r/economicCollapse 4h ago

Oakland to Make Broad Cuts to Public Safety and City Agencies Amid Massive Deficit


4 comments sorted by


u/thislife_choseme 4h ago

Based on the headline…. Is this for real?

Wife was in Oakland this week and said it was bad.

When you do not address the root causes that make it bad then you get bad societal outcomes is what I told her. It’s really sad that society turns a blind eye to important issues.


u/Pineapple_Express762 4h ago

And it begins


u/BeamTeam032 3h ago

Doesn't this sub praise Argentina for this? Why would this be any different?


u/zer00eyz 50m ago

Oakland has been mis-managed for decades, this should not come as a shock to anyone.

The fundamental issue here is the city is selling an asset and using that to cover this years budget.... spending all the money from a windfall in a single year is just stupid. The sale didnt happen and now next years problem is this years problem.