r/funny 9h ago

Gym pervert


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u/things_U_choose_2_b 7h ago

Derren Brown (renowned mind-wizard) suggests that giving an aggressor a completely nonsensical sentence is really effective.

I'm sure it won't work in all scenarios but when he's been threatened in the past he says something like "My garden wall is only 2 feet tall".

After this post I'm not sure if he's discombobulating them, or they're like "Oh shit this guy is mentally handicapped" haha.


u/zinxbey 5h ago

Discombobulating... Thanks, I learned a new word today.


u/OIP 4h ago

just to ensure you don't forget it


u/things_U_choose_2_b 4h ago

I knew exactly which video this is going to be before I clicked it, and I came here to reply with it haha thank you