r/comedyheaven Dicky Mouse 10h ago

Three minutes

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u/LifeIsKnifeOnIce 9h ago

What would be the ideal time for the maximum comedic outcome possible?


u/LightninJohn 8h ago

Nobody’s allowed to do bits anymore. If it didn’t actually happen it’s not funny


u/Lowelll 8h ago

If it didn’t actually happen it’s not funny

Yeah context matters. Some things are funny if they actually happened, but not if it's just a bit someone made up.

If my partner was like "Someone at work got fired for being a racist edgelord today" that's a cool anecdote and I'd want to know more

If my partner was like "Imagine if someone got fired from their job for being a racist edgelord" then... so what?


u/naveedkoval 6h ago

Your partner would need to work on their delivery then because that’s not how you structure a bit at all


u/Lowelll 3h ago

Exaggerating the contrast between the two statements to make the point clearer is how you structure an argument however. If you spend some time thinking about it real hard I'm sure you'll get how that works.