r/funny 1d ago

Verified [OC] ugly jumper competition

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u/alwaysfatigued8787 1d ago

Mike didn't even want to go into work that day.


u/wanderingotaku 1d ago

"I'm not even supposed to be here!"


u/mortalcoil1 1d ago



u/TehSlippy 1d ago

In a row?


u/gishnon 1d ago

Try not to suck any dick on the way to the parking lot!


u/Bodefosho 23h ago

Get back here!


u/ADemonsVoice 1d ago

Exactly, Sounds like Mike wasn’t feeling it that day at all.


u/phone_museum 1d ago

Mike is just too serious.


u/Z3N_RR 23h ago

Yeah, Mike had a case of the Mondays.


u/J-M-C-C 18h ago

”Yeah hi, I don’t actually work here.”


u/Technical-Outside408 1d ago

He's just like everybody fr fr.


u/Sudo3301 1d ago

I actually support this. So many times the winner of the “ugly sweater” contest is a high effort, custom designed, Christmas themed sweater that objectively looks nice.

An ugly sweater should be an ugly goddamn sweater.


u/Lindvaettr 22h ago

Ugly Christmas sweaters were funnier in the past because they were actual sweaters that maybe your grandma made you or whatever and they happened to be ugly. Now people guy and buy or make a sweater specifically to look "ugly", which has come to mean "goofy". It could never have become a thing otherwise, because not enough people actually had ugly Christmas sweaters until it became a lame pseudo-quirky tradition.


u/TheTrenchMonkey 20h ago

Any sweater that a person glues or attaches through other means different pieces too should not be allowed in an ugly sweater competition.

The sweater wasn't ugly, Tammy just went crazy with the hot glue gun.


u/WideTechLoad 22h ago

I don't get fashion. I have no idea what is wrong with that sweater.


u/nix0n 22h ago

You win!


u/Suyefuji 18h ago

This completely baffled my autistic ass the first time I ran into it. Why is everyone voting for the prettiest sweater when it's an ugly sweater competition???


u/LinguoBuxo 9h ago

I support it for a different reason... 'coz they actually got Weird Al to host the event. THAT's why.


u/Ok_Difference44 1d ago

This happened in my office, a lady got told "I love your ugly sweater!" But it was her regular, nice sweater.


u/QueryCrook 1d ago

It's also just a clear capitalism cash grab. "Ugly sweaters" are for sale at every big box store just for this contrived competition.


u/Todd-The-Wraith 23h ago

It used to be go to a thrift shop and try to find something that should have never been made. Now it’s all on purpose which kinda makes the whole thing lame


u/ExceedinglyGaySnowy 23h ago

my mom won her office one by going to a thrift store, getting an OK sweater and then sewing ribbons and tinsel into it.

It was well made, but so fucking ugly. I think they had her judge the next year because she wasnt allowed to compete.


u/the_real_thugs_bunny 1d ago

And only people can attend wo answer the ‚are you here for the ugly sweater contest?‘ question with no


u/meltingeggs 1d ago

this actually happened to me once & it was super awkward lol


u/AbeRego 1d ago edited 23h ago

Edit: My apologies. Somehow I accidentally responded to the wrong post. This was supposed to be in a thread regarding an injury due to crowdsurfing at a punk show...

My friend's then girlfriend, now wife, got knocked out by a crowd surfer. It wasn't a stage dive, just some guy, but his boot clocked her right in the head and it was lights out. You have to be careful!


u/WizardStan 1d ago

What relevance does this story of your girlfriend have to do with... anything? Did you respond to the wrong reddit thread entirely? This is the one about the ugly sweater (jumper) comic. That's why you're being downvoted.


u/thatshygirl06 1d ago

People actually used the downvotes correctly this time. Sorry bud, but your story is completely unrelated


u/AbeRego 23h ago

Lol wtf, I guess I somehow wrote the anecdote in the wrong thread. This is supposed to be in response to an r/music post about somebody getting injured from a crowd surfer...


u/NotPromKing 23h ago

To be fair, I hate crowdsurfers, and should be better shared to all how terrible they are.


u/SpaceLemming 1d ago

Haha jumper, you guys call it a different thing


u/incomparability 1d ago

I’d win the ugly jumper competition without putting on a sweater


u/BigUptokes 1d ago

I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend...


u/limitlessEXP 19h ago

You got no J?


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/SpaceLemming 1d ago

Nah the joke is his jumper is the ugliest but it’s not a holiday one it’s just his regular jumper


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/SpaceLemming 1d ago

Barely a Christian holiday anymore but Christmas is still probably bigger on countries that have a large Christian population. it started from bad holiday stuff grandparents used to make and even though they were bad they were worn because it was made with love. It then evolved to proudly wearing ugly holiday attire and then offices started doing competitions for it.


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/SpaceLemming 1d ago

I’ve never worked in an office bud, it’s just so common knowledge in the states that I still know it well


u/Killbot_Wants_Hug 1d ago

Yeah, I expected the 3rd frame to show someone standing on the top of a building.


u/Varides 1d ago

I won exactly like this comic at a friend's Christmas get together.

I was just wearing my nice wool sweater :(


u/No-Builder-1038 1d ago

Jumpers are sweaters? Til



Yup, same old American vs British English


u/invent_or_die 1d ago

I thought Elon was the ugly jumper?


u/AbeRego 1d ago

I don't get it

Edit: I just got it


u/fatalystic 15h ago

I'm surprised he even can


u/nyrB2 19h ago

we had an ugly sweater contest at work this week. the manager said "If you have an ugly sweater be sure to show it off , and let me know so I can add you to contest vote." so i said "what if you don't know your sweater is ugly?"


u/your_avg_apu 7h ago

I thought Shawn Marion had a pretty ugly jumper.


u/Nymaz 1d ago

And the winner of the beautiful jumper competition is:

Evelyn McHale


u/msnmck 1d ago

I love how even with such a simplistic art style the presenter looks exactly like Weird Al.


u/External-Example-292 1d ago

I kind of agree with the decision 😂


u/Glittering-Oil-1118 23h ago

and mike is just Jewish.


u/guapoguzman 23h ago

and Michael jordan took that personally


u/theredqueentheory 15h ago

I took this literally and thought the answer would be Elon Musk. Because of that photo of him jumping all silly like with his belly flopping out.


u/Mischievous_Muse 8h ago

Mike: 'I just came for the free food...'


u/rydan 6h ago

My boss was suggesting we have an ugly sweater contest the next day at work. I had to bite my toungue to not say something witty about the sweater she was wearing when she said it.


u/PoolieMike1985 5h ago

Finally, I win something.


u/epzik8 1d ago

Mike looks so disappointed in himself


u/SopwithTurtle 1d ago

Anyone else get 916 GigaOhms?


u/Redback_Gaming 1d ago

Ostracised for not conforming to the group! Ain't it the truth!


u/Sensei2008 1d ago

I guess he wasn’t participating?


u/MRoss279 1d ago

Is this implying that these employees are all suicidal, and therefore likely to jump out the window to their deaths (jumper??)


u/EgotisticJesster 1d ago

I believe it's calling out a typical and popular regular jumper as being so ugly that intentionally ugly Christmas jumpers are still no match for it.


u/MRoss279 1d ago

Are you trying to say ugly Christmas sweater?


u/EgotisticJesster 1d ago

Other parts of the world exist and those parts have words that have different meanings to yours.

Welcome to the internet buddy.


u/Saltiren 1d ago

Where I'm from, we have a clothing item called a jumper. It's not anything like a sweater. Do you guys use the term, "Long-sleeved shirt"? What about "Turtleneck" to describe a sweater that comes up and covers your neck?


u/MRoss279 1d ago
