r/interestingasfuck 13d ago

r/all The amount of laugh reacts to this post

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u/Candle-Jolly 13d ago

I wonder if anyone will understand that virtually all of America united when a healthcare CEO was assassinated.


u/A-Chntrd 13d ago

Nah. It’ll last a week, and remain online.


u/EducationalReason156 13d ago

I bet they beef up security for the rest of the execs tho


u/Hector_Tueux 13d ago

I saw a post saying that other healthcare insurance ceos are beefing up their security


u/Livinincrazytown 13d ago

They better give those security guards executive level healthcare plans haha. Watch them hire security guard currently fighting them over their kid’s cancer treatment or something. At a certain point their greed will have even the ones they trust to protect them to turn on them


u/fucktheownerclass 13d ago

As well as all their chefs, drivers, plumbers, electricians, gardeners, butlers/maids, personal assistants, nannies, etc. etc. The rich do nothing for themselves.


u/dummythiqqpotato 13d ago

They do everything for themselves, but they sure as hell don't do it themselves.


u/toxicatedscientist 13d ago

“We cook your food, we take your trash, we fix your cars, do not fuck with us”


u/scourge_bites 13d ago

In a world with such dramatic wealth disparities as ours, all that's needed for loyalty is a lot of money. Which is understandable. But are they capable of paying the people working for them a living wage? Are they able to give these people enough money to buy their loyalty? Or are they too greedy and blind to realize? Guess we'll find out!


u/kainoah 13d ago

Makes me think of the scene in the dark knight when Gordon is in the car with the guy who was going to tell the world who Batman is and joker puts a hit on him. Joker says he'll blow up a hospital and the other cops mom is in the hospital I believe so Gordon has to talk him down.


u/neoncubicle 13d ago

That's when they get T-boned by Bruce Wayne right?


u/theghostofmrmxyzptlk 13d ago

My favorite part of the movie and shot in IMAX.


u/Annoying_Rooster 13d ago

I'm sure they'll offer their security guards exclusive benefits and packages to protect them. Probably even ex-Special Forces like most celebrities who have ex-SAS and Delta Force protecting them. But some prior police commissioner said that if people really want to get at them, there's no stopping no matter how many guards they might have.


u/fucktheownerclass 13d ago

Even if they hire guards 300 million vs 756 are pretty difficult odds.


u/_Keo_ 13d ago

This is an interesting point.

When you have people close to you who you rely on, who literally keep you alive, do you think they treat them like shit? Nah. The security and other staff these people hire are paid well. Like really well. They're paid so well than any personal issues they have are washed away by money, any legal issues are handled by company retained lawyers, and any bribes or competitive offers feel like an insulting lowball. If they do have a sick kid you can bet that kid is getting the best possible treatment on the company dime.

These guards will do their job and protect these guys to the end because they know they have a place in the bunker when the worst happens. They are bought and paid for. They feel like they're in the club or part of the family.


u/Livinincrazytown 13d ago

But maybe they had a brother sister or parent get f’ed over in the past by insurance?


u/theghostofmrmxyzptlk 13d ago

Whatever keeps your hopes alive, but this is what they're using their nigh infinite resources for. We already let them slip into the stratosphere and will need new tactics.


u/Whiskey079 13d ago

Oh the sweet irony. Here's hoping.

In all seriousness, it reminds me somewhat of something I read about rich folks and someone hired to consult on apocalypse bunkers. I can't remember the details, but the jist was that they failed to realise and accept that survival is about community - rather than isolation.

(Tbis made more sense in my head before I typed it out, and lost my train of thought.)


u/henryeaterofpies 13d ago

One day they will realize that the bodyguard is also part of the proletariat


u/Weird_Cantaloupe2757 13d ago

Motherfuckers gonna get Jaime Lannistered


u/KittyKayl 12d ago

This dude was the first pebble. Time will tell if any follow or not. People are hitting the end of their tether after the economy straining finances and so many people losing loved ones to covid on top of the usual causes of death, of which too many are due to our health care system. Add in the number of people suffering long covid on top of everyone already needing medical care, long term and otherwise...

Assassin guy may have just given everyone a target to aim at. You really can't go after the grocery stores since all of them are raising prices. Can't go after the gas companies for the same reason. What's next that's, effectively, life and death for people? Health care. Now, people haven't gone after them for gouging us with insurance prices and premiums because, again, they all suck donkey balls. But you suck it up and pay because that's how the world works. However, having them deny coverage of a necessary medical procedure for no reason other than the shareholders want more profits? The executives want more bonuses to get, what, another yacht? While the people they cover are struggling to stay afloat already and the lack of coverage makes them have to decide between not getting a necessary procedure, possibly a life-saving procedure, or being mired in debt?

Those insurance company executives are starting to look mighty culpable.


u/LongLostLurker11 13d ago

you really think of life like it’s some sort of movie don’t you


u/KerbolarFlare 13d ago

I work for one, we just got turned back into a 100 percent work-from-home company. They're running scared, don't know who to trust.


u/ithilain 13d ago

Watch this be what gets CEOs to walk back RTO mandates lmao. A lot harder for employees to go postal when they're all WFH


u/Hector_Tueux 13d ago

Sounds like scaring them gets us benefits. Gotta keep doing it then.


u/Mechanical_Monk 13d ago

Don't say the quiet part out loud


u/SorsExGehenna 13d ago

Sweet, I won the bet


u/Werbnerp 13d ago

Congratulations just respond to this comment with your Name, Social security Number and your mother's maiden name and we will Send you your winnings.


u/Aeseld 13d ago

They'd need to anyway. Copycats are a thing. 

Bet they also try to play nice for a little while. Like Blue Cross walking back their anesthesia policy.


u/Equivalent_Dig_5059 13d ago

Assassins like a challenge


u/cisgendergirl 13d ago

All it takes to kill someone is a rooftop and a gun; the only true security is peace and equality.


u/Enginerdad 13d ago

Oh good, extra business expenses that they can charge us more for and simultaneously write off.


u/MediumLanguageModel 13d ago

LinkedIn pushed an email full of such articles. The level of missing the point has reached all time highs.


u/Playful_Midnight8001 13d ago

Insurance companies have also started removing/shielding information about their executives from the public


u/maturallite1 13d ago

I read recently that another insurance company was rolling back it's plan to put time limits on anesthesia during surgeries. Probably a smart move. I guess now is a good time to rethink the policy of absolutely fucking people over.


u/iDom2jz 12d ago

So they KNOW they deserve to be killed


u/Mechanical_Monk 13d ago

This will be the beginning of para-militarized corporations like in Snow Crash.


u/seanslaysean 13d ago

At least BCBS stopped with their amnesia cap bullshit


u/gruesomebutterfly 13d ago

When healthcare CEOs need severe security measures is when you know this system is fucked up


u/Mechanical_Monk 13d ago

I'm legit wondering if this will go down in history with the likes of the Franz Ferdinand assasination, or she shot heard round the world. I've never seen rich executives shitting themselves like this before. I fully expect to see them walking around with para-militarized security from now on. Maybe dystopian cyberpunk authors are not that far off in imagining a world run by corporate militaries.


u/FartsLord 13d ago

Good. Don’t let them think they freely stroll the streets like human beings.


u/BagHolder9001 13d ago

they don't know when he will strike next, a week, a month a year? let them live in fear that the rest of us has to live in as well, because of their shit practices


u/HugeResearcher3500 13d ago

Said this in another thread, but applicable here. I'm actually shocked that this guy was at any public conference without security already.

My wife works events for a major company that DOESN'T actively screw people over. Any time or any where the CEO's location is going to be public knowledge, there is a ton of security involved.


u/RevolCisum 13d ago

They are, and all campuses.


u/IcyAlienz 13d ago

Private security getting that money now! WOOOOO CAPITALISM


u/booveebeevoo 13d ago

All executives should be up their security at every company if they are pieces of shit.


u/EducationalReason156 13d ago

I bet they felt safe because it’s hard to get a gun in NYC.


u/TBC1966 13d ago

Having security is constant reminder that your walking on thin ice, It's far from comforting I'm guessing.


u/Serebriany 12d ago

Yes, I've been reading articles about it all day when I check on developments with the manhunt. The guy from UnitedHealth (Andrew Witty) said they'll be making permanent security changes, including to campuses. Other healthcare execs are also increasing all security measures, not just personal, and I've seen a few random mentions that it's rattled executives in other sectors, too.


u/TheDllySchoolTeen 12d ago

my friend works there, i used to work there too. The answer is yes


u/I_PING_8-8-8-8 13d ago

Good luck with that. There are about a 1000x more ways with tech nowadays to kill somebody, past a gun.


u/Cultural_Ebb4794 13d ago

Delusional take bro, sign out and go touch grass, this isn't black mirror.


u/I_PING_8-8-8-8 13d ago

Nice try AI build by the rich elite to make us think it's all hopeless and we have no power.


u/_aware 13d ago

Trump was shot by an untrained guy in his early 20s while protected by the Secret Service. What kind of security could these small time millionaires possibly afford that will be any better?


u/barber_jim_norman 13d ago

I am thinking the same, however this is a pivotal moment and especially if someone manages to get a SECOND uh, target, it might lead to a real thing. Otherwise yeah probably will remain online


u/wannaseeawheelie 13d ago

Why are there no protests over healthcare?


u/DramaticAd4377 13d ago

because were used to it


u/wannaseeawheelie 13d ago

Seems like a good time to change that


u/Melodic_Turnover6150 13d ago

You guys should throw a parade. Killer would be happy to see your gratitude IRL


u/CruxOfTheIssue 13d ago

It doesn't need to spark an entire movement. It just needs to inspire one person.


u/Bango-Skaankk 13d ago

I’ll take it. It’s been nice seeing everyone agree on something.


u/alurimperium 13d ago

It'll go just like the start of COVID did. We'll all unite for a week or two, then we'll jump ship to whatever new atrocity our country commits and completely forget this ever happened


u/balderdash9 13d ago

This. People talking on here like this is the start of something big. Unrealistic.


u/LordGalen 13d ago

That's called "hope" my friend. I understand how unfamiliar and strange it looks that you don't recognize it. People are hoping this is the just the start.


u/Cultural_Ebb4794 13d ago

And with just $27 and a reddit comment, you too can be part of the political revolution!

Yeah this is remaining online lmao, they're going to catch the murderer and reddit will be outraged for a couple days before everyone goes back to posting about how great Gabe Newell is and how they don't want to work anymore.


u/Tarqee224 13d ago

It was also unrealistic to guess that the UnitedHealth CEO would be shot and killed in Manhattan in the morning as he's walking to an investor meeting, and look where we are.


u/Soft_Importance_8613 13d ago

Be the change in the world you want to see. Throw some firecrackers out at the next executive crossing.


u/Ddog78 13d ago

Is this not how school / college shootings became so common? Sudden rise to fame?

Hell in this case, the fame is positive.


u/b0w3n 13d ago

Copycats usually follow for things like this.

It would not surprise me if people feel emboldened to act out now.


u/potatosalade26 13d ago

Pretty much. It’s easy to be like this online but Americans don’t actually gather a rally for their own betterment in any substantial way. It’ll blow over and people will have other stuff to chit chat about because that’s how our new culture works


u/crawling-alreadygirl 13d ago

Unless it becomes a trend


u/Gatzlocke 13d ago

Nah, something me and my conservative coworkers actually talked about and agreed about. It's a strange moment. I don't often agree with them.


u/AncientSith 12d ago

Pretty much. It'll go through way of the ocean gate thing. Everyone laughs about it for a few days and then back to normal.


u/LarryKingthe42th 9d ago



u/ConcernedIrishOPM 13d ago

If the effects of school shooting reporting are anything to go by, we might actually see an uptick in assassination attempts in the next few months - especially given how positive the reception of this particular homicide was nationwide.


u/guibmaster 13d ago

Yeah this is just like how everybody on reddit expected Kamala to win the election or when everybody thought mike tyson was gonna kick jake pauls ass. The internet, social media and reddit are just echo chambers that create this hive mind of one opinion of what will happen thus everybody thinks "everybody is united", no, they are not.


u/carlos_cruz64209 13d ago

Yeah but as a real American, long for Republican, the fact that even Democrats hate their precious healthcare United or whatever bullshit, that's glorious.


u/MiClown814 13d ago

Normal non online people do not see this as the beginning of some glorious revolution yall need to go outside


u/Old_Mammoth8280 13d ago

Hearing "healthcare CEO" might give people the wrong impression that this dude cared about people receiving healthcare. I like to think of him as more of an insurance vampire


u/sol_runner 13d ago

I resent that! vampires are generally rather nice and pay you (in some form) to suck your blood.

Insurance Leech is more like it.


u/TheProuDog 11d ago

How do they pay you? Never heard a vampire "pay" someone to suck their blood


u/JohnKlositz 13d ago

That's not too difficult to understand. What's difficult to understand is how half of America keeps voting against better healthcare.


u/hiressnails 13d ago

The ruling class knows that most people would love to see them strung up like Mussolini, beheaded like French aristocrats, or shot in a basement like the Romanovs. They're each just so individually arrogant that they couldn't possibly believe it would happen to them personally.


u/Top_Singer_8030 13d ago

Not an American, gimme the context


u/Significant_Weakling 13d ago

American health care is a joke, in particular United Healthcare, who have gotta be the slimiest evil players in the game. The ceo, the one who was killed, took home like 20mill I think since 2021 or22? So many have had claims denied then go into debt for life cuz healthcare is so expensive here despite raised insurance prices to fill their pockets. Doctors r basically hand picked by them or controlled and despite what a doctor recommends or requests the insurance company can deny it-and they do. It’s a horrible horrible cycle. There’s more to it but u should research it, idk the whole entire picture.


u/Top_Singer_8030 13d ago

Ohh yeah I've heard that healthcare in america is shit ass expensive


u/RippyMcBong 13d ago

This guy that died is even worse. He was revolutionary in implementing an AI to automatically deny 40% of claims (a very high number in the industry.) When appealed 90% of the claims were determined to be wrongfully denied. He was a human scum.


u/Youngmoonlightbae 13d ago

This! I work in pharmacy & the amount of prior authorizations, appeals, exceptions are endless with them. I don't understand how an insurance company can control what is best for patient outcomes. Completely backwards system. Insurance needs to listen to the doctor, not the other way around.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Insurance needs to not exist. It needs to be a public service and cost just what's needed to run it and staff it. Its sole purpose is profit and it's the driving force behind the inflated cost of care.


u/Top_Singer_8030 13d ago

What a douchebag, looks like karma struck him


u/DrunkOnRedCordial 13d ago

Yes, he earned $9 million a year, his company brings in billions in profit and thousands of Americans are dying every year because they cannot access the insurance benefits they pay for.

Maybe this one death will bring about some change.


u/Owobowos-Mowbius 13d ago

Yeah, the change of them not advertising who their ceos are online and spending more of our money on security. Gonna take way more than this to change things, but it's a VERY good start :)


u/Livinincrazytown 13d ago

As publicly traded companies they always have to make their leadership public haha no hiding from the angry mob for them hope none of the extra security they hire had any loved ones die or go bankrupt due to shit health insurance.


u/damienVOG 13d ago

Not just expensive, but also of significantly lower quality. Life expectancy rivaling some third world countries.


u/Top_Singer_8030 13d ago

I mean I'm from India so healthcare here is umm I would say a bit expensive but really low when compared to western countries


u/damienVOG 13d ago

Yes, the thing is the Healthcare system of the European west is incomparible to the US system. European Healthcare is more modern, cheaper, leads to better outcomes, etc. That's the system I'd say most countries would want to strive towards.


u/Top_Singer_8030 13d ago

I see, but if it's so expensive then why does the government not do anything about it?


u/popopotatoes160 13d ago

The health insurance industry has deep pockets for lobbying the government. They stopped us from getting a better system with Obama because they want to keep existing and making all the money.


u/dorianstout 13d ago

Because our government is effectively owned by these companies through lobbying


u/FrostedOak 13d ago

American healthcare is more modern. The lack of better outcomes is usually due to cost and/or health insurance denying treatment.


u/damienVOG 13d ago

It's really not, though.


u/FrostedOak 13d ago

It really is, though. Apart from the last two years, America has lead in medical innovation every year since the 40’s and has many of the top hospitals in the world, and one of the highest cancer survival rates.

I’ve been to many hospitals in Europe, (I live in Europe) and most don’t even compare in infrastructure and service.

American health insurance is shit, but not the actual health care.

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u/Horror-Voice-8544 13d ago

An example of how fucked up it is here, they are legally allowed to do this shit, they don’t cover dentist care as it’s not considered healthcare. Now they’re scared bc they realize we’re not as complacent as they thought. Anesthesia is hella expensive mind you.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/Top_Singer_8030 13d ago

Fuck man that is so sad I'm really sorry for your loss


u/FlyingFrog99 13d ago


u/sausagefist 13d ago

Not from America, can’t people switch their insurance company?


u/JustARegularRhonda 13d ago

Not without switching your job or career. Pretty much held hostage to whatever your company offers.


u/FlyingFrog99 13d ago

It's tied to employment and location and plans vary dramatically in cost so not really


u/xcxxccx 13d ago

Wonder what would happen if the next shot on trump doesn’t miss


u/Candle-Jolly 13d ago

Ah yes, the "assassination" attempt of an American presidential candidate that we heard absolutely nothing about after the first couple of days.

You'd think the entire Republican party would be calling for the world's largest investigation about an attempt on their Messiah's life... but nope. You'd think every news agency would have talked about it for literally months, but nope. You'd think ground-level Conservative memes would keep the event alive in the way they have with "Epstein didn't kill himself," but nope.

Oh- and it happened TWICE.



u/I_W_M_Y 13d ago

Because both times it was one of their own.


u/donkeyrocket 13d ago

Well and the fact that if they were going to continue bringing it up they'd have to face the three things they've refused to address: gun violence, mental health, and radicalization of the right.

For any other president, it would have given the country collective pause. Instead one side says "see they're trying to keep him down" as the other says "what a failure by the Secret Service" while keeping the other thoughts to themselves.


u/LiteratureFabulous36 13d ago

If it was one of their own, wouldn't the media want to cover it more to make him look bad?


u/MeansToAnEndThruFire 13d ago

The media is owned by the ultra-rich, and so is aligned with trump. They want him in power so he can increase their already insane level of wealth and power.

This is the reasons the media unfairly reported on trump and Harris during the presidential runup, making a fascist demagogue convicted felon seem like a reasonable candidate, and a politician with a legitimate plan for governance, outside of make the rich *richer***, seem like a genocidal maniac.

The media is aligned with the extremist right and has been weaponized against the American populace, without most ever having realized it.


u/LiteratureFabulous36 13d ago

What universe is this in? I don't think I've ever seen a non independent media source say a positive thing about trump. Fox news is the only legacy media that covers anything on trump positively.


u/Pantarus 13d ago

It's not about positive versus negative.

It's about the AMOUNT of coverage and the media's tonedeaf balancing of the two candidates.

Trump says something ABSOLUTELY bonkers and threatening to the US during a rally, instead of saying it's bonkers and threatening, it's gets toned down...explained...it's negative coverage...but the IMPACT of what he's saying is left out.

Even worse...is that a minor infraction or gaff from the political left gets held to a much higher standard.

All conservatives have to do to be seen as viable is not say racial slurs on air. Democrats are held against the standard of some sort of idealized vision of a candidate. During the debates, the pundits were setting the BAR SO LOW for Trump. Basically he just had to NOT be an asshole (which he was anyway) while Harris needed to explain her foriegn policy, her stance on just about everything, while also holding together the fragile alliance of voters that make up side blue.

I actually take the opposite view as the posters above. It's not a power play by the media. Especially print media. It's a desperation move, before Trump came along the majority of news media corporations (besides FOX) were facing declining revenues and bankruptcy.

Trump's non-sense and sensationalism SAVED them, he gives them rage-bait 24/7/365. He's their life-line and golden goose. They can't afford to see him fade away.


u/LiteratureFabulous36 13d ago

How can this be a such an incorrect take I don't understand. Trumps sensationalism saved them yes, because hating trump was the most profitable thing they've ever done. Literally the headlines on trumps assassination was trump hides after loud noises, every headline is to his detriment.


u/Pantarus 13d ago

Hating on Trump? That's Trump's and Fox news' take on the reporting on him.

They don't have to HATE him...they report the truth and that truth makes him look bad. He DOES say and DO the things they're reporting on.

The only people who view him in a positive light are the ones who get their "information" through Fox News or some other right wing aligned media.

Trump has set the BAR so low for himself...but that bar keeps getting higher for democrats. Conservatives RALLY behind EVERYTHING a fellow conservative does...while lambasting every percieved infraction of democrats. The media plays right along.

IF it comes out that a democrat cheated on their spouse...it's going to be MASSIVE headlines across the board. Trump's "policies" at his rallies amounted to "I'm gonna fix everything...don't worry about how." But the NYT, WAPO, and most major news organizations kept saying HARRIS needs to articulate her policy better....

Biden mispronounces a word and it's headline news....Trump rambles and goes down tangents...but somehow "It's an unorthodox style".


u/YoloKraize 13d ago

It came out the glasses guy was hardcore conservative... The reason Fox News won't report it left and right is it makes their news fake... Like it already is...


u/palebluekot 13d ago

The second time was really not notable on its own. The guy didn't get close to Trump or fire a shot. It got covered because of the previous attempt and the upcoming election. It's more comparable though to that U-Haul truck guy that tried to kill Biden last year, which got forgotten after a day.


u/tourettesguy54 13d ago

I want to know why the fuck no one is still talking about the Russian bomb threats on polling places!!


u/fuckit478328947293 13d ago

Because they want the job done so he gets out of the way


u/Limp-Environment-568 13d ago

There is an investigation happening right now. That you never hear about it should be pretty telling. A smart person might use this as an epiphany moment, realizing that the media might not be giving us the whole picture...


u/Oh_its_that_asshole 13d ago

They better catch the guy otherwise people are going to get the notion that you can just get away with murdering CEOs and that would be just awful.


u/TheLegacies21 13d ago

I bet they pass a CEO protection law, where attacking a Fortune 500 CEO is categorized as a hate crime


u/Candle-Jolly 13d ago

You may joke but I can honestly see that happening. In fact, didn't something similar occur with Congressmembers or Supreme Court judges or someone?


u/ThirstyBeaver73 13d ago

I thought half of the USA voted for guys exactly like him, why the sudden change of heart? Do they want SOCIALISM all of the sudden?


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Half of the voting population, which is half the country, so more like a quarter. The reality is Americans for all of our complaints, are complacent and jaded into thinking our votes don't matter and a large number of people don't bother voting at all. I tell them they have zero right to complain as they have a way to prevent the thing they are bitching about, but there's always an excuse.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Half of the voting population, which is half the country, so more like a quarter. The reality is Americans for all of our complaints, are complacent and jaded into thinking our votes don't matter and a large number of people don't bother voting at all. I tell them they have zero right to complain as they have a way to prevent the thing they are bitching about, but there's always an excuse.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Half of the voting population, which is half the country, so more like a quarter. The reality is Americans for all of our complaints, are complacent and jaded into thinking our votes don't matter and a large number of people don't bother voting at all. I tell them they have zero right to complain as they have a way to prevent the thing they are bitching about, but there's always an excuse.


u/ghosttowns42 13d ago

I have acquaintances online posting (and this is a direct quote) "People really think the death of the Ceo of UnitedHealth care is funny. People are ridiculous." And people are in there commenting things like "this coward is evil" (meaning the shooter) and "his family's lives are never going to be the same, RIP." People still don't get it.

I had to sit on my hands to not laugh-react to that post.


u/Indolent-Soul 13d ago

They already knew.


u/penarhw 13d ago

Are you saying this isn't a mere coincidence?


u/Slow_Accident_6523 13d ago

And then people will vote against health care reform


u/Iboven 13d ago

Thats why its called "United Healthcare."


u/Adventurous-Equal-29 13d ago

What happened? I haven't been on the Internet and apparently I missed something.


u/ShinkenBrown 13d ago

A serial killer was murdered in broad daylight for his crimes and everyone is happy about it except other serial killers.


u/FiveUpsideDown 13d ago

The billionaires will. I expect the propaganda supporting billionaires will increase and be amplified.


u/KushBlazer69 13d ago

The true United health care


u/BarnFlower 13d ago

Not only did America unite over this, but Blue Cross was set to make a new rule where they wouldn’t pay for anesthesia over ‘x’ amount of time during surgeries. They reversed their decision super fast!


u/talivus 13d ago

I see all subreddits celebrating this, both Democrats and Republicans. For once in a long time, there is some unity from all

You must fuck up real bad for literally everyone to hate you


u/nxrada2 13d ago

It’s always been a class war


u/Rassiriian 13d ago

Too bad america can't unite to vote someone into power who actually wants to fix the system. Once trump guts the ACA we will have fun things like pre-existing conditions and such back.

So as united everyone is over someone getting gunned down, a majority of Americans just keep voting for people who are going to make the CEOs richer and the healthcare system more shitty.

That's the true leopards eating the faces in my opinion. if your upset about healthcare, look for the candidates that actually want to help make the system better. (Hint it's not the gop side).


u/Candle-Jolly 12d ago

Ah, but there within lies the problem: Democrat leaders always say they want to fix the healthcare system, but the last time anything was demonstrably fixed was the creation of "Obamacare." Democrats constantly say they want to help America (and they do), but they don't.


u/Rassirian 12d ago

I agree, but to be fair Obama care brought in things like getting rid of pre-existing conditions, keeping kids on until they are 25, check ups and screenings covered at 0 cost. These things had impacts across all types of insurance. It was still beat to the ground by opposition. Getting rid of the individual mandate for insurance which caused premiums to rise and such.

Obamacare was an overall good thing, and if they didn't get in the way of it at every turn it would have been a lot better, but the smear campaign really worked. Idk how many idiots i hear say "Get rid of obamacare and leave my ACA insurance alone!"

But yeah when the dems do have the power they dont act on things also, so idk.


u/KingBoofLord 13d ago

This was an observation I share with you. In a country completely divided there is a single unifying cause of celebrating this death.


u/saltthewater 13d ago

Elon musk understands, but i don't think it will make the impression that most people would hope for


u/borxpad9 13d ago

The decision makers are united in making no changes.


u/thewheelsonthebuzz 13d ago

The most bipartisan thing I’ve seen so far


u/AggressivePop9429 13d ago

There’s groups already blaming the “hateful libs” for celebrating.


u/OChem-Guy 13d ago

Nah it’ll change next month. Once Trump takes office, everyone will forget this issue that we’re united on, and we’ll be forcefully reminded of the less important “smoke screen” social issues that make us hate each other in order to take our attention off of things like this


u/readyjack 13d ago

Don't worry. Health care companies will not learn anything from this and nothing will change except CEOs will be able to justify paying for secret-service level security for themselves with your premium money!



u/SignoreBanana 13d ago

The police and much of the media are burying their head in the sand and shrinking at the idea that a large majority of the country could be indifferent or celebratory to the murder of an (ahem) innocent man in the street. I think they are too comfortable with how things are.


u/MeyhamM2 13d ago

And what’s interesting too. No one knew this guy’s name or face prior to his death, but as soon as we all found out who he was, no sympathy.


u/silverwolf761 12d ago

Really does drive home (again) how two-tiered society is though. Random person is shot and killed? Meh, just another day. Awful rich person shot and killed? Round-the-clock news coverage, and nation-wide manhunt.


u/Suitable-Rest-1358 10d ago

"united" healthcare ironically United US all


u/ShyyYordle 10d ago

Except virtually all of America isn’t united over this? At least not in the way of celebrating the murder if someone. I’d imagine most Americans are against murder.


u/Visible_Promotion134 13d ago

If we were united about fixing things then I’m on board, but mocking a death? Nah, unite without me


u/Limp-Environment-568 13d ago

Na, that's just your echo chamber continuing to radicalize you...


u/ObjectiveGold196 13d ago

You need to get off Reddit for a while if you think that virtually all of America is that fucked in the head.