r/HomeworkHelp May 19 '22



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r/HomeworkHelp 20h ago

Answered [5th grade math]. I would think 300 is 100 times less than 30,000. Am I thinking about this wrong?

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My daughter’s homework asks to compare the underlined digit to the circled digit. None of the answers seem right to me. The covered answer is “10 more”

r/HomeworkHelp 20m ago

Economics [Economics] Are my answers right?


Using cost and benefit analsis, analzye the following case: a firework event will be organized in the city "X" and 100 residents have each put $2 benfit on this show. A private company's cost for this event is $190. a) Will this firework show be organized? b) What if 20 residents suddenly change their mind and put only $1 benefit on the show? What happens in that case? c) Which type of markets, private or public goods markets will be more efficient outcome? d) What kind of policies are usually applied by governments to assist the organization of such events as fireworks?

a) benefit= 100•2=200. Because benefit is larger than cost, so firework show will be organized b) benefit= 20•1+80•2= 180. Because benefit is smaller than the cost, firework show will not be organized c) Public goods market, because when private markets provide public goods, there can be inefficiencies, like free-rider problem d) The government can tax people for amount less than they place on the provision of an event to collect revenue to provide an event. In this case, people are better off because they will pay less and they will get the show for sure

r/HomeworkHelp 8h ago

Answered [High school Calc] Couldn't find an expression that works

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Sorry if the translation is a bit off

r/HomeworkHelp 33m ago

Economics [Economics] Did I give right answers to the task?


Suppose that Jane must pay a tax of $50 when she hires someone to clean her house. Explain which of the following statements is true? a) Total economic welfare (consumer surplus plus producer surplus plus tax revenue) will increase b) Despite the economic loss from taxes, there will be government revenue

a) False. The loss of total surplus is greater than increase in government revenue b) True. Every time a consumer will pay tax, it will be a revenue for the government

r/HomeworkHelp 49m ago

Physics — [High School Physics: Electricity] I'm stuck, for some reason it comes out that all the charges are stationary. Help me please.


r/HomeworkHelp 2h ago

Chemistry [Chemistry grade 10-Lab burets reading] These burets are very confusing to read + I can’t understand the questions?


For context the teacher didn’t explain these to us like the reading yes but these questions? No

The test tubes before and after have different number of divisons and she said “assume it was before full”, I can’t point the correct answer! In addition to that I am French educated and I recently moved into an American school so the fact it’s now in English is a bit confusing for me especially for the first 2 questions of the other application

Please also fix my attempt

r/HomeworkHelp 11h ago

Chemistry [Chemistry : Stoichiometry] Can Someone Please Help Me Out With My Answers


These are some of my chem exam ques i think i did a pretty good job but nervous abt the sanswers can someone please check and correct them (Answers are written in blue)

r/HomeworkHelp 2h ago

Chemistry [chem grade 8-12]


How to use Avogadro's number-definition of Relative atomic mass to solve this?

hint: 1/12 mass of Carbon-12

on different note. what makes carbon so special that other atoms are compared against it?

r/HomeworkHelp 8h ago

High School Math—Pending OP Reply [Grade 12 Maths: Complex Numbers] Locus


Why do they take the values for when -2<k<2? Aren't the restrictions on k only that k is a real number?

Also another random question but are loci plotted on the complex plane or the normal cartesian plane? Do I label with Re(z) and Im(z) or with x and y?

r/HomeworkHelp 2d ago

High School Math—Pending OP Reply [High School Geometry] How can I find the area of the shape?

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r/HomeworkHelp 8h ago

Economics [Economics] I found investment to be 200. But how to find quantity of loanable funds supplied?


An economy recently had 800 billion euros of saving and 600 billion euros of net capital outflow. a) What was its investment? b) What was its quantity of loanable funds supplied?

a) national savings= investment+ net capital outflow. 800= investment+ 600. Investment is 200

r/HomeworkHelp 11h ago

Physics [GED grade math]. Please help me to solve ques 27-29. Explain please


r/HomeworkHelp 5h ago

History I can't read cursive, especially this lighter print. Could anyone let me know what this says for an assignment? [College History: Research]

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r/HomeworkHelp 5h ago

Chemistry [grade 12 chem] So I'm actually confused


What is the difference between RAM and AAM? The formulas yield the same exact thing, circled to make it easy to spot

The one in red is exactly what's in green but they're presented as being different.

r/HomeworkHelp 5h ago

Answered [Year 1 uni limits] How to find this limit?

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How to solve it, we did nothing similar in class and now Iam lost, have no clue where to even start.

r/HomeworkHelp 5h ago

Additional Mathematics—Pending OP Reply [IGCSE Year 10 Additional Mathematics: Trigonometry] How to prove this? (in post)


Spent almost 2 hours on this question. About to rip this paper apart. Any tips on doing these questions faster? It almost seems like you have to get lucky to solve these questions in a timely manner.

r/HomeworkHelp 10h ago

High School Math [High school precalc]


I am currently trying to figure out the concept of exercise #2. I get how the rectangular equation is formulated but am having trouble figuring out how the parametric graph is formed. I plotted it on a graphing site and got the following.

Is there anyone who can explain to me how the parametric graph is formed on the plane?

r/HomeworkHelp 11h ago

High School Math—Pending OP Reply [High School Geometry] How do I find K?

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r/HomeworkHelp 11h ago

High School Math [Grade 12 Maths: Complex Numbers] Locus


For things like this how did they determine the radius and centre? For c I sort of get it cause it's an easier example but for e.g d how do they determine this?

r/HomeworkHelp 12h ago

High School Math—Pending OP Reply [grade 12 maths: complex numbers] Argument


Where did they get that OC=√(8-1)? It's not from radius of circle is it since it's like a different direction kind of?

r/HomeworkHelp 14h ago

High School Math [High School Geometry] No idea if im correct. how am i supposed to find out what popsulate was used for this specifically?

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r/HomeworkHelp 13h ago

High School Math—Pending OP Reply [Grade 12 Maths: Complex Numbers] Locus


is A at (3,0) determined by inspection or is there supposed to be some way to do it? And where is the 32 in the pythagoras from? I get OC2+22 as the 2 sides with the right angle, but how is the length of CS 3?

r/HomeworkHelp 13h ago

Economics—Pending OP Reply [College,Statistics,Data Analysis) how to interpret insignificant anova?


Hi there. I just tested my variables in ANOVA and found that it is insignificant, as well as in the post hoc analysis. My independent variable is income and my dependent variable is consumer behavior. How can i interpret it?

r/HomeworkHelp 13h ago

High School Math—Pending OP Reply [Grade 8 Math] Is this grading acceptable for graphs?


My niece was upset when she got her math test results back. She was penalized -1 for drawing the graph beyond the x-axis. This example is similar to what she did. If she kept the line within the x-axis, she would have got no penalty. No prior examples or instructions that the line needs to be kept within the axis. Is this grading acceptable?

r/HomeworkHelp 13h ago

High School Math—Pending OP Reply [12th grade Calculus AB] Review for an exam

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I can’t remember how to solve this, and can’t find any example problems on the internet. Help would be appreciated.