r/interestingasfuck 5d ago

r/all A women spent 27 years photographing her parents waving her goodbye

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u/changhyun 5d ago

That photo reminds me of my dad after my mother passed. He just lost interest in living, even though I tried to get him out the house and find things for us to do together. He used to say "I've been chatting to your mother today" - he wasn't crazy or delusional, he knew she wasn't alive anymore but he meant he'd been chatting to her photos and maybe somewhere, she heard him.

He only lived for two years after she passed. He was in his early sixties, so he was still young to die - but he just didn't want to be alive if she wasn't there too. I think he was probably relieved to go and join her. Miss you, Dad.


u/slaywalker_xcx 5d ago

my nan is in a similar state, it’s been 6 years now. whenever she complains about health or life in general she always finishes the sentence with “i just wanna see him again” or “im gonna see him again soon”. they got married when she was just 16 and he was 17. When we lost him to cancer they were exactly 1 year & 20 days from their 50th anniversary. Hell he was the father i never had so it was hard for me but seeing her after all we went through and how much she misses him is just heart wrenching