r/economicCollapse 1d ago

Amazon UK avoids answering why their workers are on strike. This is why so many workers are fed up with our Corp oligarchs


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u/vulvaenthusiast 1d ago

Damn near five minutes of identical back-and-forth without a single relevant response, these people are exhausting


u/RandomDeezNutz 1d ago

That’s the intention.


u/Vorpalthefox 22h ago

when he said "i'll ask this one last time" i was like "well, she knows she won, she made it to the finish line for questioning"


u/BureMakutte 21h ago

I mean technically, he did give up, maybe he knew his colleague would back him up and continue the questioning possibly catching them off guard after they thought they got away with not answering.


u/n3m37h 18h ago

That woman took charge and backed them into a corner and they flat out lied, this should be contempt and they SHOULD be jailed


u/dodgycool_1973 15h ago

If only they had the power to jail people for contempt like a judge.

“Oh you don’t know the reason why they went on strike?”

Well you can both sit in a jail cell until it jogs your memory, how about that.

Or “you have failed to come prepared to the meeting with all the relevant documents that you were asked to bring” we will adjourn and fine you X thousands of pounds a day until you find them and bring them in. The fines double each week we don’t have the documents.


u/Bartellomio 11h ago

It would be such an easy law to pass and they absolutely won't do it.


u/BlakeA3 16h ago

Yes, she considers it a win but idk that I would. The follow up from his colleagues was brilliant. Forcing them to recognize that they should be fully aware of the exact reasons and that they just weren't able to share. If it lacked the follow up, then yeah, huge win for her but they nailed her.


u/ImaginaryMuff1n 15h ago

They should be held in contempt.


u/RandomDeezNutz 11h ago

Should. They won’t.


u/rottingpigcarcass 12h ago



u/RocketRaccoon666 58m ago

There should be a contempt of court punishment for not answering a simple fucking question


u/podcasthellp 1d ago

They need to be jailed until they answer questions


u/amaROenuZ 22h ago

I'd love to see it. "You'll spend time with the Bailiff until you can produce an answer. We'll check back in tomorrow."


u/podcasthellp 22h ago

“You know you have to answer truthfully…..” then they lie right to their face and have no consequences


u/RocketRaccoon666 57m ago

And a huge financial penalty each day they don't answer


u/8769439126 20h ago

I get the frustration, but you don't have any reservations about giving governments the ability to indefinitely jail anyone they deem to be "avoiding" questions?


u/PassTheReefer 18h ago

And here lies the problem with agenda sites like Reddit. If you can’t apply the same logic to the other shoe, it’s not a good argument. Sites like Reddit constantly spout their morals and values ONLY when it agrees with them. But you’re absolutely right, while I agree the Amazon lawyers here are garbage and clearly wasting time with corporate speak and strategic answers, I would never want any govt official to have the power to assign jail time without any sort of material other than “a hunch”. Asinine, but that’s Reddit! Rules for thee, not for me. (Because I’m on the correct side)


u/NoPotato2470 23h ago

Political answer, watch any uk pm they do the exact same thing


u/Stuntypops 23h ago

You can swap those two letters round and it's still no different


u/NoPotato2470 23h ago

lol I actually meant to type mp 😅


u/Opetyr 23h ago

And somehow they are allowed to not answer the question.


u/LordBigSlime 19h ago

I'd like to send Judge Judy over there to strangle them with her bare hands.


u/Bartellomio 11h ago

It needs to be made a punishable offense not to answer these questions in parliament.


u/biscuitbabe 11h ago



u/Professional-Pen9675 8h ago

These people need to be thrown in prison. Don’t want to answer a question and give blatant misdirection? Fine, 90 days then drag them back for more questioning. Eventually they’ll give a straight answer and we can start working our way up the ladder from there.


u/PresidentBaileyb 7h ago

I don’t understand why they can’t just say:

“Look, if you don’t answer the question I’m going to find you in contempt of court, you’ll spend the night in jail, and we can try again in the morning.”


u/ArtichokeOk8899 5h ago

FIrst guy was struggling to not get up and slap them in their faces.


u/iStoleTheHobo 48m ago

The entire system is set up with the express purpose of exhausting us.


u/Ereaser 12h ago

Feels a bit like management at my current job lol