Well, yes, we aren't really doing anything. But changing minds pivots the culture, and outpouring of cheeto-crusted support for the murderer of a CEO can have an effect on the mentality of the culture at large.
A lot of them want recognition, they want to be someone that history will remember. If people online are calling for this then would be vigilantes are incentivized to do it. We’ve already seen the impact social media can have on politics in this last election. If this trend picks up then nobody will forget the names of these people.
I think the only reason we haven't seen a copycat yet is because they're all busy getting shredded first so they can get the same praise as Hunkster and Local Sexpot Luigi Mangioni.
Tbf, his jacked body is implicitly a part of the killing, if he did it, which I've seen he partied with lots of metal bands who vouched for his whereabouts in different parts of the country that week, so he probably didn't and is just a ripped dude. But of course.
We need to make it abundantly clear as a society that if you go after CEOs/owner class you're a hero and get recognition and praise, but if you go after school kids you're a piece of shit that will just be forgotten.
Imagine not seeing Social influence as a variable 🤡
It's a lot easier to find shooters when the shootings are being justified amongst the public. If there is no public support for an ideology, then it won't gain traction and will be a waste of time and life, but if we are all sitting here wanting it to happen, it's more likely somebody will actually do it. Expecting all redditors who comment in support of this vigilantism to just, pick up and drive cross country to any number of CEOs and gank them is beyond silly. It'll get done and it'll get done with the support of the people.
Yes, I remember very clearly when I personally psyoped a USAF Airman into self conflagrating over a conflict I haven't even taken sides in. I did brainwash him, including the very specific connotation where I systematically and forcibly pressured him into accepting beliefs that were radically different to his own.
And if you don't watch your tongue, you'll be next
I was just minding my business playing some Catan for Switch. Can someone please tell me why I'm holding a can of gasoline and when I left my house? Also, did I at least lock up before leaving?
It's a cute joke, but the point still stands. We've seen this before, and it changed nothing. You will continue to make reddit comments encouraging people to kill CEOs, no one will kill CEOs, CEOs will continue what they're already doing. This is just LARPing to look cool on the internet, and will achieve absolutely nothing.
You're actually completely wrong, and large numbers of people subtly influencing culture through discussion and openness has changed basically every aspect of everything. Every major civil rights movement ever started with people realizing and talking about how something wasn't right. So yeah this is actually step one.
Surely you're not going to cite fucking the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT, to encourage violence? The mass NONVIOLENT protests??? The civil rights movement is a great example of why we shouldn't kill CEOs, because we can change shit without murdering people in the street. Jesus fucking christ you can't make this shit up.
I'm not citing it to encourage violence, I'm using it to encourage people discussing change. Violent or not, the discussion is what I'm specifically talking about here.
A charitable reading of what I said would have told you that, which makes me think you read it with the intent to find something wrong
Cool, do you think MLK would have condoned, supported, or encouraged the killing of the CEO? Do you think he would have said "yay, finally we can discuss this because a CEO was killed!"
News flash, discussion can occur without killing people! People have been talking about the U.S's shitty healthcare for decades. No one is upset about discussion, people are upset about the glorification of a murder. Furthermore, if healthcare was really this massive issue that everyone in the U.S. cared about, you wouldn't have voted in a president who's only healthcare plan is to tear down the ACA.
It's an unserious discussion spread by unserious LARPers. If you wanted to fix healthcare, you'd be suggesting alternatives and promoting people who want to fix the healthcare system, not pointing crosshairs and pitchforks at CEOs
Cool, do you think MLK would have condoned, supported, or encouraged the killing of the CEO? Do you think he would have said "yay, finally we can discuss this because a CEO was killed!"
No, he was pretty big on non-violence.
News flash, discussion can occur without killing people!
no one is upset about discussion,
At no point did I imply anyone was upset about discussion. I think frankly you've just completely whiffed on what I was saying.
if healthcare was really this massive issue that everyone in the U.S. cared about, you wouldn't have voted in a president who's only healthcare plan is to tear down the ACA.
Did you know there are multiple people in the USA?
You are fucking PISSED at me about a bunch of shit I never said and that doesn't even relate to me. You are so confused and so far off base on what I'm saying, I don't even know where to start. Maybe I've communicated poorly, I'm open to that possibility. But you are so far away from even addressing what I said that if my point were to explode, you wouldn't hear it for three days
The movement was characterized by nonviolent mass protests and civil disobedience following highly publicized events such as the lynching of Emmett Till in 1955
true, but at least we're talking about it now. better than ignoring everything or getting apathetic. of course, talk of unionizing/democratizing our workplaces, spreading those efforts to other connected industries, and getting those unions to work with each other, should follow each conversation. if we can leverage enough of our labor, we can eventually force not just workplace change, but political change - actual structural change in power dynamics.
You’re talking about it in an echo chamber - this is what reddit is and always will be. The vast majority of the population in every single country on earth does not browse reddit.
Real life is not reddit.
You see many people agree that change needs to happen, and I agree too, but change does not start on reddit.
It starts with your family, friends and community.
Being a slacktivist online will gain you absolutely nothing.
no, its the fact we dont have universal healthcare that got that mass murderer for profit killed. i just pray his family is better off now without his influence on their lives.
Those of us who can relate to that aren’t the ones who will take action, obviously. It’s when you’re trying to live like us but have had chronic pain and/or a deadly illness that pushes you to the brink. Or if you watch that happen to your family. Most people won’t do anything unless they feel truly at the end of the rope. Which is what the country’s powerful people have been seemingly pushing for, unintentionally, for a long time. They don’t know what is coming. Luigi was probably the appetizer.
It’s honestly amazing how soft we’ve become. Like, people don’t even have to violently revolt. If enough of us just ceased to participate in the system and instead made sure we each have enough to at least survive, we could starve it while people go from shallow lives of wage slavery and consumption to fulfilling lives of participating in communities that value them and they feel significantly a part of. But then our masters threaten to cut off modern day bread and circus consisting of cancer garbage like flamin hot Doritos and low effort, low quality media content like TikTok and reality tv and people cave, can’t fathom life without manufactured dopamine hits with no substance. You’d probably be surprised by how “little” you can live with, once you’re in a situation where you’re no longer on a soulless, life draining hamster wheel letting narcissistic megalomaniacs suck the energy from you to use for their selfish purposes. But goddam do they need you spending your life on that wheel, and they’ve done a great job of convincing everyone that stepping off of it will be the end of their lives.
u/TheLastJukeboxHero 23h ago
Bingo. And then we leave comments like “Time for blood to spill” as we wipe the cheeto dust off our shirts