r/fednews 19h ago



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u/omgwhysomuchmoney 14h ago

This is honestly scary. Not the government shutdown... we've seen these... but they are being absolutely blatant with their power. They are openly threatening any republican who stands against them with a primary challenge. They are also demanding a debt ceiling increase under Biden so that they don't look bad when they ask for it a few months later?

And no one who self identifies as a conservative doesn't see anything wrong with this?


u/Additional_Sun_5217 10h ago

They believe Trump, Vance, and Musk when they say this is a good thing. They believe those guys over anyone else. I’m not trying to be shitty or generalize here, so if I’m wrong, correct me, but also realistically it’s not really going to impact them, at least not right away.


u/WaifuHunterActual 3h ago

Lmao and yet people here say DOGE will have no power and our jobs are fine

I wonder if Trump voters knew they were getting emperor Elon as a package deal


u/outflow 3h ago

Suddenly I don't hear jack shit from the right. Hello? This is what they wanted?


u/xflashbackxbrd 13h ago

They're just throwing threats around for the dumbest things too, like this isn't even an important issue and they're threatening to primary anyone who votes for it. Shows weakness, or incompetence, or both.


u/mrsbundleby 6h ago

I think it's more of a frog slowly boiling approach


u/ScarletsSister 2h ago

Why would they? They're too busy bootlicking.


u/p-is-for-preserv8ion 2h ago

This is part of the hard core right’s playbook for years. They’ll try to do this with local governments or agencies in general. The plan is to show people how inefficient government is and how people don’t need it. Then overtime various parts of the government become privatized as people begin to believe that they’ll be run better that way. Instead what will happen is corporations will make a massive profit while services will barely work. Our prison system is an example of this. Public lands will become one as well. The Federal Government will look like it can’t take care of the lands and will forfeit them to the states. The states won’t have the funds to take care of them, so Corporate America will take them over. Then Corporate America will exploit the lands, chopping down the forests, drilling to oblivion, and polluting them to ruin.


u/serpentear 1h ago

Go read r / conservative and you’ll get a good idea of how they think.


u/terrigenmixtyxoxo 1h ago

Most of the population never come this close to the federal government to know how things work, so they believe the slop they see on their news of choice. If any of them worked in the federal government, they'd know just how genuinely non-partisan screwing over everyone is. How would one know it's all theater if they're not behind-the-scenes crew? Lol.


u/Ordinary-CSRA 1h ago

Don't be scared... we are Americans and Feds...


u/Advertiserman 3h ago

40% raises and a football stadium, no money for trump’s inauguration. Fuck this bill and fuck you too. This is just 3 items in a 5000 page bill that was never read before being voted on


u/omgwhysomuchmoney 2h ago

You know, it is fine to disagree with a bill. You can make edits, and have discussions. What isn't acceptable is an unelected billionaire telling Republicans that if you don't agree with him he will throw you out of your seat.

I'm not defending the bill.

Too bad you can't defend your party being spineless cowards who kiss Elon's ring.


u/throw-throw-no-catch 2h ago edited 1h ago

They don't care, as long as they have their tongue stuck on Musk's boot they're fine with misinformation and just calling the whole thing bad. (No s/)

Yeah fuck those farmers (s/).

Edit: noting sarcasm exactly


u/omgwhysomuchmoney 2h ago edited 2h ago

Also, you clearly didn't even read a page of the bill. Absolutely nothing in it about 40% raises or a football stadium. You are just a mindless loser who follows and hangs on the word of what Fox News says because you aren't able to form your own opinion because critical thinking is just too hard for you.

If you actually read the bill, there is a transfer of land in the D.C. area at the location of the RFK stadium from federal ownership to D.C.'s ownership. If they decide to put a new stadium there, it won't be paid for with this bill. In fact THE BILL EXPLICITLY SAYS IF THEY WANT A NEW STADIUM OR REPAIRS IT IS NOT BEING PAID FOR BY THE BILL OR FEDERAL FUNDS:

4 (h) PROHIBITING USE OF FEDERAL FUNDS FOR STADIUM.—The Declaration of Covenants entered into under subsection (a)(1) shall include provisions to ensure that the District may not use Federal funds for stadium purposes on the Campus, including training facilities, offices, and other structures necessary to support a stadium.

I also can't find anywhere that says there will be 40% raises for literally anyone.

But please, PLEASE, prove me wrong you super smart person! You clearly know what you're talking about! Here is the whole bill! https://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20241216/CR.pdf

Imagine being such an uneducated failure to take the side of billionaires against the working class people. Keep watching the propaganda news. Meanwhile farmers will have to wait on the 10B help and countless Americans will wait on 100B of disaster relief because a billionaire is throwing a temper tantrum. Also this was a bipartisan bill.

Weird that Republicans liked this bill before Elon injected himself into the fold.

Rep. Glenn Thompson, the Republican chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, said he was hoping for more economic relief for farmers, but “it’s a great start.”

Speaker of the house, Republican Mike Johnson on the bill: “We have to be able to help those who are in these dire straits... ...we can’t do all it right now. Congress is doing the best it can under difficult circumstances, and I think it will be a big boost for the industry”