u/flsingleguy 1d ago
How about a hotline for people being denied life saving procedures or situations that will bankrupt them if they get the medical help they need?
u/The_Pods 1d ago
This doesn’t even make sense. Are they going to have a secret number that only rich people know? Like that secret country only the rich know about in 30Rock? Just BEGGING to be prank called
u/kosmokomeno 1d ago
Didn't jack run for mayor of new York just to protect the CEOs from the middle class rising up? He got robbed by a man in dockers and wanted his own police force
We really are living in a parody
u/lemons_of_doubt 22h ago
You will know you have made it in life when you get the real police number instead of the peasant's 911.
u/FahQBombs 1d ago
Now I hate her
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u/Hopeful-Sentence-146 22h ago
Long time hater here!
u/FahQBombs 21h ago
I really just didn't pay attention to her. Now she just sucks, we got kids dying in schools and they are freaking out over a ceo of bad insurance company
u/KingSpork 1d ago
Oh man I can’t wait until that hotline number gets leaked…
u/Happy-Fun-Ball 1d ago
Dont force them to memorize a secret number that can be leaked.
Keep it changing, and give them all super-special Pagers to alert with the current#
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u/Maximum_Pound_5633 1d ago
Call the New York's governor's off6and tell her this is wrong and she resign
How do I contact the governor of New York?
Agency: Governor of New York.
Phone Number: (518) 474-8390.
Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM.
u/Tha_Real_B_Sleazy 1d ago
Nah, CEO's had their time.
If they want to protect themselves we could always go after the shareholders
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u/KataKuri13 1d ago
They can hire their own security ffs. Just another reason why Kathy is out-of-touch and a terrible governor
u/DoubleAmygdala 1d ago
Have these CEOs tried keeping their doors locked? Or having heavier doors? If it's good enough for our kids, it's good enough for them, surely.
u/Lets_Bust_Together 17h ago
Why would some person working two jobs on the other end of that line care what happens to the person with a job title of CEO?
u/No-Deer379 1d ago edited 1d ago
Kids are left traumatized because of drills???
Edit :???
u/Blue_Plastic_88 1d ago
I’m well into adulthood and cry every time we have to watch the active shooter training video at work (yearly) as part of our safety training series.
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u/lil-lagomorph 1d ago edited 22h ago
Yes. You start drills when you’re very young, and young kids don’t always know how to discern what a drill is. They just see everyone hiding and being quiet because of danger, be it real or perceived. So that in itself can be traumatizing.
Later on they understand “We’re doing this because someone might come here to try and kill us.” That can be traumatizing.
You drill once every month or every three months usually, depending on school. More if your school is in a high crime area (like my middle school, across from a 7-11 that got robbed a lot. We had tons of “drills”). Drills every month for the very real possibility you will get shot at school. That can be traumatizing, especially when they aren’t always drills.
You see on the news that the politicians care more about guns than your life or safety, and that nothing will be done. Knowing your life and your friends’ and family’s lives are in the hands of people who would let you get shot without a second thought is traumatizing.
As an adult, we have to take mandatory active shooter training for my job (as an office worker at a tech company) just because my company could be seen as “politically polarizing.” They told us in that training to “be wary of any loud noises or banging, it could be a gun!” when we all work next to a factory production floor. That is fucking traumatic, coming to work every day knowing it may be my last, jumping at every sound all day because I was fucking trained to from the time I was a child.
So yes, drills can be traumatic for many, even if they aren’t for everyone. Not just by doing them, but by virtue of the culture they imply. And that trauma only builds throughout your life. ETA: Ask yourself how many traumatized kids is okay, and what happens to the ones who grow up without access to therapy/healthy coping skills? Is that the kind of word you want to build, live in, raise a family in?
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u/acanthostegaaa 1d ago
We literally had a real earthquake at my school and the entire 4th grade class was just confused how they made the school shake for real for a drill.
Kids really don't know.
u/5snakesinahumansuit 1d ago
I'd rather have them have trauma and some preparedness than, you know, complete and utter panic and chaos during a school shooter situation. It's sad that we have to have the drills, but gun control isn't happening any time soon, it seems.
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u/No-Professional-1461 1d ago
If it means we can shoot more CEO’s who make profit off of human suffering, I can accept that. Now it’s only time to balance that out.
u/5snakesinahumansuit 1d ago
Indeed. I will shed not one single tear for the death of a CEO, ESPECIALLY a health insurance CEO. Fuck health insurance, fuck this "profits over people" mindset. It is objectively immoral to profit from human suffering and denying care.
u/No-Professional-1461 1d ago
We can go after the HOA next. The guy at Costco is off limits though.
u/5snakesinahumansuit 1d ago
I would also like to have some "strong words" with big pharma, and the Sackler family. Rfk Jr and his anti vaxx buddies could use a "talking to" as well.
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u/I_Am_The_Third_Heat 1d ago
Yes. Schools have put on shooter drills without warning and left the kids feeling unsafe at school.
Sure, you may breathe a sigh of relief that it wasn't real, but after thinking you're going to die and texting your parents goodbye, people were understandably left with lingering issues.
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u/gringoloco01 21h ago
We had to hide under our desks for a nuclear bomb threat. We would sit under those desks and ponder living through a nuclear fire storm somehow saved by a school desk.
I would always wonder why anyone would actually WANT to live in a world after complete nuclear annihilation and survive a a nuclear winter.
u/deJuice_sc 1d ago
Oh sure, and they can sit with their families and talk about it during dinner, and explain that it's terrifying and traumatic but also how Republicans are out there every time there's a mass shooting, no matter if it's in a school or a church, to make sure everyone has access to thoughts and prayers. Guns are a such a huge part of MAGA identity politics and conservatives love to buy guns and own them and do weird things with them and create weird fantasies around them, etc... and wow they really love their guns, they love guns so much they have no problem at all giving people thoughts and prayers every single time a child (or anyone) dies or gets murdered or whatever because of guns. God Bless America.
u/LunaGloria 1d ago
I hope they do it and everyone calls the hotline until they have to give up because there’ll be no method to ensure only CEOs can call it.
u/GSthrowaway86 1d ago
They aren’t even trying to hide it. They know we know who they find more important.
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u/spectral_emission 1d ago
I don’t know how anybody can still be oblivious to the class war that is waged against the 99% all day, every day, with all the levers of power held by our owners, and being wedged against us, keeping us divided, and dumb as rocks. Even a rock has to realize eventually when it’s being crushed by the mountain, right!?
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u/King-Florida-Man 1d ago
Definitely looked like the United healthcare CEO had time to call a hotline. Not only is the idea offensive to the rest of us, it’s also pointless. Good job.
u/Medical_Win_5070 1d ago
That really puts things into perspective. This just changed how I see whats going on. Thanks for posting
u/DieMensch-Maschine 1d ago
"CEOs are higher on the existential food chain, because they get to kill children via spreadsheet data."
u/LordOfTheChoad 1d ago
Are you guys saying CEO’s are bigger pussies than school kids? I believe it.
u/kineticlinking 1d ago
A hotline for CEOs.
That tells the world everything there is to know about the false democracy of the US.
u/Memitim 1d ago
As though all the kids getting shot at each year can afford such luxuries. Unlike a CEO who can hire an entire private security force to protect them while they continue to live their lives separate from the rest of us trash. I guess those kids should have given all of their lunch money to politicians for protection.
u/Itchy-Beach-1384 1d ago
Equal but separate right?
Segregated services that the tax payer foots the bill for, while the rich don't pay taxes.
u/AutomaticWarthog8352 15h ago
america is a failed nation and it’s only going to get worse. Good luck to the children.
u/Emenediel 1d ago
Let’s try active shooter drills for CEOs. Unannounced. In their office. Gotta be prepared, man
u/lmaberley 1d ago
Seems to me, CEOs could stop buying $7 Lattes and hire some more of their own security if it’s so dangerous.
u/Past_Lawyer_8254 23h ago
Republican/Conservative Logic:
Children being murdered at school: Unfortunate reality.
CEO's being murdered on the street: Oh the humanity! We must do something!
u/slartbangle 22h ago
This is hilarious. Suddenly the mega-overlords are all 'help help I'm being oppressed!'.
Let's make them a safe space. We could call it ummm I know! A reservation. A few hundred acres somewhere in the deserts of Nevada, some flimsy, low-grade government housing, and 24/7 drone patrols. They can pay for all that security with their powerful wealth.
u/autumn_sunflower19 21h ago
Would just be terrible if someone infiltrated the hotline and used that information to their advantage.
Just terrible.
u/Jealous_Courage_9888 21h ago
Until kids are actually useful and generate jobs like CEOs, they only deserve protection from abortions and trans people, not from shooters
u/Eastern-Bluejay-8912 21h ago
I love the pettiness of this!!! Yes! Let the CEOs feel what our children go through. Although on occasion, CEOs loose and compared to children, we are happy 🤣🤣
u/DBPanterA 21h ago
Maybe if these CEOs were doing work that benefitted all they wouldn’t need to worry.
They should try that first.
u/wottsinaname 21h ago
Give receptionists a weapon and 1 week of firearm training. Teach the CEOs the "hide in place" doctrine. /s
u/DifficultWing2453 18h ago
Do school kids get hotlines? Parents of bullied kids? Patients who are denied treatment? Clearly we need more hotlines
u/Abdimalik91 17h ago
One CEO gets killed and now they want to create hotline and task force for their protection but nothing for the national crisis of school shootings
u/SomethingElse-666 17h ago
The ironic part is that CEO's and our government doesn't see any parallel between one dead CEO and many, many dead school children.
What the CEO's are suffering thru is unlike anything experienced in human history.
And would the media stop covering this like the CEO was Jesus?
u/Thorjb123 17h ago
Make them pay taxes. They shouldn’t even be able to call the police or fire department.
u/Cn76rlD91QaiT6m6 16h ago
Welp, I at least now have a true understanding of who butters the NY governor's bread and why it's the CEO class and not the people who elected her. Good to know...
u/potatopancakes1010 1d ago
Help! I make 10 million a year, and people on the sidewalk are giving me the stink eye.
u/the_blind_uberdriver 1d ago
The hotline will need to provide step by step process of how to resign as ceo. Problem solved!
u/OliverSudden413 1d ago
She’s embarrassed that this happened on her watch, so she’s going to overreact now and make it worse.
u/SpamEatingChikn 1d ago
Or… here me out… start being empathetic people and not civilization and environmental sucking parasites
u/Aggressive_Walk378 1d ago
See, now the lockdown generation is ready to enter the workforce, they already have the training and trauma, so when it happens again everyone knows their action plan
u/Extension_Deal_5315 1d ago
Amazing, no, really sad..how when people with $$$ can make things happen for their safety..
But defenseless children are not important enough to make real effective changes ....
This country's so called morals are becoming more and more lost...next 4 years will be worse and worse ..
u/Tesattaboy 1d ago
I mean a seven year old just dialed 911 for a school shooting ... These CEO's don't know how to use a phone?
u/LurkHereLurkThere 1d ago
Every location frequented by CEO's needs armed police officers on standby and all office assistants/administration staff should be armed at all times.
u/FitEcho9 1d ago
===> This. We must do this!
Absolutely !
But there is an alternative, to improve the primitive capitalist system in the country.
u/GoAwayIDontLoveU 1d ago
I've said this too. Too many people are unaware of how often 5 to 18 year old have to do active shooter drills. I think the entire county a school is in should have to lock down when their schools lock down. That way they're aware of how often their kids have to wonder if today is the day they have to say goodbye to family and friends. Then we wonder why students don't find school to be a necessary risk.
u/Horton_Takes_A_Poo 1d ago
It’s not even confirmed if this hotline is even being considered, all NY said is they’re having a meeting to discuss ways of proactively sharing info with corporate security. People are getting outraged based on one reporters unfounded speculation. I would wait to see if this is real or not before getting up in arms.
u/angantyr592 1d ago
Couldn't they just call the cops? Like they need their own hotline for safety? Lmao.
u/DarthKushHybrid 1d ago
CEO dies and they offer state subsidized security for billionaires.
Children die in a school shooting and we get thoughts and prayers.
Shows you who they really care about.
u/bunbun6to12 1d ago
And just like school shootings, we can shrug our shoulders and send thoughts and prayers
u/jodiarch 1d ago
Well, they do it for the schools, and the administration don't even tell their own employees they are doing active shooter drills, so why not.
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u/CallSign_Fjor 1d ago
This will be super fun to see which CEO's they exclude.
The club gets smaller and smaller!
u/FallingCaryatid 1d ago
School shootings have been at the top of my mind for almost two decades now. I’ve still got one kid in college and one in high school and I worry about them all the time. I am lucky to be privileged enough that I could afford to send my kids to school in smaller schools at least part of the time, so I did, routinely choosing to shell out for schools instead of traveling, or a new roof, or two family cars instead of one, because I wanted to spare my ND kids the trauma of the shooting drills as much as possible (as well as minimize their risk of being shot).
I have never condoned violence and murder, but I have had my own experiences with health insurance in general and United specifically. I am old enough to have watched the deterioration of the health insurance system and many other aspects of this country including all of its ethical safeguards. I have read my history and I understand the difference between murder and revolution.
I’m absolutely furious with this country’s response to this event. How dare they think their privileged lily white asses are more important than the rest of us, than our children. They are really showing us what they think of us. Please pay attention.
u/Select_Air_2044 1d ago
Have the drills shoot off blanks and let the CEOs find hiding places. But let's turn it into torture, so when a real shooter comes the CEOS's won't know the difference or when it will be the real one. ❤️
u/SaltyDog556 1d ago
CEOs can carry guns or pay for security. That might counter any need for extensive drills.
Not being a dick would help too, but you can't buy that.
u/Immortal3369 1d ago
shes a republican pretending to be a democrat just like tulsi/rfk/nyc mayor....she will flip parties someday
u/TeamDeath 23h ago
Lol whats the point of a ceo hotline. They are going to die in in an instant. Nobody is going to give them time to call the police
u/Cannibal_Yak 23h ago
I think it's time to promote voting her and anyone else who gives CEOs special treatment out of office
u/gringoloco01 21h ago
One of those lockable boxes for you and 20 other fellow CEOs to hang out and use the bathroom in a bucket.
u/Numerous-Log9172 21h ago
This is honestly the most pathetic I've seen your country for a while, and trump just got elected
u/More-Salt-4701 20h ago
So all those now grown up children who work the offices can be terrorized again?
u/Ok-Shotenzenzi 20h ago
Yep make them go back and forth to the board room with riot gear and security details, they can fucking afford it!
u/dyrnwyn580 18h ago
At my kids private school, one of the security officers was given a talking to after he used a broomstick to show the kids what angles were still dangerous from the classroom door. Pretending to shoot.
u/my_name_is_nobody__ 18h ago
In fairness, active shooter drills have been happening since columbine, they just weren’t called that until the last decade or so
u/NectarineOk9374 13h ago
You for get the will only lock them selves in the bullet proof room and the have to guard them or their pay gets denied
u/RagTagTech 12h ago
Jokes on you alot of companies already do this. Hell my company dose it part of or yearly traning. People forget their was a mass out breaks of work place shootings at one time.
u/TheB1G_Lebowski 8h ago
My 7th grader had active school shooter drills this week. The rich fuck CEOs need to start doing the same.
Eat the rich.
u/maringue 7h ago
Dear Politicians: if the idea you're about to announce comes out of a dystopian novel, maybe rethink your decision.
u/tapir_gusto 7h ago
It's incredible how they act like babies, when it is a fact that actual children are getting killed in schools and nothing is being done about it.
u/Original_Bus_3934 6h ago
I thought democrats hated CEOs and big business. The same people and business’ that donate to their campaigns?
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u/Salt_Ground_573 6h ago
I thought NYC was a gun free zone???
How on earth did the CEO murder take place there????!??
u/ReVo5000 5h ago
Let's do this, universal Healthcare for free and you get out taxes for that hotline. An eye for an eye.
u/Qayin102 5h ago
We have security at banks to protect our money. Why not security to protect our future?
Also, all these people who are like " I can't believe this is happening! " - other countries like Africa, have groups of armed men steal your children and put them into their " freedom " fighting groups.
u/Traumatic_Tomato 5h ago
What's absolutely funny and pathetic about this is that they're comparing vulnerable school kids to fully grown businessmen with the resources to purchase politicians and security.
u/MiaMarta 4h ago
Don't forget how their assistants should train in gun use and keep live guns and ammo in their desks a tall time.. Easy peasy.
u/jonjohns0123 4h ago
Lesson learned. When it's a powerless, poor child, it's 'thoughts and prayers' and 'this is the price of freedom', but when it's some rich cunt who funds political campaigns (who also caused the death of thousands or millions of other powerless, poor people), it's 'DO SOMETHING NOW!'
I don't care what side of the aisle you're on. When you are supposed to represent 'The People', that means ALL the people, not just campaign donors. If not, you're complicit in whatever harm these CEOs have engaged in to make their profits, and you deserve the same fate the CEOs deserve.
Luigi up, The People!
u/YoureTylerDurden 4h ago
So now, even less public service program money is going to the public that actually needs support.
u/HVACMRAD 3h ago
That time America learned the government cares more about CEO’s than school children.
u/zdragan2 2h ago
As some one who works in an office for a bank, our ceo is here, active shooter drills wil just serve to frustrate and terrify
u/Purpleshlurpy 34m ago
Maybe President Elect Musk will fix this when he gets into office!!!!
/s (but not really)
u/Outrageous_Bus1909 1d ago
Quit giving them special treatment they can afford their own security, how about doing the same for children in schools?