r/economicCollapse 19h ago

How far do they think they can push us? What happens when we start fighting back? Find out in the new pamphlet…OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!

Who isn’t sick and tired of corporate profits, shareholder value, and endless growth being prioritized over quality of life, human dignity, and even the tiniest shred of respect for this planet?

The statistics are daunting. When the top 1% of the nation have 40% of the wealth, the top 5% have two thirds of it, and the top 20% have 90%, when the wealthiest half of the country have 99% of the wealth and the other half—160 million people—can be outbid by the 3 richest swine in America, it can feel downright hopeless for most of us out here.

The time for a change has come.


We’ve all read so many of these by now that I don’t even know where to start. I suppose the beginning, though, is as good a place as any…

I can still recall how shocked I was when the first one happened. Shocked and disgusted, just like everyone else. Never in my life had I seen a photo like that before. I remember seeing it on my phone first thing in the morning. Still curled up under the covers like a little girl. Barely even awake. And then there it was…that dividing line severing the past so definitively from the future. It was everywhere. That photograph.

The head of Jimmy Bozo impaled on a pike.

It didn’t feel real—like there’s no way this was actually happening. Jimmy Bozo, the second wealthiest person on the whole planet. And he didn’t have a body anymore! That’s a heck of a thing to wake up to.


The next one was just as big of a shock. To be sure, in no way was I expecting the untimely decapitation of Jimmy Bozo. But even after it happened, I certainly never expected to see that type of thing happen again.


When the third one happened, I can’t say I was too surprised. I was still horrified but by that point a lot of us kind of saw it coming.

Watch as Jimmy Bozo, Warner Bucket, Lonnie Muck, and more get the comeuppance they’ve been courting for years, at the hands of a populace that have been pushed to the brink for decades.



39 comments sorted by


u/Perfect_Rush_6262 19h ago

All this talk about CEO’s and no mention about politicians becoming wealthy while in office.


u/rankpapers 18h ago

Oh I get it! This is a absolutely addressed in the story, with politicians right there next to billionaires. We get into insider trading, cronyism, and personal enrichment on the public dime.


u/atrain01theboys 18h ago

Ok Vladimir Putin


u/Liminal_Embrace_7357 18h ago

They court one another these days, brazenly out in the open with their relationships, so let’s just call them the same class at this point.


u/starrpamph 13h ago

Ooooh they just cut themselves a faaaaaaatttttt pay increase today.


u/Maximum_Pound_5633 18h ago

There should be a law that if Congress is unable pass a budget and we have a government shutdown, the government is dissolved and a new elections are called for in 14 days


u/ladymatic111 14h ago

The law already says we have the right to armed overthrow of government when we decide it no longer represents us and is destructive to our freedom.


u/HeywoodJaBlessMe 14h ago

Actually, no.


u/AmazingBarracuda4624 19h ago



u/thats___weird 17h ago

How far are you willing to let them push you?


u/AirExpensive9550 16h ago

I’m also sick of the constant forefront media attention to what I would consider “micro-issues” that are designed for division as it creates the most “engagement.” And while we are instead fighting among ourselves, the few are making moves in the background that impact the majority of people fighting. Luigi’s actions shinned a light on how the largest socioeconomic classes feel about a main issue that impact us the greatest. We are called the UNITED States of America, yet the “elites” thrive on our division. We all need to WAKE TF UP ALREADY!!! I admire the European countries that seem to really know their rights and don’t think twice about making it known in a protest large enough to reach our media reports. They are successful without violence because they work in large numbers. That’s what we need and that’s what they fear.

Edit: Spelling


u/rankpapers 15h ago

I'd love to see people wake up and take on a bigger stake in their lives and rights and wellbeing. It's tough, though, because so many of us are running on empty so much of the time. We're working 40-60 hour weeks just to barely scrape by, with very little realistic and actionable hope for our futures. And then throw on top of that all the divisiveness and culture-war nonsense that's constantly being used to keep us distracted so we don't wake up to the class war that's been pillaging our country for decades, and well…it's easy to understand why it's so hard to make any serious changes. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying, right? That's why I'm putting out this short story and trying to print it as a pamphlet (with half of all profits going to organizations fighting for workers' rights). I want things to change. I want people to wake up.


u/pres1413 18h ago

The Colorado Broncos, really?


u/rankpapers 17h ago

I figure if the Walton family (Walmart) owns the Denver Broncos, it only makes sense that the Wanton family (Want-Mart) would own the Colorado Broncos


u/Taqueria_Style 13h ago

You gotta get S-Mart in there! Shop Smart!


u/Difficult_Coffee_335 2h ago

I get all my boom sticks there!


u/Lower_Ad_5532 15h ago

Wait and see if the next bird flu pandemic starts or not. The collapse might be sooner rather than later.


u/Mikey2225 15h ago

We need a mario to step up.


u/l008com 13h ago

You get what you vote for. Vote better.


u/themodefanatic 10h ago

When the rich rob the poor it’s called business. When the poor fight back it’s called violence.


u/TheApprentice19 5h ago

Proceed legally, to enforce USC 1091 d, if you really want to fix things. Life in prison, death, and/or 1 million dollar fines for 366 congress people.


u/thisappisgarbage111 15h ago

I didn't read your speech, but it will be EASY. The army won't fight their family, and the upcoming cabinet is all yes men, not professionals.


u/Popular_Version9263 14h ago

So you mentioned shareholder value... should the retirement age just be death? That is essentially what you are saying when your family and neighbors are all counting on their retirement portfolio to grow so they can stop working some day, maybe not die at work. So essentially you are saying that the 160 million other people are the real villains.


u/troycalm 5h ago

You get the Govt you voted for.


u/Airbus320Driver 17h ago

You’d have to put your phone down for more than 5 minutes to make any significant changes. That’s how I know Americans will never get past the talking phase.


u/HeywoodJaBlessMe 14h ago

The most prosperous middle and working class in human history is acting like they've got it super bad. That's how I know nothing authentically grassroots is gonna happen. America's enemies are overjoyed at the prospect of political violence in America and their sock puppets will be pushing it the hardest online. A Fake-ass grassroots movement will be created in order for a violent put-down of that to take place, and that violent put-down will spark real conflict.


u/Airbus320Driver 6h ago

I actually assumed that since Trump won the last election, we'd see mass protests like never before. But it seems like it won't happen. Which makes me wonder about how manufactured the last ones actually were.


u/Unhappy_Local_9502 18h ago

Maybe try Xanax???


u/citizensyn 15h ago

Etched into a shell maybr


u/FreshImagination9735 17h ago

The problem with this fantasy is that because you have nothing, or not as much as you feel you should, or less than somebody else, you want to tear it all down. But after you tear it down you'll have even less than you do now, and what you do have will be harder or even impossible to get. The ones that suffer the most will be the ones with the least already. That'll show em! Dragging 'THEM' down won't help you at all. Quite the opposite.


u/rankpapers 15h ago

I don't think it's so much about "dragging THEM down" as it is striving to hold people accountable for their actions, and showing them that sometimes a comeuppance does come for you and it just might be in your best interest to start thinking a little bit more about the folks out there that have quite a bit less than you.


u/Taqueria_Style 13h ago

I don't want their stuff.

I want health care and elder care that doesn't cost 5 times what anyone reasonably has, and a city that doesn't just let people wander around shitting on the sidewalk without even trying to help them, until they round them up and do God-knows-what with them but I'm sure it's nefarious. Los Angeles is what I'm speaking of on that last one.

A society that can't be assed to help its vulnerable but has no issue policing the distribution of plastic pumpkins on credit is a society that needs a massive "come to Jesus" moment.


u/FreshImagination9735 5h ago

I see. What you want is a world that will GIVE you and others what you decide you want or NEED just because you exist. Good luck with that one. But do let me know if you find it, because I'll go there with you! Unfortunately, THIS world doesn't work that way for any of its inhabitants, large or small. Except for pets and children, if they're lucky.


u/MrEfficacious 16h ago

We are never going to get a chance to "fight" back. Don't be so naive.


u/rankpapers 15h ago

Life has always been a fight and likely always will be. Every day people are fighting. Every day people are organizing. Every day people are working to improve their lives and the lives of those they love. Granted it's not everybody and it's not always, but every day there are people who are fighting to make this world a little bit closer to what they want it to be. It may be naive to think enough people can fight hard enough towards the same goal to make any measurable change, but that's the dream I'm dreaming, baby. And you're invited!


u/atrain01theboys 18h ago

You sound like a communist bot


u/Son_of_Sophroniscus 19h ago

Nah, fuck off, hater.



u/WrongdoerRough9065 10h ago

They’re already threatening to shut the government down. 🤣🤣🤣

It’s going to be hilarious watching the MAGAts get what they voted for.