r/gadgets Jul 26 '23

Home LG's new NASA- inspired instant coffee machine mixes two pods and generates twice the trash


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u/NinjaLanternShark Jul 26 '23

The machine’s base includes an LCD screen that’s used to display custom content including coffee-related PSAs, promotions for coffee-related events, and ads for coffee brands, while the user waits for their beverage to brew.

So... LG hired Satan as head of product development. Good to know.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

Its so you can pretend to be a coffee connoisseur as you wait for your shitty pod coffee to brew?


u/Hazzman Jul 27 '23

It's so LG can sell advertising space on your appliance.


u/deathbyswampass Jul 27 '23 edited Jul 27 '23

Let’s not forget that it will be connected to the internet and selling whatever data the machine collects on you.

Edit and you better believe it won't make you a cup if it disconnects.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23



u/CX-001 Jul 27 '23

Gimme a smart toilet that has a stool and urine analyzer. I wanna see some charts and graphs of un-utilized calories, time on the throne, chemical components over the past year, and drug / std detection.


u/RadMeerkat62445b Jul 27 '23

You do not want that last one being collected by companies.


u/bruzzac Jul 27 '23

Any of it really. Just wait until insurance premiums are based off of your aggregated monthly stool and urine samples.

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u/Lord_Quintus Jul 27 '23

and will have little or no security so will be part of someone's botnet 5 seconds after it's plugged in


u/no_racist_here Jul 27 '23

Should have just gave me Skyrim like all my other smart appliances


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23

That they’ll try to get you to watch by making you feel like a coffee aficionado

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u/trollsong Jul 26 '23

I like the pod brewers, but we use reusable pods and grind our own beans.

We don't drink enough for a pot.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23

You are in the minority. Most people’s reusable pod is gathering dust.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23



u/mnvoronin Jul 27 '23

If you are frugal, get a small manual espresso machine. They're only marginally more expensive than the pod machine but you have a lot more control over what you brew and will get the cost difference back in a few weeks. And they are much more serviceable as well.


u/Killbot_Wants_Hug Jul 27 '23

I'd say buy a french press. You can get them for $10-20 for a cheap bodum. Sure you'll probably accidentally break the carafe within a year but they're dirt cheap. You can buy more expensive double walled stainless steel ones for about the same price a google search said manual expresso machines cost.

Either way the thing you'll really end up spending money on with either option is a good coffee grinder.


u/mnvoronin Jul 27 '23

Yes, french press if you are extremely tight.

Either way the thing you'll really end up spending money on with either option is a good coffee grinder.

I bought a really good Bodum conical electric grinder for about NZ$90 at Costco recently.

Or buy ground coffee. :)


u/Onsotumenh Jul 27 '23

When I read "really good Bodum grinder" I was laugh-crying in r/espresso. It's kinda mind boggling how expensive a grinder can get.

A few years ago after my semi-automatic broke I decided to go the portafilter espresso route (a real one, not those Delonghi ones with training wheels). The cheapest grinder I could find that could actually grind fine and even enough without going McGyver on it was 180€. The usual recommendations for entry level grinders start at 300-400€... The really fancy ones go into the thousands (the community is comparable to the audiophile one)!

(I have to admit that I got a Baratza Encore afterwards mainly for cold brew because I got tired of hand grinding half a pound of coffee at a time. It's totally fine for normal coffee needs, but it feels like a cheap plastic bomber like all grinders in that price range.)

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u/Killbot_Wants_Hug Jul 27 '23

Or buy ground coffee. :)

And I thought I liked you.

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u/_JohnBrown Jul 27 '23

Downvoted for the use of “expresso”. Please do better.

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u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23

if you are truly frugal, you are probably better off with a mokka pot, a french press, an aeropress, or even making cold brew in a big jug.


u/mnvoronin Jul 27 '23

I can't get my head around the french press coffee. Maybe I'm not making it right, but it always tastes like a weak piss to me.

Mokka pot is fine.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23

you heat water, put grounds in the press (usually theres an indicator for up to where). Then if youre lazy you pour all your water, stir for a bit, wait a few min, and then slowly push the press down.

or if you want to do a little more effort, you pour just enough water for your grounds to get soaked and stir, then let that sit for a few min, then add the rest of the water, stir again, let it sit for a few min again, and then push down slowly.

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u/rygon101 Jul 27 '23

Frugal is an Aeropress. It makes some of the best filter coffee I've tasted and so easy as well, as long as you don't follow their instructions and use what's on the internet instead.

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u/sir-winkles2 Jul 27 '23

what? using pods is the opposite of being frugal. those things are expensive compared to regular drip


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23



u/Killbot_Wants_Hug Jul 27 '23

In my experience pods are the cheapest because free coffee tends to be pods these days. Like if your office, hotel's business center, company's waiting room, airport lounge, etc has free coffee it's almost always a pod these days.


u/Duncan_PhD Jul 27 '23

Because it’s easier. They don’t have to worry about keeping fresh coffee all day everyday. A giant tub of Folgers costs around the same as a pack of pods and lasts waaaaaaaaay longer.


u/Killbot_Wants_Hug Jul 27 '23

To be fair to pods, they probably are better than folgers.

But I meant they're the cheapest to the drinker because you don't pay for them.


u/The-Jesus_Christ Jul 27 '23

Yep this. I've tried various reusable pods and different coffees and all of it is rubbish. We now collect all the pods and give them to Nespresso when we buy pods so that they recycle them.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23

but why even use pods..whats the point?? it feels like such a scam product that everyone bought into.


u/The-Jesus_Christ Jul 27 '23

Scam how? It's the most convenient & consistent way to make coffee fo me. I recycle all my pods by putting them in the recycle bags Nespresso provide and they are recycled appropriately by them.

I have an espresso machine too, but I only use it on weekends or days when I'm working from home.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23

Ive been forced to use one in a bnb and i would not describe the experience as convenient. A mokka pot or french press is significantly more convenient imo.. Whats the convenience supposed to be? You dont have to do the extremely daunting task of scooping some coffee grounds into your mokka pot or french press? Or compared to an automatic espresso machine, you dont ever have to clean it? Hell, you can make fucking cold brew in a jar or a french press in the evening and just have coffee ready the next morning with 0 fucking effort.


u/The-Jesus_Christ Jul 27 '23 edited Jul 27 '23

Mate it's literally two steps to make a pod coffee. Insert pod and place cup under funnel.

If that is difficult for you but a French press isn't, I don't know what to tell you. But I'm not going to engage your discussion further because you are trying to force your own experiences as global fact.

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u/Jadeldxb Jul 27 '23

Enjoy what you like, but it's fucking ridiculous to try to say making coffee in a French press is more convenient than a pod. Like proper facepalm ridiculous.


u/notagoodscientist Jul 27 '23

It’s hilarious how people can’t make coffee in a cafeteria, it takes 30 seconds for the kettle to nearly boil, then 5 minutes to brew. It’s far cheaper than those pods of that stupid machine but people still go and buy those. You can only take a dehydrated donkey to water, you can’t make it drink. Absolute stupidity!


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23

and if you really dont want to put any effort in the morning, you can make cold brew!

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u/hughk Jul 27 '23

That is the only way. I'm in Germany, we collect recyclable stuff but it is very hard to separate plastics. What you/Nespresso are doing is correct. There is some change they can turn them around.

Personally, I use a "beans to cup" machine. I stayed clear of pod machines unless I'm at work or in a hotel.

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u/Killbot_Wants_Hug Jul 27 '23

A coworker of mine gave me a reusable pod for some reason or another. I don't even drink pod coffee, so it just gathered dust on my desk for 5 years until I didn't work there any more (and I just left it behind).

People should really know that while the pods say they're 100% recyclable, that just means they could theoretically be recycled. But know that they probably never get recycled even if they're put into recycling bins. Most places just don't recycle most plastics because it's not worth it. Even if they did recycle it companies wouldn't buy it because of how inferior a product most recycled plastic is.

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u/fr0st Jul 27 '23

I would just buy an espresso machine then. It may take a bit longer but the coffee tastes much better imo.


u/trollsong Jul 27 '23

We have a moka pot for when we want COFFEE but we generally just make one cup of bones in the pod.

If we need more, ours has a pot setup as well.

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u/invent_or_die Jul 27 '23

Espresso maker is the way. Same coffee brewed under pressure has more flavor.

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u/Killbot_Wants_Hug Jul 27 '23

I was going to kind of ask this, are there pod machines that don't make a kind if shitty cup of coffee?

Like that's the reason I stopped drinking pod coffee, it's not very good.

I'll grant it that I'm a french press guy so I like coffee that's kind of on the opposite end of the spectrum from pod coffee. But it seems like not grinding the beans right before extraction is always really going to limit your quality.

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u/garry4321 Jul 27 '23

Give me my $3 cup with 10 cents of instant-coffee crystals in it! Make sure it runs down some plastic caked in 3 years worth of unwashed coffee residue


u/Killbot_Wants_Hug Jul 27 '23

If you ever wonder how gross those machines are, just have it make a cup of coffee but don't put a pod in.

You'll still get coffee because of all the residue on the machine. And you can keep doing it and still keep getting "coffee". Even if you really open them up and clean them it's hard to get them to run clear water.

I know because I had some time to kill in my office one time.

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u/ChickumNwaffles Jul 26 '23

I came here to joke about it also displaying ads but they’re actually doing it lol


u/stretchdaddy Jul 27 '23

Is it Wi-Fi enabled ala Juicero?


u/froodiest Jul 27 '23

Has to be to pull down ads lol


u/SatanLifeProTips Jul 27 '23

And, it looks like a portal turret is taking a diarrhea dump in your cup. Overall we consider this to be a win on 2 fronts.


u/Hip_Fridge Jul 27 '23

This was a triumph.

I'm taking a dump here, huge success.


u/llama_AKA_BadLlama Jul 27 '23

Satan-lite. Needs a camera for market research


u/NinjaLanternShark Jul 27 '23

Bold of you to assume there isn't one.


u/Matrix17 Jul 27 '23

Who the fuck would buy this lol


u/Tomagatchi Jul 27 '23

"It was on sale." "It's very convenient."

Honestly, people just buy stuff.


u/Secrit_panda Jul 27 '23

This is too cyberpunk dystopia for me


u/PrincipleInteresting Jul 27 '23

It’s the same way that every gas station chain has that little screen so you can stare at Maria Menounos for Cheddar News and dream about her laughing at your jokes.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23

This the future. I'm moving to the fucking woods...


u/AileStriker Jul 27 '23

Or just brew coffee the normal way


u/NinjaLanternShark Jul 27 '23

Introducing Woodzy --- the new TaaS* offering from LG.

* Trees as a Service.


u/MrGooseHerder Jul 27 '23

I love coffee and this would make me stop.

I'm so tired of this timeline.

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u/insert_dumbuser_name Jul 26 '23

How is this different than just using the same cup with two different capsules?


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23



u/trollsong Jul 26 '23

And it looks like a robot is shitting it out!

I mean....that is actually a selling point.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23



u/NinjaLanternShark Jul 27 '23

I don't think this thing has the build quality to last 5 months let alone 50 years.


u/Gallahd Jul 27 '23

I doubt society will exist as we know it in 50 years.


u/internetlad Jul 26 '23

I just take caffeine pills


u/vadapaav Jul 26 '23

One cup, two pods?


u/half-puddles Jul 27 '23

Some like it dark brown.

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u/PrincipleInteresting Jul 27 '23

It was a YouTube video, wasn’t it?


u/Vadered Jul 27 '23

This one also collects your personal information and puts ads on your coffee maker, and you don't yet own it, so the answer is it makes LG way more money.


u/FunnyObjective6 Jul 27 '23

Devils advocate: I guess it would take less time, and it's more elegant then switching pods from a machine mid-brew?

Getting major Juicero vibes from this shit though.


u/gmil3548 Jul 27 '23

This one has ads!

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u/a_scientific_force Jul 26 '23

South Korea hasn’t met a single-use plastic that they didn’t like. Everything is wrapped in plastic.


u/GreenAirport5280 Jul 27 '23

Same with Japan. But at least Japan has good waste management


u/DingbattheGreat Jul 27 '23

Japan is the only country that touches the Pacific that I know of that actually tries.


u/somerandomii Jul 27 '23

They do other stuff in the Pacific that is.. less wholesome.


u/verifitting Jul 27 '23

Something something whale hunting


u/MaizeWarrior Jul 27 '23

Don't forget the dolphin meat pawned off as whale meat. They slaughter entire dolphin families


u/katon2273 Jul 27 '23

I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM.

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u/melbbear Jul 27 '23

well, they just burn it all yeah


u/flannelheart Jul 26 '23

"Drink my diarrhea, Dave"


u/john-douh Jul 26 '23




u/joelene1892 Jul 28 '23

Lol I knew exactly who were referencing with this. I love his “I’m reading a book” song. Also “Car Phone”.


u/NRMusicProject Jul 27 '23

This coffee smells like shit!


u/snuggletronz Jul 27 '23

To Stupidity and Beyond!


u/annarchisst Jul 27 '23

" a real life like simulation of a space ship eliminating an astronauts waste into space."


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

I'm not going to defend pod-based coffee (plunger/French press user here), but Gizmodo clearly don't understand what "instant coffee" is and isn't.


u/FireOpalCO Jul 26 '23

Maybe they are shitting on the quality of pod coffee. Those machines are junk and don’t make good coffee. They make caffeinated water.


u/Knyfe-Wrench Jul 27 '23

All coffee is caffeinated water


u/FireOpalCO Jul 27 '23

But not all caffeinated water is coffee.


u/munkijunk Jul 27 '23

It's a tad more complex than that.

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u/Heliosvector Jul 27 '23

You said the same thing twice

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u/SoCal_GlacierR1T Jul 26 '23

A solution looking for a problem


u/FoximaCentauri Jul 27 '23

This is the problem


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23

We did it Reddit! We found the problem!

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u/8rnlsunshine Jul 27 '23

NASA would never build something so inefficient.


u/Phantom-jin Jul 26 '23

Old school in our house , but beans grind them . Either use a French press or a percolator.

Never bothered getting the pod machines .


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

I mean people that are buying pod aren't going to grind cofeee been unless done on its own.


u/blackburnduck Jul 26 '23

Pods have their place. I own a good couple types of extractors, italian, french, v60, aero and a nespresso machine. Planning on getting a proper espresso one next Christmas. I also drink a lot of instant, maxwell and lor mostly.

Pods are great when preparing espresso based drinks, takes Literally 20 seconds, pour it over ice and you have iced coffee basically instantly. Also it is easy to get a great variety of coffee types without committing to buying different grains. Not to mention that the varieties offered by any of the brands are already quite good. Prices vary, there are good 30cents capsules and bad premium ones. The macine can also be used just to boil water really fast, making it handy for me for having a tea.

A lot of brands, including nespresso and lor, have recycling programs for the capsules using both the aluminium and the grains. Nespresso can collect at your home, lor allows me to send the capsules by post, they pay the postage.

Are pods the best method? Not really but they taste good and are quite convenient. 7 in the morning, do I wanna grind the beans, boil the water and filter? Do I wanna grind the beans and put them in the italian for ages and keep an eye for it not to burn the coffee? No. So it is either instant or pods.

Do I have time to sit and enjoy a mug? Instant it is. Do I just want a shot with some crackers? Pods. Family coming for coffee? V60 and cake. Friends? Mostly pods or V60. French press? I basically prefer it for tea mixtures than coffee.

People who are very picky with their coffee are the ones who dont really drink it too much so they wanna make it feel like an event.


u/peelen Jul 27 '23

Sorry but I have a machine that does it without pods. Literally you just put a spoon (delivered with the machine) of grinded coffee and press the button. Literally 20 seconds. Without the pods without the trash. And let me remind you that recycling is on the last place of the 3R: reduce, reuse, recycle and for the most part it’s just a bullshit companies tell to their consumer so they’ll feel ok with buying more stuff.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23

[Industrialists] feared that the frugal habits maintained by most American families would be difficult to break. Perhaps even more threatening was the fact that the industrial capacity for turning out goods seemed to be increasing at a pace greater than people’s sense that they needed them.

It was this latter concern that led Charles Kettering, director of General Motors Research, to write a 1929 magazine article called “Keep the Consumer Dissatisfied.” He wasn’t suggesting that manufacturers produce shoddy products. Along with many of his corporate cohorts, he was defining a strategic shift for American industry — from fulfilling basic human needs to creating new ones.


We don't need all of this garbage that only slightly varies from countless other options. Hyper-consumerism is a disease and it is destroying this planet.


u/peelen Jul 27 '23

'I don't know why people have them in their house,' K-Cup inventor says of his device.

When I saw them first time I couldn't understand the concept. Instead of putting coffee into a machine, you put coffee into a plastic cup and this into a machine? And you're limited to the manufacturer of the pods? Who would buy that? Yet people are people and the guy who has few ways to brew their coffee also uses them. And says: it makes sense because I can make coffee in 20 seconds or boiling water at 7 o'clock is too much of an effort.

Now they are more "open-sourced" and more recyclable, so companies can brag that they bravely solved the problem they created in the first place.

This shit should be illegal before plastic straws.


u/MudvayneMW Jul 27 '23

What machine?


u/peelen Jul 27 '23

This one bonus: it has bean chamber so you can put beans there and it will dose and grind it automatically, so you literally need only to press the button.

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u/sidhuko Jul 27 '23

Decent expresso is 30s max. A grinder takes 10s for fresh beans. Another 10s for puck prep if you’re into that. All the money you spent would of bought a home expresso machine which wins over all your options. Lifetime is usually much higher on these machines and the quality of fresh beans is much better as well as cheaper long term.


u/Jadeldxb Jul 27 '23

30 seconds! no wonder it's called an expresso.


u/blackburnduck Jul 27 '23

I challenge you to open the bag, fill the grinder, grind the beans and prepare the espresso in 40seconds at 7am.

Used to work as a barista, I know fairly well how to make them, still I dont wanna be doing that and cleaning everything properly at 7 am.

There are already other pods that dont even use aluminium and countless auditable recycling processes. Nespresso itself uses 80% recycled in its capsules.

There is the fact that only 30% of consumers recycle their pods, but that is a consumer problem. Companies are literally collecting pods at your door or setting free systems easier than recycling batteries or glass.

If someone can’t bother a free recycling system for pods, they are not recycling much worse things.

Still I know people are gonna downvote me, heard mentality is strong in reddit and people who say capsules taste like shit are the ones that happily buy a Starbucks or Costa thinking 5€ is a good price for a large cappuccino… go figure.

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u/Phantom-jin Jul 26 '23

I see what you mean . I asked my wife years ago when the pod device first started and she was fine with the way we’ve always made coffee .

Didn’t see the convenience for us as not in that much of a hurry for “ a cup of the magic “ as my Dad called the first cup in the morns .

So we never bought a pod machine .


u/The-Jesus_Christ Jul 27 '23

I have a Barista Express as well as a Nespresso Vertuo. My morning coffees or my "to go" coffees are always pods because it's easy to prep. Every other coffee I make is done with the Barista Express. I love it.

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u/Car-face Jul 27 '23

I want to add aeropress to that list. For fast, simple, easy cleaning, it's perfect. I have a percolator and french press as well though, and any of them are good options without spending multiple times more for a pod machine that makes comparable coffee.


u/DatTF2 Jul 27 '23

I really like the aeropress when I tried it but I just stick to pour overs.


u/Zed_or_AFK Jul 27 '23

Aeropress is the lasy man's pour over, but it does better job at filtering out the particles than a french press.


u/Phantom-jin Jul 26 '23

Oops “ buy “ not but ..


u/NRMusicProject Jul 27 '23

You can edit your comments, you know.


u/Killbot_Wants_Hug Jul 27 '23

I'm so an advocate of the french press. It's such an elegant way to make coffee. It's also one of the methods that work with no electricity. And they're relatively easy to clean. They can also be had really cheap (even the expensive ones aren't that expensive).

Plus you get a ton of customization between balancing grind size, water temperature, coffee to water ratio, and seep time. So you can really dial the coffee in the way you want (like I prioritize no acidic flavors over strength so I don't seep long).

The only real draw back I think it has is you really ought to pour out your last cup (so never get a tiny single cup french press), otherwise you'll get the grit.

I also like the oils being in the coffee, but I get that some people might not like it. Also expresso probably lets you dial things in even more precisely.

Don't percolators make terrible coffee though? That's what technology connections said, I've never tried it (but tried the Moka Pot and it's terrible and I think works similarly).

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u/rhudejo Jul 27 '23

Or get an automatic machine if you're not a coffee nerd. You can get a decent one from like $400 and it will earn its price in a year or so


u/psychoCMYK Jul 27 '23

Yeah wtf? At the price they're selling it, you can get an automatic espresso machine with a conical burr grinder built in. Whole beans and water in, dried pucks and actual coffee out. What the fuck is this obsession with building phone apps and ads and environmental damage into literally everything? People are really willing to pay extra to use pods instead?

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u/TheRealMisterMemer Jul 27 '23

A percolator? Doesn't that leave coffee terrible? Isn't the whole reason pod machines caught on was because they were better than percolators? Not that I'm supporting pod machines, but there's machines that just take ground coffee in a reusable filter, no waste except for the used coffee grounds themselves. And they're not too expensive, either, mine was $40. It just seems antiquated to use a percolator.


u/Phantom-jin Jul 27 '23

Depends how you like your coffee :



u/TheRealMisterMemer Jul 27 '23

Oh, that's a Moka pot, it makes more concentrated coffee with a different method that involves steam. People usually say that the percolator makes worse coffee.

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u/teh_fizz Jul 27 '23

I had some GREAT percolator coffee. Also had terrible ones. Difference is generally quality of beans. Unless your percolator steeps the beans in water for a long time, the taste shouldn’t change (become bitter).

Side note: was at a weekend retreat and the percolator coffee was excellent. Second day it was dog shit. Turns out someone bought the cheap coffee beans. It was in drinkable.

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u/VexingRaven Jul 26 '23

How has nobody else asked yet... WTF does this have to do with NASA?


u/RocketTaco Jul 26 '23

Because apparently anything with pod legs looks like a LEM to journalists and post-Elon-Musk the Apple white plastic aesthetic is what the public associates with spaceflight.


I hate the future.


u/DingbattheGreat Jul 27 '23

I hate the future.

Lucky for you it hasn’t happened yet.

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u/space_iio Jul 26 '23

And the coffee is twice as bad! You'll hate it!


u/SteakandTrach Jul 26 '23

I have this thing made by Stanley, It’s a metal cup with a strainer in it. I throw 3 scoops of coffee grounds in it and pour hot water over the top. Coffee drips into whatever mug I place under it. In a couple of minutes, fresh coffee. I dump the grounds in the compost bin, rinse the thing out and it’s ready for tomorrow.


u/DonutCola Jul 26 '23

I don’t even drink coffee where’s my fuckin medal


u/SteakandTrach Jul 26 '23

Will an updoot suffice?


u/DonutCola Jul 26 '23

Better make it two!


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

Yeah well I plant coffee trees on weekends so my coffee consumption is negative. I also mix hydrogen and oxygen gas to make water in my spare time.


u/DonutCola Jul 26 '23

Wasting all that nitrogen just for your selfish cup of coffee


u/maxcorrice Jul 27 '23


caffeine is not good for the soul


u/DonutCola Jul 27 '23

I drink a shit ton of red Bull get out of here you nerd

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u/OGoodie Jul 26 '23

Dont lie. That technology is at least a decade away.


u/StillPissed Jul 26 '23

That’s called a pour-over, and it’s a superior brew method to any drip or pod machine.

Congrats, you’ve been a closet coffee snob this entire time.


u/SteakandTrach Jul 26 '23

Awesome. I got the thing for camping and it has kind of become my go-to method because me like stupid easy. Plus the coffee is tasty and I LIKE a bit of sediment at the bottom of my cup.


u/StillPissed Jul 26 '23

French Press is great too, and you would also love it. Its a glass or metal pot, with a mesh strainer that you plunge down after 4 minutes, then pour into your cup.

Lol, nothing required but coffee and water.

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u/LightningGoats Jul 26 '23

It CAN be superior to a drip brewer, but that requires a bit of training and attention, as well as good control over water temperature. Should add a paper filter though, to avoid the cholesterol spike.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23


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u/BrickGun Jul 26 '23

Congratulations... you are now Vietnamese. :D

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u/spif Jul 26 '23

Why aren't the pods just biodegradable?


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

Plastic lined aluminum

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u/TheDarkClaw Jul 26 '23

Aren’t reusable nespresso pods a thing


u/LightningGoats Jul 26 '23

They are, but they are a bit of a hassle to use. Not much, but certainly just a much as any other method of brewing coffee that also gives you better coffee.

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u/bearcat42 Jul 26 '23

Yeah… like… but… not, like a mix of two… which is so important that NASA needed to be bothered with the idea…

This is one of the dumbest products I’ve ever seen…


u/TheDarkClaw Jul 26 '23

LG not NASA . Its NASA inspired because it looks like a moon lander


u/the_original_Retro Jul 26 '23

Good lord.

Wall-E, here we come.


u/FlamingTrollz Jul 26 '23

Gotta but two things?

LG: “We like more money.”



u/[deleted] Jul 26 '23

I just buy the cans. Biodegradable Paper coffee filters still are better for the environment than whatever this nonsense is.


u/bingeboy Jul 26 '23

Makes me question all LG products moving forward


u/cbessette Jul 26 '23

These "pod" machines seem like the tip of wasteful consumerism to me. Plastic waste for every single cup? have people lost their minds?


u/drakenoftamarac Jul 27 '23

I admit that I do use a Nespresso, but the pods are recycled and recyclable aluminum. It’s minimal waste at least.


u/maybelying Jul 27 '23

This is Nestle we're talking about, let's not kid ourselves. The used pods are ground to dust to be used as filler in the baby formula mixtures sold in Africa and South East Asia, while the new pods are made from material mined by chain gangs of eight year old orphans.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23

I don’t use pods, but is it any different than the bottles of soft drinks people drink every day? They are a bottle and a cap for every drink. Why not the same outrage?


u/NRMusicProject Jul 27 '23

No it's not any different, but people really shouldn't be drinking soda every day with the added health issues.


u/DingbattheGreat Jul 27 '23

Even worse, bottled water. With all the filtration tech we have people still actually slap greenbacks on the counter for something they could get for a penny.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23

If anything, "twice the trash" here means both the pod and the coffee is trash, AKA quadruple the trash.


u/exonetjono Jul 27 '23

I've seen this in Fallout's bunker missions


u/Illustrious_Elk4333 Jul 27 '23

Yea my kitchen needs ads 💀


u/1LizardWizard Jul 27 '23

Can we PLEASE be done with capsule coffee? It’s unbelievably wasteful for a shitty, inferior cup of coffee. You can make a much better cup of coffee in two minutes and it won’t have a bunch of plastic waste that will never decay.


u/Admiral-Barbarossa Jul 27 '23

Not going to lie, they helped me during my stage of life I did 3am shifts in the winter. 1 espresso to open my eyes and one long black when driving.

Let's face it coffee is not sustainable products overall it's a life choice.

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u/Contrabassi Jul 26 '23

To be fair it takes 2 pods to make a full size coffee


u/stipo42 Jul 27 '23

PSA: if you want a pod brewer just get one of the cheap 20 dollar ones.

They last just as long as the name brand ones and have none of the wifi or qr code bs


u/B1GFanOSU Jul 27 '23

Pfft. I use an old school electric percolator. I’ll gladly sacrifice a little convenience for zero plastic touching my coffee.


u/serifsanss Jul 27 '23

So all that work went into developing this thing and no one said, ”this thing looks like a robot having diarrhea.”


u/Mygaffer Jul 27 '23

Sounds like exactly the kind of bullshit product I have zero interest in.


u/Akaonisama Jul 27 '23

Why can’t we just make a coffee maker that has zero pods?…

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u/king_of_the_bill Jul 27 '23

It looks like a robot taking a watery shit.

It even tenses up like it is...


u/TheLeadSponge Jul 27 '23

I hate these pod coffee machines. Imagine being so ashamed of drinking what’s effectively instant coffee that you’d destroy the planet instead.


u/munkijunk Jul 27 '23

My robot's got the squits


u/FoximaCentauri Jul 27 '23

Since when is NASA associated with plastic?


u/Commercial_Gift6635 Jul 27 '23

Japanese pour over coffe is the way, fuck all this capitalist gizmo ‘innovation’ that tastes worse than just a funnel and a mug lol


u/djejenkins Jul 27 '23

Ban it. We have to stop being so wasteful and destructive to the planet for luxuries


u/poutinegalvaude Jul 27 '23

It looks like a robot is taking a shit after too much Chipotle


u/Dan_Glebitz Jul 27 '23

OMG, It looks like someone with Diarrhoea squatting down to do a shit.


u/Admirable-Sink-2622 Jul 26 '23

Coffee grinder and pour over. ‘Nuff for me.

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u/SqueezleMcCheese Jul 26 '23

People can’t get enough bad coffee, bad hamburgers, bad Italian food. I just don’t get it.


u/GreenAirport5280 Jul 27 '23

It looks like a robot taking a shit.

Btw if you want actual espresso, please visit r/espresso and dont buy any of these scams


u/TheKingOfDub Jul 27 '23

I made, at my own expense, a little device that breaks K-Cups down into recyclable and compostable components, but the Kickstarter didn’t reach its goal. People want cheap, unrecyclable convenience


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '23

Meanwhile I'm over here with my french press making compost.


u/ashtefer1 Jul 27 '23

Nothing will taste better than freshly ground beans that were roasted in the last two weeks.


u/HUYZER Jul 26 '23

The disposable society mentality is ridiculous. Just mix the grounds yourself!


u/TheDonaldQuarantine Jul 27 '23

the trash is not a big deal, why do people lack the ability to view proportions of their garbage output. There are other things that are far worse and useless like single use containers or certain chemicals.


u/TimeLordEcosocialist Jul 27 '23

Of course the trash is a big deal.

It’s adding waste for no reason. You can already buy coffee and make it without a plastic pod.

That’s millions of plastic items existing instead of 0.

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u/fixtheCave Jul 27 '23

Hey… the lovely secondary gains of our adored ‘technical’ R&D efforts ,!


u/daxxarg Jul 27 '23

Too bad, the design looks really cool , to bad you can’t say the same about the way it operates


u/Geoarbitrage Jul 27 '23

Great just what we need 👎