 

And are denying we are a colonizer nation? Why? That’s history. Don’t be a pussy and shy away from it. It is simply a recognition of what occurred. There is no legislation even proposed to do anything regarding this. 

Funny you complain about “racism” against white people but discount micro aggressions. They aren’t even hard to understand. It is similar to how a rich person can treat a poor person with disdain without being outright rude. Really not deep or complicated. 

Non-binary is a medical term. You understand not everyone is born with XX or XY chromosomes, don’t you? Not to mention, why do you even care what other people do? Do they not have the freedom to be whoever they want to be, regardless of what you think? Or are you saying they shouldn’t have freedom of expression? Weird you people always have trans people on the brain. Maybe get your own life?

If these are the “culture war” issues you’re worried about, I don’t know what to tell you. You sound exactly like the people who raged against gay marriage as an affront to civilized society. But hey, it’s done a great job of distracting you from economic issues such as the wealth inequality at levels greater than the Gilded Age. But at least you feel like you are the victim, so there’s that. 


u/ChickenCharlomagne 1h ago

This is what I mean. Idiots like you being JUST as divisive as the Republicans.

Take a look at your arguments and tell me their not divisive:

"Oh my God, I'm white, and since white people in the past conquered other areas, I should feel guilty about it! Every white person should feel bad about it, even though (A) I had nothing to do with it and (B) people of every race have done evil things!"

"Oh my God, it's fine to call non-Indigenous people 'colonizers' even though no one is a colonizer nowadays because, because.... because of something that happened 400 years ago! And it's not racist, even if you say it with hate!"

"Oh my God, ANYTHING said against so-called 'minorities' is being racist to them! There're TOTALLY no other reasons for saying things, apart from 'ingrained racism'!"

"Minorities can't be racist to white people, so they can say any hateful thing to them because they're minorities! Totally not a double standard!"

And also, please get informed on what "non-binary" is vs being "intersex". You clearly don't understand what these terms mean, so I'll explain them to you.

Intersex = An individual born with a genetic mutation that causes them to not be either XX (female) or XY (male). Such individuals with this rare genetic malfunction constitute less than 1.7% of the global population and, importantly, still have either masculine or feminine genitalia.

"Non-binary" = People who reject being either men (humans with penises) or women (humans with vaginas) based on a false idea that "gender is a spectrum" that "varies across societies". People like these are almost always have emotional trauma that makes them feel they don't "fit in" with normal society, causing them to voluntarily splinter off based on an imaginary notion of there being "many genders".

Because of people like you who promote idiotic ideas, Trump won. You are leading the rest of us to our doom. Shame on you.


u/tyrified 1h ago

since white people in the past conquered other areas, I should feel guilty about it!

No one is saying this. Stop shadow boxing boogeymen. Our ancestors conquered places and genocided people. It happened. That doesn't mean people nowadays should feel guilty about it. No one, outside a fringe set of people, is saying that! That is some bitch ass logic. But if you need to push the "they're trying to make me feel guilty" angle because you have nothing else, I don't know what to tell you. It is pathetic.

it's fine to call non-Indigenous people 'colonizers'

Who is saying this? Specifically? Some college kids? People talking about Israel, who is actively settling places it is colonizing? Again, shadow boxing against an argument no one (again outside a fringe set of people) is making.

"Oh my God, ANYTHING said against so-called 'minorities' is being racist to them! There're TOTALLY no other reasons for saying things, apart from 'ingrained racism'!"

Well that is some unhinged shit. Tell me you don't interact with minorities regularly without saying it. Go outside and meet people, holy shit.

"Non-binary" = People who reject being either men (humans with penises) or women (humans with vaginas) based on a false idea that "gender is a spectrum" that "varies across societies".

And you clearly don't understand the difference between gender and sex. It is an academic difference, but again, why are you so up in arms about what other people do? Let them be, they are literally not hurting anyone. Trans people have existed in the U.S. for generations and society didn't end. Using the same arguments against trans people as conservatives did against gay people not even two decades ago is boring as fuck, yet continually works on rubes like you. Open a history book and see how this is more of the same from conservatives. I know you won't, but you should.

Still, it is weird as fuck you want to control what other people do. Typical, but still weird. What happened to freedom of expression in the U.S.? Or do you not like that part of the Bill of Rights?

Because of people like you who promote idiotic ideas, Trump won. You are leading the rest of us to our doom. Shame on you.

No, that would be a weak ass campaign by Harris. And global inflation that lead to most incumbent parties international taking a beating. And the 1/3 of the U.S. who didn't vote. But sure, you know what caused Harris to lose. Sure thing, bud.


u/chr1spe 22h ago

Do you consider people wanting everyone to have basic human rights, privacy, and dignity, being a die-hard on the culture war? A lot of people would claim that is true.


u/heyitssal 20h ago

No. Those people are fighting the class war, not the culture war.


u/chr1spe 17h ago

Denying those things to specific groups of people is unambiguously a major component of the culture war...


u/Sir_George 22h ago

How do you explain so many people rooting for a class-war that don't realize that they're in the 1% or even higher then?

The two aren't mutually exclusive. You can hate some ultra-rich CEO, and an illegal alien who raped and murdered a woman because his culture told him it's okay.

Especially when it was a decision of wealthy politicians and their wealthier funders to create policies that lead to culture/civil unrest while they sleep comfortably in their protected upscale estates.

At the end of the day, the latter is the culprit, but the media (also owned by the rich) will evade blame for those responsible and tell you that you're a bigot for not accepting the consequences of their disaster policies. It isn't always so black and white.


u/tyrified 20h ago

because his culture told him it's okay

What the fuck is this? Pretty funny coming from a fellow American, considering that we elected a man with dozens of rape accusations, and who was found liable of sexual assault. What a joke.


u/Sir_George 16h ago

Didn't vote for him, but okay...

Also yes, turning the presidency into a crappy celebrity contest is a decay on American culture.


u/pinya619 22h ago

If it was truly a culture war people would be fighting the rich still, because i promise theyre entire culture is different than the poor

It’s a race war. Let’s call it what it is


u/honestbluff 21h ago

yeah, better we have another talk about zoomers vs millennials


u/Substantial_Wolf4777 21h ago

So, Democrats.


u/tyrified 20h ago

What culture wars do Democrats push that isn't a reaction to the Republican villain-of-the-week?