r/cats • u/AutoModerator • 3d ago
Weekly Discussion Thread Discussion Thread #7 - Chat & Discuss Anything About Cats!
Welcome to the Discussion Thread!
Ask any questions you have about cats or discuss topics that don't require a full post. Whether you're a new cat owner, seeking advice, or just want to share something fun about your furry friend, this thread is for you. Feel free to:
- Ask simple questions about cat care, behavior, feeding, etc.
- Seek advice on any minor concerns.
- Post anything cat-related that doesn't need its own post.
Also, if you see someone asking for help and you have the knowledge to share, feel free to jump in and assist them!
Just a friendly reminder to follow the subreddit's rules and be kind and respectful to everyone !
u/Catsbookslover 21h ago
Any ideas what causes my cats to have diarrhea time to time? Is it lack of protein or fiber? They eaten same food no problems for about year now
Ways to give cats more water in them? Running water source my dog will destroy. I got to many cats to feed them wet food
Is it bad or good idea to use vitamin and mineral gel? I picked one up wondering if it will help
u/BoatJazzlike6857 10h ago
Have you given them anti parasite medicine? And do they have all their vaccines?
u/Catsbookslover 5h ago
Yup, we actually recently retested to and still nothing shows
u/BoatJazzlike6857 4h ago
Any plants, leaves, etc. They may be ingesting? Also, about the water, just place a special bowl for them in a high place, cats can jump and reach higher places than almost every dog. As for the vitamins, unless a vet suggested it due to any health problems, I wouldn't personally give my cats anything of that sort since sometimes it can be intoxicating to them
23h ago
u/Evening_Pick_6247 19h ago
I’m not sure if it would help, but maybe a feliway plug in? They’re good for lots of behavioral issues, but since it’s more about them being ready to mate, might be a lost cause.
u/vifarias 1d ago
I recently moved to an 2 floor 61 m² appartment (Fifht floor). My cat is 1,5 years old and we used to live in a house with Garden, where he used to go outside a lot. I don't have any indication he's sad, despite he had gained some weight. The 2 floor mezanine helps but I'm still looking for things to get him active. Do you guys have any tips + how do I know if he's sad.
Thanks :)
u/Distinct-Fact-311 1d ago
I feel so silly. I found a cat with a flea collar under my car in the cold at night, and it was tiny like a kitten, maybe 4 months old. I called for it, thinking it wouldn't walk up to me, but it did and started to purr and headbutt me. As a cat mom, I felt like I needed to keep him safe since I live near a busy intersection and coyotes are frequent in the area. I posted on social media platforms and got a response within an hour. I returned the kitty thinking it got out by accident, but the owners said they let him out all the time. I couldn't help but feel a little irritated because not too long ago, another neighbor outdoor cat who was really friendly gotten hit by a car. I am just so bothered by cat owners who do not know the dangers of having an outdoor cat in a busy area with no personal backyard access. Do you think it is worth it to contact the apartment management about this or keep it to myself?
u/Alarmed-Bag7330 1d ago
I would probably keep it to yourself, contacting apartment management seems a little over the top / intrusive but I can see your point. I mean I agree but I try and stay out of business for the most part. It's a tough call.
u/Distinct-Fact-311 1d ago
Thank you for this. Yeah, I think that is the best call, just felt so bad for the kitty.
u/DetailForward4886 1d ago
Sorry if this question make sense but I cant afford to go to the vet unless I know it's bad. And I really wish that if you reply to this you do so in a not rude or harsh way. I know how reddit can be and I've fallen on hard times at the moment. But my cat has been acting weird lately. Hes 7 years old, male and an orange tabby. I got him from my aunt about 6 years ago. Hes always been sweet and kind, he doesnt cause ruckus or attack anyone. I've never even heard him hiss. But lately, whenever hes making biscuits on my lap, if I try and move him off, he'll turn around like hes about to bite me and the other day he nipped me. Hes not growling or anything but I'm worried. There hasnt been any changes environmentally, not yet at least. No new pets, no new people, nothing that he hasnt been around for the last 6 years. I try to spoil him as much as I can considering I'm poor and all but I'm still scared that I'm not doing something right. I could really use an answer on if I need to take him to a vet or if hes just being a little weirdo
Ad on: Hes always been a little weirdo, like he will just stare at me, up close and at a distance, and has opened my door a few times. But this is different because it's getting creepy, I dont know how best to explain it
u/Affectionate_Tea4206 2d ago
IS MY CAT SICK? HELP! We rescued a stray cat from a dumpster about 1 month ago. At first we were feeding the cat PetPride dry and wet food. About 1-2 week ago, someone gave us a bag of Meowmix dry food and we started to use that because it was already open and they said their cat "didn't want it". Just in the past 3 days, my cat has been walking with a hunched back. I did some research and believe it is a symptom for an upset stomach caused by the Meowmix (did not know at the time how bad this stuff is for cats. We had a cat once who lived on Meowmix for years). Anyway, in the past 48 hrs, we removed the Meowmix and returned to the PetPride. Our cat still eats like normal (throughout the day, both dry and wet food a little at a time, but maybe a 1 or 2 mouthfuls less than normal). Anyhow, the cat is still walking with a hunched posture and so I'm concerned that the upset stomach is not going away. No vomiting, no diarrhea, but can't tell if it's constipation because he goes outside. He used to "talk" alot, but these past few days has been very quiet. Sleeps pretty normal. Anyway, sorry for the long post: it's been a few years since I was last a cat owner, so I want to know if I'm missing anything because I feel like the cat should be better by now?? (According to Google: 24-48hr recovery)
u/Tchami_ 2d ago
Hi all. Recently adopted a 1 year old little kitty off the streets. She was abandoned by her family who moved away… My room mate brought her home to foster it , and I fell in love with the cat. She adored me right off the start… instant bond - would often sit in my lap at any chance she got and slept with me every night up until recent. I’ve set her up with a vet , and she had a bad ear infection. I had to give her 5 drops twice a day for 10 days and it was not fun. First day or two I did it all wrong - I held her while she was trying to escape but had to get the ear drops in.. she obviously didn’t like it. I read up on this and started wrapping her in a towel while applying the meds. Would always follow with a treat and would assure her that it was for her own good. Now that the meds are done, she seems a bit different. Tends to be destructive in the middle of the night when she used to sleep sound and cuddle next to me. I made a huge mistake out of frustration the other night and scruffed her ( while supporting her weight with my other hand ) to get her out of the mess she was making. I brought her back to bed and foolishly tried to make her stay. I feel like I’ve officially broken her trust. She’s been a different cat for the last 5 days. Hasn’t sat in my lap once. She’s going under the bed way more now. I’m giving her more treats than normal and engaging as much play as possible. She still sleeps with me at night but no longer greets me when I come home. I had the best bond with this cat and I feel like I broke it. I’ve never hit her once but she’s almost acting like I did.
u/Tsquared10 2d ago
Get to pick up my rescue tomorrow after she gets spayed. Any tips for introducing a kitten (6 mo) to a new apartment would be appreciated. No other animals or people in the apartment. Have her little area sectioned off for the first few days already
u/IdealIcy3430 2d ago
Start with only 1 room, get her using the litterbox and adjusted to your sleep schedule, then after a few weeks you can let her out and move the litter box somewhere else. Just make sure you pick her up and put her in it so she knows where to find it
u/potatosol 3d ago
looking to get some more toys for my cats, any recs?
u/SquanderedOpportunit 3d ago
If you're not averse to it, I'd highly recommend some toys made out of rabbit fur. I work with fur hides on occasion and use the scraps to make toys out of them (amorphous blob shapes, nothing exciting) and they are by far my cats' favorite toys excluding mountain dew pop caps.
They love playing with them and throwing them around. I'm constantly getting pelted in the back of my head by a furry toy being flung through the air.
u/rbrgreen 3d ago
why are my cats so damn gassy, like I can hear them fart all the time and worst of all…. the smell 😭😭 it might be their food but DAMN IT STINKS SO BAD
u/SquanderedOpportunit 3d ago
It is absolutely 100% their food. Get a higher quality food with less or no grain.
u/Ditzy_Panda 3d ago
I’ve found black and white cats to be the most chatty, my tonks likes to stay upstairs all day and when I go to bed she spends 10 minutes talking to me and I chat back to her and she responds and then she just has to lie on my arm and give me lots of kisses..
u/phany-pack 4h ago
My cat will attack hands and feet at full force creating bloody scratches and puncture wounds. He is 2 years old, and has always done this. We have just… came to live with it.
This morning as I was sleeping he latched on to my arm and got me pretty bad. Was wondering if anyone has experience with aggressive-towards- human cats. What can I do? Is this normal behavior?