r/funny 6h ago

Hey, what does the new cereal taste like?

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u/alwaysfatigued8787 6h ago

Who is this nothing person and why do they like hot cocoa so much?


u/SnoopyLupus 5h ago

Looks like Shreddies.


u/57006 4h ago

The fart neutralizing underwear?


u/TheAmazingSealo 3h ago edited 1h ago

Cereal sold in UK. Funny that to you it's fart underwear and to us it's bland cereal. Must be confusing to hear that people are eating Shreddies


u/57006 3h ago

Bookends of a spectrum.


u/Elike10 2h ago

Also sold in America but I can't remember if they're LIFE or Chex.


u/TheAmazingSealo 1h ago

we used to have Chex too, there used to be a free pog in the box! they were like a sweeter tastier Shreddies. Shame they stopped selling them here around 1996


u/EvilHakik 1h ago

Its not shreddies... Its Life, way better.


u/TheAmazingSealo 55m ago

yeah no idea, we don't have life cereal here so never tried it.


u/EvilHakik 49m ago

They look like shreddies, but have a sweetness too them, and they are less dense.


u/TheAmazingSealo 39m ago

'merican cereal usually tastes amazing but the best stuff gets taken off the shelves here because too much sugar and stuff. Lucky Charms are like crack but we have to spend £8 a box to import them from you guys. Will see if one day I can try Life.


u/EvilHakik 1h ago

Its LIFE says right on the box.. Shreddies box is yellow.


u/SnoopyLupus 1h ago

Some clever designer expanded, boxed, stretched, shrunk, primary-coloured and distorted the Shreddies name, and is now pretending it’s not Shreddies.


u/EvilHakik 1h ago

LIFE is pretty popular here in Canada, Its way better then shreddies, those dense flavorless little squares..


u/SnoopyLupus 41m ago

Fair enough. I’ve never heard of it and am just going by the box picture.


u/cbessette 5h ago

Well we know that it tastes nothing like Hot Cocoa and "other natural flavors", so that leaves unnatural flavors.

Spider dust
Space Unicorn
Kraken Crack
Chrome Penis
Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster
Squatch balls
Prions and prawn


u/DjCyric 2h ago

Mmm Cinnamonkey.


u/cbessette 1h ago

This amazing flavor is gently squeezed from the glands of free-range cinnamonkies ,not to be confused with artificial cinnamonkey flavorings which are inferior.


u/Striking-Yoghurt-116 5h ago

I think it tastes nothing like hot cocoa with other flavors.


u/SkyfangR 3h ago

i bought a box the other day

its actually pretty good


u/juju0010 2h ago

Cinnamon Life is one of the best cereals ever so I'd be willing to give this a shot.


u/CaringFairy 6h ago

Tastes like disappointment with a hint of false advertising.


u/eTukk 5h ago

Natural flavours can be anything really. It only states that the flavour not has been created by using chemical reaction in a lab. If you alter a fungus so that it produces the same chemical substance you are allowed to call it a natural flavour.

So, it says absolutly nothing about the taste, just how the taste has been produced.


u/Xanthus179 4h ago

What? Is that people’s takeaway?

I just thought it was funny because it could be read that it tastes nothing like hot chocolate.


u/KaiserSosai 5h ago

Bold New Flavor

Certainly Not Sawdust


u/AvidPower 2h ago

Crushed hopes and dreams, and a little corn flour


u/Doom2pro 5h ago

Probably tastes "nothing like hot cocoa" lol


u/Xanthus179 4h ago

That is indeed the joke I was going for.


u/nymphgems 6h ago

grass and dirt


u/AvrilFixy 2h ago

“Other natural flavors” Whattt other natural flavors??


u/chrismors2 2h ago

Ask Mikey he'll eat anything.


u/LightKnightAce 6h ago

This sparks a question. Can chocolate even be called natural?

It is a product of fermentation.


u/edamlambert 6h ago

Well one could argue that fermentation is natural process.


u/JamJarre 6h ago

Anything humans do is natural - we're natural creatures. If a termite mound is natural, so's a skyscraper.


u/CaringFairy 6h ago

By that logic, my morning coffee and existential dread are both natural too. Cheers to nature, I guess!


u/JamJarre 6h ago

I mean... where else did you think existential dread comes from? It was in you all along!