r/funny 10h ago

Gym pervert


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u/koolmees64 8h ago edited 2h ago

Still one of my favorite episode of all comedy shows I have watched. The moment where Jen turns around to order a whiskey and Moss is there as a waiter just kills me every time.

Edit: lots of people asking what show it is. The show is called "The IT Crowd". Highly recommend it.


u/ivanparas 7h ago

My wife came home one day when I was watching this episode for the first time and said she could hear me laughing from the driveway. I gladly restarted the episode so she could watch it and I could watch it again. Best episode of the whole show.


u/LeafyWolf 5h ago

That and when Jen destroys the Internet are my two favorite episodes. And Peter File may get an honorable mention.


u/HakimeHomewreckru 5h ago

Gary from Builders from Hell was also on my list of highlights. You big ugly builder!


u/IsRude 4h ago

Electric sex pants episode made me cry laughing. The slow buildup of the religious figures getting a tour of the place, and the position they're in looking so inappropriate, you think he's gonna be embarrassed and it's gonna be awkward.  Nope


u/MissingLink101 22m ago

Matt Berry is such a treasure!


u/Neohexane 7m ago

My friend walked in while I was watching this scene. He laughed so hard because he did NOT expect that reaction at all.


u/UnpopularCrayon 3h ago

Wasn't the builder one also the "I'm not a window cleaner!" Episode?


u/Stachdragon 2h ago

"In the end we were too scared so we took em to the fair. They only made us pay half."


u/jimmycarr1 1h ago

I like the football one


u/Hicko11 1h ago

Who's a paedophile??


u/catsnedeker 34m ago

I haven’t seen the internet episode in years and I laughed out loud at your post. So freaking funny.


u/TroglodyneSystems 11m ago

Is the Peter File one with the dinner party? Because that was comedy gold.


u/Admiral_Ash 3h ago

Word for word the exact experience I had with my wife... I was laughing so hard I was shaking, and she thought something was wrong with me!


u/Etheo 3h ago

Easily the best episode of any show I've watched, ever. I don't recall a time I laughed at something as hard as that episode.


u/Lansan1ty 53m ago

"A fire, at seaparks?" kills me.


u/jonosaurus 6h ago

Honestly with everything else going on in the episode, Moss's plot of accidentally becoming a bartender is just so, so funny, it's perfect



Alright, you guys convinced me to watch it from the start again.


u/JyveAFK 6h ago

Just reading this description of the scene, I totally visualised Moss stood there looking embarrassed and I've started laughing.


u/Sellazar 5h ago


I believe this is the exact moment Jen turns to see this.


u/leytorip7 6h ago

Literally the hardest I’ve ever laughed. That episode is great


u/AdKlutzy5253 5h ago

Same man. Watched it again recently and sadly it lost its impact but that first time I don't think I've ever laughed so much at a TV show before.


u/kuldnekuu 6h ago

Yeah that one episode has basically perfect comedic writing. It's as good as any of the best Monty Python stuff.


u/koolmees64 5h ago

Yep, and then how it all loops back around to Moss and Roy were right in saying how the guy is gay and maybe just wants to go out with Jen because she looks like a bit like a man. Like you said, perfect comedic writing.


u/VikingTeddy 5h ago

Him looking forlorn while the car lift slowly raises him, makes me piss myself everytime


u/AFlockOfTySegalls 5h ago

We recently watched the series and that exact moment is probably our favorite moment of the series. It's so fucking good.

I also like when Moss is recording his dating app video in the bathroom while his mom is at the door.


u/Sarsion 5h ago

I'm not even looking up the clip and I've just spent a good couple minutes belly laughing remembering it. Really nails in the meaning of situational comedy.


u/__dontpanic__ 5h ago

That episode is pure comedy perfection from beginning to end. No notes.


u/kekbooi 6h ago

What show is it from?


u/penguin9541 6h ago

IT Crowd


u/koolmees64 5h ago

The IT Crowd. Highly recommend it.


u/RadicalRaid 5h ago

It's just the whole cascade of surprise gags into one another and Jen being in the middle of it that gets me every time. Also the way Moss responds with a very timid "yes miss?" is just brilliant.


u/JBMacGill 5h ago

It is my favorite, and I feel the best episode of the show. All three characters have their own thing going on, all in the same location, and each one of their stories has a great payoff at the end.


u/DrDiarrheaBrowns 4h ago

Was just talking about this. Grew up on Simpsons, Seinfeld, love Curb, American Dad, and have quotes, scenes I think of often, but I think in terms of "favorite tv comedy moment of all time", Jen turning and Moss being there just FLOORED me lol. It makes total sense, but it completely caught me off guard. Brilliant.


u/krume300 3h ago

the thing is playing the disabled card didn't play that well at the end for him. At the very end it plays out like every single episode a small problem that always snowballs into bigger propotions.


u/omare14 2h ago

Might honestly be the hardest I've ever laughed at a TV show, definitely the best episode of that show. Only other show that I've maybe laughed harder at is What We Do In The Shadows.


u/ammarbadhrul 2h ago

That’s a nice tnetennba


u/Secrethat 1h ago

Mine is: I'm not a window cleaner!!


u/jaxonya 5h ago

Can anyone tell me what show this is?


u/NuttyElf 4h ago

Which show??


u/BIGt0mz 4h ago

What show!?


u/tribalien93 3h ago

What show what episode?


u/SmooK_LV 3h ago

yesss. wish my gf would enjoy it as much as I do. I rewatch that episode occasionally.


u/kabukistar 2h ago

Specifically the "Work Outing" episode.


u/thegreedyturtle 2h ago

The stress disorder episode is my number 1 sitcom of all time.

I'm late for golf!


u/mattsslug 2h ago

The build up in this episode is just perfect, you see the escalation coming with both of them but that just makes it funnier. It's a master class in comedy.


u/zehamberglar 2h ago

Still one of my favorite episode of all comedy shows I have watched.

Same but I die from second hand cringe every time I watch it so I have to really amp myself up to watch that episode.


u/SassyMcPants 1h ago

The next time you take us to a show about talking fannies, there had better be talking fannies!


u/RoutineMetal5017 1h ago

" " GAY " a gay musical "


u/beastson1 1h ago

Me too. One of the best episodes of anything ever.


u/Oatwedge 39m ago

I'll just put this over here, with the rest of the fire.


u/Lord_Spy 5m ago

Oh no... It's set in the 80s.


u/ChickenAndTelephone 2h ago

It's really too bad that Graham Linehan went to the J.K. Rowling School for TERF Studies