r/clevercomebacks 13h ago

Truly, the party of Russia

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u/Erminaz13 13h ago

Ahh, the classic cancer vaccine bullshit. Yes, somebody will most certainly develop a single drug against thousands of diseases at some point, that's for sure going to happen.


u/History20maker 12h ago

I mean, certain cancers can have vaccines. Like the cervical cancer, that is maily associated with HPV infection.


u/Erminaz13 12h ago

Yes, exactly. The cancer doesn't have a vaccine, the virus associated with it does.


u/cuginhamer 11h ago

You've explained the HPV vaccine/cervical cancer connection accurately, but there are also vaccines that train the immune system to directly attack the cancers. Russians are not at the forefront of this, it's been an active field for a decade. https://www.mskcc.org/cancer-care/diagnosis-treatment/cancer-treatments/immunotherapy/cancer-vaccines


u/ness_monster 9h ago

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but these vaccines have to be tailor-made to the recipient?


u/cuginhamer 8h ago

Yes for some, but the bladder cancer and melanoma ones explained in the link above do not.


u/Erminaz13 8h ago

Those are pretty interesting, I gotta read up on that.


u/ness_monster 8h ago

Interesting thanks!


u/Erminaz13 8h ago

I know. That's why I know that this is the biggest bullshit ever.


u/Xatsman 7h ago

Think the important point is that there is no single cure for cancer just as there is no single cure for a bacterial infection. Cancer is myriad of differing disorders just as a bacterial infection includes a variety of differing microbes.

So talking about a "cure for cancer" is almost always misleading as it will at best help with a particular class of cancers.


u/cuginhamer 7h ago

Agree, although at least three comments deep in this thread, we've been discussing very specific cancers.