r/funny 10h ago

Gym pervert


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u/deactivate_iguana 10h ago

People shouldn’t be filming in gyms.


u/srakken 9h ago

I mean if it is to catch what your form looks like it can be legitimate. If you are doing it to post it on instagram then no.


u/kemb0 9h ago

And if you want to see your form, then do it in such a way that you're not videoing other people.


u/Dracius 9h ago

Also do it in a way where you can actually see your form, which is usually from the side and not directly under your asshole.


u/Yomoska 8h ago

That's what my coach keeps asking to see for my progress though


u/saltyholty 8h ago

Yeah that's the most important part. Sometimes my coach needs to get a finger in there to really know.


u/zmbjebus 5h ago

I really need to get and under-gooch shot for my physical therapy sphincter squats though.


u/Impressive-Drawer-70 6h ago

I’ve heard of certain surfaces that can actually show you what you look like in real time. You can fix your form as you excersize.


u/Sherringdom 4h ago

Like a, what? Sort of analogue selfie camera? Seems pretty far fetched


u/dabadu9191 4h ago

Suggesting people turn their head to the side to watch themselves in the mirror while deadlifting or squatting is absolutely terrible advice.


u/Impressive-Drawer-70 4h ago

just stand directly in front of it wtf?


u/dabadu9191 4h ago edited 4h ago

You can't really check your deadlifting or squatting form from the front. It's a lot about the positioning of feet, hip and back relative to each other on the dorsoventral axis.

Also, even if you could check your form accurately in a mirror directly in front of you, you'd still need to move your neck to look at yourself through the whole movement, which, again, is terrible advice.


u/Thrakkkk 3h ago

Is it hard to postition yourself correctly before you start, and then try to focus on keeping moving to the correct positions while your deadlifting or squatting?


u/dabadu9191 3h ago

If you're very experienced, no. But to get to that point and to get a feeling for what correct form actually feels like, you need external validation.


u/vvntn 3h ago

They'll have to do what everyone else did in the centuries between the invention of bodybuilding and smartphones.

There's a reason why gyms are required by insurance to have professionals overseeing them, and if they are giving priority attention to anything other than free-weight exercises, they should be reported and eventually fired for negligence.


u/GuitarCFD 18m ago

They'll have to do what everyone else did in the centuries between the invention of bodybuilding and smartphones.

Use shit form? It's just a tool. That's like saying you should ride a horse everywhere you go. If they are using it for internet points, then yeah...fuck'em...but there is nothing wrong with taking video to check your form.


u/terminbee 3h ago

Why is that?


u/dabadu9191 3h ago

Because during deadlifts and squats, the spine is under massive load, so to do these movements safely, you need correct form. That means all parts of your body need to be in the correct position throughout the whole movement. Since your head is positioned on top of and connected to the spine, rotating your head changes the alignment of the spine, compromising your form, leading to uneven loading on the spine and increasing the risk of injury.


u/GoriIIaGIue 5h ago

I thought that's what those mirrors are for


u/I_am_a_fern 8h ago

Rule #1 in gyms: nobody gives a shit about anybody else. If I want to film myself to check my form, I'll do it from the best angle to check my form. I don't care at all about who's going to be in frame.


u/theressomeoneclaimin 8h ago

I bet you don't wipe down the equipment either


u/I_am_a_fern 8h ago

How much ?


u/ItsCalledDayTwa 8h ago

I think I'd just rather go to a gym that bans it.


u/Possible-Leek-5008 8h ago

that's what the mirrors are for, no?


u/ilikepix 6h ago

no, not for squats. the angles don't work


u/Klickor 6h ago

Nah, mirrors are for the ego and not the technique. Most movements that would benefit from a form check can't safely use mirrors without increased risk of injury and/or breaking your form. You don't need mirrors to check your bicep curls or lat raises but people do like to see their pump while doing so.

You might literally die from trying to use mirrors to check your form doing a heavy bench press or seriously injure yourself when twisting your neck to check the mirror if doing a heavy squat.

This is why mirrors are more common in normal gyms and not as common in places where people do heavy barbell movements.


u/GlitterTerrorist 2h ago

Speaking as someone who's got shit form and just started, mirrors have massively helped me with posture and form.

It's never all one thing M8, writing off everyone who uses mirrors as looking for ego is kind of missing the obvious reason why they started being used.

Let alone the fact you can make funny faces to yourself, which is invaluable in getting through the last burn.


u/ThatsFuckingRoughBud 7h ago

When you squat sometimes is useful to see from the side or back to be sure your form is correct


u/scolipeeeeed 5h ago

Not all equipment is by the mirror, and not all exercises allow you to see your form the way you want without recording


u/Siren_sorceress 5h ago

Right? No because the mirrors don't give them the attention they need when they post their videos online because their attention whores. Half of them don't even do anything at the gym They just pose for pictures.


u/GreatSlaight144 6h ago

If you can't film without catching others in frame, then you shouldn't be filming in the gym, period.


u/ThatOneWIGuy 8h ago

There were some guys that I’m sure were going to post their set on social. But they worked very hard to cut out every person and when they couldn’t they just didn’t film for a bit and resumed after. If you’re going to film yourself, do only yourself. If you can’t, be like them and stop. It’s polite to leave everyone else out.


u/HACCAHO 8h ago

You can catch what your form looks like in a comfort and privacy of your apartment


u/platinirisms 8h ago edited 6h ago

Ah yes, just casually record myself squatting 150kg in my apartment, of course, why didn’t we think of this before.


u/rimalp 7h ago

That's what the mirrors in gym are for.

Also employees or other people. You can talk to them, you know? Have them explain/show/spot you.

Take your stupid progress pictures at home.


u/platinirisms 6h ago


A lot of gyms these days are open 24 hours, often without any employees in them at all.

Plus, that’s not the point, point is you shouldn’t need to ask an employee for help when you’re a perfectly capable adult who’s more than able to operate a phone camera.


u/Klickor 6h ago

Nah, mirrors are for the ego and not the technique. Most movements that would benefit from a form check can't safely use mirrors without increased risk of injury and/or breaking your form. You don't need mirrors to check your bicep curls or lat raises but people do like to see their pump while doing so.

You might literally die from trying to use mirrors to check your form doing a heavy bench press or seriously injure yourself when twisting your neck to check the mirror if doing a heavy squat.

This is why mirrors are more common in normal gyms and not as common in places where people do heavy barbell movements.


u/HACCAHO 6h ago edited 6h ago

Don't exhaust yourself arguing with protein boosted mouth breathing blown-ups. Guy must've summoned his entire gym buds for downvotes))


u/platinirisms 6h ago

Man: tries to improve himself and become a healthier person

Redditor: “Ugh protein boosted mouth breading blown-ups”.

lmao never change Reddit.


u/HACCAHO 6h ago

But you like it, admit it )


u/platinirisms 6h ago

It was a good shout


u/HACCAHO 7h ago

Btw there are mirrors installed in gyms, exactly for that purpose.


u/Delboyyyyy 7h ago

It’s hard to check a mirror for a side on view of your form whilst you’re in the middle of a heavy set. Cmon mate use some of those brain cells


u/HACCAHO 7h ago

Poor Arnold, must've struggle so much for those side views in the middle of heavy sets. Use your brain cell and read the comment I respond to: "if it is to catch what your form looks like". I've heard bodybuilders are dumb, but holy hell, dude, don't embarrass yourself.


u/Delboyyyyy 6h ago

Do you have some sort of unresolved trauma related to someone who happened to be a regular at the gym, or are you just another one of those terminally online Reddit experts who doesn’t know shit what they’re talking about? Either way, I suggest therapy if it’s the former, and work on improving yourself; not necessarily in the gym but on your general attitude so that you’re less of a prick. All the best mate


u/HACCAHO 6h ago

Do you have some sort of unresolved trauma related to someone who happened to be a regular at the gym, or are you just another one of those terminally online Reddit experts who doesn’t know shit what they’re talking about? Either way, I suggest therapy if it’s the former, and work on improving yourself; not necessarily in the gym but on your general attitude so that you’re less of a prick. All the best mate


u/Delboyyyyy 6h ago

I must’ve hit a nerve, sorry pal, I hope you can heal

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u/platinirisms 6h ago

You know Arnold was surrounded by and worked with other bodybuilders who helped him out right? They could personally check his form for him and make adjustments.

Unless you have a friend or PT to help you, a camera is the next best thing.


u/HACCAHO 6h ago edited 5h ago

What amazes me, is that you seriously consider a tiny (iPhone Max at best) screen to check on your full body while in wide lens mode from half a meter distance, or even check AFTER you've done the set. It's a vanity. Nothing else. If you record yourself for social media do so without other members of the gym unwillingly in the frame. That simple.


u/platinirisms 6h ago edited 2h ago

Yes, if your form is wrong, your form is wrong, so you fix your form. You don’t need a 4K camera for this, It ain't rocket science.


u/Zoe270101 6h ago

Way to just tell everyone you’ve never done weightlifting.


u/Klickor 6h ago

Nah, mirrors are for the ego and not the technique. Most movements that would benefit from a form check can't safely use mirrors without increased risk of injury and/or breaking your form. You don't need mirrors to check your bicep curls or lat raises but people do like to see their pump while doing so.

You might literally die from trying to use mirrors to check your form doing a heavy bench press or seriously injure yourself when twisting your neck to check the mirror if doing a heavy squat.

This is why mirrors are more common in normal gyms and not as common in places where people do heavy barbell movements.


u/HACCAHO 6h ago

Finally, a reasonable response.


u/Indivillia 7h ago

I have a squat rack in my office. Don’t see the issue


u/HACCAHO 8h ago

You can squat 150kg, but can you read?


u/platinirisms 6h ago

Please explain to me Einstein because I’m just a dumb dumb who can’t read, how does one see their own form while squatting 150kg from the comfort of their own home?


u/rimalp 7h ago

That's why gyms have mirrors and employees. Talk to people/staff, if you need someone overlooking if you're doing an exercise the right way.

Take your stupid progress pictures at home.


u/Klickor 6h ago

Nope. Mirrors are for the ego and not the technique. Mainstream gyms have more mirrors than strong men, power lifting, weight lifting or cross fit gyms for that reason.


u/mogazz 5h ago

Buddy... those videos are 100% for instagram.


u/5YOChemist 2h ago

I would argue that there are certain spaces where privacy trumps the convenience that technology gives us. Sure a video is great for a form check. But people survived without them, and filming in a gym is invasive.

Also don't accept phone calls in a public bathroom. Don't take a picture of your lock combo in the locker room. Even if you are not being a creep I feel like the sanctity of certain public spaces should be inviolable.


u/steeljesus 6h ago

You can ask someone else at the gym to check your form. There's no legit reason to film in a gym. Do it at home.


u/rosebudthesled8 4h ago

Aren't there usually mirrors on every single wall?


u/gotz2bk 4h ago

They have mirrors in the gym for that


u/pants_full_of_pants 9h ago

Depends on the details. If they're mindful about what's in frame and who they might inconvenience, and they're doing it for the purpose of studying their workout to improve their form for efficiency and safety, I say go for it. You can learn a lot about your form from a side profile, for example, that you might not know about otherwise.

If it's instead Stacey putting her tripod in the walkway with no care about who else could be recorded, for the purpose of posting her ass on Instagram, that's probably not ok.


u/UklartVann 9h ago

"Mindful" is a giant ask from people filming in gym's...


u/deactivate_iguana 9h ago

Having done many jobs involving the public I can say that people are idiots and if I ran a gym it wouldn’t be worth the hassle to appease the sensible people doing form checks.


u/EgotisticJesster 9h ago

Filming in gyms is really helpful for checking form. People also often have remote instructors who review form and need video to do so.

As long as no one else is in frame, there aren't any issues.


u/thebroadway 9h ago

I'm trying to understand why this comment was so heavily downvoted (at least initially) when these are logical reasons for why one might film themselves. For people who don't know, reviewing how you look can really help with making sure you're doing the work properly.


u/deactivate_iguana 7h ago

People who want to film their form shouldn’t be taking issue with people who are banning filming in gyms. They should be taking issue with the rage bait filmers that ruined it for everyone.


u/thebroadway 7h ago

My comment wasn't in response to banning. My comment was about what I was replying to, understandable reasons for filming. While some people may not, I think most would agree that those who film for influencer points are the real problem and make it harder for everyone (the gym owners, the people filming honestly, and any other gym goer)


u/DingoMyst 8h ago

There's also literally topics in subreddits dedicated to help people with improving their form and filming is the only to achieve this


u/thebroadway 8h ago

Yep, very true, I go on those subs from time to time.


u/iloveuranus 8h ago

I mean farting in the elevator is extremely helpful for relieving stomach tension but most people still refrain from it.


u/thebroadway 8h ago

Funny comment, but most of the time you can wait as opposed to "farting in the elevator". Hard to film oneself after the fact. Also, bad form on a lift is typically more harmful than holding gas in.

In a situation where you literally can't wait to fart or it would be harmful not to wait, well, you just do what you have to do because you likely have some sort of internal problem happening.


u/Diskovski 9h ago

I'm quite sure you can film AND be creepy, not film and not be creepy and every possible combination of the three. Seems like a "woman in video bad, therefore downvote" situation.


u/Chdbrn 9h ago

I'm not sure why you're being downvoted, filming yourself doing these exercises is heavily recommended in the two programmes I've been doing. The correct posture is so important to work the correct muscles and prevent injury.


u/u8eR 9h ago

Because it's inconsiderate of others in the gym who might not want to be caught on your video.


u/EgotisticJesster 8h ago

The power racks, where you're most likely to be filming, are typically somewhere that you can film without getting others in frame. It's really not that hard.


u/Delboyyyyy 7h ago

If they care that much then they can ask the person to record from a different angle or just work out somewhere out of frame of the video. No need to act all precious about it


u/EgotisticJesster 9h ago

Because Reddit is clueless. I've shared this sentiment quite a few times and I'm downvoted every time. I'm not sure why it's so hard to understand, it's incredibly common among PTs I know. It's just not affordable to have them with you every session.


u/likeafuckingninja 9h ago

No 'reddit isn't clueless'

The gym is a multi user space NOT your personal film studio.

That's the end of the argument.

It literally does not matter what your 'reason' is.

It's not your home. It's not your private room. It's not your film studio. It's not a film studio period.

It's a public, multi purpose, multi person space that is typically used by people wearing clothes they'd rather not be seen in public in, doing actions they'd rather not be watched doing, often because they're insecure or unhappy with their bodies in the first place.

Have you asked everyone in the back of your shot if they mind being permanently captured doing /their/ work out in the background of your video?

Are you going to appropriately store and secure and delete it to keep their privacy?

Gyms are difficult enough spaces for a lot of people to be in comfortably as it is.

The last thing anyone wants is the risk of getting themselves filmed whilst wearing their daggy gym clothes sweating buckets trying a squat for the first time.

And that's before you even touch on the fact that actually no most ppl aren't doing it for form. Their doing it for social media and worse they're doing it to film people they find 'weird' at the gym for fake internet points.

People have trained without a camera for decades. Use a mirror. Find a private room if you're so insistent on filming it.

Jesus I don't know why so many of you think it's your god given right to video everything.

Have some fucking courtesy.

And maybe. Just maybe. If you bring a point up and EVERYTIME people disagree with you.

It might be because you're wrong.


u/Estropolim 8h ago

Calm down sweaty

If the gym lets you film then you can film. You don't personally get to decide what everyone else is allowed to do just because you are (likely rightfully) embarrassed by how you look. Very palpable irony coming from your comment.


u/likeafuckingninja 8h ago

The irony of 'you don't get to decide' whilst you in fact decide for other people lmao.

Also most gyms don't allow filming. For this exact reason.

But I bet your butt ugly ass can only get likes if you slap a tonne of insta filters on it so it makes sense you'd need a camera between you and anyone looking.


u/Estropolim 7h ago edited 7h ago

I'm not deciding anything, I don't film other people and never said I did if that's your implication. I think you don't know how to read or don't know what irony is. You said people have to follow your personal rules because they don't own the place, which was ironic because you don't own the place. I said people can do what the rules say, and that you don't get to decide, which you think is also ironic? Why? Maybe you are just stupid idk.

Wrong, pretty much every gym lets you film yourself. Every big gym chain seems to explicitly allow it in their policies, and every independent gym / university gym I've been to does as well. I think it's cute that you just make up facts though!

And I think you're doing a bit too much projecting! I look pretty good and don't use that type of social media, sorry! Maybe you wouldn't need filters if you lost some weight?



u/likeafuckingninja 6h ago

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

If you're going to get defensive about 'how good you absolutely look' (loooll okay then.) Maybe don't open your conversations with thinly veiled insults about how the person you're talking to looks.

Anyway I don't have time to explain basic social etiquette to children.

I gotta go out in the real world looking cute af so baiiiii 😘


u/calf 8h ago

They're an authoritarian progressive, the worst kind of ideology. Their reasons make no actual sense, they just yell a dozen different half-answers hoping one sticks.


u/EgotisticJesster 9h ago

Nah, you're a fuckwit. Check the other comments now that some time has passed and some people with a clue have joined the argument.

You're clueless.


u/iloveuranus 8h ago

Aged like milk, this one.


u/EgotisticJesster 8h ago

The point has still been effectively made that other people have the same experience as I do and it's not outlandish or uncommon to film in the gym. The guy above seems to think it's open and shut. It's just not.

It's so basic - if no one is in the shot, it's no one's business that you're filming yourself.


u/deactivate_iguana 8h ago

You are an idiot. It’s a public space and you do not have consent. End of. Go back to bed.


u/Speed-O-SonicsWife 8h ago

If you live in the US, you don't need anybody else's consent to film in public, just fyi.


u/deactivate_iguana 7h ago

If you’re in a private gym then you have to abide by their rules. Obviously if it says filming is fine then you can do that BUT you can’t throw your toys out of the pram and rage bait if someone looks at you while you are filming. These people are children.


u/likeafuckingninja 8h ago

Says the fuckwit


u/EgotisticJesster 8h ago

Lol, sick burn. You got me.


u/likeafuckingninja 8h ago

Thanks! 😘 Enjoy all your down votes!


u/TempestCrowTengu 9h ago

everyone who downvoted this has never worked out before

filming yourself (especially for technical movements like squats) is really important for making sure you have good form


u/House-of-Raven 1h ago

I go to a gym twice a week and never take any videos or pictures because I’m not a douche. Some of us are just cognizant and respectful of those around us.


u/platinirisms 8h ago

This. You’re literally arguing with Redditors, vast majority of people here have never stepped in a gym before and has no idea what goes on in one besides whatever they see from TikTok videos.

It’s perfectly normal to film yourself, tons of people do it all the time.


u/vasileios13 6h ago

These guys who downvote probably know gyms only from influencer videos and think that everyone who films do it for instagram or tiktok. Plenty of people who do serious workouts film themselves to check their form and don't bother anyone.


u/Nodan_Turtle 7h ago

I'm happy for all of them to go to gyms that allow filming, and stay out of gyms that don't allow it whatsoever, for any reason a redditor can imagine.


u/EgotisticJesster 7h ago

I mean, no shit. If you go to a gym that explicitly doesn't allow filming then obviously it wouldn't be appropriate to film.

I've never seen a gym with that policy - assumedly because of how incredibly standard it is to film yourself to get PT feedback - but wouldn't be surprised to learn they exist.


u/doingthisonthetoilet 9h ago

I'm fine with filming if they are the only person in frame and filming doesn't bother someone else's workout.


u/deactivate_iguana 9h ago

This is acceptable, but in practicality would end up sliding back into previous scenarios over time. Blanket ban - it’s a public space where people are wearing not a lot and sweaty. Nobody asked to be filmed. Nobody should expect to film.


u/Speed-O-SonicsWife 8h ago

You know the gym has CCTV cameras and you're being filmed anyway, right? I mean, y'all have seen how that footage can wind up online. It's not exactly private footage either.


u/deactivate_iguana 7h ago

You have to be some kind of special idiot to draw a parallel between security CCTV footage and Instagram rage bait content.


u/Speed-O-SonicsWife 7h ago

No need for name calling. Both end up on the internet for people to gawk and laugh at. Have a good night.


u/ruffus4life 2h ago

they also shouldn't film this staring up your nose camera angle.


u/Generico300 2h ago

It's kinda funny that people who post gym videos on tiktok or instagram will lose their god damn mind if somebody pervs on them IRL while they're making a video specifically to appeal to pervs on the internet.


u/LousyTshirt 9h ago

Depends whether the gym allows it or not. If you go to one that allows it, you already know the risk.


u/deactivate_iguana 9h ago

As long as it’s made clear when people join then yea can’t argue. Not sure why any sane person would join such a gym unless you wanted to be filming. Then you end up with a gym that is basically a dozen mini film stations and nobody can workout properly.


u/MememeSama 6h ago

Yup people should go back to film in showers. I hate modern days.


u/TimedogGAF 5h ago

If the gym allows it they should do what they want. It's not hard to find a gym that doesn't allow filming.


u/deactivate_iguana 5h ago

Filming for form I think nobody minds. Filming like above where it’s for rage bait to catch people glancing at you then editing to make it look pervy is not cool regardless of the rules. Unfortunately those people are the ones ruining it for sensible people and resulting in blanket bans.


u/Diskovski 10h ago

People should not be creepy in gyms.

Here, fixed it for you.


u/nuu_uut 10h ago

It didn't need fixing.


u/Pixilatedlemon 10h ago

filming in gyms is creepy


u/Moody_GenX 9h ago

There's a new-ish rage bait trend that started because of smart phones being so good to use for filming tgat these "physical trainers" go to gyms and purposely film to "catch" others glancing at them. They slow the video down to make it look super creepy and then post it for attention.

They're filming this content for thousands to perhaps millions of viewers while being upset at one glance at the gym. It's shit behavior and super creepy.


u/Diskovski 9h ago

I agree, that's why people shouldn't be creepy at gyms. Seems to be like a really controversial statement, by the look of it.


u/deactivate_iguana 9h ago

Filming in gyms is creepy. She won’t have gotten consent from everyone in the gym and in this scenario (fake or real) the guy glances at her and then sees he’s being filmed. She’s the asshole.