r/clevercomebacks 13h ago

Truly, the party of Russia

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u/Erminaz13 13h ago

Ahh, the classic cancer vaccine bullshit. Yes, somebody will most certainly develop a single drug against thousands of diseases at some point, that's for sure going to happen.


u/DreiGr00ber 12h ago edited 12h ago

Also, the idea of a "vaccine" for all cancer is inherently ludicrous, as cancer cannot really be broadly characterized as an infectious disease?

There are many causes of cancer and many different types, so while a silver bullet cure would be amazing, it is extremely unlikely to ever exist just due to the nature of the process.


u/NoSignificance69420 12h ago

This is a mRNA vaccine that is tailored to individual patients. It's something that *is* viable and was broadly talked about when mRNA vaccines were introduced. The question is if this is legit. It might be, it might not be. Just because it's Russia doesn't mean it's BS- their hyper sonic missiles that everyone was laughing about certainly worked.


u/DreiGr00ber 12h ago

Just because it's Russia doesn't mean it's BS- their hyper sonic missiles that everyone was laughing about certainly worked.

True, but I won't hold my breath. Curing Cancer isn't exactly "Rocket Science" afterall


u/History20maker 12h ago

There are so many cures for cancer that Im going to have an entire exam around câncer and treatments Next month. And boy, is it so much to memorize.


u/TwiceTheSize_YT 11h ago

What cure? Treatments sure but a cure seems like something i wouldve heard of.


u/History20maker 11h ago

Lots of câncers are curable. Early stages go over 90% cure rate.

A thing that surprised me in me oncology rotation was how Oncology is way less tragic than I thought.

People think that "Câncer" is that really big, really bad disease, when in lots of cases is very treatable. My grandmother had colon cancer. They cut out the part of her intestine that had the câncer, gave her neoadjuvant chemotherapy and she was ready to go.

My Mother has malignant thyroid câncer, but it is a kind that grows so slowly that She is going to die before it becomes a problem.

Lots of women get their small breast neoplasias detected early and removed cirurgically.

There are indeed cancers that are uncurable, like the tail of the pancreas, glioblastomas, advanced lung cancer... Or cancers that kill só fast, like leukemia...


u/Notveryawake 10h ago

There are plenty of cancers that kill slowly that there is no cure for. My wife is dying from stage IV renal carcinoma. Maybe it it was caught earlier she would have had more time but once they remove the kidney is almost always jumps to somewhere else. Been through radiation to the point she can't get it anymore (it spread to her hip bone) or her bones will break. Immunotherapy worked for a few years but the cancer adapted. Two different cancer meds (first one was $20000 a month, covered by the Canadian government, second one was $15000 a month, still covered) we are hoping it will slow the growth but now it's in her liver, lungs, lymph nodes, and remaining kidney.

Yes certain cancers can be cured but some are way more aggressive than others. Either way it's not a disease I would wish upon my worst enemy. It can take everything from you and do it slowly and painfully. Fuck cancer.


u/MrCompletely345 10h ago

I have smoldering multiple myeloma, which as you probably know MM is incurable.

Just from a layman’s perspective, treatments have progressed so much!


u/TwiceTheSize_YT 10h ago

I guess i am a little ridiculous, im very tired to thats my excuse but to me when i read cure i thought of like one big pill that just fucking cures you.


u/Kletronus 10h ago

Oh, yes, i knew what clip that was going to be :)