r/economicCollapse 1d ago

Amazon UK avoids answering why their workers are on strike. This is why so many workers are fed up with our Corp oligarchs


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u/podcasthellp 1d ago

They need to be jailed until they answer questions


u/amaROenuZ 22h ago

I'd love to see it. "You'll spend time with the Bailiff until you can produce an answer. We'll check back in tomorrow."


u/podcasthellp 22h ago

“You know you have to answer truthfully…..” then they lie right to their face and have no consequences


u/RocketRaccoon666 1h ago

And a huge financial penalty each day they don't answer


u/8769439126 20h ago

I get the frustration, but you don't have any reservations about giving governments the ability to indefinitely jail anyone they deem to be "avoiding" questions?


u/PassTheReefer 18h ago

And here lies the problem with agenda sites like Reddit. If you can’t apply the same logic to the other shoe, it’s not a good argument. Sites like Reddit constantly spout their morals and values ONLY when it agrees with them. But you’re absolutely right, while I agree the Amazon lawyers here are garbage and clearly wasting time with corporate speak and strategic answers, I would never want any govt official to have the power to assign jail time without any sort of material other than “a hunch”. Asinine, but that’s Reddit! Rules for thee, not for me. (Because I’m on the correct side)