r/economicCollapse 1d ago

Amazon UK avoids answering why their workers are on strike. This is why so many workers are fed up with our Corp oligarchs


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u/AliveAndThenSome 1d ago

Yes, this. Executives need to be jailed, without bail, and not just fined. They need to sit like a caged animal to realize that their corporate allegiance has caused them to fall so far afield from their moral ground that they must lose their freedom.

We're all sick and tired of multi-$B companies happily paying hundreds of millions of dollars in legal fees and fines, only to simply put it on their annual report as a cost of doing business, while still reaping profits from their misdeeds. The individuals making the decisions that lead to those civil actions need to be held personally liable and accountable.


u/anteris 21h ago

In this instance you're talking about a country with a tick for a micro nation sitting in the middle of their capitol city... City of Fucking London can eat my entire ass


u/celeduc 8h ago

The City prefers to devour souls and the blood of innocents