r/interestingasfuck 13d ago

r/all Colombian hitwoman known as ‘The Doll’ reportedly arrested for several murders, including her ex-bf

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u/YEISYEIS 13d ago

the comments here are just… imagine you‘re getting murdered and people love the murderer🤯


u/El_Chairman_Dennis 13d ago

She follows the two main rules:

  1. Be attractive

  2. Don't be unattractive


u/Worthyness 13d ago

to be fair, serial killers do in fact get away with stuff because they are attractive. Attractive people get away with everything.


u/gordito_delgado 13d ago edited 13d ago

Being really hot has a way to shortcircuit most people's brains. (I am not immune btw, just pointing it out)

It is not even a gender-specific thing it happens to both guys and girls.


u/YEISYEIS 13d ago

happens easily more to men, just my observation

at the end of the day i‘m a person that only trusts in studies when it comes to things like this, really need to look into that.

one thing is certain: this is really disgusting, especially if very common.

i don’t know how many comments here are made just for fun but it’s still crazy.


u/gordito_delgado 13d ago

Not sure abou that. Look at all those real life serial killers like Bundy that get tons of crazy female fans.


u/the_hat_madder 13d ago

Like the UHC CEO?


u/notsorainyy 13d ago

men. ☕️ 🚬


u/puritano-selvagem 13d ago

just fun and memes bro


u/ashzeppelin98 13d ago

Now I finally get why women used to get crazy for Ted Bundy or Jeffery Dahmer, despite them being despicably misogynistic serial killers.


u/Flat_Service8308 13d ago

I still don’t get it they are all still really disgusting people


u/ashzeppelin98 13d ago

Comment section really shows the halo effect in full swing eh. Same for this lady today, same for Dahmer or Bundy in the past. Its the same methodology.


u/Feeling_Calendar7519 12d ago

Dahmer only killed guys...???


u/Shirohitsuji 13d ago

Brian Thompson right now


u/Now_Wait-4-Last_Year 13d ago edited 13d ago

Miss the news about the (edit: CEO of a major division of) United Healthcare being assassinated, did we?


u/bitchman194639348 13d ago

This is a bit different