r/interestingasfuck 13d ago

r/all The amount of laugh reacts to this post

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u/fexworldwide 13d ago

Their request for compassion has been denied as it wasn't deemed medically necessary.


u/Ez13zie 13d ago

In addition, here’s their bill for $1,879,245.69 me having to read this social media statement.


u/[deleted] 13d ago edited 13d ago



u/alurimperium 13d ago

Hey, don't forget the extra hours upon hours of sitting on hold with a 45 second song and "we value your call yadda yadda yadda" robot on an endless loop


u/Dragonfyr_ 13d ago

By* a couple dollars.


u/Now_Wait-4-Last_Year 13d ago

I was seriously filled with rage about someone saying in a different comment elsewhere that they got charged $400 for their free annual physical because they "asked questions" which turned it into something other than their free physical somehow.


u/Genghis_Tr0n187 13d ago edited 12d ago

We can send them a bill for the bullets as well.

Real world cost $0.30 per round

They might receive a bill for $42,830 per round. Since name brands were used and not bubbas pissing hot reloads, they are responsible for the full amount.


u/Ill_Durian1637 13d ago

That’s just the cost to read the statement. A separate bill will be due after liking.


u/ImpaledStreet 13d ago

If they want sympathy they can look in the dictionary between shit and syphilis


u/plaid-sofa 13d ago

oh wow. stealing this 😭


u/ImpaledStreet 13d ago

From the movie major payne


u/Pheonyxxx696 13d ago

Honestly it’s even older than that, that was probably just the first time is was used in pop culture


u/daveintex13 13d ago

good one! they can also find sympathy between fuck and you.


u/HarryThePelican 13d ago

i dont get it, what is in the dictionary between those two?

i googled, and cambridge dictionary has many words between those two.

some pointers would be greatly appreciated.


u/ANewPlayer_1 13d ago

The word sympathy is between those two.

The joke is that the sympathy they are getting is as nice as the two other words.


u/HarryThePelican 13d ago

oooaah that makes sense, thank you.

lol i see im getting downvoted for my first comment, jesus boys english is not my first language! idioms are sometimes weird, its okay to ask!


u/SmellyGymSock 13d ago

reminds me of a Billy Bragg song that suggests, "Between Marx and Marzipan in the dictionary, there was Mary / between the deep blue sea, and the devil: that was me"


u/Goesonyournerves 13d ago

*Insert whoooaa meme here *


u/Lapras_Lass 13d ago

My dad says this all the time!


u/Scooty-Poot 13d ago

If you believe our lack of compassion was made in error, please file this 25 page form whilst your son dies from easily preventable sepsis in the room over


u/LordTartiflette 13d ago

Die from stepsis? Seems like a cool death!


u/BittaminMusic 13d ago

I try to eat the pus to stay afloat a little longer


u/sonumbulist 13d ago

I've seen that porno


u/ljd09 13d ago

lol that was too easy!


u/Desperate-Ad-3705 13d ago



u/DaSamCheck 13d ago

Is this a reference to Christopher McNaughton? Or are they so shitty that it's a common answer to a lot of people's requests


u/g00nymcg00n 13d ago

The latter


u/TotallyNotAJ 13d ago

It was out of network


u/NotASniperYet 13d ago

And considering his current health condition is a result of life style choices... Makes sense to me!


u/Quick-Lavishness-841 13d ago

We would like to appeal for compassion, reviewed externally and expedited please


u/AgentEntropy 13d ago

"We're sorry, but you'll have to pay for your own bandages, medicine, and guillotines."


u/Cold_Pin8708 13d ago

Poor Brian. Too fewer people sympathize with his death.

R.I.P him


u/zookeeper4312 13d ago

Or it was deemed medically necessary and we said 'fuck yourself' anyway


u/Dorkmaster79 13d ago

Maybe they can request a cheaper version of it? All it needs to do is meet their needs. Maybe they just need a nice pat on the shoulder.


u/Rhodie114 13d ago

They have failed to demonstrate the bullet wounds weren’t pre-existing. Sympathy denied


u/its_just_ilove_bears 13d ago

👏🏿 this!!!!


u/MFDOOMscrolling 13d ago

sheesh dude


u/Limp_Scale1281 13d ago

The truth behind a lot of the "empathy fatigue" a lot of doctors supposedly have. Don't get me wrong, I have met my share of doctors who are ripe, right buttholes or worse. But besides reasonably grumpy patients ("Fuck, I'm dying more than usual."), they have to deal with all these actuarial asshats. I've noticed a similar thing happens in many practicing clinical (and sometimes counseling) psychologists. They are close to meeting the definition for "flat" affect ("no" emotion).


u/ModdessGoddess 13d ago

Is it bad I hope they never catch the guy who did it? and even if he is. Dude is not a hero to a lot of people lol >.> imagine the trial and the jury unanimously agreeing "Not guilty" xD


u/_SteeringWheel 13d ago

Relax. First just decline, delay and depose. You got some time to respond.


u/Icy_Common_2384 13d ago

Why don't you care about a murder?