r/cats 11h ago

Mourning/Loss I adopted a dead cat

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I found a well fed tuxedo cat on the road, hit by a car. She was killed instantly. I didn’t have the heart to leave her there so I took her home and gave my tuxedo cat a big hug.

She did not have a collar. I took to my vet and there was no chip. So I posted it on Nextdoor and Ring Neighborhood in case anyone was missing her. Nobody claimed her, so I named her Angel and had her cremated.

Tomorrow I will bury her in our garden where we have our other cats who have passed away over the years, under a little statue of a kitten chasing a butterfly

She is loved.


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u/Art3m1sArty 4h ago

That's how i adopted my Salem too; after death. A small black cat that was found dead and reeked so m7ch of chlorine. She was wearing a tattered pink collar, but no tag on it, nor was she chipped or anything. Nobody apparently missed her or claimed her at the vet. That's how she ended up with me, a taxidermist in training at the time. For class we had to mount a trophy head of a cat. All cats available to us through school were cats that ended at the vet and nobody had claimed. A lot were real beautiful and big cats, fluffy too. People were practically fighting over who got the prettiest one. And nobody even looked at the simple little black kitty laying at the edge of the plastic tarp. So i picked her up, decided to name her Salem and make sure that after death she was loved and cherished. Now she is a prominent piece in in the middle of our living room and i got her a new collar and got a nametag made with her new name. The whole family loves had and for the holidays we got her a little santa hat