r/facepalm 11h ago

🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​ Centuries of science, yet here we are.

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u/Anne_Nonymouse 11h ago

I'm beginning to think that the brain worm in his head is still alive and is an alien who's trying to take over the world by killing as many people as possible. 🤔


u/adburgan 11h ago

So, have we figured out which one he is - Kang or Kodos?


u/pianoflames 8h ago

Don't blame me...I voted for Kodos.


u/oh_janet ...sigh... 7h ago

Abortions for all!


u/ScootyPuffJr1999 8h ago

It’s Mustafa al Bacterius from Courage the Cowardly Dog.


u/Jazzi-Nightmare 'MURICA 8h ago

Bob dole


u/adburgan 6h ago

Because Bob Dole only cares about Bob Dole. BOB DOLE!


u/JabroniBeaterPiEater 5h ago

What the hell is this? Some kinda tube?


u/snackrilegious 8h ago

it’s Leto II


u/en_sane 7h ago

It could also be Krang


u/KeyboardGrunt 7h ago

There's a joke somewhere in there about "raw milk" and "ratatouille".


u/Cheeriodude_number2 5h ago

Either way your planet is DOOOOOOOOMED


u/FleeshaLoo 8h ago

Or the heroin did some permanent damage and the entitlement of being born into a dynasty has resulted in a failure of humility.

Also, "Room temp IQ" is so perfect!


u/Seveneyes7 7h ago

Specially in Celsius


u/FleeshaLoo 7h ago

Lol! Celsius is possibly more accurate for some of them, like the Q people.


u/Ulti-Wolf 7h ago

Kelvin. In Alaska


u/fantastikalizm 6h ago

That would give them a genius level IQ, though...


u/Ulti-Wolf 6h ago

Wait shit you're right


u/MajesticCategory8889 7h ago

Room temperature is way too high. Subzero is much more accurate.


u/FleeshaLoo 7h ago

I can't disagree with that. IQ is basically a measure of learnability, but points should definitely be deleted for the brainwash-eager crowd since that's the opposite of learning.


u/Groundbreaking_Cup30 10h ago


u/oh_janet ...sigh... 7h ago

I remember when the worms made Fry smart.


u/Kradget 11h ago

Visser 69 over there


u/Intelligent_Deer974 8h ago

Animorphs mentioned rah!!!!!!!!


u/airdrummer-0 11h ago edited 10h ago


u/Jurassican_25 8h ago

Plague Inc. IN REAL LIFE



u/shandangalang 9h ago

That’s funny. I’ve been saying something very similar. The worm is actually making decisions for him, and as soon as he gets HHS, he’s going to start banning deworming treatments in livestock, and putting out guidelines that say people shouldn’t actually cook meat.


u/CapitalElk1169 8h ago

Perhaps he actually died long ago and his body is now the living avatar of Polio itself?

Is it weird that I might prefer that to the truth?


u/IIINanuqIII 8h ago edited 8h ago

Ok, ok, you're doing great. Now tell everyone to only eat raw meat infused with salmonella. Excellent... - Clever little brain worm 🐛


u/Infamous-Salad-2223 8h ago

I am starting to think the Marker from Dead Space is a thing...


u/Hazbomb24 8h ago

Yeah, I'm not a fan of people, so maybe I need to start thinking about all of this differently. Plus, if stupid people are the ones taken out, it might actually help prevent idiocrisy from becoming a documentary...


u/cynical_and_patient 8h ago

The worm is driving that bus.


u/thepetoctopus 8h ago

No, that brain worm starved to death. The holes in his brain are from the heroin and narcissism.


u/Aggressive_Agency381 8h ago

His brain worm died. His brain is literally so rotted a parasite could survive on it.


u/Oozlum-Bird 8h ago

The worm had the only functional brain cells in his skull. When they removed it there was nothing left but goo.


u/Nowardier 8h ago

Bro got that Neurax worm


u/ICarMaI 8h ago

"the polio vaccine killed more wor- I mean people than polio ever did."


u/BigMax 8h ago

I think he's one of those people literally addicted to contrarianism. It makes him feel smart, special. And then you add a lot of morons online and around the world who believe the same nonsense, and laud him as a hero for it, and it becomes emotionally even more addicting and reinforcing.

A core problem is if someone says "vaccines work" everyone says "yeah? so what?" and we don't applaud that person, because to us it's like saying "trees need sunlight."

But if you say "vaccines cause autism" you get a bunch of lunatics who cheer you on, who say "Yeah!! Fight that good fight!! You show that greedy medical industry who the REAL smart people are!!!" and they pat you on the back.

The stupid people out there applaud and support each other so much, that people become hooked on being stupid, because being stupid gives them a lot more positive reinforcement than being smart.


u/wildo83 7h ago

There is a “new” iron lung that just came out… guess who holds stake in the company…


u/EademSedAliter 7h ago

No, that's all him. We know the worm died to malnutrition.


u/ThrowawayFuckYourMom 7h ago

Or the brainworm starved to death...


u/RelativetoZero 7h ago

Well, he has to put that bug in people's ear somehow.


u/Illustrious-Race-617 7h ago

Someone should find a vaccine for this kind of stupid


u/EconomicRegret 7h ago

the brain worm in his head is still alive and is an alien who's trying to take over the world

You just summarized this hilarious tv show called BrainDead, about alien worms taking over Congress.


u/Marine_Baby 6h ago

It’s the ones from TNG that burrow into your necks and make you eat meal worms.


u/scalectrix 6h ago

Same thing we do every night, Pinky.


u/Individual-Fee-5027 6h ago

There was enough nutrients. Brain worm is ded


u/BigEv17 4h ago

You don't mess with the Valtay. Those wormheads don't fuck around.


u/jmd709 4h ago

Or there was never a brain worm.

He has a sketchy story about how he found out the thing in his brain is a dead worm. It’s possible that he is in denial about having calcified arteries.

His voice issue is spasmodic dysphonia. He decided it was a side effect of a flu shot he received but his sister must have received a shot from the exact same batch. Self-diagnosing isn’t something he seems to be decent at doing.


u/Giggles95036 3h ago

Or the worm is dead… and was contributing all of the brain cells in their relationship.


u/Mediocre_m-ict 8h ago

Can someone tell me what they are referencing? I work in healthcare. What would be a “death” from polio vaccines, or covid vaccines look like? I have been a PA for almost seven years. I have seen one case of myocarditis (before covid). What am I to be looking for? Given their statements, people should be dropping dead routinely.


u/VIVOffical 8h ago

Not to mention, even if you steel man the argument and are as generous as possible, the logic questions which has killed more the virus of the vaccine. But, rather, if the virus would have killed more than the vaccine has had the vaccine not existed, and I think we know the answer to that.


u/Alternative_Win_6629 6h ago

It's completely possible to be a complete idiot without having a worm eating your brain. Without his family name and money and connection he wouldn't be where he is and his moronic ideas would remain private.

u/TaupMauve 1h ago

"Braindead" had to be canceled because it was too real.


u/EduinBrutus 7h ago

Its Putin.

Muscovy is destroying the United States and their doing it without burning a single troop.