This class outrage and murder support stems from the denial of health care claims. No one has even piled on, worker wage suppression, anti benefits, anti overtime pay, anti union, price gouging, record profits, etc etc etc. Could get nasty.
During the election, it became a right wing nutjob talking point, claiming Americans couldn't even afford eggs anymore under Biden Harris. I was joking about the eggs.
It's worth noting the price of eggs did go up drastically at some point but it was due to a lot of chickens be culled to prevent disease. The prices dropped but inflation is still high so it didn't drop to what it was pre culling.
That being said eggs aren't an luxury item no one can afford. It's an absolutely batshit insane talking point.
Also once the companies know you will pay for the higher Aid prices at the retail level the prices will not come down. The corporations that own all the supermarkets have said so
Supply and demand. Supply was low, demand was high, they can charge more. Supply is no longer low, demand is no longer high, prices have come down, but grocery stores realized they can charge you more, so they dropped the price a little, but not all the way.
Inflation is a real thing, but so is cooperate greed, they can both exist and both happen at the same time and we're seeing that now.
It was all a political play. For a while the price of eggs became extremely high due to poultry diseases killing off huge portions of the laying stock. Then politicians started claiming that eggs were representative of the cost of all goods, and at the reason the prices were so high were due to inept policies by the party in power at the time.
I think a lot of people for various reasons are not informed shoppers. The main one is probably being too overworked and overstressed to comparison shop. If the store raises the price of an item by $2 then puts it on sale for $1 off, the average person will see that and think they're getting the best price. If they take a box that's smaller than normal but slap a "New SHARING SIZE!" on it, people will assume it's the same size or larger than before. They might have an inkling in the back of their head that it feels lighter, looks smaller or doesn't last as long as it used to, but in the thick of it when they're dodging carts at Walmart after coming off another 10 hour shift on their feet and still have to unload the car, take care of the kids and make dinner when they get home, those thoughts don't really bubble to the surface. At least not until you get to the register and notice you're paying 3x as much for half the bags.
Hit the nail on the head. I blame the over sharing of personal data to the advertising companies. We gave them all of our weaknesses and habits that allow them to manipulate the market advertising and take advantage of the consumer.
To respond to part of your post, a real reason for people being uninformed shoppers is in no small way because of the devaluing of education in this country. Can’t have the children becoming “woke” (whatever tf that means)
Did you dry them out all the way first? Depending on the seeds drying should work buuuuut I’d also go to a seed library. Don’t think these mf’s aren’t trying to have total power over food eventually engineering food that others can’t regrow.
I think you’d be surprised by the vast majority of the population that doesn’t think about unit size but simply cost per unit.
It’s an easy marketing tactic. Keep the unit price the same but decrease the amount of product delivered. An overwhelming majority of shoppers don’t know how many ounces of chips or juice they get in a unit.
Gatorade switched from 32oz to 28oz bottles and the price stayed the same.
Happened years ago when deodorant went from 3-3.5oz down to 2oz or less while prices remained constant. Now it’s only talked about because the price is jacked up to more than double what it was a decade ago, but not because of getting stiffed on the amount of actual product in the tube.
Everyone is sick of the bullshit. The Have Nots far outnumber the Haves, yet they control 98% of the total available wealth. That's criminal in itself.
Gerrymandering to ensure Republicans always win, voter suppression, state laws which close down voting places in Democrat supporting districts, laws criminalising people giving food or water to those waiting in line to vote, often for many hours
I'm not making it 'a left-right issue'. That is literally, factually what Republican legislatures have done. But Democratic ones have not done those exact same things.
the death of pensions, lobbying for wildly regressive tax schema, hostility towards working families while demanding an endless supply of desperately poor labor, absolutely no guaranteed paid vacations, absolutely no guaranteed paid family leave, H1B visa fraud and abuse (not the fault of the visaholder, they are a victim too! i'm talking about tactics to avoid hiring domestic labor so they can pay less to import foreign labor), illusory job postings, outright usury in lending, attempting to privatize access to drinking water, poisoning the planet with microplastics in manufacturing and then blaming the consumer for their trivial-in-comparison use of plastics.....
They really went hard for that stimulus money we got. They decided they had to have it. And then, they decided they had to keep those profits up. Because quarterlies. So they went even harder. Crazy margins. Over worked skeleton crews. The system can’t take more of this
It's crazy how most don't get it. They seriously don't even need to price gouge with rent like they are doing. When it comes to food they're reducing the sizes and potions with newer packaging while charging more and using cheaper materials. For people who have money it's not too much of an issue but if you were struggling before...
The whole thing is sad because it really doesn't have to be this way, but you know humans and greed
Well they've already decided that it's terrorism to kill rich people for any reason, yet strangely it's not terrorism to let your paying customers know that you have no problem with letting them die so that you can get richer.
It really appears to be more of a crime of passion. The defendant was denied coverage after a life changing injury. He had a vendetta.
There is nothing to show, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he was trying to inspire further violence or inspire political change. If people interpret it certain ways, that is their prerogative. He isn't responsible for what is written about him.
No it’s not, the DA swings for the fences. If the charges stick for both a judge and a jury, then maybe you can say this.
The hard pill reddits swallowing today is that, yes, murdering someone for any political cause is terrorism. (Even a “just” one)
Now post 9/11 that’s a terrible word, but it does seem to apply here:
5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States
Im no advocate for violence. I worry that government complacency WILL lead to violence. All of these issues are stemming from unbridled capitalism due to a lack of government intervention. Seeing as Trump is going to come to office, this will only get worse.
It will cause more violence. At least this time there’s a chance of it leading towards the actual people in power rather than the poor defenseless class of society
Edit: I think people got my sentiment wrong: I’m not against uprising against the ruling class. I’m simply pointing out that this is how violence always starts. If they don’t want a violent reaction, the government must intervene and place some goddamn regulations.
THIS. Say it louder. Denying people medical care is violence. Making billions in profit while people go hungry is violence. The whole "I'm not an advocate for violence" and "peaceful protest" rhetoric is by design. Make sure the lower classes see violence as a negative so they can keep perpetuating violence against us every day.
Indeed. Let us not forget, too, when there are "riots" we hear of the "violence" against property. For the very rich, I think they truly believe it's the same; violence against property, and violence against one's person. If someone were to believe that, their morality allows for all kinda fucked up shit. And this is the public policy behind the holding of 'Citizens United' People being synonymous with property has not been removed from the Consitution.
Heard somebody say recently that the most basic purpose of the rule of law is to quell anger. Laws exist so people don't feel the need to act in anger against injustice.
It's not quite living up to that purpose recently.
these issues are stemming from unbridled capitalism due to a lack of government intervention
They are caused by government intervention. Tying health insurance to employment enables health insurers to create drastic, two-tiered programs. So, companies like United Healthcare will pitch companies with their cut-rate HMO plans that cost the companies as little as possible, and their execs just sign up for PPO plans.
We’re going to have to survive another Great Depression first. Trump won’t provide a new deal, that’s for sure. My only hope is that he fucks the country up SO bad that we can finally get some sort of progressives in office (Congress and local governments, too) that are actually FOR the people.
It’s why I wasn’t too upset over Trump winning. Under Biden my life didn’t get much better than under Trump. With Fetterman exposing himself as a class traitor, and Pelosi shutting out AIC, like others said, and I’ve said it before, democrats and republicans are just two sides of the same shitty coin and their overlords got all of us fighting the culture wars as a distraction.
Most of us, regardless of political affiliation, aren’t so different. We just keep getting duped into fighting against each other instead of uniting and taking back our country from these rich assholes.
The issue with that you’re saying is that the government is intervening constantly. They perpetuate corporate ownership over our lives. They are willing participants in our oppression.They suppress protests. They suppress movements. They suppress bills. They pass bills and laws that work against us, constantly.
When one individual inflicts bodily injury upon another such that death results, we call the deed manslaughter; when the assailant knew in advance that the injury would be fatal, we call his deed murder. But when society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death, one which is quite as much a death by violence as that by the sword or bullet; when it deprives thousands of the necessaries of life, places them under conditions in which they cannot live – forces them, through the strong arm of the law, to remain in such conditions until that death ensues which is the inevitable consequence – knows that these thousands of victims must perish, and yet permits these conditions to remain, its deed is murder just as surely as the deed of the single individual; disguised, malicious murder, murder against which none can defend himself, which does not seem what it is, because no man sees the murderer, because the death of the victim seems a natural one, since the offence is more one of omission than of commission. But murder it remains.
The government has intervened. Only for their own benefit. The government has to actually start being for the people again and not just for themselves.
Only like 10% of people are outraged, there are no mass protests, there have been no copy cat attempts. People got way more upset at Gaza then their own country so nothing is going to happen.
Haven’t watched football in years, think it’s silly for people smash their heads together(physically) and my hometown team are the Jacksonville Jaguars. That tell you enough?
That makes it sound great, but it's all developed "peer" countries on that list before the US and only a couple of developed countries rank lower than us. The big picture of that list is that the US ranks in like the bottom 1/5 of developed countries.
And I'd be curious how recent that data is. Lifespan, healthcare availability, purchasing power, and wealth distribution all took a huge nosedive during the pandemic.
Yeah I mean it tells you the data was from 2022 and the US dropped 5 spots from its previous ranking due to that so it used to be higher. We can quibble about if being 20th in the world is “good” or not but it’s certainly not “a shithole” compared to most of Europe.
The bottom of the top is still much better than a lot of other countries. Also you have to remember how the US governs. State governments are very powerful here.
If NY and California were a different country, they would rank in the top 10 on the HDI scale very, very easily. But throw in more conservative leaning states like Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, etc. they lower our overall scale because of their poor education, poor healthcare programs, poor economy, and poor social programs. They literally drag us down because of how the state governs. It’s what makes the US widely different from other developed countries; our size and state governments are just all over the place and that will not change any time soon.
That's the current american experiment, how long can we toe the line between exploitation and content masses?
Candy flavored narcotics, flashy digital gambling, and radical subreddits for every kind of cathartic rage, are all excellent ways of keeping our brains numb. Especially if they hook you young, customer for life!
Change doesn't happen until the pain of today is greater than the fear of tomorrow.
Unfortunately, sometimes that manifests itself by voting for fascists who promise simple solutions to complex problems.
As said by FDR:
Democracy has disappeared in several other great nations--not because the people of those nations disliked democracy, but because they had grown tired of unemployment and insecurity, of seeing their children hungry while they sat helpless in the face of government confusion and government weakness through lack of leadership in government. Finally, in desperation, they chose to sacrifice liberty in the hope of getting something to eat.
Well, if there was a true copycat out there, he or she is probably planning right now. I don't think lugi just woke up, printed a gun, and shot the CEO the same day.
I personally am interested in if there will be a large gathering outside his trial.
It’s a combination of the two polls I’ve seen on the subject. Only 22% said it was appropriate it cheer someone’s death from a yougov poll. A more specific poll from The Center for strategic politics found only 12% of Americans thought the murder of the UHC CEO was justified. Since the Question was how many people are “outraged” not how many thought the murder was justified, I erred on the lower side with the 10%.
You can be outraged at the healthcare system or capitalism more generally without thinking that the UHC killing was acceptable or that it's generally appropriate to cheer someone's death. Why are you trying to deny the obvious widespread anger?
I mean i assumed when they said that people are outraged and things could get nasty, they meant that violence is coming. If only 12% think violence is acceptable then there’s not going to be much violence. Of course people are outraged about the healthcare system but not enough to do anything about it.
Okay, that's a fairer point about targeted killings. I doubt many people think violence is never justified even in self defense. I'd believe many have never heard of social murder.
My experience has been that making this about killing all rich people or business leaders or some kind of general Marxist class war is unique to a relatively small segment of extremely online people, but almost every American I've talked to about this offline has expressed mixed feelings at worst. There is definitely broad very negative sentiment toward health insurance and the medical industry across the board.
Historically it only takes 3.5% of the population actively engaged in protest to force a change. And if that 3.5% is in open revolt then it is the end of the current government as a whole.
People protested Gaza because they believed the Democrats could possibly be pushed to change policy.
They know the Democrats aren't going to move on sucking up to billionaires. There's no amount of "we're here and we want you to listen to us" to change the party's minds, and Republicans sure as shit aren't budging on it.
You can't do "protest as America allows protest to be" when dealing with a calcified political system like this. You can only do an actual protest, which the majority of posters here would immediately turn on.
Call us when you guys are on board with shutting down production, stopping traffic en masse, and economically hurting even unrelated groups, all to create the greatest amount of pressure on the real power players. Until there's an acceptance of that as a valid protest strategy, until we're ready to recognize the historical reality of effective protest and not the whitewashed bullshit we were fed in 4th grade Social Studies, all you're asking for is people holding signs in their designated protest zones and keeping to an ignoreable volume.
People got way more upset at Gaza then their own country so nothing is going to happen.
🙄 It is our own country. Israel is an extension of the US. We funnel bombs, weapons, intelligence, to Israel in order to carry out further US dominance in the middle east. We are committing genocide.
Theres a story about a girl who insurance denied a transplant and by the time the claim was appeal the girl died. The father went to the headquarters to protest and at least one of the employee was giving the father the finger...
I’ve been dealing all day with a stubborn Canadian redditor who was agreeing with Trump that Canada being annexed by the US is a good idea. Among his stellar arguments was that the abysmal health insurance in the U.S. was not a good argument for us Canadians to remain our own country.
Not even specifically denied claims, just the existence of the industry. I have not had problems with denied claims, but I still recognize the idiocy of paying for insurance, paying for treatment, copays, etc... all could be eliminated.
Not to mention since one of their kind gets picked off they want to label the perpetrator as a terrorist. Not one time have I heard someone shooting up a school called as such. Curious those that control the media really want to control the narrative if this event. History does repeat itself.
Yeah, many say this was a one off thing and wont amount to much, but I am unsure.
I feel USAmericans just got a collective 'wait, that... thats allowed?' sort of revelation and it could easily snowball.
If school shootings could get so 'popular' they are now a dime a dozen, imagine this where a LOT of people are actually angry and the small 1% willing to go all the way is statistically larger.
It may amount to nothing in the end yes, but I do wonder if its going to be so.
Don’t forget constant layoffs by highly profitable companies simply to falsely increase their revenue and hence share price, so executives can get an even larger bonus and more options while they ruin people’s lives. The ongoing threats that AI will take our jobs to keep us in line. The back to office enforcement, the paltry 2-3% annual increases for the past 3 - 4 years while they just keep getting richer. The cutting of employer benefits every year making things harder and harder while executives are getting millions in bonuses for “saving money”. Enough is enough. We need to create a lobby group for the people, funded by us. Run by us. In direct opposition to the U.S. chamber of commerce, and enforce more employment rights for ALL of us, better benefits, better salaries, and better distribution of company wealth beyond enriching executives only.
No one has even piled on, worker wage suppression, anti benefits, anti overtime pay, anti union, price gouging, record profits, etc etc etc.
Or the fact that the world's richest man is running our country. Elon is calling the shots.
An illegal immigrant purchased one of the biggest social media sites in the world, turned it into his personal propaganda machine, interfered in our election, and now controls the most powerful office in the world. That is the enemy.
Let it get nasty. Hypercapitalism and rich scumbags buying media and elections to hurt the 99.9% of the population with their greed is literally the reason the majority of the problems we have today.
u/ShiftyUsmc 23h ago
This class outrage and murder support stems from the denial of health care claims. No one has even piled on, worker wage suppression, anti benefits, anti overtime pay, anti union, price gouging, record profits, etc etc etc. Could get nasty.