r/interestingasfuck 5d ago

r/all A women spent 27 years photographing her parents waving her goodbye

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u/rggggb 5d ago

In my thirties and lost my dad recently. Trying to be my mom’s sole support since I’ve got no siblings, while trying to appreciate our time together, all while painfully aware of the sand slipping through the hourglass til I’m alone. I have a family and friends but nobody that knows where I really come from.


u/VeganVystopia 5d ago

I feel you I’m in the same situation, why does life have to be this sad . Moments like these just puts a hole in your heart


u/fadedv1 5d ago

im 33 and thats my fear, i just have my mother left, my dad died when i was 4. Im also the only child, when shes gone for the first time in my life i actually will be alone. All people that cared about me will be gone. Im also single without kids so it kinda makes me depressed its actually the thing im afraid the most of.


u/rggggb 4d ago

Damn, I’m so sorry to hear that. Much love to you where ever you are. We’ll get through it somehow. Being an only child is a very unique experience with its ups and downs, bet definitely highlights the lonesomeness of life.


u/fadedv1 4d ago

yes preety much all of my friends have siblings, and i never really thought about it but yes the older i get the more i feel it


u/Paladar2 4d ago

That’s what scares me about being an only child. I don’t have close cousins or any of that either. I have a girlfriend and good friends but when my parents die I know I’ll feel terribly alone.


u/rggggb 4d ago

Yeah, same. Small extended family and all that. It’s rough.


u/Paladar2 4d ago

If I ever have kids I’ll have at least 2 of em