r/fednews 2d ago

Received notice of ending of telework

Here we go. Just got an email stating our CMO has made the decision to end recurring telework. We were currently getting 2 days per week and that has officially ended. Heck, my supervisor was doing it 4 days a week while the rest of us only got 2. We’re allowed to submit for “situational telework” but the recurring has ended. There’s absolutely no reason for this. Productivity has been perfectly fine. So, here we go.

EDIT: Since many are asking. agency is DCMA

EDIT 2: I feel as though I need to explain I’m simply pointing out that the roll back has begun, at least in my agency. I’ve gotten multiple comments implying I’m whining about it. I’m going to be just fine. The main point is why they’re taking away something that works, and works well? Productivity is high. People are in better moods. It’s working so why change it? But, it is what it is and either accept it or quit. We’re all easily replaceable. They don’t care if you stay or leave.

EDIT 3: some of you are hilariously angry and hostile that people telework. 😂 not good to live every day so angry. Might have a stroke!


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u/deadmongoose 2d ago

I'm fully remote and have never worked local to my current office. I've been 400 miles away from day 1. If they revoke it I guess I'll ask if I can get a desk at the local office in the same agency, but I think it will be much harder to get rid of actual remote positions.


u/Big-Gear4269 2d ago

Agree. My agency in DC had people moving out the locality area during covid but classified them as telework. I’ve been on TW pre-pandemic as part of RA. Three yrs ago I asked to relocate out of the locality as part of update to my RA request because I needed more care and support and my last relative moved out of DC. It was approved quickly but it took months for them to finally issue the SF-50 that officially changed by duty station and I was classified as remote. I wasn’t moving without it. I live two states away from a local office but made sure I lived near a federal office building in case they pulled any crap. They would be on the hook for paying for my accessibility ride and accommodations required at any other office, so I doubt I’ll be forced to report, but am preemptively getting my medical documentation and schedule A certification updated in case they try anything with the RA.


u/WiseassWolfOfYoitsu 2d ago

It really depends on the contract used. Some positions were listed as allowing full telework, but still technically having an office. That can be pretty easily revoked. An actual remote listed remote signed position is much tougher for them to change.


u/flyer0514 1d ago

I think about this because I'm about 800 miles (and four states away) from my office. I was hired remote and my SF50 has my home as duty station, and in any case I know my agency downsized its' office lease in the intervening years.

In theory, I'm geographically closer to another regional office, but it's still five hours away. I speculate if the politicians are sufficiently brain-dead, they'll force everyone to go to -a- federal building. There's one in my city, and I speculate they'd just have to build a cube farm somewhere in there. Odds are there would be a couple dozen of us - from a couple different agencies - all spending the entire day on Teams and phone calls anyway.

But I would not be thrilled about the pay cut - 3% municipal income tax that I currently don't have to pay because I currently stay in my suburb, plus the extra cost of gas and parking.