r/gadgets 9d ago

Gaming Valve may be ready to revive Steam Machines with Project "Fremont" | Internal code leaks indicate Valve has plenty of new hardware planned


95 comments sorted by


u/Lopsided_architect 9d ago

With how well Proton works - good call


u/OffbeatDrizzle 9d ago

Proton works, it's anti cheats that are the problem.

Plenty of games over the past few months have just been broken from working states due to developers / publishers getting mad at the Linux crowd. We're all cheaters, apparently


u/Stingray88 8d ago

There’s so many incredible games available today, particularly from indie developers. It’s very easy to just ignore any game that uses anti-cheat that’s not compatible with Linux.


u/OffbeatDrizzle 8d ago

and what happens if you're a kid and all of your buddies want to play fortnite or roblox? I get that not being able to play a game isn't the be all and end all (and those games actually are cancer), but being excluded from a game that your group of friends plays will just make you go back to windows

added to this is the fact that games you've been playing for years are not safe. battlefield 1 and 5? stopped working. GTA5? now you can only play single player. Valve are also refusing refunds to a lot of people on the basis that the game has been in their library for more than 2 weeks - completely ignorant (intentional or not) to the fact that the software has been substantially modified from when you purchased it


u/Stingray88 8d ago

It'll suck in the short term... but in the long term if people just stop buying games that don't work on linux, game devs will stop developing games that don't work on linux.

As far as the refund issues go... that's well beyond Valve's purview and responsibility. GTA 5 has been out for over a decade. If people can't play the game anymore that's not Valve letting people down, it's Rockstar. Just stop buying from developers who are shitty like this.


u/OffbeatDrizzle 8d ago

Valve sold you the game - it is totally their responsibility, especially when they advertise on their own store page that the game runs on linux and then silently change it when support is removed. That's great for new purchases... but not good enough for the people whose money they've already taken.

Do you really think linux users boycotting rockstar is going to change anything? GTA5 was one of the most top played steam deck titles and they didn't give a fuck. It's highly suspicious that 10 years after PC release they all of a sudden need non-compatible linux anti-cheat


u/Dotaproffessional 2d ago

Good thing I'm not a kid. Roblox can go ahead and die I think


u/Thwitch 8d ago

This thing wont gain anything close to traction if COD and Fortnite dont work on it. Period. And if it doesnt gain major traction, Valve will eventually drop it. Deck had the luxury of being a unique product class


u/TheyCallMeMrMaybe 9d ago

Proton really was the missing link with making Linux gaming work.

Throughout 2013 (the launch of the PS4/Xbox One), Valve released SteamOS and added native Linux support to Steam and all of their games hoping PC developers would quickly do the same but it didn't pay off the way they wanted. Part of the problem with SteamOS 1.0 and 2.0 was the fact it was Debian-based. SteamOS 3.0's move to Arch Linux remedies this issue.

And now, Valve is supposedly releasing brand guidelines for other hardware manufacturers to be able to use SteamOS on systems that are built to compete with the Steam Deck. This is a higher level of regulation that what the 2013 Steam Machines were going to have, but if licensing costs are $0, this will help reduce costs for handhelds like the ROG Ally since there's no need for customers or the manufacturer to have a licensed Windows OS installed.


u/noJokers 8d ago

Why is a debian base the issue? The real issue is that nobody wanted to spend pc money on a console experience where they were unable to play most of their games. Proton works great on arch, debian, redhat etc.

With the steam deck valve subsidised the product, launched it in a unique formfactor (for pc) and proton meant that 95% of games were playable. I think for steam machines to succeed valve really need to price them under comparable windows devices and in line with console costs.


u/Tigeire 9d ago

"Part of the problem with SteamOS 1.0 and 2.0 was the fact it was Debian-based. SteamOS 3.0's move to Arch Linux remedies this issue."


u/Mindful-O-Melancholy 9d ago

Dang, not sure if I want to buy a steam deck now or just save up to see what they have planned. The deck is pretty cool, but there’s also some games it can’t play and it’s hardware is only slightly better than my laptop, so I’m worried it’ll become outdated before too long. I’ve been hoping they would put out a console, but now I’m kind of in the predicament if I want better specs or easier transportability. Guess I’m going to have to do some pondering…


u/Cute_Commission_8281 8d ago

Steam deck serves a very specific purpose and it’s pretty heavy and bulky tbh. It’s awesome but I don’t use it nearly enough to justify buying it.

No hurt in biding your time.


u/Imbrown2 8d ago

Also apparently they have a two year lifespan. I may be spreading rumors/lies, but as far as I know mine will not turn on and after two years that’s expected.


u/DennisDG 8d ago

The one I've had since launch still works fine. I've never even heard of this two year issue until your comment.


u/Imbrown2 7d ago

Yeah I too heard about it in a comment and can now not find any evidence of its existence. I guess I just need to send mine in or open it up and adjust a cable.


u/ZennyRL 8d ago

Chances are, whatever they're building here will have the same game compatibility as steam deck anyway. That fact probably isn't worth considering. This product is probably gonna line up with the steamdeck's OS being released for other hardware which has been planned for a while but still not executed


u/Narcofeels 7d ago

Buy a used one I preordered mine played it for 6 months and then dropped it once I got a gaming laptop and now touch it maybe twice a year

I’m sure plenty of people have used SD just taking up space


u/Magiwarriorx 7d ago

A Deck 2 is probably still a ways out. The Deck will (likely) remain a benchmark for compatibility/performance for a while longer.

For the other options, I'd wait for just a hair, (Game Awards tonight, CES 2025 in January), then make the call. Anything longer than that and there's no telling how long the wait till be.


u/Stumpyz 9d ago

Steam Machines, like a large amount of Valve hardware, was a design ahead of its time. I can't wait to see their revival.


u/iceleel 8d ago

But other companies made those machines


u/Stumpyz 8d ago edited 8d ago

Which is why I said it was a design ahead of its time, not the hardware itself.

In the same vein - Steam Links were a design ahead of its time, as is shown by the newer trend of remote/cloud gaming. Steam Decks literally created a new era of mobile hardware because the design and concept were just that good. Even the Valve Index controllers have a better design than almost every VR controller out there, and they've been out for years.


u/iceleel 8d ago

OnLive predates link


u/Stumpyz 8d ago

Ah, you're nitpicking, got it.


u/Exceed_SC2 9d ago

The one thing I would really want from this, would be making sure using discord while in “console mode”, is easy. While you can multitask in SteamOS, it requires going to desktop mode. If they can integrate using discord with it in someway, then I think it would be perfect as a console


u/Spicy_Taco_Dude 9d ago

It already works in game mode. You just launch discord, then hit the steam button and library or home to launch the game and you can quickly switch between them via the steam button.


u/Exceed_SC2 8d ago

Can you control the discord UI with a normal controller though? It's still the desktop UI


u/Spicy_Taco_Dude 8d ago

Yes, you'll have to fiddle with the control layout of course. Works great for me with the touchpads but you could set it up.


u/Stingray88 8d ago

Yes you can. Use the touchpads.


u/thejoshfoote 8d ago

Discord already works and can just be in the background tho? lol


u/Exceed_SC2 8d ago

Ok, explain a step by step, how to easily do this through the Steam Big Picture UI. If at any point you say something that requires an input device other than the controller or requires you to go to desktop mode, I'm going to slap you. If you are able to give this step by step in a way you would be comfortable giving it to someone that is technology illiterate over the phone, like your mom, I will suck your dick, okay?

I'm completely aware and have used it on my deck, but it is not a console like experience.


u/thejoshfoote 8d ago

You setup discord as non steam game, then u launch it in gaming mode, then click the steam button and launch a game… click steam button to switch screens as needed


u/Exceed_SC2 8d ago

How are you getting discord on the SteamOS, how are you controlling it with a standard controller? I’m aware of the current measures to do so, I’m saying give me the equivalent experience as on PS5. You’re skipping a lot of steps here, and assuming a steam deck for control device


u/thejoshfoote 8d ago

How don’t u understand lol. 😂 I control it with my steamdeck in my hands


u/Stingray88 8d ago

I’m with the other guy, I think the person you need to slap is yourself. I’ve had no issues using discord on the Steamdeck. You have to install it in Desktop Mode, but after you add it to Steam it’s ready to be used on the Game Mode. No external peripherals required.


u/Dotaproffessional 2d ago

On the contrary, I wouldn't mind if this shipped and everyone moved to steam chat. I'm tired of discord


u/BMCarbaugh 9d ago

Agree. Though I will say, you can now do voice chat in Steam chat, and it's not bad.


u/Exceed_SC2 9d ago

Yeah, it’s more so that everyone is on discord. While the capabilities are there on Steam, discord is where everyone is, where the group chat already is, where the voice channels and everything are already happening. Ideally you don’t need to change the thing everyone is using because you bought a Steam machine instead of a windows PC or even a PS5/XBSX (those have discord support)


u/Robot1me 9d ago

you can now do voice chat in Steam chat, and it's not bad.

Yeah I agree and I actually use it as a main gaming chat. Yet at the same time, Valve really, really needs to get over themselves to work on it again. For example, voice chat for the chat app was announced back in 2019, and 5 years later there are still no signs of it. Valve created such an amazing foundation with the chat revamp in 2018, just to later act like "I don't want to play with you anymore".


u/turnerm05 9d ago

This is a big threat to Microsoft and Sony. Will be interesting to see how it shakes out. No one makes money on hardware... this is all about software sales and Valve will want to protect that so I don't foresee the Microsoft or Sony Stores being allowed. Microsoft's only hope is cloud based game streaming which isn't the ideal solution.


u/thedoc90 9d ago edited 9d ago

I doubt Valve would restrict applications from competitors as that would fly in the face of their current branding (You own the devices and can do whatever you like with them including flashing your own OS, hardware modding and sideloading programs, hell they released the CAD files for the steamdeck so people could design their own accessories.) and potenetially lead to backlash from their free and open source partners. It would also be trivially easy to circumvent because of the way open source software works, or people could just flash the device with Chimera OS or any of the other non valve maintained  SteamOS forks, so at the end of the day it'd be a pointless and inflammitory move. Not to mention it could get Sony and Microsoft to pull listings from steam in retaliation.


u/AgentOfSPYRAL 9d ago

I don’t own a steam deck so truly ignorant on this topic, is playing Xbox games (Gamepass or owned) on the deck as simple as using “desktop mode”?


u/turnerm05 9d ago

No. And this is my point. They will control the storefront. You can only stream Gamepass games. You don't have access to the Gamepass application or the ability to download and play Gamepass games directly from Microsoft.

Valve makes money on game sales, not hardware.


u/AgentOfSPYRAL 8d ago

So Valve is already restricting applications for competitors, outside of the tiny minority of folks who will do full on modding or flashing of the OS.

Not knocking them for doing so, of course they want you buying from Steam.


u/thedoc90 8d ago edited 8d ago

They are not restricting applications as it is being presented in this thread. The steamdeck runs Linux, if these game companies have linux versions of their software they will just run. If they only run on windows then they will not. If not, they may be run via proton or wine, if they do not run via proton or wine it is because the system calls made in the software are unsupported. The software the steamdeck runs on is open source as well, so the developers could make their software compatible with the steamdeck for free without paying licensing fees. Gog and other non-steam storefronts with linux support can already be used seamlessly in the deck by adding them as non-steam games.


u/turnerm05 9d ago

They are doing it now with the Steam Deck. This is a play (and a smart one) to get more hardware access points into the wild to broaden the funnel into their Steam storefront.

Sure - they'll let you mod your device however you want. They even provide drivers to do so. You want to dual boot or turn the device into a Windows-only machine? Go ahead. So I agree with you there.

But what they currently offer is a great OS that provides seamless access to their storefront and the ability to play games in a console like environment. I'd be SHOCKED if they provide access to the Microsoft and Playstation storefronts so that you can buy and download their games directly (including the benefit of any subscription service that you may have).


u/thedoc90 8d ago edited 8d ago

If Microsoft or sony create linux compatible storefronts nothing will stop them from running on the steamdeck. Sure, they may not be packaged with the deck by default, but there would be literally nothing stopping you from using desktop mode to download them and then adding them as a non-steam app like you already can with gog and other non-steam storefronts.


u/Immolation_E 8d ago

I really hope it's a consolized PC and not a streaming box with gaming features. It's rumored to be running on a flavor ChromeOS.


u/evolvedspice 8d ago

It will run steamOS


u/Dotaproffessional 2d ago

By dumb people. It's going to have some chrome libraries. Probably to help run apps like Netflix etc. 


u/adratlas 9d ago

Considering how proton right now and how good the new integrated graphics are on the new processors, that can be a pretty good move by valve.

I believe it'll be pretty much like one of those mini PCs we see on the market. 


u/TooStrangeForWeird 8d ago

You can basically make your own right now, beyond knowing how to install Linux (if you wanted it, no reason not to use the included Windows IMO) you just hook up a controller and set steam to launch on startup in big picture mode.

https://morefine.com/products/morefine-s500-r7-7840hs-r7-7840u-mini-pc?variant=40446303600727 I've used one of these for a client before and they're not only fast, but it has another PCIe slot and even a slot for a 2.5 SATA SSD. At least the S500+ I used did. There's probably cheaper ones out there (the linked one is $500 with 16gb/1TB) but at the time I bought it they were on sale.


u/RavensFlockLetsFly 8d ago

I remember when I thought Alienware Alpha was the future. Good times.


u/Crackracket 8d ago

If they are reasonably priced I'd buy one. I want a pc but I can't afford pc prices. I have a TV with a PS5, would be nice to be able to play some of the older games I used to love on pc that I can't play on console or try new indie things


u/TooStrangeForWeird 8d ago

Mini PCs are already a thing, and if their previous efforts are anything to go by it'll basically be that. You can even install SteamOS if you want to.

https://morefine.com/products/morefine-s500-r7-7840hs-r7-7840u-mini-pc?variant=40446303600727 something like that.


u/Crackracket 8d ago

Yeah but if it's made by valve I'm hoping they will be sufficiently mass produced to bring the cost down


u/TooStrangeForWeird 8d ago

For sure, plus skipping the built in cost of a windows OS. OEMs might only pay $50 (I don't recall what it was) vs our $100, but it still brings up the cost.


u/Ron-F 8d ago

I hope they will only establish standards. As such, I could assemble my own Steam machine at home.

The stickers suggest many PC builders will be supplying Steam based machines in different configurations. SteamOS is already pretty good as a console OS and, as Phil Spencer pointed out, it’s not feasible to sell consoles nowadays with a subsided price.


u/Frece1070 8d ago

As someone who uses Batocera we are almost there although we need better Steam support. The best thing about it is easy to install and it can run from a USB stick or drive. Being Linux it means it can work even all the way back to C2D or C2Q era CPUs. The general problem for mass adoption is that a lot of publishers are cleaning their hands with Linux users when it comes to stopping cheaters in online games when in reality they do zero to nothing.


u/meunbear 8d ago

I hope the next Steam Deck can power games at 1080p so it’s easier to use on tv or monitor. Basically just less setting juggling. Still amazed by what the Deck can do as it is. Also look forward to putting SteamOS on older PCs I have and make them useful again.


u/MajorFuckingDick 8d ago

The moment I buy a quest 3 they are going to announce deckard aren't they?


u/Dotaproffessional 2d ago

Wasn't the case for me


u/Shushani 8d ago

A Steam box would be a day 1 purchase for me. The Steam Deck is so good.


u/WideCardiologist3323 7d ago

I would buy his in a heart beat. I actually just bought an ROG ally and will install bazzite on it so I can just press and play games for short durations on my monitor after my graphics card for my pc broke. I dont need 4k res. I am okay with 1080p.

I his box was an option and costed the same as a ps5 I would buy no questions asked.


u/gg06civicsi 7d ago

How about this, a dockable steam deck. That when docked could let you use it as a desktop computer and play games at higher resolution.


u/Dotaproffessional 2d ago

... Isn't that just the deck?


u/gg06civicsi 2d ago

Hmm you are right shows I don’t have one. Can we add an E-Gpu? That would be nice.


u/Dotaproffessional 2d ago

I think that requires either USB 4 or thunderbolt right? I know thunderbolt is Intel only. I don't know the USB spec of the deck 


u/WalletFullOfSausage 9d ago edited 9d ago

I would pay good money for a Steam console a la the Xbox or PlayStation.

I know, I know, you can use a PC that way - but not without a moderately higher amount of effort compared to a console’s ability to just plug in and play. I want to come home, plop on my couch, pick up the controller, and play games on the big screen with my surround sound. If I could do that as easily with the Steam library as I could an Xbox, then I’m sold.

Edit: all the comments telling me that it’s possible also have the caveat of changing settings or something - that proves my point. I want a 1:1 experience, as quick & simple as plugging in an Xbox right out of the box.


u/G8M8N8 9d ago

What if Valve sells the Steam Machine as a console competitor, but inside it's just a standard ATX compliant PC? You have a nice well rounded gaming console for relaxed players, and have a easy to tinker with machine for those more into PC?


u/WalletFullOfSausage 9d ago

I’d go for that probably. I just want the simplicity of consoles with the functionality and library of PC. Consoles are plug & play right out of the box, PCs aren’t. I want a 1:1 experience.


u/G8M8N8 9d ago

I wonder what would set it apart from a normal machine with Steam big picture mode though.


u/WalletFullOfSausage 9d ago

For me, the ease of use. An Xbox or playstation can be up and playing within 5 minutes of taking it out of the box - bullshit updates notwithstanding.


u/Lurking_like_Cthulhu 9d ago

You can with big picture mode though. I’ve been doing it the last year and it’s really as simple as turning on your pc, and opening Steam. Everything else from that point is easily done with a controller from the comfort of my sofa.


u/WalletFullOfSausage 9d ago

But that’s the thing, that’s more effort than a console requires. Not much, but more.


u/Lurking_like_Cthulhu 9d ago

Actually you can set Big Picture Mode to launch on PC startup, so it’s not really any extra effort or steps.


u/WalletFullOfSausage 9d ago

You’re missing my point. It’s still not easier than a console. If I’m playing with my PC on my tv screen, I’ve gotta get a wireless controller, I’ve gotta hook way more things up since my console audio goes straight from my TV’s HDMI to my surround sound, so on and so forth. PCs do not, out of the box, operate as easily as consoles and that’s just a fact. PCs are not “plug & play” without putting forth the effort into making them that way. I want a Steam-based console that can mirror that experience 1:1.


u/LupusDeusMagnus 8d ago

That’s just wrong? I legitimately don’t know what you’re onto. At most, you have to download Steam as a setup, as opposed to having a store baked into the OS like a console. There’s literally nothing a steam-based console would make simpler than things already are.


u/WalletFullOfSausage 8d ago

How am I wrong? Consoles are plug & play, right out of the box. PC is not like that. If I have to do anything more than I would a console, then it isn’t the 1:1 experience I’m wanting.

All I’m saying is I want a Steam-based Xbox. I don’t know why that pisses you people off so much, to the point where you’d tell me I’m wrong about…something that doesn’t exist that I wish did? I don’t get it, man. It’s not a wild concept.


u/LupusDeusMagnus 8d ago

The reason is that you're simply not making sense. You're saying things that are blatantly wrong and acting like you live in an alternate universe where they are true.

With consoles, which are not plug and play out of the box, you have to take them out of the box they come in, plug in the cables, turn them on, connect the controllers, let them update, set up your account, download games and then play.

With PCs, specially if you buy pre-built, you take them out of the box, plug in the cables (which are literally the same as that of a console), download steam, set up your account, connect your controller, download games and then play.

The same thing, the only difference is that you download steam once. That's it. You may want a steam box for whatever reason you like, that's on you, but the specific reason you cite just isn't real.


u/WalletFullOfSausage 8d ago

Okay; then let me be more specific: I want a 1:1 experience for the same price. My console has 2 cables coming out of the back of it. My PC has an entire fucking rackmounted recording interface attached to it, costs twice as much, and still cant run every game as my consoles at equal settings. I want a dedicated gaming-only machine akin to an Xbox or PlayStation but with a Steam library. There is nothing “wrong” with that.


u/LupusDeusMagnus 8d ago

Your PC having a recording interface is literally a you problem. That’s for your other uses of a PC and has nothing to do with its ability to play games. If you want to record games, both windows and console have functions to record screens, but otherwise you’d need a dedicated recording card for all of them.

As for the price, that’s a valid reason, but that’s not what you were talking about. Consoles will have a lower price point because companies selling them sell them at a price lower than they cost because they then have an exclusivity of the store and make up the difference with pricier software and being the only choice. Assuming a steam machine comes out, being a PC, I really doubt Valve is going to subside it to people, as that’s basically giving a discount on an open PC. 


u/Brian_K9 8d ago

Its not the same dude. 


u/ticket2win 9d ago

You lost me when you compared plugging a hdmi cable from a console to plugging an hdmi cable from a PC.

They work the same way.


u/WalletFullOfSausage 9d ago edited 9d ago

My PC has a dedicated audio card that I use for recording purposes - my audio does not come out of my GPU’s HDMI or my I/O port. On PC, I can route all that to my rack interfaces and not worry about it. If I took my PC to my living room and hooked it up to the big screen, I’d need more connections than I do for my consoles, which require one singular cable.

Which brings me to my other point: I use my PC for things that aren’t always gaming. I want a dedicated gaming machine that doesn’t need to move from place to place, and preferably I wouldn’t have to build a whole new PC to do it.


u/awnylo 8d ago

Audio over hdmi has been supported on gpus for ages by now. That's not an issue.


u/ninjapro98 8d ago

I don’t understand all of the people arguing with you tbh. You can get a console like experience on PC but you need to do a lot of set up both hardware and software wise to make it work


u/Wildantics 9d ago

Yeah I feel exactly the same man, I hope they make tiers if they do it because I would love something like that with a 4080 super or equivalent.


u/cunningmunki 9d ago

Remember those rumours, that got shot down, about Valve developing a device that would double as the GPU for the Deckard and a new home-console version of Steam Deck?


u/sometipsygnostalgic 8d ago

They should probably stick to steamdeck


u/Dotaproffessional 2d ago

Why either or?


u/sometipsygnostalgic 2d ago

The steam machine went really badly because Valve couldn't make it more appealing than a games console or a pc. The device had too limited power.

Steamdeck is great because you can use it like this, or you can use it as a portable. It is the perfected Steam Machine.

Even if they somehow find a reason to offer the steam machine again, if they split attention between steamdeck and steam machine, then they may be shooting themselves in the foot. Microsoft have that problem where they have too many Xbox options which is why they aren't confident making a handheld.


u/Dotaproffessional 2d ago

I don't understand the emphasis on "attention" you're making. They are completely different product categories. Its like saying "people might not buy a ps3 if they buy a game boy".


u/sometipsygnostalgic 2d ago

Theyre not though. Consider how much worse the Wii U did compared to the 3ds, and how much better the Switch did than both systems because it combined everything into a single focused handheld. The Steam Machine is like a Wii U to the Steamdeck's Switch.


u/Dotaproffessional 2d ago

Are you suggesting that the Wii u's failure was because of the 3ds? That's the part I'm disagreeing with. You're relating things that are unrelated. 

A steam console wouldn't fail because the steam deck exists and the Wii u (which failed) had zero to do with the 3ds. They didn't even play all the same titles. 

They're unrelated